Through Siberia And Manchuria By Rail
Oliver George Ready
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Through Siberia and Manchuria By Rail
Through Siberia and Manchuria By Rail
Through Siberia and Manchuria By Rail BY OLIVER G. READY AUTHOR OF “ Life and Sport in China ”...
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This short account of my journey from London to Shanghai by way of the Siberian Railway was at first intended for private circulation only, in order to meet the enquiries of numerous personal friends. Now, however, that war has broken out between Russia and Japan, and that it may be years before this, the longest railway in the world, is again open to international traffic, I feel that any information, however slight, concerning so stupendous an undertaking, as well as about the remote region wh
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Time Occupied
Time Occupied
The rate of travelling was therefore rather more than seventeen miles an hour, inclusive of all stoppages and delays. Between Moscow and Dalny the train stopped at 151 stations, thereby losing almost 37 hours. The rouble is equivalent to about two shillings and a penny. There are 100 kopeks to the rouble. German is the most useful foreign language for travelling in Russia....
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“Life and Sport in China.” (ILLUSTRATED.) By OLIVER G. READY, B.A. PRESS COMMENTS. Times —“A bright popular account of Anglo-Chinese life, and of the characteristics and customs of the Chinese.” Spectator —“A very bright contribution to the aspect of animal nature and domestication in the Far East. Is full of keen observation, and lightened by a very pleasant sense of humour.” (Topics of the day). Standard —“Of life in China the author has much to tell us. He is a keen and often sympathetic obse
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