Outdoor Cooking With Reynolds Wrap
Reynolds Metals Company
22 chapters
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22 chapters
How to prepare tastier campfire meals without pots, pans and dishes REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA 10¢ REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA 10¢ THE PERFECT FOOD WRAP THAT YOU BAKE AND COOK IN, TOO! Methods developed and all recipes field-tested by recognized camping authorities. Copyright 1950 THE REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA Printed in U. S. A....
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This booklet on Outdoor Cooking is presented to make outdoor life more enjoyable for the thousands of campers who take to the open fields, woodlands, and streams of America each year. It is written to demonstrate the new aluminum foil way to cook out of doors ... endorsed by expert campers, camping associations, and rod and gun clubs throughout the country. Alert campers who discover new uses for Reynolds Wrap (aluminum foil) are urged to write the publisher, Reynolds Metals Company, who will tr
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Reynolds Wrap What it is and how campers use it
Reynolds Wrap What it is and how campers use it
Aluminum foil, as widely distributed under the name Reynolds Wrap, is pure aluminum. Reynolds Wrap is available at grocery, drug, department and other stores throughout most of the U. S. Aluminum is often called the “miracle metal” ... and it is in the form of aluminum foil that its miracle properties are most evident. Housewives line frying pans with it, wrap meat and fowl for roasting, etc. Campers wrap their food in it and drop the package in the hot coals of the campfire. They thus eliminate
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Have you ever...?
Have you ever...?
After a hard day of whipping the stream or tramping the woods, have you ever returned to your base camp to find a pile of greasy, smoky-black pots and kettles waiting to be scoured? Or have you ever awakened in the morning to meet the mess of the night before? Ah, now you remember ... you were in a hurry to get away at break of day, or the evening darkness fell too soon. You left the cooking utensils unwashed. So now, before the meal can be prepared, the oatmeal pot must be scrubbed out and the
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Six things to remember for better outdoor cooking
Six things to remember for better outdoor cooking
1. A bed of hot coals is the thing. Never use a flaming fire (except when using a reflector oven). 2. Fold the Reynolds Wrap into a package according to instructions on Page 7 . Practice this several times. 3. Always add shortening, fat, butter, or bacon to package before cooking. 4. Cooking times will vary with wind strength, type of firewood, and many other factors. All the times given in this booklet are approximate, of course—a campfire has no thermostat. 5. It’s a good idea to turn a packag
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How to wrap food before cooking
How to wrap food before cooking
This explanation is of utmost importance and must be followed closely for the best results in cooking. All cooking is done in DOUBLE foil envelopes. 1. Place item to be cooked on a sheet of Reynolds Wrap. Wrap should be big enough to allow for a three-fold crimping of open edges. 2. Next fold in half and crimp the three open edges. Make three folds on these edges. This makes an air-tight envelope. 3. Take another sheet of Reynolds Wrap the same size as the first, repeat process, making a double
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How to build the right kind of fire
How to build the right kind of fire
The right kind of fire for aluminum foil cooking is really no fire at all, but rather a bed of hot coals. The Boy Scout Merit Badge Book on cooking explains how to get a bed of coals as follows: “The camp fire generally supplies a good bed of coals, but sometimes this is needed in a hurry, soon after camp is pitched. To get it, take sound hardwood, either green or dead, and split it into sticks of uniform thickness (say 1¼ inch face). Lay down two bed-sticks, cross these near the ends with two o
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Try these camp ideas
Try these camp ideas
In taking lunches from the base camp, Reynolds Wrap will help in two ways: First, sandwiches, cake, cookies, etc. are wrapped to hold freshness, to prevent them from getting wet in case of rain. (Be sure sandwiches do not contain dressing, etc. that normally should be kept under refrigeration.) Secondly, if a hot meal is desired (some campers due to health conditions, must have a hot meal at noon) take a chop or a piece of meat, place it in the wrap with a patty of butter, add slices of potato ¼
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camp menu no. 1
camp menu no. 1
BREAKFAST Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : An aluminum foil “pot” can be made by forming doubled Reynolds Wrap around a forked sapling. The size pot will depend upon the number in the party. Place dried fruit in enough water to cover them, the night before. A little more water can be added in the morning, if necessary, also a small amount (2-3 teaspoons) of sugar if desired. The pot is carefully placed at edge of camp fire. Oatmeal is cooked in a similar pot. Add ½ cup of oatmeal to each cup o
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camp menu no. 2
camp menu no. 2
FISHERMAN’S DELIGHT Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : Clean and wash the fish and vegetables. Take about 26 inches of Reynolds Wrap. Place ½ slice of bacon on the wrap. Place fish on top. Slice potatoes in ¼ inch slices and place on top of fish. Slice onions in same manner and place around sides and on top of potatoes. Put another slice of bacon on top of potatoes and onions. Carefully fold foil and crease over to seal. Now fold in the ends to seal in all moisture. Caution—do not make a hole in
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camp menu no. 3
camp menu no. 3
STEAK ROAST Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : Take 26 to 30 inches of Reynolds Wrap. Wash steak and vegetables to add moisture. Slice potatoes. Place small amount of butter on bottom of wrap. Place steak over it. Spread potatoes over steak. Slice onion over potatoes. Clean and slice carrots and place along sides of meat. Fold up foil lengthwise and fold over to seal. Place on hot coal camp fire for 15 minutes. Change position of package after 6-7 minutes to assure even cooking. Mix prepared bis
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camp menu no. 4
camp menu no. 4
NEW ENGLAND CHICKEN DINNER Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : Wash the chicken and vegetables. Take about 26 inches of Reynolds Wrap. Place ½ slice of bacon on wrap and put chicken on top. Slice potato into ¼ inch slices and put on chicken. Slice the turnip and place around sides. Add small amount of butter (1 patty) or equivalent shortening or bacon grease and ½ slice bacon on top. Fold package to seal in juices. Fold in ends of package so that it is as air tight as possible. Do not break the w
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camp menu no. 5
camp menu no. 5
HAMBURGER SPECIAL Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : Wash and trim potato and place on doubled Reynolds Wrap. Make several holes in potato. Wet hand and shake water on potato and foil. Wrap and place on hot coals. Turn potato occasionally. Place hamburger in doubled foil, onions on top. Add ½ patty of butter or equivalent. Wrap hamburger and onions and place onion side up, on fire. Corn should be wet thoroughly but left in husk. Wrap and put on coals. Form foil pot and add cup of water for each
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camp menu no. 6
camp menu no. 6
CHOP FRY Individual Quantities DIRECTIONS : Place chop in center of 24 inch piece of Reynolds Wrap. Wash and slice potato in ¼ inch slices. Distribute potatoes on top of chop, wash and slice beans and place them around sides of chop. Shake small amount of water over all ingredients, wrap carefully and place on hot coals. Turn package over in 10 minutes and cook for 10 minutes on opposite side. Remember that pork chops must be thoroughly done. Do not eat pink pork. Stew apples in foil pan and add
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Baking camp bread
Baking camp bread
One of the highlights of any camping trip can be the baking of camp bread or hot biscuits. Nothing equals hot biscuits and jam. This operation is generally misunderstood by the unseasoned woodsman. It is thought to be quite involved and complicated. Nothing could be further from the truth. It can be extremely easy. Those who frequent the deep woods where “store” bread is unobtainable or difficult to transport need only take any good prepared biscuit mix, and the bread problem is solved. Since Re
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“whole chicken in foil”
“whole chicken in foil”
Clean a ¾ pound fowl and fasten securely on a green wood spit. Wrap bird with two wrappings of Reynolds Wrap and press ends firmly on spit to seal. (Wrap exposed parts of spit to insulate from fire.) Turn occasionally and cook over coals for one hour and fifteen minutes. Remove wrap and brown further over coals if desired. The spit should not be farther than 8-10 inches from the coals. The fact that Reynolds Wrap is being used will eliminate constant turning as all of the moisture of the bird is
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“roast beef”
“roast beef”
A four to five pound boned rolled roast can be cooked as follows: Secure roast on a green wood spit and wrap with two layers of Reynolds Wrap. Press ends of wrap firmly against spit to seal. (Wrap exposed parts of spit with wrap to insulate it from fire.) Turn occasionally and cook twenty to twenty-five minutes per pound over hot coals. Arrange the spit so that the roast is not over six to eight inches from the glowing coals. Unwrap carefully if you want to save the juice. The flavor of meat coo
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t-bone steak
t-bone steak
Place steak in large envelope of Reynolds Wrap with sliced onions and seasoning to taste. Seal envelope and cover with another envelope of foil. Place on hot coals allowing ten minutes on each side for medium rare steak....
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picnic novelties
picnic novelties
SWEET POTATOES (candied sweet) —Peel and shoe string sweet potato (one). Place on Reynolds Wrap, add two tablespoons water, and about one-half cup brown sugar. Fold and wrap. Bake approximately seven minutes each side on bed of hot coals. BANANA-YUM —Cut both ends off a banana in skin (unpeeled). Slice down center and sprinkle with brown sugar. Fold and wrap, sealing tightly. Bake on hot coals about six minutes each side. Serve hot. BAKED APPLE —Core and fill apple with sugar, raisins, nuts, etc
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franks in a blanket
franks in a blanket
Mix prepared biscuit flour as per directions and roll out thin, about ¼ inch. Cut in pieces large enough to surround frankfurter but let the frankfurter protrude a half-inch or so at each end. Put in double envelope of Reynolds Wrap and place on a medium fire of coals. Cook for fifteen minutes turning frequently. This novelty is very tasty and a grand picnic stunt. It must be remembered, however, to roll the franks over quite often as they cook. This will keep them from scorching....
26 minute read
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“Reynolds Wrap does it”
“Reynolds Wrap does it”
Here are a few of the uses which sportsmen find for this miracle metal. 1. Wrapping food to be transported to camp. 2. Wrapping lunches. Makes them wet proof, bug proof, with sealed-in freshness. (Remember caution about foods that require refrigeration.) 3. Cooking various meats and vegetables without pots or pans. 4. Baking camp bread, biscuits, etc. 5. Keeping food dry, fresh, clean, in camp. 6. Cooking game meat and fish. 7. Cooking fruit—prunes, apricots, apples, etc. 8. Used in cooking, the
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Have You Tried These Other Products Made by Reynolds Metals Company?
Have You Tried These Other Products Made by Reynolds Metals Company?
FROZEN FOOD WRAP Heavy-duty, pure aluminum foil in a handy consumer roll 50′ x 18″. Protects and preserves foods for freezing. REYNOLDS PAK Handy, pure aluminum container consisting of tray and easily attached lid. Available in approximate pint and quart sizes. General utility tray for freezing, storing, baking, cooking, etc. GIFT WRAPPING Beautiful foil wraps to make a “special” gift out of any present. Popularly priced. RESTAURANT WRAP Heavy-duty, pure aluminum foil, 18″ wide, 50 lb. rolls. Us
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