A Narrative Of The Life And Travels Of Mrs. Nancy Prince
Nancy Prince
6 chapters
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6 chapters
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1850. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1850, BY NANCY PRINCE, In the Clerk's office of the District court of Massachusetts....
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A denomination under which is comprehended a large chain of islands, extending in a curve from the Florida shore on the northern peninsula of America, to the Gulf of Venezuela on the southern. These islands belong to five European powers, viz: Great Britain, Spain, France, Holland, and Denmark. An inhabitant of New England can form no idea of the climate and the productions of these islands. Many of the particulars that are here mentioned, are peculiar to them all. The climate in all the West In
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Advancement of Faith is Necessary.
Advancement of Faith is Necessary.
All our disquietnesses do issue immediately from unbelief. It is this that raiseth the storm of discontent in the heart. Oh, set faith at work! It is the property of faith to silence our doubtings, to scatter our fears, to still the heart when the passions are up. Faith works the heart to a sweet serene composure: it is not having food and raiment, but having faith, which will make us content. Faith chides down passion; when Reason begins to swim, let Faith swim. Quest. How doth Faith work conte
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Breath after Assurance.
Breath after Assurance.
Oh, let us get the interest cleared between God and our own souls! Interest is a word much in use; a pleasing word: interest in great friends, interest-money. Oh, if there be an interest worth looking after, it is an interest between God and the soul. Labor to say with Thomas, my Lord and my God. To be without money and without friends, and without God too, (Eph. ii. 12,) is said; but he whose faith doth flourish into assurance, that can say, with St. Paul—I know in whom I have believed, (2 Tim.
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Pray for an Humble Spirit.
Pray for an Humble Spirit.
The humble man is the contented man: if his estate be low, his heart is lower than his estate; therefore he is contented. If his esteem is the world below, he that is little in his own eyes, will not be much troubled to be little in the eyes of others. He hath a meaner opinion of himself, than others can have of him. The humble man studies his own unworthiness; he looks upon himself as less than the least of God's mercies, (Gen. xxxii. 10,) and then a little will content him. He cries out with P
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Keep a clear Conscience. 1 Tim. iii. 9.
Keep a clear Conscience. 1 Tim. iii. 9.
Contentment is the manna that is laid up in the ark of a good conscience. Oh, take heed of indulging any sin! It is as natural for guilt to breed disquietude, as for the earth to breed worms. Sin lies like Jonah in the ship, it raises a tempest. If dust or motes be gotten into the eye, they make the eye water, and cause a soreness in it; if the eye be clear, then it is free from that soreness. If sin be gotten into the conscience, which is as the eye of the soul, then grief and disquiet breed th
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