Petition And Memorial Of David Quinn, Asking For The Re-Establishment Of Negro Slavery In The United States
David Quinn
2 chapters
54 minute read
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2 chapters
To the Congress of the United States of America.
To the Congress of the United States of America.
Gentlemen : The undersigned, an American citizen, respectfully petitions your honorable body, and prays that measures may be immediately taken for the re-establishment of Negro slavery in the States from which it has just been ejected, and also for its establishment by law in all the other States and Territories, of our federal Union; and in support of his petition, he herewith submits the following MEMORIAL. He is by no means insensible of the opposition he is likely to encounter at the hands o
52 minute read
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To the People of the United States : It was the intention of the undersigned, when writing the within article, to present it to Congress immediately, but on reflection he has concluded, that, inasmuch as the prayer of the petition reaches beyond Congress, to the Constitution-making power of the nation, it may be best to withhold the presentation until the paper can be read by the people. He will therefore delay bringing the subject, formally, before Congress until next winter, and in the meantim
2 minute read
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