The Speeches Of The Right Honourable William Pitt, In The House Of Commons
William Pitt
13 chapters
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13 chapters
SPEECH OF THE Right Hon. William Pitt, &c. &c.
SPEECH OF THE Right Hon. William Pitt, &c. &c.
The Speaker having read His Majesty’s Message , viz. GEORGE REX. “His Majesty is persuaded that the unremitting industry with which our enemies persevere in their avowed design of effecting the Separation of Ireland from this Kingdom, cannot fail to engage the particular attention of Parliament; and His Majesty recommends it to this House to consider of the most effectual means of counteracting and finally defeating this design; and he trusts that a review of all the circumstances which have rec
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That in order to promote and secure the essential Interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the Strength, Power, and Resources of the British Empire, it will be advisable to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the two Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland into one Kingdom, in such manner, and on such Terms and Conditions as may be established by Acts of the respective Parliaments of His Majesty’s said Kingdoms....
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That it appears to this Committee that it would be fit to propose as the first Article to serve as a Basis of the said Union, that the said Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland shall, upon a day to be agreed upon, be united into one Kingdom, by the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ....
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That for the same purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propose that the Succession to the Monarchy and the Imperial Crown of the said United Kingdoms, shall continue limited and settled, in the same manner as the Imperial Crown of the said Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland now stands limited and settled, according to the existing Laws, and to the Terms of the Union between England and Scotland....
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That for the same purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propose that the said United Kingdom be represented in one and the same Parliament, to be stiled the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and that such a number of Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and such a number of Members of the House of Commons as shall be hereafter agreed upon by Acts of the respective Parliaments as aforesaid, shall sit and vote in the said Parliament on the part of
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That for the same purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propose that the Churches of England and Ireland, and the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government thereof, shall be preserved as now by Law Established....
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That for the same purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propose that His Majesty’s Subjects in Ireland shall at all times hereafter be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing in respect of Trade and Navigation, in all Ports and Places belonging to Great Britain, and in all cases with respect to which Treaties shall be made by His Majesty, his Heirs or Successors, with any Foreign Power, as His Majesty’s Subjects in Great Britain; that no Duty shal
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That for the like purpose it would be fit to propose, that the charge arising from the payment of the Interest or Sinking Fund for the reduction of the Principal of the Debt incurred in either Kingdom before the Union, shall continue to be separately defrayed by Great Britain and Ireland respectively. That for a number of Years to be limited, the future ordinary expences of the United Kingdom , in Peace or War, shall be defrayed by Great Britain and Ireland jointly, according to such proportions
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That for the like purpose it would be fit to propose, that all Laws in force at the time of the Union, and that all the Courts of Civil or Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction within the respective Kingdoms, shall remain as now by Law established within the same, subject only to such alterations or regulations from time to time as circumstances may appear to the Parliament of the United Kingdom to require. That the foregoing Resolutions be laid before His Majesty with an humble Address , assuring His Maj
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1st May, 1782.
1st May, 1782.
Mr. Secretary Fox presented to the House, by His Majesty’s command, Copy of the Message to the Houses of Lords and Commons in Ireland, from His Grace the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, delivered the 16th April, 1782: And also, Copy of a Resolution of the House of Lords in Ireland, Mercurii, 17ᵒ die Aprilis, 1782: And also, Copy of a Resolution of the House of Commons in Ireland, Martis, 16ᵒ die Aprilis, 1782. And the Titles of the said Copies were read. The said Copies are as followeth; viz. Copy o
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17th May, 1782.
17th May, 1782.
Resolved , That this House will, immediately, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration His Majesty’s most gracious Message, of the 9th Day of April last, relative to the State of Ireland. Ordered , That the several Papers which were presented to the House, by Mr. Secretary Fox, upon the 1st Day of this instant May, be referred to the said Committee. Then the House resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Speaker left the Chair. Mr. Powys took the Chair o
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22nd May, 1782.
22nd May, 1782.
Mr. Secretary Fox reported to the House, That His Majesty had been attended with the Address of this House, of Friday last, which His Majesty had been pleased to receive very graciously; and that His Majesty had commanded him to acquaint this House, that he will immediately take such measures as may be most likely to conduce to the establishment of a Connection between this Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ireland upon a solid and permanent basis....
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NEW PUBLICATIONS Relative to the Affairs of Ireland.
NEW PUBLICATIONS Relative to the Affairs of Ireland.
1. Report of the Secret Committee of the House of Parliament on the Irish Rebellion: as reported by the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlereagh , August 21, 1798. Price 4s. 2. Report from the Committee of Secresy of the House of Lords, on the Irish Rebellion, as reported by the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare , Lord High Chancellor, August 30, 1798. Price 1s. 6d. 3. An Answer to the Address of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, Ex-representative of the City of Dublin in Parliament, to his Fel
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