Keys To Fungi On Dung
M. J. (Michael J.) Richardson
4 chapters
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4 chapters
Coprophilous fungi are highly satisfactory for demonstrating the diversity and morphology of a group of related organisms within an ecological system. Representative genera of most major groups of fungi can usually be guaranteed to appear on dung after a period of incubation. There is no shortage of dung in our fields and woods, and this material will always produce characteristic fungi at whatever time of year it is collected. Dung is best incubated in a light place, for example on a table in a
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Key 1. Ascomycota
Key 1. Ascomycota
Fig. 1. Cheilymenia stercorea , apothecium. Fig. 2. C. stercorea , stellate and rooted hairs. Fig. 3. Lasiobolus ciliatus , apothecium. Fig. 4. Iodophanus carneus , apothecium and spore. Fig. 5. Thelebolus microsporus , ascus and paraphysis. Fig. 6. Ascodesmis microscopica , ascospores. Fig. 7. Apothecia of, from left, Ascobolus furfuraceus , A. immersus and A. albidus . Fig. 8. A. brassicae , ascus with spores and detail of operculum. Fig. 9. Ascospores of, clockwise from left, A. immersus , A.
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Key 2. Perithecial, pseudothecial, cleistothecial and gymnothecial fungi
Key 2. Perithecial, pseudothecial, cleistothecial and gymnothecial fungi
Fig. 46. Habit sketch of cleistothecia. Figs 47-54. Asci and spores. Fig. 47. Preussia funiculata.   Fig. 48. Heleococcum aurantiacum. Fig. 49. Copromyces bisporus.   Fig. 50. Arachnomyces nitidus. Fig. 51. Orbicula parietina.   Fig. 52. Roumegueriella rufula. Fig. 53. Aphanoascus stercoraria.   Fig. 54. Pseudeurotium ovale.  ...
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Key 3. Basidiomycota
Key 3. Basidiomycota
Fig. 55. From left, sketches of holobasidium, with mature basidiospore showing germ pore; auriculariaceous basidium; tremellaceous basidium, lateral view and as often seen in sections. Fig. 56. Habit sketch of a stipitate agaric, Psathyrella stercoraria , with section. Fig. 57. Sketch of gill section of Psathyrella sp., showing position of marginal (m) and facial (f) cystidia. Fig. 58. Coprinus pellucidus , habit and vertical section of cap cuticle. Fig. 59. C. pseudoradiatus , habit and veil co
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