11 chapters
12 hour read
Selected Chapters
11 chapters
It has been my custom for several years to give occasionally a series of sermons, having in view some systematic instruction of the people committed to my care. Such a series of sermons on the Bible had been for some time in my mind. With the recurrence of Bible-Sunday in our Church year, this thought crystallized in the outline of a course that should present the nature and uses of the Bible, both negatively and positively, in a manner that should be at once reverent and rational. In the course
44 minute read
The Unreal Bible
The Unreal Bible
This day, in our Church year, calls us to think upon the influence of the Bible on the advance of man into the Kingdom of God. 1 Since the growth of written language great books have been the well-springs of thought and feeling for mankind, from which successive generations have drawn the water of life. Since the introduction of the printing-press books have been, beyond all other agencies, the educators of men. And of all books of which we have any knowledge, those together constituting the Bib
2 hour read
The Real Bible.
The Real Bible.
Himself from God he could not free." The Problem. The most original book in the world is the Bible.... The elevation of this book may be measured by observing how certainly all observation of thought clothes itself in the words and forms of speech of that book.... Whatever is majestically thought in a great moral element instantly approaches this old Sanscrit.... People imagine that the place which the Bible holds in the world it owes to miracles. It owes it simply to the fact that it came out o
35 minute read
The Real Bible.
The Real Bible.
"Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."—2 Peter, i. 21. "Men of the Scriptures" was the title assumed by the Karaites, a sect of devout Jews, who, about the middle of the eighth century of our era, threw aside tradition, and accepted as their sole authority the canonical writings of the Old Testament. Seeing the good that the Bible has wrought for man in the past, we may well emulate the reverence of these Karaites; while, seeing the unreality of the traditional notion of t
2 hour read
The wrong use of the Bible
The wrong use of the Bible
Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness.—2 Timothy, III, 16. The Unreal Bible is fading upon the vision of our age. You have probably all perceived this more or less clearly. I have uttered the conviction which many of you have held in secret with misgivings and self-reproaches, and have shown you some of the many reasons why, as it seems to me, this view can no longer be held by men of open minds. The Real Bib
55 minute read
The wrong use of the Bible.
The wrong use of the Bible.
"Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."—2 Tim. iii; 16-17. "Use the world as not abusing it" was a great principle of the Apostle, which has many special applications. One of these comes again before us to-day: Use the Bible as not abusing it. I proceed to point out some further wrong uses of the Bible: In the traditional view it w
2 hour read
The Right Critical Use of the Bible.
The Right Critical Use of the Bible.
The right use of the Bible grows out of the true view of the Bible. The Old Testament is the literature of the people of religion, in whom ethical and spiritual religion grew, through all moods and tenses, toward perfection. The New Testament is the literature of the movement which grew out of Israel, the literature of the Universal Church bodying around the Son of Man, in whom religion came to perfect flower and fruit. The real Bible is the record of this real revelation coming through real eth
2 hour read
The Right Historical Use of the Bible.
The Right Historical Use of the Bible.
"When the fulness of the time was come God sent forth His Son."—Galatians, iv. 4. St. Paul condensed the philosophy of Hebrew history into a metaphor. Israel travailed in birth with Christianity. In the mind of the nation was begotten, of the Most High, a conception of ethical religion, whose gestation was a process of centuries. The period of parturition came, and a universal religion was born into the world; bodied, as religion needs must be, in a man, Jesus, the Christ. "When the fulness of t
3 hour read
The Right Ethical and Spiritual Use of the Bible.
The Right Ethical and Spiritual Use of the Bible.
"From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."—2 Timothy, iii. 15. The right use of the Bible is admirably stated by St. Paul. These books do not make one learned in any knowledge—they make one wise in life. The Jewish tradition concerning Solomon's choice expressed a deep truth. Wisdom is the supreme benediction to be sought in life. Invaluable as is knowledge, it is as a means to an end. Knowledge prov
2 hour read