Voyages Of Peter Esprit Radisson
Pierre Esprit Radisson
18 chapters
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18 chapters
It may be regarded as a fortunate circumstance that we are able to add to the Society's publications this volume of RADISSON'S VOYAGES. The narratives contained in it are the record of events and transactions in which the author was a principal actor. They were apparently written without any intention of publication, and are plainly authentic and trustworthy. They have remained in manuscript more than two hundred years, and in the mean time appear to have escaped the notice of scholars, as not e
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The author of the narratives contained in this volume was Peter Esprit Radisson, who emigrated from France to Canada, as he himself tells us, on the 24th day of May, 1651. He was born at St. Malo, and in 1656, at Three Rivers, in Canada, married Elizabeth, the daughter of Madeleine Hainault. [Footnote: Vide History of the Ojibways , by the Rev. E. D. Neill, ed. 1885.] Radisson says that he lived at Three Rivers, where also dwelt "my natural parents, and country-people, and my brother, his wife a
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The Relation of my Voyage, being in Bondage in the Lands of the Irokoits, which was the next yeare after my coming into Canada, in the yeare 1651, the 24th day of May. Being persuaded in the morning by two of my comrades to go and recreat ourselves in fowling, I disposed myselfe to keepe them Company; wherfor I cloathed myselfe the lightest way I could possible, that I might be the nimbler and not stay behinde, as much for the prey that I hoped for, as for to escape the danger into which wee hav
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The Relation of a Voyage made by Peter Raddisson, Esquire, to the North parts of America, in the years 1682 and 1683. In the first place, I think myself oblidg'd to vindicat myself from the imputation of inconstancy for acting in this voyage against the English Intrest, and in the yeare 1683 against the French Intrest, for which, if I could not give a very good account, I might justly lye under the sentenc of capritiousness & inconstancy. But severall Persons of probity and good repute,
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Dab-fish Dablon, Father D'Argenson, Viscount De Frontinac, Count De la Barre, Governor Delheure, Monsieur Denier, Monsieur De Seignelay, Marquis Des Groseilliers, —, nephew of Radisson     —(See Chouart,     Medard.) D'Estrees, Jean, Count De Witt Dollard, Adam Doric Rock Dress of Indians. (See Indian Costume.) Drums of Indians Du Chefneau, Monsieur Ducks, abundance of Duhamel, Rev. Joseph Thomas Duperon, Joseph Inbert Dupuys, Sieur...
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Eagle, the ship Ehriehronoms Elends Elks Ellis's manuscripts England Eressaronoms Eruata, defined Escotecke Escouteck Eslan Esquimos...
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Fire Indians Fishes of large size Fort Albany Fort Bourbon Fort Charles Fort Orange Fort Richelieu Foucault, Nicolai Joseph France French, the, break the treaty, and     come into a collision in Hudson's     Bay...
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Gailliards Gazer, Captain Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian     Families Gien, a musical instrument Gillam, Captain Zachariah Gillam, —, son of Captain Zachariah Goats Godfrey, Marguerite Godfry, John Baptista Gooseberries Gorst, Thomas Grapes Green Point Groseilliers. (See Chouart, Medard.) Guillam. (See Gillam.) Guinea, visited by Radisson Guitar...
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Hallow Isle Happy Return, the ship Hayes River Hayes, Sir James Hayes, the sloop, captured Hight of St. Louis Holland Hollanders Horiniac, defined Huattochronoms Hudson's Bay Hudson's Bay Company Hudson's Bay trade Hudson's Straits Huron Islands Hurons Hurons, massacred by Iroquois,     number of...
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Indian amusements Indian costumes Indian council, described Indian cruelties. (See Cruelties of     Indians.) Indians, designated by their footmarks, Indians, eat human flesh, Indians, food of Indians, funeral rites Indians, luggage described Indians, manner of cooking their meat Indians, manner of sweating Indians, their musical instruments Indians, Nations of the North,     nations of the South Indians, pierce their ears and noses Indians, treachery of Ireland Iroquois     join the Mohawks; ma
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Kakivvakiona River Kawirinagaw River Kechechewan River Keweena River Kinoncheripirini Kionontateronons Kirke, Sir David Kirke, Sir John Kirke, Sir Lewis Kischeripirini Knisteneaux. (See Christinos.) Konkhaderichonons Kotakoaveteny...
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La Hontan Lake Assiniboin Lake Champlaine Lake Huron Lake of Castors Lake of the Stinkings Lake Ontario Lake St. Francis Lake St. Louis Lake St. Peter Lake Superior Le Gardeur, Noel Le Mercier, Father Francis Lichen, tripe des roche London Longpoint Long Sault, massacre at Louis XIV Low Iroquois country Lyddel, Governor William...
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Maesoochy Nadone Maingonis Malhonmines Malhonniners Manatte (See Manhattan and     New Netherland.) Manhattan Mantoneck Marie, Monsieur Maringoines Martin, Abraham Massacre of Hurons Massacre at Long Sault Matouchkarini Matonenocks Maverick, Samuel Medicine-bag Menada Mesnard, Father Messipi Mile Island Minisigons Minutes relating to Hudson's Bay     Company Mission, Jesuit, at Lake Superior Mitchitamon Mohawks Montignes Montmorency River Montreal Mont Royal Moose. ( See Castors and Elends.) Moo
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Nadone Nadoneceronon Nadoneceronons ( See Nation of Beefe.) Nadoucenako Nadouceronons Nantucket Nasaonakouetons Nation of Beefe ( See Nadoneceronons.) Nation of the Sault Nations of the North Nations of the South Neill, Rev. E. D. Nelson's Harbor Nelson's River Nenosavern River Neosavern River Nephew of Radisson. ( See Des Groseilliers.) New Amsterdam New England New Netherland New York New York Colonial MSS. Nicolls, Col. Richard Niel, Genevieve Nipisiriniens Nojottaga Noncet, Father Joseph Non
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Oats, Nation of O'Callaghan, Dr. Octanacks Ohcrokonanechronons Oiongoiconon. ( See Cayuga.) Ojibways Okinotoname Oldmixon Oneida village Oneronoms Onondagas Onondaga village; number     of Indians in that vicinity;     mission Ontorahronons Orignal Orijonots Orimha, defined Orinal Orinha Oriniacke;     defined; how cooked Ormeaux, Sieur des Orturbi Oscovarahronoms Oslar, Captain Ottanaks Otters Ouachegami Ouendack Ougmarahronoms Ouncisagay Ountchatarounongha Outimagami Outlaw, Captain Ovaouchkai
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Pacoiquis Paris Parkman, Francis Pasnoestigons Pauabickhomesibs Peace of Utrecht Peerce Island Pepys, Samuel Perse, L'Isle Pictured Rocks Pierce, Captain Piffings Plains of Abraham, named after Abraham     Martin Point Comfort Point of St. Louis Poirier, Marie Pontonatemick Porcelaine Porpoises, white Portall of St Peter Port Nelson Port Royal Preston, Lord Prince Rupert, the ship Prince Rupert Pumpkins...
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Quebec;     the Governor of, sends letter     to Captain Baily Quinipigousek...
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Radisson, Claude Volant de St. Cloude Radisson, Etienne Radisson, Etienne Volant Radisson, Francois Radisson, Jean Francois Radisson, Marguerite Radisson, Nicholas Radisson, Peter Esprit, emigrates to Canada; birth of; marriage; children of; trade with Indians; makes notes of his wanderings; title of first narrative; taken captive and escapes; embarks for Holland and France, title of second narrative, returns to Canada, joins Jesuits, spends three years in travelling, third voyage, visits Lake S
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