Queensland, The Rich But Sparsely Peopled Country, A Paradise For Willing Workers
Queensland Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau
253 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
253 chapters
Ordinary Farm Labourers.
Ordinary Farm Labourers.
20s. to 27s. 6d. per week with board and lodging....
3 minute read
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20s. to 30s. per week with board and lodging....
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Harvest Hands (Wheat).
Harvest Hands (Wheat).
5s. to 7s. per day with board and lodging....
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Ordinary General Labourers.
Ordinary General Labourers.
7s. to 8s. 6d. per day....
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8s. to 10s. per day....
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Dairy Hands—Men.
Dairy Hands—Men.
20s. to 25s. per week with board and lodging....
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Dairy Hands—Boys.
Dairy Hands—Boys.
10s. to 20s. per week with board and lodging....
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11s. to 12s. per day of eight hours, or 5s. to 7s. 6d. per ton....
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Cane Farm Chippers.
Cane Farm Chippers.
37s. to 39s. per week with board and lodging, or 8s. 8d. to 9s. 2d. per day of eight hours without board and lodging....
10 minute read
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Boiler Attendants and Engine-drivers.
Boiler Attendants and Engine-drivers.
8s. to 12s. per day....
3 minute read
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Fitters and Engineers.
Fitters and Engineers.
11s. to 14s. per day....
2 minute read
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Carpenters and Joiners.
Carpenters and Joiners.
12s. to 14s. per day....
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11s. to 13s. 4d. per day....
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13s. to 14s. per day....
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9s. 4d. to 13s. per day....
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Blacksmiths (General).
Blacksmiths (General).
9s. 4d. to 15s. per day....
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Blacksmiths (Engineering).
Blacksmiths (Engineering).
11s. to 12s. 6d. per day....
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11s. to 13s. per day....
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9s. to 11s. per day....
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20s. to 35s. per week with board and lodging, 6s. to 8s. per day....
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Sawmill Hands.
Sawmill Hands.
8s. to 12s. 4d. per day....
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Married Couples.
Married Couples.
(Man, farm; Wife, cook) £80 to £120 per annum with board and lodging. On sheep and cattle stations married couples are provided with a furnished cottage, rations, and other perquisites to the value of about £3 per week in addition to their wages....
18 minute read
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Stockmen and Boundary Riders.
Stockmen and Boundary Riders.
From 20s. to 35s. per week and found. Where married men are employed on sheep and cattle stations, they are allowed, in addition to their wages, a furnished house, rations, and other perquisites to the value of about £3 per week. Single men similarly employed get, besides their wages, board and lodging and other perquisites equivalent to what it would cost them for board and lodging in the township....
28 minute read
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Useful Lads.
Useful Lads.
10s. to 15s. per week with board and lodging....
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15s. to 30s. per week with board and lodging....
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Female Domestics.
Female Domestics.
10s. to 30s. per week with board and lodging....
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Cooks (Male and Female).
Cooks (Male and Female).
20s. to 40s. per week with board and lodging....
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6s. to 8s. per day and one meal....
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Where is Queensland?
Where is Queensland?
The State of Queensland is situated in the northeast of the island-continent of Australia, between latitude 29 deg. and 10 deg. south; longitude 153-1/2 and 138 deg. east....
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What is Queensland?
What is Queensland?
The richest State of the Commonwealth of Australia, with an area of 429,120,000 acres, over 3,000 miles of coast line, and the healthiest climate in the world....
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How to get to Queensland.
How to get to Queensland.
By any of the great steamship companies’ boats that call at Brisbane (the capital), or by any vessel sailing for Australian ports....
11 minute read
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Where to get Particulars re Passages.
Where to get Particulars re Passages.
At the Queensland Agent-General’s Office, Marble Hall, 409 and 410 Strand, London, W.C., and Immigration Depôt, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane....
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Free Passages.
Free Passages.
These are granted from the United Kingdom to any port of Queensland to agricultural labourers introduced under contract....
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Conditions of Free Passages.
Conditions of Free Passages.
The employer must pay a fee of £7 for each labourer introduced, provide him with suitable accommodation, and guarantee him a year’s work at wages approved by the Government....
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Approved Immigrants.
Approved Immigrants.
Approved immigrants can obtain a passage to any port in Queensland at the following rates:—Males, 12 years and upwards, £7; females, 12 years and upwards, £3; immigrants’ children (1 year and under 12 years), £1 10s. Maximum age: Males, married women, and widows, 45 years; single women, 35 years....
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On What Conditions?
On What Conditions?
The sum of £1 must be deposited with the Agent-General, in addition to the prescribed fees. This sum is refunded to the immigrant on arrival. In the case of families applying for passages as assisted immigrants, one deposit only covers the whole family....
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Nominated Immigrants.
Nominated Immigrants.
Residents of Queensland with a qualification of at least six months’ permanent residence therein can obtain passages for their friends and relatives in Great Britain and Europe only at the rates already stated....
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Assisted Passages.
Assisted Passages.
Approved females (between the ages of 18 and 35 years), prepared to accept domestic service for twelve months, may obtain passages to Queensland on payment of £1 before sailing, the balance of the fare (£2) to be paid by monthly instalments within six months after their arrival in Queensland. Passages may also be granted to farm lads (between 16 and 20 years of age) on payment of £1 before sailing, the balance of the passage money (£6) to be paid by monthly instalments within six months after th
44 minute read
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What Queensland Offers.
What Queensland Offers.
An easy living to any industrious man or woman in the healthiest climate in the world....
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What Queensland Wants.
What Queensland Wants.
Thousands of able-bodied men and women to fill up her empty spaces and develop her resources....
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Agricultural labourers and domestic servants are in great demand at good rates of wages. (See wages list at pages 3 to 5.)...
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Where to get Information in England.
Where to get Information in England.
At the office of the Agent-General, Marble Hall, 409 and 410 Strand, London, W.C....
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What Population could Queensland Carry?
What Population could Queensland Carry?
Queensland could easily carry a population of 50,000,000. At present she has only about 680,000 people....
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Where to get Advice about Work on Arrival.
Where to get Advice about Work on Arrival.
At the Government Labour Bureau, Edward street, Brisbane, or any of its branches throughout the State....
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Where to get Information of Lands Available.
Where to get Information of Lands Available.
At the Land Settlement Inquiry Office, Lands Department, Executive Buildings, George street, Brisbane, or any local Government Land Agent throughout the State....
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Where to get Information re Crops, Soils, etc.
Where to get Information re Crops, Soils, etc.
At the Agricultural Department, William street, Brisbane....
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Where to get Information about any Part of the Country, Travelling, and Rate of Living.
Where to get Information about any Part of the Country, Travelling, and Rate of Living.
At the Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau, corner of Queen and George streets, Brisbane....
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Tourist Trips.
Tourist Trips.
All information re tourists’ trips—especially the Great Northern coastal trip and magnificent scenery—can be obtained at the Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau....
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What can Queensland Produce?
What can Queensland Produce?
With her immense area and variety of soils and climates Queensland can produce every crop that is found in the markets of the world, from barley to cocoa. Her mineral wealth is very great and scarcely tapped....
16 minute read
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Sugar-cane, wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, lucerne, rape, cotton, tobacco (cigar and pipe), coffee, potatoes, fibres, rubber, ramie, pumpkins, sisal hemp, mangolds, sorghums, millet, rice, turnips, cowpea, canary seed, cassava, peanuts, arrowroot, and others....
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Grapes, pineapples, bananas, oranges, lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, figs, nectarines, quinces, strawberries, persimmons, passion fruit, almonds, blackberries, rosellas, custard apples, papaws, cocoanuts, Cape gooseberries, melons, guavas, loquats, and others....
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Cabbages, cauliflowers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes (English and sweet), lettuce, cress, mustard, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, asparagus, borecole, leeks, rhubarb, beans, chicory, squashes, onions, capsicums, eschalots, peas, seakale, salsify, yams, artichokes, choko, chillies, celery, and others, including herbs of all sorts....
18 minute read
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Wool, leather, hides and skins, tallow, frozen meat, pork, sugar, molasses, malt, butter, cheese, flour, bran, pollard, cornflour, wine, condensed milk, jams and preserved fruits, manufactured timber, biscuits, confectionery, clothing of all kinds, mineral and aerated waters, &c....
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Gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, iron, coal, wolfram, bitumen, antimony, manganese, bismuth, molybdenite, limestone, ironstone, scheelite, graphite, &c....
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Opal, topaz, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, agates, emeralds, zircon, oriental chrysoberyl, olivines, rock crystal, tourmaline, cornelian, amethyst, spinel, pleonaste, pyrope, cairngorm, white and yellow jargoon, carbonado....
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What is the Area of Queensland?
What is the Area of Queensland?
429,120,000 acres, or 670,500 square miles....
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What Area is under Cultivation?
What Area is under Cultivation?
920,010 acres....
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Under Crop, 1913.
Under Crop, 1913.
And various acreages in miscellaneous crops. Total area under crops, 747,814 acres....
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Both tropical, sub-tropical, and deciduous fruits do well. Thirty years ago out of every 100 cases of oranges imported into Queensland 95 came from New South Wales. Now the citrus fruit industry has grown to such an extent that Queensland does not import 5 per cent., but has become a big exporter to Southern centres....
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Pineapples grow all the year round in Queensland....
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Where are Fruits Principally Grown?
Where are Fruits Principally Grown?
Deciduous fruits principally at Stanthorpe. Bananas, oranges, mangoes, citrus fruits, tomatoes, &c., in the North. Pineapples, oranges, and citrus fruit (in large quantities), peaches, bananas, passion fruit, melons, custard apples, &c., in the South. The Blackall Range and Cleveland have also become great strawberry-producing districts....
21 minute read
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Where are the Crops and Products Raised?
Where are the Crops and Products Raised?
Cereals, root crops, fodder plants, tobacco, cotton, English and sub-tropical fruits in the South. Sugar-cane, bananas, coffee, tobacco, cotton, and tropical products in the North. Wool on the Darling Downs and the great grazing districts west of the Main Range....
19 minute read
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What is the Mean Annual Rainfall?
What is the Mean Annual Rainfall?
It varies considerably. Along the Pacific slope it runs approximately from 48 inches at Brisbane to 150 inches in the Far North. West of the Great Dividing Range the rainfall diminishes from 30 inches to about 10 inches, according to the distance from the Main Range....
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What is the Climate Like?
What is the Climate Like?
The climate of Queensland is the most perfect winter season in the world....
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But is not the Heat Great in Summer?
But is not the Heat Great in Summer?
Although there are occasional hot days, the summer season is not unpleasant. The mean summer temperatures are:—South Queensland, from 66.5 to 76.7; Central, 80.5; South-western, 80.8; North, 81.2; North-western, 84.3....
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Is it Healthy?
Is it Healthy?
The death-rate in Queensland in 1913 was only 10.39 per 1,000....
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But does the Climate Suit English and European People?
But does the Climate Suit English and European People?
Yes. They live to a great age in the genial atmosphere of Queensland....
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What Sort of People are already Settled in Queensland?
What Sort of People are already Settled in Queensland?
Scotch, Irish, English, Welsh, Germans, Danes, Italians, Swedes, Russians, and other people of White nationalities. Russians, Swedes, and Danes make splendid colonists, and are warmly welcomed....
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Do People Often Return after Leaving Queensland?
Do People Often Return after Leaving Queensland?
Yes. Men who go home with the intention of spending the rest of their lives in England are constantly returning to Queensland....
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What Openings are there in Queensland for the Investor?
What Openings are there in Queensland for the Investor?
There are numerous avenues of investment in sheep and cattle stations, farming and dairying on a large scale, city and country properties, mines and timber, in the development of secondary industries, and in the growing of rubber....
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For the Man with Small Capital on Government Land?
For the Man with Small Capital on Government Land?
With £150 to £200 a man can start dairying in a small way, and gradually increase his herd and operations. A good deal, of course, depends on the man....
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Suppose he had £250 or £300?
Suppose he had £250 or £300?
He could make a good start with that....
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Suppose he tried Fruit Growing?
Suppose he tried Fruit Growing?
With about £100 he could make a start. He could grow vegetables and minor crops until his trees grew old enough to bear, which would be in about three years from planting....
14 minute read
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What could a Man do without Capital?
What could a Man do without Capital?
He could work for a station-owner or farmer until he had made enough to pay his deposit on the land he eventually selects....
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Experienced Agricultural Labourers.
Experienced Agricultural Labourers.
There is a great demand for this class....
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Inexperienced Men.
Inexperienced Men.
Inexperienced men should take some employment and learn the methods of work in Queensland before sinking their capital in land or stock....
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Domestic Servants.
Domestic Servants.
Domestic servants, especially cooks, are in urgent demand at wages ranging from 10s. to 30s. per week....
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Where Can Government Land be Obtained?
Where Can Government Land be Obtained?
There are fifty-eight Land Agents’ Districts in Queensland, in all of which vacant Crown lands are still obtainable....
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Agricultural Farms.
Agricultural Farms.
Agricultural farms vary from 10s. per acre upwards....
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At what Age can a Person Select Land?
At what Age can a Person Select Land?
Over the age of 16 years....
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Can a Man with Little Capital acquire Land?
Can a Man with Little Capital acquire Land?
Yes. If he pays the first deposit, the Crown may defer payment of the next three years’ rent....
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When is this Payable?
When is this Payable?
It is divided over the fifth to the thirteenth year with interest at 4 per cent. per annum....
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Can a Single Woman hold Government Land?
Can a Single Woman hold Government Land?
Yes; with the exception of a homestead area, if she is over 16 years....
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Can She hold a Homestead Area?
Can She hold a Homestead Area?
Yes; if she is over 21 years....
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What Land may Married Women hold from the Crown?
What Land may Married Women hold from the Crown?
She may hold any selection not subject to personal residence conditions....
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What Land a Married Woman cannot select from the Crown.
What Land a Married Woman cannot select from the Crown.
A married woman is not competent to select an agricultural homestead, a grazing homestead, free homestead, perpetual lease selection, agricultural farm, or prickly-pear selection, subject to the conditions of personal residence, unless she has obtained an order for judicial separation, or an order protecting her separate property....
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Married Women’s Property Act.
Married Women’s Property Act.
Under “ The Married Women’s Property Act, 1890 ,” she can hold any land, which she purchases absolutely, as if she were a man....
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Twenty Years’ Purchase without Interest.
Twenty Years’ Purchase without Interest.
Twenty years are allowed in which to pay for an agricultural farm. No interest is charged....
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Annual Instalment.
Annual Instalment.
The annual instalment is 6d. in the £1—that is, 2-1/2 per cent., or 3d. per acre on 10s. land; 6d. per acre on £1 land; 1s. per acre on £2 land. The whole of this goes to principal....
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Completing the Purchase.
Completing the Purchase.
At above rate, in twenty years the farm is half paid for, and during that time the farmer has had the use of the farm for much less than a fair rental. At the end of the twenty-first year, he is expected to pay the remaining half. Taking money as worth 5 per cent., this is equivalent to selling the land at half the proclaimed price....
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Deposit Money.
Deposit Money.
On an agricultural farm, agricultural homestead, perpetual lease selection, grazing selection, and unconditional selection —one year’s rent, and 1/5th of survey fee; on free homestead—fee of £1, and 1/5th of survey fee; on prickly-pear selection—full amount of survey fee....
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What is the Deposit on an Agricultural Farm of 160 Acres?
What is the Deposit on an Agricultural Farm of 160 Acres?
£3 16s., taking the price of the land at 10s. per acre....
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When can such a Farm be made Freehold?
When can such a Farm be made Freehold?
In five years....
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Freehold Title.
Freehold Title.
Queensland offers an unencumbered freehold title. The deeds for an agricultural farm may be obtained at any time after five years by paying the outstanding balance....
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If such balance is paid off before it is due, a discount of 2-1/2 per cent. per annum is allowed....
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Conditions for Agricultural Farms.
Conditions for Agricultural Farms.
Maximum area, 2,560 acres (this, however, is allowed only in remote districts); price, from 10s. per acre upwards. The land must be fenced within five years, or other improvements effected equal in value to the cost of fencing. Five years’ personal residence or occupation as the case may require; thereafter, until made freehold, the condition of occupation must be performed....
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Negotiable Leases.
Negotiable Leases.
The lease may be obtained as soon as the improvements are completed, and can be mortgaged, or, with the permission of the Minister, the land may be subdivided, transferred, or sublet....
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Agricultural homesteads and free homesteads cannot be mortgaged. Agricultural selections and prickly-pear selections obtained under five years’ residence priority cannot be mortgaged during the first five years....
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Agricultural Homesteads.
Agricultural Homesteads.
The price for a homestead is 2s. 6d. per acre, the annual rent 3d. per acre, the terms ten years’ personal residence, and the maximum area 320 acres....
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Agricultural Homestead Conditions.
Agricultural Homestead Conditions.
Land must be fenced within five years, or improvements made equal to value of such fence. When five years of residence have been performed and improvements effected, the selector may pay up the remaining rent, so as to make his total payments equal to 2s. 6d. per acre, and obtain deed of grant....
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Grazing Farms—Area.
Grazing Farms—Area.
The total area held by one person must not exceed 60,000 acres, but when the area exceeds 20,000 acres the annual rental at the notified rental must not exceed £200....
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Grazing Farms—Rental, Term, Conditions, &c.
Grazing Farms—Rental, Term, Conditions, &c.
Rental from nil per acre per annum. Term up to twenty-eight years. The holding must be continuously occupied by the selector or manager or agent. Within three years the land must be fenced. In cases where no rental is charged, the land is more or less infested with prickly pear or noxious weeds....
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Grazing Farms—Lease.
Grazing Farms—Lease.
As soon as the holding is fenced the lease is issued, which may be mortgaged or transferred, as stated in the case of agricultural farms....
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Group Residence.
Group Residence.
If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that two or more selections, each of which is at a distance not exceeding five miles from each of the others, are held by members of one family, bonâ fide in their own separate interests, the Commissioner may issue a special license enabling the conditions of personal residence or the conditions of occupation required to be performed by them in respect of their selections to be performed by their residence on one of the selections which is
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Grazing Homesteads—
Grazing Homesteads—
Similar conditions to grazing farms, except that—...
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Unconditional Selections—
Unconditional Selections—
Up to 1,280 acres may be obtained under this tenure, at from 13s. 4d. per acre, payable in twenty annual instalments without interest. No other conditions....
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Purchase of an Unconditional Selection.
Purchase of an Unconditional Selection.
A deed of grant may be obtained at any time on payment of the balance of the purchase price. Two and a-half per cent. per annum is allowed if the amount is paid before due....
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Prickly Pear Selection.
Prickly Pear Selection.
Maximum area, 2,560 acres. This applies to land infested with prickly-pear. Term, twenty-five years, with a peppercorn rental for the first period, and an annual rent during the second period equal to the amount of the purchasing price divided by the number of years in the second period....
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The land must be absolutely cleared of pear during the first period as notified in the notification opening the land for selection, and kept clear during the second period....
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Freehold of Prickly Pear Selections.
Freehold of Prickly Pear Selections.
The freehold may be obtained at any time after the expiration of two years from the beginning of the second period by the payment of the balance of the purchase money, provided he has obtained a certificate from the Commissioner that the conditions have been fulfilled....
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Price of Prickly Pear Selections.
Price of Prickly Pear Selections.
The price varies according to the state of infestation from nil upwards, and in some cases where the land is badly infested a bonus is given. The purchasing price or bonus is stated in the opening notification....
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Pastoral Holdings.
Pastoral Holdings.
Pastoral holdings may be obtained on long leases, with practically no restriction as to area. Terms up to thirty years....
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Occupation Licenses.
Occupation Licenses.
Large areas may be rented from the Government from year to year under an occupation license. No limitation to area....
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Group Settlement.
Group Settlement.
Under special conditions families from the same community are allowed to settle in groups so as to permit of their retaining their social relations....
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Size of Groups.
Size of Groups.
Groups of from six families to as many as seventy families have already been successfully formed....
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It is a good plan for friends to club together to pay the expenses of one of their number to go to Queensland to find land for a “group” to accommodate them all....
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Miners’ Homestead Leases.
Miners’ Homestead Leases.
Under the provisions of “ The Miners’ Homestead Leases Act of 1913 ,” homestead leases can be acquired by application, or by tender or public auction by residents of any mining field throughout the State, in areas not exceeding 640 acres. During the first period of thirty years the annual rental on areas up to 40 acres is 1s. per acre, and 6d. for any additional acreage in excess of this area. This rental does not, of course, apply to homesteads acquired by tender or sale. After the expiration o
44 minute read
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Can an Alien select Land in Queensland?
Can an Alien select Land in Queensland?
Yes, provided he obtains a certificate to the effect that he can read and write words in such language as the Minister for Lands may direct; also provided that he becomes a naturalised British subject within five years of his selecting the land, failing which he will forfeit all his right, title, and interest in the land selected....
25 minute read
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What is an Alien?
What is an Alien?
Any person who is not a British subject. For instance, Americans, Frenchmen, Swedes, Italians, Russians, &c....
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When can an Alien become Naturalised?
When can an Alien become Naturalised?
After he has been at least two years in the Commonwealth of Australia, he may take the oath of allegiance, become a Britisher, and enjoy all the freedom and privileges appertaining thereto....
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Where must Applications for Land be Lodged?
Where must Applications for Land be Lodged?
At the local Land Office....
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How far from the Railway is the Available Land?
How far from the Railway is the Available Land?
Most of the land is not far from existing lines. The policy of the Government, however, is to build light railway lines (as feeders to the main lines) to tap agricultural districts, and to anticipate settlement....
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Light Railway Lines Opening Large Areas.
Light Railway Lines Opening Large Areas.
Some of these short lines which it is proposed to build will open up an immense area of good land....
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Crown Lands at Auction.
Crown Lands at Auction.
Crown lands may be acquired in fee-simple by auction purchase in limited areas as town and suburban lots....
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The minimum purchasing price for land bought at auction is 10s. per acre. Terms of Purchase. Terms up to ten years may be allowed, with interest at 5 per cent. per annum....
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What Assistance does the Government Give the Intending Settler?
What Assistance does the Government Give the Intending Settler?
The Government issues a railway ticket at half the ordinary fare to the intending settler desirous of inspecting Crown land with a view of selecting an area not exceeding 5,120 acres. If the intending settler subsequently takes up a selection, subject to personal residence conditions, not exceeding 5,120 acres in area, the half-fare paid by him is refunded, and his family, self, ordinary household furniture and effects, agricultural implements, seed, one dray, and one set of harness are carried
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What Other Assistance?
What Other Assistance?
Special reduced rates are granted for the carriage of building material, fencing wire, and two truckloads of live stock. Wire netting is also supplied on twenty years’ terms at 5 per cent. per annum....
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Assistance to Obtain Water.
Assistance to Obtain Water.
If desired, the State will also sink wells on waterless country, spreading the cost over the total purchase price of the land over the term of lease....
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What is the Agricultural Bank?
What is the Agricultural Bank?
A Government Bank institution established, primarily, for the purpose of assisting new settlers and also agriculturists and graziers, to whom it makes advances on the security of freeholds, licenses, and leases from the Crown, for the purpose of making improvements on the land or for paying off liabilities, at 5 per cent. per annum, repayable in twenty-five years or at any time at the option of the borrower....
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What Security is Required?
What Security is Required?
The applicant for an advance must give a first mortgage on his holding. The bank advances 12s. in the £1 on the total value of the land and improvements....
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When is it Repayable?
When is it Repayable?
For the first five years only simple interest is charged at 5 per cent. per annum. After five years the borrower must begin to redeem his advance at the rate of £4 0s. 3d. half-yearly for each £100 borrowed, inclusive of interest, until the whole has been paid....
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Can the Settler Borrow Money to Buy Stock?
Can the Settler Borrow Money to Buy Stock?
Yes. The Agricultural Bank will advance 12s. in the £1 of the total value of the land and improvements for the purpose of purchasing stock, machinery, or implements the selector desires to purchase, or for relieving the liability on the holding. Advances at the rate of 13s. 4d. in the £1 on the value of the land and improvements thereon up to £200 can also be obtained for unspecified purposes....
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Can an Alien Obtain an Advance?
Can an Alien Obtain an Advance?
Yes, provided he obtains a certificate to the effect that he can read and write words in such language as the Minister for Lands may direct; also provided he becomes a naturalised British subject within five years of his selecting the land....
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Workers’ Dwellings Act.
Workers’ Dwellings Act.
Under the provisions of this Act the Government make advances, on easy terms of repayment, for the purpose of enabling persons of small incomes to erect dwelling-houses as homes for themselves and their families. The applicant must show that his income does not exceed £200 per annum, and that he is not the owner of a dwelling-house in Queensland or elsewhere....
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Freeholds Farm.
Freeholds Farm.
Plenty of good freehold farms change hands from time to time in Queensland at from £3 to £20 per acre. Settlers not desirous of taking up Government land can easily be suited privately....
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What is the Nature of the Soil?
What is the Nature of the Soil?
It varies with the locality. All of the Northern and Eastern scrub lands are intensely fertile with vegetable mould. The Darling Downs contains 4,000,000 acres of magnificent black soil, principally decomposed basalt. The soil in the Maranoa district is lighter and more suited to wheat-growing and vines. These descriptions apply pretty generally to the whole of Queensland, particularly the Central Districts....
27 minute read
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Who are the most Successful Farmers?
Who are the most Successful Farmers?
Those who carry on mixed farming, such as dairying, agriculture, sheep, pig and poultry raising, horticulture and bee-farming, &c....
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Do many of the Farmers Keep Sheep?
Do many of the Farmers Keep Sheep?
Yes; many of them now go in for lamb-raising on lucerne. There are also a number of selectors who have sheep on areas of from 640 to 4,000 acres....
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Is Dairying Increasing in Queensland?
Is Dairying Increasing in Queensland?
Yes, every day; and nearly all the dairy farmers are independent men....
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How much Milk was Obtained in 1913?
How much Milk was Obtained in 1913?
90,545,516 gallons. Quantity utilised for making butter, 73,582,041 gallons; for cheese, 5,268,447 gallons; for condensed milk, 2,131,382 gallons; sold for domestic purposes, 4,178,758 gallons; and 5,384,888 gallons used on farms....
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How did these Dairymen Begin?
How did these Dairymen Begin?
Most of them began in a very small way, buying a cow now and again as they could afford it....
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Were they all Small Farmers?
Were they all Small Farmers?
Yes, for the most part. The larger farmers have also taken up dairying in addition to wheat, maize, barley, lucerne, and oat growing....
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What was the Butter Production in Queensland in 1913?
What was the Butter Production in Queensland in 1913?
35,199,387 lb., valued at £1,613,305....
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Cheese, 1913?
Cheese, 1913?
5,395,050 lb., valued at £141,400....
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Condensed Milk made in 1913?
Condensed Milk made in 1913?
8,059,051 lb., valued at £187,536....
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What will a Good Average Cow Earn?
What will a Good Average Cow Earn?
From 15s. to 30s. per month....
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What is the Price of a Good Cow?
What is the Price of a Good Cow?
From £5 to £8. Of course some well-bred cows fetch a much higher figure....
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What is the Class of Dairy Herd in Queensland?
What is the Class of Dairy Herd in Queensland?
Dairy stock have been imported to Queensland from the principal herds of the world, and a splendid class of cow is now in use, comprising the following breeds:—Milking Shorthorn, Ayrshire, Holstein, Guernsey, and Jersey....
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How many Cows does the Average Farm Carry?
How many Cows does the Average Farm Carry?
It all depends on the size of the holding. There are many large properties in Queensland milking several hundred cows daily throughout the year. The average herd is about 20, but many farmers milk from 80 to 150 daily....
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How many Cows could you Carry on 160 Acres?
How many Cows could you Carry on 160 Acres?
With good land, mixed farming, and by growing crops and conserving fodder, you could carry 30 to 40 at a low estimate. Some 160 acres cleared scrub farms carry 70 to 80 cows....
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Monthly Cheques.
Monthly Cheques.
Suppliers to the factories are paid monthly by cheque, and some draw £100 and over per month for milk and cream....
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Pig-raising is now considered to be a part of dairying, and is very profitable. The climate is particularly suited to pigs, and no housing is required....
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Pig Farms.
Pig Farms.
On some holdings large mobs of young pigs are grazed on barley or alfalfa (lucerne), and topped up in batches in large sties....
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Market for Pigs.
Market for Pigs.
There is a certain market for pigs in Brisbane, Toowoomba, &c., where there are bacon-curing establishments....
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Wheat is sown (late maturing varieties) in March and April, and (quick maturing varieties) in May, June, and July. Harvesting extends from October to early in December....
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Where Wheat is Principally Grown.
Where Wheat is Principally Grown.
In Southern Queensland. It can also be grown in the Central-western districts of Queensland....
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Wheat Yield.
Wheat Yield.
Crops of 20 to 30 bushels to the acre are commonly reaped in the best wheat-growing districts of Queensland. Forty bushels per acre have often been obtained in individual instances....
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Maize is planted in July and August right up to January, and is fit for harvesting in 120 days. It can be grown all over Queensland, where the rainfall is sufficient. Two crops a year are possible in sub-tropical scrub and coastal country....
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Maize Yield.
Maize Yield.
Immense yields of maize, from 40 to 80 bushels per acre, are frequently obtained on the rich scrub lands. Yields of 120 bushels per acre have also been obtained....
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Barley does particularly well on the Darling Downs, where the quality of the crop for malting purposes is held by English experts to equal the best Hungarian. Crops of from 30 to 40 bushels are frequent in a good season....
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Sugarcane growing is carried on along the coastal area from Brisbane northwards. It is planted from January to June; 2,085,588 tons of sugarcane were produced in 1913....
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Price Paid for Cane.
Price Paid for Cane.
Prices for cane vary according to its sugar-producing properties and the locality in which it is grown. These, however, range from 20s. to 27s. per ton. Crops of from 40 to even 70 tons per acre have been obtained in the North....
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Hay averaged about 1-3/4 tons to the acre for the last twenty years. Individual crops yield much heavier results....
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Both English and sweet potatoes give heavy yields....
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Lucerne or Alfalfa.
Lucerne or Alfalfa.
This is one of the best crops a farmer can grow in Southern Queensland. Once planted, it lasts from seven to ten years....
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Lucerne Crops.
Lucerne Crops.
The roots of lucerne have been known to penetrate the soil for a depth of 30 ft. In a good year five to six cuttings can be obtained. Ten cuttings per annum are often obtained around Laidley, Southern Queensland....
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Can a Man get any Crop with his First Ploughing?
Can a Man get any Crop with his First Ploughing?
Yes. Wheat or Maize....
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What First Crop can be got off Scrub Land?
What First Crop can be got off Scrub Land?
The method is to fell the scrub, and, after it has dried, put a fire through it. Maize is then put in with a hoe between the stumps. Some crops up to 85 bushels per acre have been garnered in this way....
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State Agricultural College.
State Agricultural College.
There is a State Agricultural College at Gatton, South Queensland, where students can undergo a three years’ training at a cost of under £30 per annum....
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Are there any other State Experimental Farms?
Are there any other State Experimental Farms?
Yes. At Hermitage, near Warwick; Roma, South-western Queensland; Warren, near Rockhampton; Gindie, near Emerald; Kairi, Atherton district (North Queensland); and at Kamerunga, near Cairns (North Queensland); Sugar Experiment Station and Laboratory, Mackay (North Queensland); and experimental plots in all the principal sugar districts....
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House and Buildings.
House and Buildings.
At first a farmer generally erects a rough, cheap building of materials cut on the place at a cost of a few pounds, and when matters improve puts up a more suitable dwelling....
14 minute read
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Where can Building Materials be Obtained?
Where can Building Materials be Obtained?
Iron and wood can be obtained in any part of Queensland. Competition among the timber merchants is so keen that timber can be procured at a small cost. A small comfortable cottage can be built for about £100 upwards....
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Do Droughts Often Occur?
Do Droughts Often Occur?
The last drought was in 1902, and even then there were parts of Queensland not affected by it. Droughts do not, as a rule, affect the whole country, and with extended railway communication relief country will be available....
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Recuperative Power of the Land.
Recuperative Power of the Land.
The recuperative power of the land is marvellous. A fortnight after summer rain (following a dry spell) the country is waving with grasses. Owing to the mild climate, the growth is phenomenal....
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Local Markets.
Local Markets.
Farmers can readily dispose of all they can grow in the local markets, where competition amongst buyers is keen....
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Southern Markets.
Southern Markets.
There is a certain market in the South for all Queensland produce....
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Oversea Markets.
Oversea Markets.
A certain market for wool, hides, butter, cheese, frozen meat, and other products exists in Great Britain and Europe. Trade with the United States and Canada is developing. There are splendid openings for trade with Java, China, Japan, and the East generally....
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What is the Nature of the Trade with Asia?
What is the Nature of the Trade with Asia?
Cattle, horses, bones, hoofs, leather, butter, cheese, fodder, fruits, glue pieces and sinews, barley, oats, wheat, bran, pollard, flour, hay, chaff, honey, refined animal fats, manures, bacon and hams, beef, mutton, pork, other meat, milk concentrated and preserved, potatoes, skins and hides, tallow, wool....
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There were 707,265 horses in Queensland in 1913. A large remount trade is now done with India, Java, and the East....
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What Parts of Queensland are the Best for Cattle?
What Parts of Queensland are the Best for Cattle?
Cattle do well all over Queensland, and especially on the Eastern coast lands and the North....
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What Number of Cattle are there in Queensland?
What Number of Cattle are there in Queensland?
5,322,033 for 1913....
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Where do Sheep Thrive Best?
Where do Sheep Thrive Best?
On the great central plains of Western Queensland, and in the country west of the Dividing Range. Number of Sheep in Queensland. 21,786,600 for 1913....
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What was the Value of the Imports and Exports in 1913?
What was the Value of the Imports and Exports in 1913?
Imports (oversea only), £6,714,942; Exports (oversea only), £12,352,748; total, £19,067,690. The above figures do not, of course, include interstate transactions. It is reasonable to assume that the total value of the imports and exports would be, at least, doubled....
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On what Area could a Man Profitably Grow Wool?
On what Area could a Man Profitably Grow Wool?
On a grazing farm of 20,000 acres, with a capital of £4,000, he could make a net income of £600 to £1,000 a year....
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Are there Larger Areas than this?
Are there Larger Areas than this?
Some of the stations carry from 100,000 to 200,000 sheep, and are over 1,000 square miles in area. One is 5,000 square miles in area....
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Mining Employees.
Mining Employees.
There are 12,393 men employed in and around mines in Queensland....
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What is the Ordinary Rate for Unskilled Labour in Mines?
What is the Ordinary Rate for Unskilled Labour in Mines?
From 8s. 3d. to 13s. per shift of eight hours....
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At what Age should a Miner Come to Queensland?
At what Age should a Miner Come to Queensland?
Between 20 and 40 years....
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What could a Practical Miner do in Queensland?
What could a Practical Miner do in Queensland?
He could get work in a mine or prospect the country in search of minerals....
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What is the Aggregate Area of the Mining Fields Proclaimed Open?
What is the Aggregate Area of the Mining Fields Proclaimed Open?
78,073 square miles....
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What was the Total Output of Gold from Queensland Mines to the end of 1913?
What was the Total Output of Gold from Queensland Mines to the end of 1913?
17,973,674 fine oz....
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What was the Total Value of Minerals other than Gold won from Queensland Mines to the end of 1913?
What was the Total Value of Minerals other than Gold won from Queensland Mines to the end of 1913?
£31,419,755. Grand total, all minerals, £107,767,020....
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Miner’s Right.
Miner’s Right.
On payment of 5s. a year any man can obtain a miner’s right authorising him to mine for minerals on any Crown lands....
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Rewards for Discovery of New Goldfields.
Rewards for Discovery of New Goldfields.
On certain conditions, rewards, not exceeding £500 in one instance, and not exceeding £1,000 in another, are given by the Government for the discovery of new goldfields....
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Prospectors for tin in the North—chiefly about Herberton—do fairly well....
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The holder of a miner’s right may by himself or his agent take up and hold any number of claims or shares in such claims, provided that such claims or shares are duly worked and represented by the prescribed number of men....
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The spring commences in September, and the summer ends in February. The winter climate is perfect....
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Religious Freedom.
Religious Freedom.
There is no State church in Queensland. All religious denominations are on an equality, and complete religious liberty prevails....
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Education is free and compulsory....
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Expenditure on Education.
Expenditure on Education.
£657,613 were spent by the State on education in 1913....
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State Schools.
State Schools.
There are 1,338 State Schools in Queensland, with a total enrolment of 119,006 scholars, and 3,269 teachers....
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Total Schools, including State Schools, 1913.
Total Schools, including State Schools, 1913.
1,518 schools, with an average daily attendance of 97,852 scholars....
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Country Schools.
Country Schools.
There are excellent State schools situated throughout the country districts of Queensland....
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Provisional Schools.
Provisional Schools.
Provisional schools are established wherever necessary....
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Higher Educational Institutions.
Higher Educational Institutions.
Six High Schools (free), 16 Technical Colleges, 10 Grammar Schools (boys and girls), a School of Mines at Charters Towers (North Queensland), and a University....
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Education in Sparsely-populated Districts.
Education in Sparsely-populated Districts.
Travelling Government teachers periodically visit the more sparsely settled districts to arrange for the education of the children so circumstanced. Half-time Schools are also established on many sheep and cattle stations....
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Adult Vote.
Adult Vote.
Every man and woman in Queensland over the age of twenty-one years is entitled to a vote....
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A Law-abiding Community.
A Law-abiding Community.
Queensland is one of the most law-abiding countries in the world....
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Orderliness of Crowds.
Orderliness of Crowds.
The orderliness of large crowds is a remarkable feature of Australian life, and one which generally causes surprise on the part of the visitor. This orderliness is characteristic of Queenslanders....
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A Notable Fact.
A Notable Fact.
The morning after the assemblage of a crowd of nearly 60,000 people on the opening day of the Brisbane Show in 1914 showed a complete absence of wrongdoing on the police charge-sheet....
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Election Crowds.
Election Crowds.
There is no rowdy conduct during elections in Queensland. Women visit the polls and record their votes as easily as attending church....
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Queensland Railways.
Queensland Railways.
The Queensland Railways are the property of the State....
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How many Miles of State Railway are Open?
How many Miles of State Railway are Open?
4,856 miles to 31st December, 1914....
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Private Railways, to 31st December, 1914.
Private Railways, to 31st December, 1914.
Only 330 miles....
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What was the Value of the Gold produced in Queensland for 1913?
What was the Value of the Gold produced in Queensland for 1913?
£1,128,768 for 265,735 fine oz....
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Other Minerals.
Other Minerals.
Silver, 604,979 oz. (£68,438); copper, 23,655 tons (£1,660,178); tin, 3,197 tons (£343,669); coal, 1,037,944 tons (£403,767); gems and opals, £46,292; other minerals, £206,769....
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Government Savings Bank, 1913–14.
Government Savings Bank, 1913–14.
176,961 depositors had £9,350,999 to credit in the Government Savings Bank on 30th June, 1914—an average of £52 16s. 10d. per head....
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Eleven banks held assets to the amount of £22,845,949 in 1913....
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There were in 1913 1,838 factories in Queensland employing 42,363 hands. The value of the plant and machinery was £5,877,387, and the value of the land and premises £3,923,584. Value of output, £23,688,789....
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There are eighty-five public hospitals in Queensland, besides numerous private ones....
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Shipping of the State, 1913.
Shipping of the State, 1913.
2,247,434 tons entered. 2,251,503 tons cleared....
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Timber Sawn for 1913.
Timber Sawn for 1913.
Softwoods, 98,620,299 superficial feet, valued at the mill, £778,084; cedar, 882,092 superficial feet, valued at the mill, £15,964; hardwoods, 57,131,224 superficial feet, valued at the mill, £510,967; mouldings, &c., £61,872; 1,101,271 sleepers, £92,906. In addition, at least an equal quantity was used for bridges, wharves, fencing, &c. Total value of output of sawmills only, £1,459,793. The 247 sawmills employed 4,621 hands....
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The Meat Industry.
The Meat Industry.
In 1913 there were fourteen meatworks (exclusive of seven bacon factories), which employed 4,225 hands during the season. Total value of all meat products (including bacon and hams), £8,576,754....
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Steamer Fares to Brisbane
Steamer Fares to Brisbane
(From America, Canada, South Africa, and India.) Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, Limited. From San Francisco to Brisbane (Single):— From Chicago to Brisbane (Single):— From New York to Brisbane (Single):— The above fares are subject to alteration without notice. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Line. From Vancouver to Brisbane (Single):— From Chicago to Brisbane (Single):— From New York to Brisbane (Single):— From St. Louis to Brisbane (Single):— From Montreal to Brisbane (Single):— All ab
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A Successful Mixed Farmer.
A Successful Mixed Farmer.
In the Springsure district (Central Queensland) Mr. M. T. Bourke is one of the most successful dairymen and mixed farmers. His dairy herd consists of pure-bred Shorthorns and pedigreed bulls. On an average he milks 88 cows once daily during the year, and these are fed on natural pastures. Last year he obtained 19,094 gallons of milk, and 9,339 lb. of cream produced 2,649 lb. of commercial butter. In April, 1913, 1,039 lb. of cream sent to one of the Rockhampton factories returned over 576 lb. of
52 minute read
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What the Daniels Family are Doing.
What the Daniels Family are Doing.
The Daniels family, which numbers no less than eight distinct branches, are also very successful mixed farmers in the Gindie district (Central Queensland). Their opera tions comprise wheat-growing, dairying, sheep-breeding, &c. In 1913 they had about 250 acres under wheat. Mr. T. C. Daniels gives the following particulars in regard to the cultivation and harvesting of wheat:—“The first ploughing,” he says, “will cost 15s. per acre, but afterwards it will only be 5s. for the same area. Ot
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Started with £100.
Started with £100.
In the course of an interview, Mr. J. Edminstone, of Craigend Farm, Belmont Pocket, near Rockhampton (Central Queensland), gave some information which should be invaluable to intending settlers in Queensland. Mr. Edminstone is, at the present time, one of the most prosperous dairymen in the State. “A labouring man,” Mr. Edminstone said, “could easily earn about £200 a year at farming in Queensland. I have made that myself. I had experience on a farm in the old country, but that is not absolutely
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New Settlers’ Experiences.
New Settlers’ Experiences.
Mr. C. W. L. Bryde, who has taken up a selection in the parish of Dambulla, near Lake Barrine, Atherton, North Queensland, about two years ago, is satisfied that his new home has been pitched in “the garden of Australia.” He was born in Liverpool, England, and, adopting the sea as a profession, reached the position of chief mate. Several severe trips between Newcastle and Valparaiso with coal for the Chilian Government cooled off his ardour for the sea, and, faced with nervous breakdown, he was
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Had a Stout Heart, Strong Pair of Hands, and Plenty of Pluck and Determination.
Had a Stout Heart, Strong Pair of Hands, and Plenty of Pluck and Determination.
Mr. J. McLellan, of Miriam Vale, in the Gladstone district (Central Queensland), stated that he started as an agriculturist sixteen years ago with a stout heart, a strong pair of hands, plenty of pluck and determination, and 6s. per day while he was working on the railway line. His frugality enabled him to save money out of his wages to buy a couple of head of cattle at a time. In his spare moments he cleared his land, and got it ready for its first crop. After a little time he devoted the whole
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Successful Efforts from Small Beginnings.
Successful Efforts from Small Beginnings.
In the Barmoya Scrub, Rockhampton district (Central Queensland), a good percentage of the recent settlers had very small beginnings, but now they are fairly well off. Mr. J. Kersey (a carpenter) had a horse and cart and £7; Mr. A. T. Vaisey (formerly an employee in a New Zealand flax mill) had £75; Mr. F. W. A. Broszat (a bricklayer), £250; Mr. Reuben Johnson (a shift boss on Mount Morgan Mine), £100. All are well satisfied with their lot. The German settlers, of whom there are a large number, f
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Started as a Farm Labourer.
Started as a Farm Labourer.
In the Bushley district, near Rockhampton (Central Queensland), Mr. E. Holland has a splendid farm of about 3,000 acres on Sandy Creek. He states that he started farming with little or no money. Soon after his arrival from England he found employment as a farm labourer, and accepted cattle as payment for his work. A year or so later he took up a 160-acre block at a rental of 2s. 6d. per acre, and then started dairying. As years went by he acquired further areas, and increased his operations to s
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Had a Horse and Saddle and 3s. 6d.
Had a Horse and Saddle and 3s. 6d.
Mr. J. T. Alexander, of Glenlyon Farm, Dalma, near Rockhampton (Central Queensland), arrived in Queensland from New South Wales in 1887, with a horse and saddle and 3s. 6d. in his pocket. At first he engaged in droving, then was a stockman on a station, and later manager of several cattle runs. Seven years ago he purchased 3,000 acres of the Glenlyon Estate, which consisted of open forest country. Then he turned his attention to the breeding of dairy and beef cattle and Border-Leicester sheep. H
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Fruit-grower Starts with £5.
Fruit-grower Starts with £5.
After paying for his freehold of 21 acres, Mr. A. Neale, of Parkhurst, North Rockhampton (Central Queensland), had only about £5 in cash, three horses, and a few agricultural implements. By dint of hard work he cleared his land of the forest, planted it with fruit trees, and in a couple of years he gathered his first crops. Later he erected his present home. To-day he is in a comfortable position, due entirely to fruit-growing. In all 5 acres are under fruits of different kinds. Citrus fruits, w
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Had only a Few Shillings left after Paying the First Year’s Rent.
Had only a Few Shillings left after Paying the First Year’s Rent.
Quite a number of the new settlers in the Woodend and Bushley Scrubs, in the Rockhampton district (Central Queensland), started in a small way, and are now in very comfortable circumstances. The Lehfeldt Brothers were formerly employed as labourers at the Mount Morgan Mine. In 1895 they selected 160 acres, and after paying the first year’s rent (£5 15s.) had only a few shillings left. When they had finished fencing the land and clearing portion of it, they arranged to supply the Mount Morgan Min
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Mining Engineer—Now a Successful Fruit-grower, &c.
Mining Engineer—Now a Successful Fruit-grower, &c.
Mr. J. T. Coates, of Harveston, Rockhampton (Central Queensland), was formerly a mining engineer before he took up 327 acres on the bank of the Fitzroy River. He has 10 acres under fruits—1,100 papaws, 150 citrus (including oranges, limes, lemons, cumquots), 500 grape vines, 50 custard apples, 20 mangoes, also figs, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, quinces, persimmons, pineapples, granadillas, &c. There are also 30 acres under lucerne, 11 acres of Japanese millet, and 5 acres of sweet po
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Inexperience no Obstacle to Success.
Inexperience no Obstacle to Success.
Among the new settlers in the Stanwell district (Central Queensland) are quite a number who started with limited capital, and no previous experience in farming. Mr. T. P. Connor was a miner, and had £500. Not only is he dairying, growing crops, and raising pigs, but he is also breeding beef cattle and horses with much success. Messrs. J. Thomas (stockman) and J. Todman (miner) started with £250, and are now doing well out of general farming, dairying, pig-raising, &c. Portion of the farm
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Had no Previous Agricultural Experience.
Had no Previous Agricultural Experience.
Mr. W. J. Barber selected 640 acres of dense vine scrub and brigalow country a few miles from Banana (Central Queensland) in 1913 at 10s. per acre. He came from Young (New South Wales), with £190, and had no previous experience of agricultural life. About 46 acres of the scrub have been cleared and planted with Rhodes grass and maize, the latter being sown with the aid of a hand planter. From 30 to 40 acres more scrub are being cleared, and will be put under cultivation when it is ready. The fir
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Made a Start with £150.
Made a Start with £150.
Mr. Peter Jensen started in the Banana district (Central Queensland) with £150 by taking up 880 acres, a little over a year ago, at 10s. per acre. The country comprises brigalow scrub and open downs. He has cleared 50 acres, and put in Rhodes grass and maize. A further 50 acres is to be cleared, and planted with Rhodes grass and maize. Mr. Jensen’s first crop of maize of 34 acres yielded 900 bushels....
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On the High Road to Success.
On the High Road to Success.
Mr. Charles Roderick is one of the pioneers of the agricultural industry in the Banana district, Central Queensland. He has 1,280 acres of land, for which he paid 10s. per acre. In addition to raising crops, Mr. Roderick is engaging in dairying and pig raising. Last year he obtained 840 bushels of maize from 33 acres. This year he has 27 acres under maize, and 33 acres of Rhodes grass. Mr. Roderick was previously a publican....
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Landed in the District with £200.
Landed in the District with £200.
Mr. C. G. Young selected 136 acres at Deeford, in the Dawson Valley country, Central Queensland, in 1912. Previously he was a commercial traveller in Sydney. When he landed in the district he had £200. After clearing the dense vine scrub from his farm, he planted 24 acres with maize, Rhodes grass, and pumpkins. The price paid for the Crown land was 50s. per acre. Mr. Young estimates his first year’s expenditure at slightly over £100. Dairying and pig-raising on a small scale is carried on. This
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Tasmanian takes up a Farm with £600.
Tasmanian takes up a Farm with £600.
Mr. E. Stevens, of Deeford, in the Dawson Valley (Central Queensland), came from Tasmania nearly two years ago, with £600. His farm consists of 174 acres, of which 65 acres have been cleared of the dense scrub, and planted with maize and Rhodes grass. He intends to give dairying some of his attention at an early date. The first year’s operations involved an expenditure of about £185....
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Miner Starts Farming with £50.
Miner Starts Farming with £50.
Mr. C. F. Holton, who was a miner by occupation, took up 160 acres at Grantleigh, in the Gogango district (Central Queensland), seven years ago. At the time he had only £50 in his pocket. For a couple of years he undertook to cut timber for the Mount Morgan Mine, and also worked on the selections of several of his neighbours. By this means he made sufficient money to enable him to start farming on his own account. To-day he is making a profit of over £100 annually by growing lucerne, maize, pota
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Queensland—The Finest Agricultural Country in Australia.
Queensland—The Finest Agricultural Country in Australia.
Mr. Robert Laver, a Victorian farmer, together with his nine sons, took up 13,000 acres under the group system in the Gogango Scrub (Central Queensland) five years ago. They have now 3,000 acres cleared, and 500 acres under cultivation, 400 acres being under Rhodes grass. The other crops are:—Maize, 30 acres; lucerne, 50 acres; cowpea, 5 acres; pumpkins (planted in the same area with the maize), 30 acres. Citrus fruits and grapes are also grown on a small scale. Last year 10 acres of oats and 9
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A Well-known Grazier’s Opinion.
A Well-known Grazier’s Opinion.
The testimony of Mr. John Moffat, of Camoola Park, a well-known grazier in the Longreach district (Central Queensland), is of more than ordinary interest. Mr. Moffat says:— “There were never better opportunities than the present in Queensland for young men and women who have energy and ambition, and are not frightened of honest work. I came from Scotland when a baby with my parents (emigrants) during the fifties to Adelaide, South Australia. My father worked as a blacksmith, and afterwards as a
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Started Cane-growing with £147.
Started Cane-growing with £147.
Mr. Robert P. Sneesby started sugar-growing on the Maroochy River, North Coast Line (South Queensland), with only £147. Four years ago he arrived from the Clarence River (N.S.W.), where he was a dairyman and maize-grower. He took up 80 acres on the Maroochy River, for which he paid £8 per acre. This he cleared and cropped, and then sold for £1,800. Then he purchased his present holding of 153 acres of dense scrub, the price paid therefor being £4 5s. per acre. Other expenditure—House, 18 ft. x 2
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Another Successful Sugar-cane Grower.
Another Successful Sugar-cane Grower.
One of the most successful growers in the Johnstone River district (North Queensland), is Mr. David Hunter, of Goondi. Prior to starting cane-growing eight years ago, he was overseer of labour for the Colonial Sugar Refining Company at Goondi. He started with very little capital, but the terms on which the Colonial Sugar Refining Company sold him land were so reasonable that he had no difficulty in not only meeting his engagements, but also making a profit out of his labours. Good cultivation an
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Arrived with an Empty Pocket.
Arrived with an Empty Pocket.
Mr. H. Denning, in responding to the toast of “The Pioneers,” at a banquet at Mount Tarampa, in the Lowood district (South Queensland) in 1913, said:—“It was now 35 years since he became a resident of the district. He arrived with an empty pocket, and on arrival found he was compelled to cut a road 1-1/2 miles through scrub to get to the boundary of his selection. He cleared 2 acres, and after six months harvested his first crop of maize and sweet potatoes. He hired a wagon, and took a load into
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Arrived in Queensland with Sixpence—Now a Well-to-do Farmer.
Arrived in Queensland with Sixpence—Now a Well-to-do Farmer.
One of the best known identities in the Clifton district (Darling Downs, South Queensland) is Mr. Maas H. Hinz, J.P., typical pioneer, and one whose industry and perseverance have done so much to push on that busy farming place, Clifton. Mr. M. H. Hinz was born in Holstein, Germany, in January, 1841. After leaving school he worked as a farm labourer. Left the Fatherland for Queensland on 28th May, 1864, by the ship “La Rochelle,” and landed in Brisbane on 6th September, the same year. On landing
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Happy and Contented Russian Settlers.
Happy and Contented Russian Settlers.
Mr. A. Mendrin, of Wycarbah, Central Queensland, under date 27th July, 1914, writes as follows:—“In 1912 I visited a large number of districts, as I intended taking up some land for agricultural purposes. I finally decided on a place near Rockhampton known as Wycarbah Scrub, close to the Wycarbah Station, on the Queensland Central Railway. I decided to start a mixed farm; the climatic and other conditions being extremely favourable for the growing and cultivating of maize, cotton, potatoes, and
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Started with only 100 Roubles (£10.)
Started with only 100 Roubles (£10.)
“Mr. Jacob Sank, in September, 1913, took over 160 acres of land at 22s. 6d. per acre, with 20 years in which to effect payment, in the district of Wycarbah, his whole capital at the time being some £10 = Rs. 100. At the present time he has about 15 acres cleared and mostly under crop, has built a house, possesses a horse, and intends buying a cow shortly; he has also various agricultural implements. All this is very much to Mr. Sank’s credit, as, having no money on hand, he frequently had to go
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Russian Naval Gunner’s Success as a Farmer.
Russian Naval Gunner’s Success as a Farmer.
“Mr. P. Hebenko, ex-torpedo-man on a battle cruiser, native of the Black Sea district of Russia, arrived in Australia towards the end of July, 1913. He took up 160 acres of land near my farm in September, 1913; it is good chocolate soil, and is under brigalow and light scrub. Shortly after having taken over his land, Mr. Hebenko got his wife and three children from Russia, and they arrived here in November, 1913; whereupon Mr. Hebenko promptly left for his farm. I last visited his farm in April,
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We Do Not Repent having Left our Native Land.
We Do Not Repent having Left our Native Land.
“In order to clearly show what a Russian’s opinion of Queensland is, I will now give a few extracts from a letter written by a Mr. Godalov, of Canungra, South Coast line, dated 24th February, 1911, and published in certain Russian newspapers:—’... and so I am to be congratulated; 160 acres of superb land, with a healthy beautiful climate, within 30 miles of the sea, at an elevation of 3,000 feet, and this for 32s. an acre and 20 years to pay it in. I consider it my duty to assure you that We do
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Mr. A. Mendrin’s Experiences.
Mr. A. Mendrin’s Experiences.
“We will say, then, that you have gone through the formalities of obtaining your land (in Queensland they are not complicated). From the first day of your arrival on your farm you will start cutting down your trees (these are mostly soft), a normally healthy agricultural peasant should fell from 2 to 2-1/2 acres of brigalow scrub in a week. In this way in a month’s time you should have about ten acres of trees felled, provided you started this during the summer months. You will want, say 2-1/2 m
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