The Taleef Shereef; Or, Indian Materia Medica
George Playfair
22 chapters
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22 chapters
The medical knowledge represented in this book is several centuries old. The publication of this book is for historical interest only, and is not to be construed as medical advice by Project Gutenberg or its volunteers. Medicinal plants should not be used without consulting a trained medical professional. Medical science has made considerable progress since this book was written. Recommendations or prescriptions have been superseded by better alternatives, or invalidated altogether. This book co
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The following errata have been integrated in the text. Minor inconsistencies in the errata themselves have been ignored....
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1 Am, Ambe, Anbe آم امبة انب .—The Fruit, Mangifera Indica . The produce of a large tree very common in Hindostan. The fruit is about the size of, and very much resembling in shape, a goat’s kidney, and having the external appearance of an apple. When ripe, it sometimes retains the green color, but oftener becomes yellow, or red and yellow. The virtues ascribed to this tree, are as follows:—The bruised leaves and young shoots applied to the hair, expedite its growth, and considerably darken its
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There are some trees that blossom the whole year, and some few that even produce fruit; but instances of this are very rare. There is a variety of this tree on which the fruit is sweet from its first formation; this requires to be used early, otherwise it will in all probability become a prey to insects. Some trees produce fruit only once in 4 years. In general, it produces fruit in abundance every second year, and less in the alternate year; some are even perfectly barren every alternate year.
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ب، پ
ب، پ
282 Talmukara تال مكارا , or Talmukana تال مكهانة .—“ Bartleria longifolia. ” A seed, very small, and like the zeera , red, the color of Toodrie , but the Toodrie is round, whereas this is longish and smaller. The plant is knotted like a reed, and has prickles on the joints. The flower is like the lotus, but is whiter. It is cool and heavy; increases seminal secretion, and cures disorders of wind and blood; it forms an ingredient in all aphrodisiac formulæ; it is taken mixed with cow’s milk, eit
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The upper part of the stem of the fruit is cut across, and the liquid which exudes from the wound, received into earthen vessels called Labnahs, and these fill several times in the course of the day. This liquor is called Taarie: when fresh drawn and before the sun is above the horizon, it is sweet to the taste; but it soon becomes fermented, and is then intoxicating. It is cool and moist, beneficial in disorders of wind and bile, also in boils and eruptions. It is both aperient, and aphrodisiac
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ج، چ
ج، چ
340 Chaab چاب .—The fruit of the Guj peepul , cures hemorrhoids, and resembles peepulamool in its properties. 341 Jaie Puttrie جاى پٹرى .—Hot, light, vermifuge, cures mucous disorders, and is an antidote to poisons. It is a name for Bisbass. 342 Chakussoo چاكسو .—A Jeshmoridj . If 21 grains of this be bruized and moistened with filings of Sandal-wood in water, in a new earthern vessel, and drank in the morning, it will be found very effectual in Dysuria ardens. 343 Jaiphill جاى پهل .—“Nutmeg, My
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437 Khuss خس , also Osheère .—In the hot weather it is used for cooling houses. It is cool, assists digestion; is astringent, and cures bilious disorders; also those of mucus and blood. It allays thirst, cures blisters and acne, general heat, dysuria, boils and eruptions; prolongs aphrodisia, and I have found it excellent as a cardiac and astringent. 438 Darhuld دارهلد .—The wood of a tree called Huld . It is pungent and bitter; hot, dry, and useful in disorders of phlegm, bile, and blood, in ac
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The small green substance in the centre or heart of the nut, ought to be thrown aside, as it is poisonous. I have given this medicine very often with great good effect, and it is a general favorite with the physicians of Hindostan. In cholicks attended with vomiting, I have prescribed it with good effect. 440 Daoodie داؤدى .—A common plant, about half a yard high, on which grows white and yellow flowers; it is hot and dry, and the smell of the flowers removes disorders from cold on the brain by
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480 Rajejakha راج جكها . A medicine of India; astringent to the taste; dry, heavy, and astringent in its effects; increases wind and fœcal evacuation; decreases appetite, and adds to the secretion of milk. 481 Rajehuns راج هنس .—A name for Purseáwashan . 482 Rai رائى .— “ Sinapis Ramosa , Roxb. sp. ch. Annual, erect, ramous siliques expanding, linear, vertically compressed, smooth; leaves petioled, lower lyred; superior, sublanceolate, (Roxb. MS.) Murray II. 398, Woodville III. 409.” Cool, bitte
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524 Zerki زركى .—A name of pepper, called also Kála Dana . 525 Zumiekund زميقند .—A name for Soorún . 526 Sanbir سانبير .—A name for Sembile . 527 Saarba ساربا .—A medicine of India, of two kinds, both sweet, moist, and heavy; produces semen, and is aphrodisiac; cures disorders of wind, bile, mucus, menorrhagia, and colliquative diarrhœa in fever. 528 Saramill سارامل or Sarumluk , or Saral .—The author of the Dara Shekoi has described this as a medicine of India, and in other works that I have c
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529 Saluk سالوک or Salook .—A flower, q. vide. 530 Sagown ساگون or Saag .—A tree of the hills of Hindostan: the upper surface of the leaves is hard and raised like a file. Some say that this is the Pheelgosh (Elephant’s ear), from its resemblance to the ear of the Elephant; it is cool, and useful in disorders of wind and blood. “ Tectona grandis. ” 531 Saalpernie سالپرنى or Saloom .—A medicine of India; heavy, cures fever, difficulty of breathing, and disorders of wind, bile, and mucus; it produ
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640 Shutawur شتاور .—A name for the root of a tree in the jungles, of a prickly kind; its stem and branches are thin, with many smaller ones, about an inch or two inches long in the intervals. Its leaves are very thin and small, somewhat like the Fir tree. The tree itself grows to the height of 9 or 10 feet; its seed resembles the Anboo Saleb. It is sweet, cool, moist, and heavy; cures disorders of wind, mucus, bile, and blood, also swellings of the body. It is aphrodisiac; increases the secreti
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658 Ghoghaie غوغاى .—A bird called in A. Asphoor . It resembles the turtle-dove, and derives its name from the great noise it makes. It is also called Pukherie , but this is a general name for wild fowl. 659 Gowreh غورة .—All kinds of green fruit. 660 Ghafis غافس .—Hemp; Agrimony ; deobstruent; dose one miskal. 661 Ghar غار .—The laurel; discutient and attenuant; dose half miskal. 662 Ghasool غاسول .—Glasswort; Hindooi, Chook ; P. Ghasul ; hot and dry; detergent and caustic; dose half direm. 663
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661 Ghar غار .—The laurel; discutient and attenuant; dose half miskal. 662 Ghasool غاسول .—Glasswort; Hindooi, Chook ; P. Ghasul ; hot and dry; detergent and caustic; dose half direm. 663 Ghareekoon غاريقون .— Agaric ; deobstruent, vermifuge, cathartic; dose one or two danas. 664 Ghirb غرب .—The mountain pine, drying....
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ك، گ
ك، گ
852 Laak لاک .—Common lac is a kind of wax, formed by the Coccus Lacca : cool, moist; clears the color of the skin; is aphrodisiac; useful in disorders of mucus, blood, bile; and is vermifuge. It also cures boils, eruptions, acne, bruises, and Juzam, and removes possession by evil spirits. I have found it to be very aphrodisiac. This is the gum of the Baer tree. There is one kind of Seed Lac, which when melted becomes like this. 853 Lahi لاهى .—A name for Ulsee . 854 Langullie لانگولى .—The name
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855 Lubhera لوبهيرا . —Hot; antidote to poison; useful in blisters, boils, acne, and Juzam; strengthens the hair of the head; is aphrodisiac; useful in disorders of wind, blood, and in hectic fever. 856 Lublie لبلى or Lolie . A high tree with very numerous leaves and branches; the leaves are smooth and shining, and when rubbed, have a sweet smell: they are of a yellowish color. Its bark is soft and flexible; the fruit like the Malkungnie, but of a dark-purple color. The properties of the fruit a
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880 Mansrowhnee مانس روهنى .—A purgative medicine, useful in disorders of wind, bile, and mucus, and is aphrodisiac. 881 Maak ماگہة .— Phaseolus Max. A name for Aorde , called also Maash ; it is sweet during digestion; hot, heavy and aphrodisiac; used in disorders of wind; is tonic; a preservative to health, increases semen, milk, and fat; also mucus and bile; clears the urinary secretion; beneficial in piles, paralysis, affections of the liver, difficulty of breathing, and Badgola; said to be u
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983 Naaœ نائى .—A common shrub, very hot; useful in disorders of wind and mucus; produces appetite; assists digestion. Its leaves used as a culinary vegetable. 984 Nirbissie نربسى .—A name for Jedwar . “ Curcuma Zedoaria. Amomum Zedoaria. Kempferia Rotunda. ” Sp. ch. Spikes lateral, bulbs small, with long yellow palmated tubers; leaves broad-lanceolar, sub-sessile on their sheath, sericeous underneath; color uniform green. Banhildie ; pungent and cool; useful in disorders of wind, mucus, blood,
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1023 Veroojun وروجن .—Also Beroojun . The author of the Kasmi has described this as a small stone, or a name for any small stone; some describe it as a kind of Jewaheer . 1024 Harsinghar هاڑسنكهار .—“ Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis ;” also called Hursinghar . It grows to about a man’s height, and when at the very highest, is about 12 feet, though some have seen it even higher. Its leaves are pointed, thick, and hard; its flowers small and white; their stem red. Its leaves rubbed on ring-worm cure the
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1027 Hoorhoora هوڑهوڑا .—A small plant, with many flowers, of a white color, and very small: one kind of it is called Burumseerjela . The first kind is cool, heavy, and diuretic; useful in disorders of mucus and wind. The second is hot and light; useful in seminal weakness and fever; and is lithontriptic, and removes difficulty of voiding urine. 1028 Hurunkherie هرن كهيرى or Hurunkhoorie . A small plant of India; its leaves resembling a deer’s hoof, which has given it this title. It is usually f
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The following corrections have been applied to the text:...
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