Suppers: Novel Suggestions For Social Occasions
Paul Pierce
53 chapters
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53 chapters
Compiled by
Compiled by
Editor and Publisher of What to Eat , the National Food Magazine, Superintendent of Food Exhibits at the St. Louis Worlds's Fair, Honorary Commissioner of Foods at the Jamestown Exposition....
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Copyright 1907 by PAUL PIERCE...
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To the Aristocracy of America.
To the Aristocracy of America.
To that much abused, but very eminent class, the society women of America, this book is dedicated. It is with a realization that they constitute the better half of the best aristocracy in the world—probably the only real aristocracy of the present day. It is an aristocracy of real merit, entree to which is attained by achievement, not by mere inheritance. No titles are inherited there; they are bought with effort and accomplishments. It is an aristocracy of the fittest, not of chance birth. Out
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Publisher's Announcement.
Publisher's Announcement.
So scant is the information regarding suppers that it has been almost impossible for the host or hostess to obtain authentic knowledge regarding these functions excepting through actual experience as a guest, and even then the prevailing ignorance has led to many erroneous conceptions causing deplorable awkwardness. The publication of this volume was decided upon only after a search of libraries and bookshops everywhere revealed such a woeful dearth of information on suppers and the fact that su
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Chafing Dish Suppers—Chafing Dish Cooking and Serving—Chafing Dish Chat—A Chafing Dish Supper—A Chafing Dish Party—Over the Chafing Dish.
Chafing Dish Suppers—Chafing Dish Cooking and Serving—Chafing Dish Chat—A Chafing Dish Supper—A Chafing Dish Party—Over the Chafing Dish.
In serving the most simple of chafing-dish suppers, it would seem as though the novice had a million things to remember and a thousand duties to follow in quick succession. She is the cynosure of all eyes. With what grace and tact she may discharge her pretty duties, or with what awkwardness and evident distaste, none but a "chafing" audience can really appreciate. Charming and at home on every other occasion, the most finished society woman frequently feels completely lost in this unwonted dipp
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Chafing Dish Chat.
Chafing Dish Chat.
While recipes for chafing dish cookery abound, the little hints which make all the difference between success and failure in the concoction of any given dish are usually omitted. The chafing dish novice is usually obliged to learn them by that hardest of all teachers, experience. To ameliorate this difficulty, the following suggestions are given: Have plenty of alcohol on hand to avoid the possibility of the lamp's going out just before some dish is completed, otherwise, if you are a man, you ma
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A Chafing Dish Supper.
A Chafing Dish Supper.
A chafing dish supper menu must necessarily be confined to those dishes which are the hosts' or hostess' specialty—Welsh rarebit, panned or creamed oysters, shellfish, eggs or meats. The very informality of a chafing dish supper is its charm, the guests sitting at the table while the dishes are prepared. Decide upon the chief dish and have everything possible prepared in the kitchen and ready to use at the table, the cheese or meat cut into dice, the bread or crackers toasted, the ingredients me
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A Chafing Dish Party.
A Chafing Dish Party.
Hey diddle diddle, the cat's in the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon, The little dog laughed to see the sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon. Start in with a spelling match and spell each other down in good old-fashioned style. As soon as any one misses two words he or she is dropped out. Finally when only one is left, award a prize, a little water color, painted by the hostess, and framed passe-partout, to the "unabridged dictionary" as the winner might be called. The one who fails a
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Over the Chafing Dish.
Over the Chafing Dish.
Recipes for cooking with this dish of dishes are more than plentiful, yet new ones are always sought; and these will all be found most excellent....
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Sweetbreads with Peas.
Sweetbreads with Peas.
Can of peas; three small sweetbreads; one teaspoonful butter; one-half pint of stock broth; celery leaf; salt; white pepper; one-half teaspoonful brown flour. Stand the sweetbreads in cold water for an hour. Then parboil and remove rough edges, membranes, sinews, etc. Put in cold water and keep on ice until wanted. Put into the chafing dish the butter and the sweetbreads. When the butter has been absorbed, add one-half pint of stock and the celery leaf, chopped fine, the salt, pepper and browned
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Lobster a la Newberg.
Lobster a la Newberg.
Meat of a boiled lobster, cut into large dice; good-sized lump butter; one gill of sherry; one pint of cream; yolks of two eggs; glass of sauterne. Put the lobster into the chafing dish with a good-sized lump of butter and stir gently until the butter is melted and the lobster heated through. Mix the sherry with the cream and yolk of eggs, first blending the latter with enough cream to make them thick as mayonnaise. Pour the mixture into the dish over the lobster. Let it simmer a moment, then po
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Welsh Rarebit.
Welsh Rarebit.
One pound chopped American cheese; one-half glass ale; yolk of an egg; one teaspoonful dry mustard; one teaspoonful Worcestershire sauce and butter; a dash of red and one or two of black pepper; a few drops of Tabasco. If cheese is fresh add salt. Into the chafing dish put a few small lumps of butter. After it has simmered a bit put in the cheese. Stir constantly and gradually add the ale. When the cheese and ale are well blended stir in the condiments prepared as follows: To the yolk of the egg
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German, Dutch and Bohemian Suppers—Some Queer German Suppers—A Dutch Supper—Bohemian Supper for Men—The Dutch Supper. Some Queer German Suppers.
German, Dutch and Bohemian Suppers—Some Queer German Suppers—A Dutch Supper—Bohemian Supper for Men—The Dutch Supper. Some Queer German Suppers.
At the following suppers German wines or beers are served during the meal when desired: In Germany the rich and poor alike have the same taste for strange and extraordinary dishes, though these are prepared in a more costly manner in the houses of the wealthy. The German "geschmack," to borrow their own word, seems different from that of other nations. A waiter who had the selection of a menu for the principal officers' mess in Berlin, when questioned stated that all the sweets were regularly st
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A Dutch Supper.
A Dutch Supper.
Some cold night try an American version of a Dutch supper. Have the place cards in the form of Hans Brinker with the silver skates, or sketches of Henriette Ronner's famous cats. A windmill for a centerpiece and copies of the wooden shoes for bonbons and nuts. Use Delft china and of course the coffee must be from Mandheling or Padang—the best Java. From a German bake shop get the bread, either "Kummel," (which is rye with caraway seeds), or Pumpernickel. Be sure and have herring and anchovies in
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Bohemian Supper for Men.
Bohemian Supper for Men.
Here are two ideas for a Bohemian supper. Knowing that men prefer substantial dishes with generous helpings to a great number of fancy "messes" as they term it, we would therefore suggest a Beefsteak supper. First serve raw oysters. After the oysters have the steaks brought in on separate platters, placing platters before the second, fifth, eighth, eleventh, etc, guests. These men cut the steak for the men on their left and right. With the steaks serve French fried potatoes and the Vienna bread
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The Dutch Supper.
The Dutch Supper.
The plebian Dutch supper is the very latest mode of dispensing hospitality, and has, as yet, the charm of novelty. The hours range from six in the evening until midnight, and during the heated term is very popular as the windup of a trolley or automobile ride. Now, it would not do to seat an American crowd to a genuine Dutch supper, in all its glory of limburger and sour-kraut, but relieve it of the disagreeables, and a menu, not fancy, but simple and eatable, remains. The table must be covered
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Entertaining in the Modern Apartment—A Little Sunday Night Supper—Stag Suppers—A Bachelor Supper.
Entertaining in the Modern Apartment—A Little Sunday Night Supper—Stag Suppers—A Bachelor Supper.
There are some people to whose distorted vision the tiniest molehills are magnified into veritable chains of mountains, rugged and insurmountable; and if, in addition to their other woes, they happen to be unfortunate enough to dwell in a flat, their desolation is complete. To these women what is said on the subject of entertaining in a modern apartment will possess not one atom of interest. Before their horrified eyes will gleam a thousand unsolvable difficulties, and an attempt to successfully
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A Little Sunday Night Supper.
A Little Sunday Night Supper.
Shortly after this, encouraged by her success, she gave a little Sunday night supper to introduce two young people to each other. The table, as before, was round, but the colors used were yellow and white. A large round tea cloth, fashioned by the hostess, covered the table. In the center five ragged yellow chrysanthemums were fastened together with a wide yellow ribbon and wired to a slender upright, which they entirely concealed. Just inside the circle formed by the plates, glasses, etc., a wa
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A Stag Supper. 1.
A Stag Supper. 1.
In the main room have a mellow light from two or three swinging iron lanterns and several in Japanese paper. Off in one of the corners, have a cut-glass bowl filled with punch and around it a ring of smilax. The guests select their places by each choosing the name of one of six popular actresses. A silver tray containing six small blank envelopes is passed, and in each envelope is enclosed one of the host's cards, on the back of which is inscribed the name of an actress. Passing into the dining-
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A Stag Supper. 2.
A Stag Supper. 2.
Turn the ballroom into a "roof garden" for a bachelor supper. Cover the walls with canvas or grey cartridge paper painted to imitate grey bricks with ivy leaves painted over the surface. In each window arrange a little hedge of plants in pots and use screens of wire covered with vines. Hang many colored lanterns from the roof and at intervals about the room between tables and have tall branching standards with arms from which hang the lanterns. Tall palms and bay-trees in tubs set about the room
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A Bachelor Supper.
A Bachelor Supper.
Have small mice pins for souvenirs. Decorate the long table in green vines, white flowers and odd candle holders. Creeping in and out of the vines have artificial snakes, frogs, and other reptiles. Have the napkins held by toy spiders and fasten bats over the chandelier globes. If one wishes a plain dinner serve oyster cocktails, tenderloin steak with mushrooms, French fried potatoes, stewed corn, Lima beans, tomato and onion salad with mayonnaise, cheesestraws, Bavarian cream, peach cake, chees
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Suppers for Special Occasions—Danish Valentine Supper—A Hallowe'en Ghost Hunt—A Hallowe'en Supper—Hallowe'en Supper Menus—A Pie Party for Thanksgiving Season—The Pie Shelf—Birthday Suppers—Birthday Party.
Suppers for Special Occasions—Danish Valentine Supper—A Hallowe'en Ghost Hunt—A Hallowe'en Supper—Hallowe'en Supper Menus—A Pie Party for Thanksgiving Season—The Pie Shelf—Birthday Suppers—Birthday Party.
In Denmark our well known snowdrop, one of the earliest messengers of spring, has been since olden days held sacred to St. Valentine. On that auspicious eve the Danish lover sends his lady a bunch of snow-drops ( vinter-gjaeks ), (winter jokes they are called, because they peep out while it is yet winter and try to hoax people into thinking spring has come), with a card attached bearing a verse or sentiment and as many pin pricks as there are letters in his name. If she cannot guess the name fro
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A Hallowe'en Ghost Hunt.
A Hallowe'en Ghost Hunt.
"FR THE GOBBLE-UNS'LL GIT YOU, EF YOU DON'T WATCH OUT." Have the above words from James Whitcomb Riley's poem printed in large letters over the entrance, the door of which should open with a rattle of chains and a creaking. Ask each guest to wear a false face and a red or black domino. When all have assembled in the parlor, where lights are turned low, have a guide in red with a Mephisto make-up or a witch to instruct the party before it starts on the "ghost hunt." Not a word must be spoken no m
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A Hallowe'en Supper.
A Hallowe'en Supper.
Some merry, friendly countra folks Together did convene, To burn their nuts, an' pluck their stocks An' hand their hollowe'en. —Burns. Buttered Sowens —Oatmeal made into mush and eaten with butter and sugar. The Scotch always have this for their Hallowe'en supper. Broiled Squirrels —Your squirrels must be young and tender. Clean, and soak to draw out the blood. Wipe dry, and broil over a hot, clear fire, turning often. When done to a golden brown, lay in a hot dish and anoint with melted butter.
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Hallowe'en Supper Menus.
Hallowe'en Supper Menus.
A suggestive menu is the following: The goblins' broth is merely a delicious beef or chicken bouillon, the elves' fingers, strips of brown bread and butter, and the fairy rings mushroom patties baked in ring moulds. To make the salad use any favorite recipe for chicken salad, and mix it with a bright golden mayonnaise to which enough aspic jelly has been added to make it quite firm when cold. Pour into a square mould to set, cut into dainty triangles just before it is to be served, and lift care
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A Pie Party for Thanksgiving Season.
A Pie Party for Thanksgiving Season.
Thanksgiving is the pie season par excellence . The very name calls up visions of old fashioned, buttery shelves loaded down with rows upon rows of the flaky wheels and delicious fillings. A new idea in entertaining for Thanksgiving, "the pie party," makes use of this American product. The scheme is an excellent one for the day itself or for any time during Thanksgiving season. To prepare for a pie party, get together as many pie plates as you can beg, borrow or buy. A couple of dozen will be ne
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Birthday Supper. 1.
Birthday Supper. 1.
In the cake put a gold penny, a silver four-leaf clover, and a little image or amulet to drive away bad luck. Wrap them in paraffine or waxed paper or coat them with paraffine before putting them in the cake. Ask each one to make some birthday wish as the birthday person cuts his slice of cake. Place the cake on a table wreathed in greens or flowers or on a flower-trimmed tray. As many prefer scarlet carnations, this flower and red candles will make a pretty party. Just after supper pass the lov
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Birthday Supper. 2.
Birthday Supper. 2.
Candles may be used for a centerpiece and also to outline the figures representing the number of years. A pretty ceremony, if you use candles on a birthday cake, is to have each guest light a candle with a wish for the guest of honor. When the cake is cut, blow out the candles and lift them off. For the red color scheme, garnish the dishes with radishes, slices of tomatoes, red peppers, beet rings, candied cherries. Serve cream of tomato soup, tiny radishes cut in rose forms, wafers, salted almo
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Birthday Party.
Birthday Party.
The guests are requested to represent, in some manner, their birth month. Most of them wear the birth stone suitable to the month which, as old legend tells us, is sure to protect against misfortune, the jewel acting as a talisman. Some may substitute flowers appropriate to their birth month. A young lady, whose birthday is in January, may wear a string of tiny silver beads which tinkle musically wherever she goes. Another claiming January, also, as her birth month, may wear a brooch showing an
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Miscellaneous Suppers—Camping Parties and Clambakes—Nutting Party—Harvest Home Supper—Autumn Suppers—Dickens Supper—Boston Supper Party—Yachting Party—A Butterfly Supper—Young Married Couples Supper—Head Dress Supper Party—Quilting Supper—Wedding Supper—Waffle Supper—The Bohemian Picnic Supper—Railroad Party—Literary Supper—Peanut Party—Folk Lore Supper—Cake Walk Supper—Bridge Whist Supper—After Theatre Menus—A Cold Supper Menu for Hot Weather.
Miscellaneous Suppers—Camping Parties and Clambakes—Nutting Party—Harvest Home Supper—Autumn Suppers—Dickens Supper—Boston Supper Party—Yachting Party—A Butterfly Supper—Young Married Couples Supper—Head Dress Supper Party—Quilting Supper—Wedding Supper—Waffle Supper—The Bohemian Picnic Supper—Railroad Party—Literary Supper—Peanut Party—Folk Lore Supper—Cake Walk Supper—Bridge Whist Supper—After Theatre Menus—A Cold Supper Menu for Hot Weather.
Throughout this broad land of ours, thousands of campers will be folding their white tents into compact rolls, tying gay blankets into portly bundles, investing in mosquito netting and hammocks, packing into boxes their cooking utensils and fishing tackle, and finally loading all into boat or farmer's wagon, to gain health and happiness, and incidentally, to have a royal good time. Happy the camper who, taking hint from the big lumber camps, ties to his wagon an iron bean pot, and has always on
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Clam Bake.
Clam Bake.
A clam-bake is a delight wherever and whenever partaken of, but when it is prepared in the piney woods of Cape Cod by the inimitable skippers of Buzzards Bay it is something that is not to be forgotten. It is a joy, from the gathering of the first stone to the swallowing of the last possible clam. The skippers of Onset are particularly noted for their skill in making clam-bakes. First select the stones, (which must be about the size of large paving blocks,) and arrange them in a circle. Then bri
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Nutting Party.
Nutting Party.
A nutting party is particularly appropriate to be given during the fall season. The invitation may be written on paper, folded neatly and slipped inside an English walnut shell—which is then glued together and sent in a small box, labeled "A Nut to Crack." Decorations should carry out, as far as possible, the effect of a woodland scene. The walls may be entirely covered with branches of autumn leaves, and mantels and over doorways banked with pine boughs and greenery of all sorts. Rustic tables
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Harvest Home Supper.
Harvest Home Supper.
The rooms can be trimmed beautifully with corn, asparagus, hops, Jack-o'lanterns, and so on. State in the invitations, which are to be tied in corn husks with grass, that a hay-rack will call for the guests. On each of the gate posts place huge Jack-o'lanterns. In fact, have these for illumination wherever one can find places to put them. For decoration use autumnal grasses, wheat, oats and corn, and festoon strings of them wherever possible. Make a frieze around the room of ears of corn from wh
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An Autumn Supper.
An Autumn Supper.
Just before closing your cottage for the season, send out invitations to friends, asking them to spend an evening with you at your home. The invitations may be written upon scarlet maple leaves. When the evening for entertaining arrives the cottage should reflect the glory of the woods. Boughs and branches of silver and sugar maples decorate the hall, "den," dining room and kitchen, and berries, vines and burrs fill jars, vases and cornucopias of birch bark. In the rough stone fire-places, log f
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When the Frost is on the Pumpkin.
When the Frost is on the Pumpkin.
The hostess who wants to provide a simple, and at the same time a novel entertainment for her friends should call to her aid the glossy, orange coated pumpkins. With pumpkins for the motif, so to speak, an evening full of fun may be enjoyed. Decorate square white cards with a huge pumpkin; one who cannot draw can cut a very presentable looking pumpkin from orange paper and paste it on the cards. Then write on each: The Mighty Mammoth Pumpkin will be on exhibition at Mrs. Blanks, from 7 to 11 p. 
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A Dickens' Supper.
A Dickens' Supper.
A happy selection of time for a Dickens party is the Christmas season, which is so peculiarly connected with so many of Dickens' writings. Have the rooms brilliantly lighted, and the bright berries of the Christmas holly against a background of the "ivy green" which Dickens loved. The hostess might dress in a handsome costume of the time of Edith Dombey. The guests can each represent some character of Dickens. Betsy Trotwood, tall and rigid in stiff gown and tight cap. Dora, young and blonde, wi
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A Boston Supper Party.
A Boston Supper Party.
When the guests assemble put them in charge of a man with a megaphone and start them through the rooms on a "Seeing Boston" tour. Have fake tablets and different objects to represent the places of interest. These objects could be numbered and turn the "Seeing Boston" into a guessing contest. Give each guest a note book and pencil to enter the correct name opposite the correct number. This can include side trips to Lexington, Concord, Bedford, etc. Take the folders and circulars of a trip through
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A Yachting Party.
A Yachting Party.
Have a large room fitted up as the deck and after deck of a steam yacht. To reach the room have the guests climb through a hatchway. Steamer chairs and nautical paraphernalia fill the deck and a dozen life preservers hang conveniently near. Have all the necessary rigging and a flag pole floating the yacht flag. The host and his guests should wear yachting costumes and the souvenirs be tiny red and green lanterns for the men and yacht stickpins for the girls. The menu cards are decorated with the
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A Butterfly Supper.
A Butterfly Supper.
Under the chandeliers, in corners and doorways, have butterflies fluttering from invisible silver wires. These butterflies are made from delicate hued crepe paper, their wings marked with rings of ruby, green, blue, gold and silver. Each guest is offered a butterfly on entering the drawing room; the men wearing them as boutonniers, the women putting them in their hair. The host fastens a large paper butterfly, minus one wing and the antennæ, to a curtain hung across a window. Each guest, in turn
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Young Married Couples' Supper.
Young Married Couples' Supper.
For the young married couples' supper carry out the heart-shape idea. Outline large heart in smilax on the table. Have the smilax at least three inches wide. Dot it with clusters of roses, lilies of the valley or any preferred flower. In the center have a mound of the same flowers and between the center and the smilax place individual candlesticks with white candles and shades to match the flowers. A few single flowers may be scattered over the cloth. For a menu serve a fruit cup in the parlor b
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A Head-Dress Supper Party.
A Head-Dress Supper Party.
For a head-dress party ask each guest to dress the hair in some fancy way. The men dressing in Washington, Jefferson and other wigs noted in history, while the ladies fix their locks according to noted beauties, queens, and others. Strings of pearls, tiaras, and jewels make a beautiful display. Conventional evening dress is worn in most instances, save where a ruff or frill is added to heighten the effect of the headgear. A prize is offered for the best head-dress. The minuet makes a pretty danc
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A Quilting Supper.
A Quilting Supper.
Build a little log cabin of twigs for the center of the supper table and arrange stick candy, bread sticks, celery, cheesesticks and other viands, log-cabin style, on pretty plates. Light the table by candles in old-fashioned candlesticks. Serve a hot course, oyster patties, sandwiches, potato salad, hot gingerbread, apple sauce, tea and coffee....
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Wedding Supper.
Wedding Supper.
First serve an orange or lemon ice. Serve this in tall glasses and decorate the top of the glass with a sprig of mint. Have the ice served from a tray decorated with a wreath of green or green and white. For the green have mint leaves, lemon verbena or geranium leaves or ferns. Then serve chicken salad made of the breast of chicken cut in dice, celery cut coarse, and large nut meats. Add sweetbreads and cucumbers to the salad if desired. Mix with a white mayonnaise and serve in white head lettuc
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A Waffle Supper.
A Waffle Supper.
Let us have a waffle party and introduce some of the men to more intimate acquaintance with the mysteries of the cuisine. Flat dwellers (the word always reminds me of "Cliff dwellers") seem to consider that the propinquity of the kitchen makes entertaining a difficult matter, but if the truth were known, it makes possible many a winter evening's jollity. The invitations are made of cream white satin, fashioned in the exact shape and size of a waffle section, padded with white cotton wadding and
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The Bohemian Picnic Supper.
The Bohemian Picnic Supper.
An indoor moonlight picnic is a new diversion. The lights should be hidden by soft white silk shades, giving a moonlight effect, and the rooms decorated with foliage plants. A fishpond with grotesque objects, including a live mermaid, (a man in startling costume), is one feature. In one room is a "merry-go-round." The chairs are placed in a circle and a graphaphone in the center plays popular tunes. At 10 o'clock the doors to the dining room are opened. The table cloth is spread on the floor, su
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A Railroad Party.
A Railroad Party.
Have a "railroad party" if you like the refreshing flavor of informality at your social functions. Have the invitations read, "an excursion on the Funville, Frolictown & Featherbrain Railway." To begin with, the rapidly gathering guests "getting aboard" are greeted by the hostess and her receiving party, who cover their evening attire with spic-and-span linen dusters and caps. Down the line are distributed a miscellaneous collection of peregrinating paraphernalia from the red and white c
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Literary Supper.
Literary Supper.
Give each guest a card numbered, and ask him to draw thereon a picture which shall illustrate some well-known novel. When all have finished have them pass the cards and on a second numbered list write the titles of the books illustrated. Give a prize for the most perfect list and the best illustration. Let the guests vote on the best illustration. Or, pin on the back of a guest the name of a character in a book, or the name of an author, and let him by questions discover his own identity. If he
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A Peanut Party.
A Peanut Party.
Write invitations on cards cut out and painted to represent peanuts. Have them read, "Won't you come next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock and help me gather my peanut crop? Cordially yours," When the guests assemble the night of the party, give each one a gay calico bag and a large wooden spoon. Then explain that they are to hunt for the peanuts on the lower floor of the house, and that the peanuts can only be taken up with the aid of the spoons. Half an hour is allowed to gather the peanut crop, and
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Folk Lore Supper.
Folk Lore Supper.
Engage real colored singers to give a program of songs of the Southland, the old-time plantation melodies. Arrange the stage with a log cabin surrounded by sunflowers in the background and a cotton field in foreground, and have the singers costumed as field hands. Some of the best known and best liked songs include "Old Black Joe," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," "Nobody Knows the Trouble I Am Seeing," "Nellie Gray," "Suawanee River," "Way Over Jordan," "Ride up in the Chariot," "Massa's in the Cold
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Cake Walk Supper.
Cake Walk Supper.
At this cake walk there is no walking for the cake. The cakes themselves walk for prizes. Ask each guest to dress representing a certain variety of cake, but concealing the name of the particular cake represented. Give a prize to the person who discovers the largest number of names. One girl representing Wedding Cake can come with bridal veil, orange blossom wreath and shower bouquet. Fruit Cake may be suggested by a girl carrying a graceful basket of fruit which she distributes to the company.
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Menu and Service for Bridge Supper Party.
Menu and Service for Bridge Supper Party.
If one wishes a dainty and appetizing menu for a card supper serve sweetbread and celery salad, stuffed olives and tiny pickles, assorted sandwiches and plain vanilla ice cream with hot chocolate sauce, fruit cake, white cake and coffee. While the judges are counting the points for game, have the maid lay a lunch cloth on each table. Serve the sweetbread salad either in cucumbers hollowed out or in red or green pepper shells, resting on a wreath of watercress. A pretty effect is secured by using
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Oyster Crabs on Steak.
Oyster Crabs on Steak.
Since dealers do not sell oyster crabs at reasonable rates where they know their value or have a fashionable trade, if economical, one has to find a modest oyster house where they do not bring a cent and more apiece, but are for sale in bulk. A few dozen at least are needed for the steak. Oyster crabs are tiny things and they shrink in cooking. The pan must be hot with plenty of butter in it Throw in the crabs whole of course, for they are wee things, clean as an oyster, and let them cook to a t
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Toasts and Stories for Suppers.
Toasts and Stories for Suppers.
Here's to man, God's first thought, Here's to woman, God's second thought; As second thoughts are best, "Here's to woman." — Detroit Free Press . A health to the man on trail this night; may his grub hold out; may his dogs keep their legs; may his matches never miss fire. Here's to a jolly fellow, Who is one of the boys, And stays till he gets mellow, Sharing the drinks and joys. His glass he'll fill to the rim, And dash it out of sight, We can all tie to him, You bet, "he's all right!" Here's t
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