Minute Mysteries [Detectograms]
H. A. (Harold Austin) Ripley
144 chapters
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144 chapters
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The solution of criminal mysteries constitutes one of the most absorbing, possibly the most intriguing forms of mental activity existent. It calls for something more than mere cold intelligence and reasoning ability, requiring in addition native perception, intuition, and a natural understanding of human behavior under stress of emotion and passion. Furthermore, some knowledge of pathological or abnormal behaviorism is a requisite. Mr. Ripley’s excellently thought-out series of mysteries might b
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Chief Inspector Kelley, that grizzled veteran of the Detective Bureau, was talking to his nephew, Jim Barry, who had indicated a desire to enter the uncrowded field of criminology. ‘The average policeman,’ he said, ‘looks upon the lay criminologist in much the same manner as the professional in any field regards the amateur. Generally speaking, that attitude is justified. ‘In thirty years of police work, however, I have met no one in detective circles, in or out of the force, who so effectively
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1 A Crack Shot
1 A Crack Shot
Professor Fordney was hunting in the Rockies when informed of a tragedy at one of the camps. Thinking he might be of some help, he went over, and, after introducing himself, Butler, the victim’s companion, told him of the accident. ‘When Marshall hadn’t returned to camp at nine o’clock last night, I was a bit worried because he didn’t know these mountains. There wasn’t a star out and it was dark and moonless, so I decided to look around for him. We’re five miles from anyone, you know. ‘Putting m
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2 On the Scent
2 On the Scent
‘I couldn’t wait to be announced,’ said George Collins, Florida’s foremost prohibition agent, and a great wit, as he stepped into the Professor’s office. ‘How long are you going to be in New York?’ asked Fordney, as the two friends shook hands. ‘I’m due back in Miami now,’ replied Collins, ‘but I wanted to congratulate you on your success in the Hicks murder case. I wish interesting things like that would happen in my game. However, I did have an amusing experience last December. ‘Sneaky Joe, a
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3 Fatal Error
3 Fatal Error
‘Crowley was an eccentric and taciturn old fellow, but I liked him,’ remarked Fordney. ‘When he was found dead last December, I took a personal interest in the case. Harold Bronson, his last known caller, had this to say of his visit: ‘“After leaving word at my hotel where I might be reached if wanted, I arrived at Crowley’s suburban estate shortly after five o’clock. I found him seated in the dusk at the end of his library table. Courteously enough for him, he waved me into a chair at the other
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4 The Poison Murder Case
4 The Poison Murder Case
‘I’m going to the theater now,’ Bob Kewley told Professor Fordney at their club. ‘I wish you’d spend the evening with Uncle John. He’s been worried lately.’ Upon reaching the Kewley home an hour later, Fordney found the butler in an agitated state. ‘After ordering coffee, Mr. Kewley locked himself in his library an hour ago, sir. When I rapped on the door just now, he didn’t answer.’ The two men forced the lock and found John Kewley on the floor, an empty strychnine bottle at his side. The terra
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5 A Strange ‘Kidnaping’
5 A Strange ‘Kidnaping’
‘I haven’t the faintest idea why I was kidnaped,’ said Johnson to Professor Fordney, an hour after he returned home. ‘I never miss Sunday evening services, you know, so I’m afraid I haven’t much time to discuss it now.’ ‘Oh, just a brief account of your experience is all that is necessary,’ remarked the Professor. So Johnson proceeded. ‘I was walking along Burnham Street about 2 A.M. Friday when two masked men, with drawn guns, ordered me into a blue sedan. I was blindfolded and gagged. After dr
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6 A Valuable Formula
6 A Valuable Formula
‘I had just stepped behind that screen near the door to wash my hands when a man, gun in hand, entered the room and stood motionless for a few seconds,’ said Hyde. ‘Apparently satisfied no one was here, he walked to the desk over there by the window. As he rummaged through the papers in the drawer, I hastily dialed headquarters, leaving the receiver off the hook, trusting you would trace the call. I was afraid to talk because I was unarmed and he looked like a desperate fellow.’ ‘You say he took
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7 Strangled
7 Strangled
‘Twenty-two days of this hot, dry spell,’ groaned Professor Fordney. ‘I can’t remember a stretch like it.’ ‘Tell us about the Greer case, Professor,’ urged the rocking-chair brigade. ‘It’ll take your mind off the heat.’ ‘Well, you know the salient facts. The body of Irene Greer, lying on the railroad right-of-way, was found half a mile from here by a fishing party at 6 A.M. day before yesterday. It could be seen that she was a beautiful girl despite the tousled hair matted with mud and a nasty b
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8 Death in the Office
8 Death in the Office
When Professor Fordney reached Gifford’s office, he found a policeman already there. ‘Gifford’s dead,’ he was told. ‘What brings you here?’ ‘He telephoned me a few minutes ago; said he had been shot; then I had a hard time understanding him. This street is on your beat, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes. I heard the shot when I was in Smith’s cigar store. It took me a while to locate it. The door was locked and I had to break in.’ As they walked into an inner office, they saw Gifford’s body, a bullet through the
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9 They Usually Forget Something
9 They Usually Forget Something
‘Here is a good illustration of the old bromide that the smartest criminal leaves some clue in even the most carefully planned crime,’ mused Professor Fordney. ‘While in Colshire, a beautiful little English village, I was asked by the local police to assist them in a rather puzzling affair. ‘Suspicion of a particularly brutal murder had been directed toward an illiterate underworld character. He was accused of sending the following note found in the murdered man’s pocket: sir john when i last se
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10 The Professor Gives a Lesson
10 The Professor Gives a Lesson
‘Cardoni came into Inspector Kelley’s office yesterday,’ said Fordney to his Criminology Class. ‘“I want to speak to you alone, Chief,” he said, eyeing me with frank suspicion. ‘“It’s all right. Go ahead,” said Kelley. ‘“I’ve got some information on the Curtis kidnapers. How much is it worth?” ‘“That all depends. Let’s hear the story.” ‘“They’re in one of my old buildings, down on the East Side. Three men and a woman. All you’ve got to do, Chief, is to take this, walk in an’ surprise ’em,” said
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11 Upstairs and Down
11 Upstairs and Down
‘Let’s hear your story,’ said Inspector Kelley to Policeman Kirk, as Fordney dropped into a comfortable chair at Headquarters. ‘The neighbors were worried because they hadn’t seen old lady Brill about for a couple of days and asked me to investigate. ‘Getting no answer to my ring, I broke open the front door, ran upstairs, and, not seeing her, ran down and through the hall, unlocked the kitchen door, and found her on the floor, a bullet through her heart and a gun beside her. The windows and the
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12 Class Day
12 Class Day
‘Baklioff, in person, combined with “Grand Hotel,” had packed the Paramount,’ said the Professor. ‘Every seat was occupied and standing-room was at a premium. What an opening it was!’ he continued. ‘As the picture neared its end and the orchestra, under the magnificent leadership of Baklioff, reached the climax of Mascagni’s “Cavalleria Rusticana,” a shot rang out. ‘Inspector Kelley who accompanied me, was immediately on his feet bellowing, “Lights!” They were quickly turned on and the picture s
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13 A Hot Pursuit
13 A Hot Pursuit
‘Hello, Smith,’ said Professor Fordney as he opened the door. ‘What’s up?’ ‘Uncle Fred’s house has been robbed. He had some negotiable bonds in the library safe and told me to stick close to home until he returned from New York.’ ‘Were they stolen?’ interrogated Fordney. ‘I’m afraid so. I was up in my bedroom about twenty minutes ago when I heard a noise. I rushed downstairs just in time to see a man dash out of the library. I ran after him and, as I passed the door, I noticed the safe was open,
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14 A Question of Identity
14 A Question of Identity
Professor Fordney and three of his friends were enjoying their weekly ‘get together’ at the University Club. ‘Professor,’ said Patrie, ‘tell us something about that Yelpir murder case you were working on.’ ‘Well, gentlemen,’ he replied, in his retiring manner, ‘as you know, Yelpir’s affairs were common knowledge, and the fact that several women had reasons to wish him dead complicated matters a bit. ‘His body was found in his study, which opened on to a corridor. At the other end of the corridor
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15 A Yachtsman’s Alibi
15 A Yachtsman’s Alibi
‘I’ve often remarked,’ said Professor Fordney, in an expansive mood, ‘how very difficult it is to fake an alibi without someone’s assistance. A case in point is a messy affair we cleared up recently. ‘I didn’t definitely suspect Picus when I happened to bump into him at the Fourth-of-July parade, the morning after an acquaintance of his had been found dead under suspicious circumstances. I rather casually asked him where he had been and what he had been doing the previous afternoon about four o’
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16 Murder at Coney Island
16 Murder at Coney Island
Inspector Kelley and Professor Fordney were seated in the former’s office when Policeman Fanning and his charge entered. After Fanning’s hurried explanation, Jasper told his story: ‘I’m the ticket taker on a merry-go-round at Coney Island. This bein’ Saturday, we had a big crowd. The trip was almost over when I reached out, saying, “Ticket, please,” and I see this woman sittin’ up in the middle of the chariot with that terrible look on her face. She didn’t answer, and when I shook her, she slump
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17 Too Clever
17 Too Clever
‘Receiving no reply to my ring and finding the door unlocked, I went in,’ said Albert Lynch. ‘Dawson was seated at his desk shot through the head. Seeing he was dead, I called the police and remained here.’ ‘Touch anything, Lynch?’ asked Professor Fordney. ‘No, sir, nothing.’ ‘Positive of that, are you?’ ‘Absolutely, sir.’ The Professor made a careful examination of the desk and found Dawson had been writing a letter at the bottom of which and covered by the dead man’s hand, was a penned message
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18 Bloody Murder
18 Bloody Murder
‘A bad mess, this,’ said Professor Fordney to Sergeant Reynolds, as they viewed the bloody scene. ‘Yeah, I wish these guys wouldn’t be quite so thorough when they bump themselves off,’ replied Reynolds as he set grimly to work. A man with his throat cut, the head almost severed, sat slumped over a blood-spattered desk. What a horrible sight! His bloodstained coat flung across the room, the razor! the shirt! the tie! his hands! covered with blood, made a ghastly and awesome picture framed by the
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19 Death Back-Stage
19 Death Back-Stage
Claudia Mason, beautiful and popular young actress, was found lying across the chaise-longue in her elaborately furnished dressing-room, dead from a bullet wound in the temple. She had sold her jewels and, with an heroic gesture, partially paid her many debts. Near Claudia’s right hand, Sergeant Reynolds picked up the revolver with which she had been killed, and after careful examination said: ‘No finger-prints, of course. Gosh, Fordney, there’s two rocks she didn’t sell,’ he exclaimed, pointing
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20 An Easy Combination
20 An Easy Combination
‘I was working late, preparing an advertising campaign,’ continued Fellows whom Professor Fordney had been questioning. ‘About ten-fifteen I heard the outer office door click. Being unarmed, I hurriedly turned out the lights in my office and waited breathlessly, as there was a large sum of money in the safe. I knew my chances of attracting attention from the tenth floor were small, so, reaching for the telephone, I hastily dialed Headquarters and told them in a low voice to send help immediately
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21 A Modern Knight
21 A Modern Knight
‘There was hardly a breath of air as we sat on the terrace enjoying tea,’ reminisced Professor Fordney. ‘Rocca excused himself, saying he wished to telephone. Shortly after he entered the house, we heard a shot. I rushed into the drawing-room and found Rocca, smoking gun in hand, staring dumbly at the chair in front of the open window which held the huddled body of Chase. ‘A hasty examination disclosed the telephone receiver off the hook, a single cigarette stub of Rocca’s brand in the ash-tray,
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22 The Jewel Robbery
22 The Jewel Robbery
‘You say that as your butler called for help, a stranger, by the name of Dudley, was passing the house and rushed in?’ ‘That’s right,’ Owings corroborated, as the two men sat in Fordney’s study. ‘It was rather late last Friday evening before I was ready to leave town for the week-end, and as Stuben, the butler, wasn’t feeling well, I told him to stay upstairs and that I would lock up when I left. ‘I had some diamonds in the safe, so he said he wouldn’t leave the house until I returned,’ continue
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23 Before the Coroner’s Inquest
23 Before the Coroner’s Inquest
‘Let’s run over your testimony before the inquest opens,’ said Fordney. ‘All right,’ replied Curry. ‘About three-thirty on Thursday, I got into the boat in front of my cottage and rowed upstream. About fifty yards below the bridge, I looked up and saw Scott and Dawson going across it in opposite directions. As the two men passed, Scott reached out, grabbed Dawson, and hit him in the jaw. Then he pulled a gun, and, in the scuffle that followed, Scott fell off the bridge. He dropped into the water
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24 The Fifth Avenue Hold-Up
24 The Fifth Avenue Hold-Up
‘What’s the hurry?’ asked Professor Fordney, as Baldwin collided with him in the doorway of the office at the back of the exclusive Cross Jewelry Store. ‘I—I—was going to help search for the robbers,’ stammered Baldwin as he backed into the office. ‘Well, tell me what happened first,’ said Fordney, as Dr. Lyman, police surgeon, knelt beside Mr. Cross. ‘There’s the special safe for the emerald behind that miniature portrait. I was in here when Mr. Cross entered with two gentlemen,’ exclaimed Bald
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25 Behind Locked Doors
25 Behind Locked Doors
At the Collingham home Professor Fordney found Clive Kingston, the Judge’s nephew, and Watkins, the butler, greatly excited. Forcing the library door, locked for three months, they saw the Judge seated in front of the fireplace opposite the door, apparently dead. ‘Wait!’ called Professor Fordney to Watkins, who had rushed into the room. ‘He’s all right,’ said Kingston, as he and Fordney halted over the threshold. ‘Perhaps, but I don’t want any clues obliterated. Come back carefully and get us a
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26 Lost at Sea
26 Lost at Sea
‘Tell us exactly what happened,’ said Professor Fordney as he sat in his study with Mrs. Rollins. ‘It was a dark, moonless night. ‘At twelve o’clock, when we were about ten miles off Point Breeze, I retired to my cabin, leaving my husband on deck. We were alone on the boat. ‘In a few minutes, hearing loud shouts, I joined him again. We could hear a boat approaching, running without lights, as were we. My husband told me to return to the cabin, which I did. ‘Soon after doing so a bump, tramping f
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27 A Suave Gunman
27 A Suave Gunman
‘Can you describe this fellow?’ asked Professor Fordney of Henry Taylor, manager of the National Theater. ‘Yes. He was a tall, well-dressed, good-looking chap. Wore a panama hat, turned-down brim, blue coat, smart blue tie, natty white flannels with silver belt-buckle, black-and-white sport shoes, and had a general air of culture and refinement.’ ‘Just what did he do?’ ‘As I was counting the receipts, he came into the office, gun in hand, and commanded me to get up from the desk and move over by
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28 Accidental Death
28 Accidental Death
Returning to town late one night, Professor Fordney was driving along an unfrequented road when the sight of a motor-cycle policeman examining a car in a ditch caused him to stop and offer his services. Joining the policeman, he found that a man, obviously the driver, had been thrown through the windshield and was lying about six feet from the car. His examination disclosed that the man had been terribly cut about the head. The jugular vein was completely severed. The bent steering-wheel, shatte
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29 Easy Money
29 Easy Money
‘Mr. Walker hurried into the kitchen,’ said the valet to Professor Fordney, ‘and told me he was called away unexpectedly and that I was to go to his library and take the money he had won last night to the bank. ‘I was busy,’ he continued, ‘but in about five minutes I went through the hall, and, thinking I heard a noise, I stopped and listened at the study door. There was someone moving about. The door was open. As I peered around it, I saw a masked man, gun in hand, hesitating near the fireplace
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30 Robbery at High Noon
30 Robbery at High Noon
‘I wonder who had the nerve to commit such a robbery at high noon,’ mused Professor Fordney as he examined the safe, seventeen minutes after it had been rifled. ‘Same old story: no finger-prints, no evidence.’ ‘Found anything?’ asked Lawson nervously as he entered his drawing-room. ‘Not yet. Are you here alone, Lawson?’ ‘No. John, my nephew, is staying with me. Everyone else is in town.’ ‘Where is he now?’ ‘Oh, he left about an hour ago.’ At 3.20 P.M. Fordney noticed Jones, the gardener, working
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31 The Wrong Foot Forward
31 The Wrong Foot Forward
‘The witness says,’ explained the interpreter, ‘that as the car came to a sudden stop the conductor ran to the front and yelled to the motorman, “You’ve done it again."’ The little foreigner on the witness stand looked bewildered and frightened. ‘He further says that there were two sailors on the car and that they jumped off and ran.’ ‘Have they been located yet?’ inquired the Judge. ‘No, Your Honor; we’ve been unable to trace them, although the conductor gave a good description,’ replied counse
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32 Death Attends the Party
32 Death Attends the Party
‘He had a big party last night,’ said Graves, the valet. ‘Certainly looks like it,’ retorted Professor Fordney, as he surveyed the crazily balanced glasses, overflowing ash-trays, and liquor rings on the small, fragile antique table at which Carlton Dawes sat. ‘It was awful, sir. Just as I turned to say “good night” to him, he lifted his revolver, fired and toppled over.’ ‘Funny,’ mused Fordney. ‘He had everything to live for.’ ‘Everything but the thing he wanted,’ replied the valet. ‘Madeline,
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33 No Way Out
33 No Way Out
On a battered desk in the small, dark room lay a penciled note in handwriting resembling that of the dead man: Dear John: You know the trouble I’m in. There’s only one way out and I’m taking it. You’re my pal and will understand. Good luck. (Signed) Paul The only other furniture consisted of the chair in which Paul Morrow had been found with his throat cut, a bed, and a highly ornate and apparently brand-new waste-basket. It had been definitely established that the dead man had not left the room
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34 Midnight Murder
34 Midnight Murder
‘Who are you, and what’s this all about?’ demanded Inspector Kelley, as he and Professor Fordney arrived at the apartment in answer to a call. ‘I’m Jack Day. I share this apartment with Al Quale. I returned from the theater, shortly after midnight, went into his room, and found him lying there on the bed. When I saw he was dead, I called Headquarters at once. God, this is terrible!’ ‘Those your things on the bed?’ asked Kelley, indicating a blood-stained muffler, a hat, gloves, and cane. ‘Yes, I
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35 Speakeasy Stick-Up
35 Speakeasy Stick-Up
‘I had counted the cash, and as I was working the combination to open the wall safe I heard this guy in back of me say, “Get ’em up, Bo. This is a stick-up.” I reached for the ceiling as he says, “Make a move and I’ll drill you!” He didn’t sound like he was foolin’, so I kept quiet. ‘Well, he comes over, gives me a prod with his gun, pockets the dough, and asks me where the best liquor is, saying he don’t want no bar whiskey either. I told him and he poured himself a drink. ‘Then he got real soc
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36 Behind Time
36 Behind Time
Professor Fordney, on his way to investigate a case of blackmail, was musing on the perversity of human nature when a jar threw him into the aisle as the train came to a sudden stop. Jumping off, he rushed ahead of the engine, where he found a small crowd gathered about the mutilated body of a man hit by the train. He was identified by a card in his pocket as John Nelson, an important figure in railroad labor circles. ‘How did it happen?’ inquired Fordney. ‘Well,’ replied Morton, the engineer, ‘
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37 A Broken Engagement
37 A Broken Engagement
‘Peculiar,’ murmured Fordney, as he examined the desk on which lay seven letters ready for mailing, three gray, one lavender, two pink, and one lemon-colored. As he idly shaped the wax of the candle standing on the desk, he continued to ponder this unusual choice of color in stationery. One of the letters was addressed to Dot Dalton, who had been murdered between eleven-forty and eleven-fifty. She was one of the guests at this house party in the Adirondacks. All the letters were closed with blac
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38 The Holden Road Murder
38 The Holden Road Murder
‘What a night!’ sighed Professor Fordney as he hung up the telephone receiver. Half an hour later, still grumbling, he splashed his way through the mud and rain to the door of 27 Holden Road. Removing his rubbers in the spotless vestibule, he stepped into a large, well-furnished living-room running the entire width of the house. Introducing himself and explaining he would question everyone later, he asked to be left alone. In the far corner of the room he found a man lying on the floor, his thro
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39 Fishermen’s Luck
39 Fishermen’s Luck
‘Having these stones in my possession, Professor Fordney, isn’t proof that I had any part in the Morris robbery.’ ‘I know all about your story, Holmes. Found the jewels yesterday at three o’clock in the lake, tied up in a chamois bag, didn’t you? But what were you doing out in an open boat in the cloudburst that lasted all yesterday afternoon?’ ‘It was because of that cloudburst that I sallied forth,’ explained Holmes confidently. ‘Perfect fishing weather, so I jumped into my boat and went acros
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40 The Unlucky Elephant
40 The Unlucky Elephant
‘Dead! Bullet-hole in right temple,’ said Sergeant Reynolds, as he knelt by a man lying face down, a revolver clutched in his right hand. ‘All right,’ replied Inspector Kelley. ‘Let’s have a look round. Dressed for the street, eh?’ While speaking, Kelley picked up from the floor several fragments of glass and a right-hand glove, turned inside-out. ‘Look at this glove, Reynolds. What do you make of it? And I wonder if that soiled handkerchief on the table belongs to him?’ ‘Gee, Chief,’ said Reyno
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41 The Professor Listens
41 The Professor Listens
‘Why the rush to get back to New York?’ inquired Fordney, a few minutes after Delavin stepped from the plane. ‘Thought you intended spending the summer in Cuba.’ ‘Well, if you must know, my bank failed, and I came back to straighten out my affairs.’ ‘That’s too bad, Delavin. How did you hear about it?’ He handed Fordney a clipping from the Jacksonville Herald : New York, July 5. (AP)—Foundation Bank & Trust Co., one of New York’s oldest banking establishments, closed its doors today... ‘
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42 Ten-Fifteen
42 Ten-Fifteen
Professor Fordney glanced at his desk clock as he picked up the receiver—ten-fifteen. ‘Hello!’ came the agitated voice at the other end. ‘This is Waters. Could you come over right away? Something’s just happened that I’d like to discuss with you. I’d appreciate it.’ ‘Well,’ returned the Professor, again glancing dubiously at the clock, ‘if it’s important, I’ll be round. Good-bye.’ Twenty minutes later, he was met at the door by Waters’s secretary who was almost incoherent in his excitement. ‘He’
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43 Rapid Transit
43 Rapid Transit
‘I was beatin’ along the Boston Post Road, about fifty miles an hour, when I looks around and sees this bird standing on the tail-gate fumbling with the lock on the doors. I stopped as fast as I could, jumped out, and ran round to the back. This mug had hopped off with an armful of furs and climbed into a car that was following. His partner even took a shot at me,’ said Sullivan, whom Professor Fordney was questioning. ‘He must have been a very good judge. He took only the best you carried,’ com
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44 The Professor is Disappointed
44 The Professor is Disappointed
‘What’ll I do, Professor,’ implored Vi Cargo, as Fordney examined the ground beneath her bedroom window. Seven A.M. A fine time to start looking for a thief! Why couldn’t women be more careful of their jewelry! ‘I was restless all night,’ said Vi, as Fordney knelt beside a deep impression of a man’s right shoe. ‘By Jove, I thought we’d found one of your stones,’ he said, pointing to a leaf in the footprint. ‘Look at the sunlight glistening on those raindrops!’ ‘It was the shower that awakened me
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45 A Dramatic Triumph
45 A Dramatic Triumph
A clock softly chimed eight-forty-five as Professor Fordney and Halloway, dramatic critic of the Times , finished their after-dinner coffee. They strolled leisurely to the corner and reached the Belmont just in time for the curtain. As the first act ended, Fordney remarked enthusiastically: ‘Halloway, it’s magnificent! Boswell is certainly our finest dramatic actor. How he held that audience, for forty-five minutes, from the moment the curtain arose! That’s genius!’ The final curtain found him e
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46 Murder at the Lake
46 Murder at the Lake
‘Here’s all we’ve been able to learn, Professor. I wish you’d see what you can make of it,’ said Sheriff Darrow. ‘Garden’s cottage fronts the lake at a point about halfway between the head and foot of its mile length. ‘A strong east wind off the lake that morning caused him and his two guests to abandon their proposed fishing trip. Garden remained behind while Rice and Johnson set off hiking in opposite directions. ‘Rice said that fifteen minutes later, as he was retrieving his hat which had blo
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47 The Professor Studies a Coat
47 The Professor Studies a Coat
‘They covered us with a gun, and when the cashier tried to give an alarm, they shot him. Then they handcuffed me, grabbed five stacks of bills, and beat it.’ ‘Calm yourself,’ ordered Fordney, ‘and tell me who “they” are.’ ‘Two fellows who robbed the bank just now,’ explained the excited narrator, who had rushed into Fordney’s cottage at Lakeview. ‘I knew you were vacationing in the village, so, as soon as they escaped in their car, I ran over here.’ ‘Didn’t you call a doctor for the cashier?’ ‘T
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48 Too Late
48 Too Late
‘Perhaps you’d better tell me exactly what happened,’ said Professor Fordney kindly to the agitated man. ‘Well,’ continued Palmer, ‘Frank has been despondent and talked of suicide for some time. I thought exercise and the open air would do him good, so I suggested a vacation at my place in the country. ‘We’d been there three days, and he seemed in much better spirits. Then, Thursday morning, after we’d been fishing an hour or so, he said he thought he’d try another stream about a mile away. I wa
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49 Sergeant Reynolds’s Theory
49 Sergeant Reynolds’s Theory
‘Inspector Kelley picks out such nice messy jobs for me.’ Professor Fordney smiled as Reynolds made a wry face. ‘We found him lying against a boulder about ten feet from the bottom of a fifty-foot embankment of solid rock. While there were no traces of the path of his fall, the concrete road directly above him was stained with blood. I don’t know why people insist on walking along the highway. ‘That’s such a bad curve right there. I don’t suppose we’ll ever find out who struck him. And then, it’
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50 Daylight Robbery
50 Daylight Robbery
‘I went to the office Thursday to do some work,’ Shaeffer related. ‘About noon, I happened to look out the window and notice a black sedan draw up and two tough-looking fellows get out. They looked suspicious to me, and, as I wasn’t armed, I hastily banged the safe door closed and ran into the washroom—not a bit too soon either. In just a few seconds they came in, one carrying a sawed-off shotgun. I could see them plainly. ‘They looked around for a moment and one said, “If anybody comes in here
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51 A Simple Solution
51 A Simple Solution
The sun streamed cheerfully through the window, bringing into lively play the soft tones of the luxurious furnishings, as the two house guests, Professor Fordney and Inspector Kelley, entered the oil magnate’s bedroom. ‘Nothing in here to get excited about,’ said Kelley. Fordney, opening the window and seeing Smith lying on the ground three stories below it, cried, ‘Run downstairs, Inspector. Quick! There he is!’ Kelley nodded, and was on his way. As he hurried out the door, he came face to face
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52 Who?
52 Who?
‘I was trying to stop the flow with this, Professor,’ said Weeds, the butler, indicating a blood-covered towel he had just removed from the bed, ‘when Jones struck at me and I dropped it.’ ‘And I’m sorry I missed!’ angrily exclaimed Jones, the colored chauffeur. ‘Never mind that,’ said Inspector Kelley. ‘Did you find her, Weeds?’ asked Professor Fordney. ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘She’s a good-looking mulatto,’ remarked Kelley, looking at the maid lying on the floor at the side of the bed. Her right hand outs
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53 Murder in the Swamp
53 Murder in the Swamp
‘We’d better walk along the edge,’ said Professor Fordney, as they started down the only path leading through the swamp. ‘I never thought of that. I was on the porch when Barton left,’ said Bob, as he trudged along. ‘Ten minutes later, I heard a shot. I ran down the path and found him about five hundred yards from the house, bleeding terribly from a wound in the head. I dashed back for the first-aid kit and bandaged him as best I could. He died shortly afterwards. Then I returned and telephoned
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54 Death by Drowning
54 Death by Drowning
‘We were just getting into our boat,’ said the elder Carroll brother, ‘when we happened to notice Ridge out there in the middle of the river, opposite Wolf’s old abandoned dock, acting very queerly. He jumped up and down in the boat, and then, all of a sudden, grabbed an oar, threw it up in the air, and jumped in. ‘We rowed to the spot, and I dived after him while my brother secured his boat. The current’s fast there, but I’m a strong swimmer. I swam around while my brother rowed about, but we c
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55 Tragedy at the Convention
55 Tragedy at the Convention
The Convention was in an uproar! The Drys were making a determined stand and showing some unexpected last-minute strength. The Wets were shouting, clamoring, and stamping. The Chairman was vainly trying to restore order amid a scene of wild confusion. As the excitement reached its pitch, Hurlenson, a powerful leader of the Wets, told a companion seated next to him that he felt a heart attack coming on and was going back to the hotel. An hour later, the Convention was stunned to learn he had comm
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56 A Murderer’s Mistake
56 A Murderer’s Mistake
‘Look, Professor! That’s how the murderer got in, all right,’ said Tracy. As Fordney walked over to the ladder standing two feet from the back of the house, he knelt down and carefully studied the heavy footprints around it. ‘Whose room is that?’ he inquired, pointing to a second-story window against which the top of the thirty-foot ladder rested. ‘That’s Uncle’s study,’ replied Tracy. Going into the house, Fordney first questioned Withers, who had discovered the body of Lane, Tracy’s uncle. ‘I
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57 Babe Comes Through
57 Babe Comes Through
‘Strike two!’ shouted Umpire Starlen. ‘Kill the Umpire! You big bum! Thief!’ Professor Fordney turned in his place directly behind the plate to look at the excited man in the next box, waving an empty pop-bottle. He smiled. Couldn’t blame a chap for getting excited. Starlen did seem to be calling them wrong today. That last one was wide! What a ball game! Six to three in favor of Philadelphia, last half of the ninth, three on, two out, and three and two on the mighty Babe. The crowd was on its f
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58 A Soldier of Fortune
58 A Soldier of Fortune
‘You’ll find Walter Briggs interesting, Fordney. He’s been all over the world,’ said Attorney Hamilton over the telephone. ‘He’s turned up after two years, claiming his uncle’s fortune. Better dine with us tonight.’ ‘Thanks, I’ll be glad to. See you at eight.’ As the three men sat around the dinner-table, Fordney remarked: ‘You’re a fortunate chap, Briggs. What have you been doing in the thirty-two years you have been away from America?’ ‘Well, lots of things. Mr. Hamilton, no doubt, told you I
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59 Number Twenty-Six
59 Number Twenty-Six
‘You fellows must remember that more often than otherwise the little, seemingly inconsequential trifles, placed together, lead to the solution of crime. Never take anything for granted; examine thoroughly what appear to be the most unimportant details. You didn’t do so well with your last lesson,’ said Professor Fordney, addressing his class. ‘Now try your wits at this one. ‘“I know it sounds fishy, Inspector,”’ continued he, reading from a paper, ‘“but I was walkin’ along Sixteenth Street mindi
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60 The Pullman Car Murder
60 The Pullman Car Murder
‘Tell your story to Professor Fordney,’ said the superintendent, introducing the conductor. ‘Well,’ said Jackson, ‘last night just after we left Albany, lower eight let out a terrifying shriek. I was standing at one end of the car, the maid, porter, and brakeman at the other end. We met at the berth as Briggs was gasping his last from a knife wound in the heart. I immediately had both doors of the car guarded as well as the doors to the washrooms. Every berth was occupied, and by this time the p
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61 Forgery
61 Forgery
‘Can it be possible that this has happened to me!’ thought Everett Taber, as he stood in the National Bank of New York ready to deposit his fortune. Having completed his arrangements late the day before with the bank’s executives, he was the first patron of the morning. Standing alone in the bank’s commodious quarters, he regretted he had no one with whom to share his happiness. Suddenly, as he was making out his deposit slip, he decided to use his own name, Everett Mead, instead of his stepfath
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62 The Christmas Eve Tragedy
62 The Christmas Eve Tragedy
‘Professor Fordney,’ said Sheriff Brown, of Lake Dalton, ‘I came to New York to ask your help in clearing up the murder of Horace Perkins at Luckley Lodge.’ ‘Sit down and tell me about it,’ invited Fordney. ‘The family chauffeur, returning from the station at ten o’clock on Christmas Eve, found Perkins lying in a field, five yards off the Lodge drive, with his skull bashed in.’ ‘He telephoned me immediately and I instructed him to see that nothing was disturbed. Arriving fifteen minutes later, I
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63 A Knight of the Bath
63 A Knight of the Bath
‘You’ve heard me speak of my eccentric friend, Joe Leimert, haven’t you, Professor?’ inquired Jud. ‘Great character! His costly new Los Angeles penthouse is the despair of architects, but it reflects Joe, who cares little for the opinions of others. Particularly in the matter of baths is his independence reflected. While he has six of them, he is fondest of the one leading off his own room. ‘It is a large all-tile bath twenty-four feet long, fifteen wide, and seven high, without a single window.
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64 Murder in the First Degree
64 Murder in the First Degree
‘Well, Inspector, we have your man,’ said Fordney as he walked into the office. ‘He gave us a merry chase, though. ‘What a cool one this murderer is! He calmly ate his dinner while planning the crime. He didn’t give the cashier a chance—just brutally shot him down in cold blood—and all for thirty dollars. I tell you, Inspector, a man doesn’t need much incentive to commit murder these days. After shooting the cashier, he made a fast get-away in a waiting car. ‘Fortunately, there was a policeman h
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65 A Rendezvous with Death
65 A Rendezvous with Death
‘One runs into unique conspiracies in my work,’ said Professor Fordney over his after-dinner coffee. ‘Here is the clue to that Stone case you are all interested in,’ he continued, passing the following newspaper advertisement: WANTED. Competent private secretary. Unusual salary and opportunity for young man speaking Spanish. Culture and refinement necessary qualifications. Address KR 164. ‘I don’t see how that gave you a lead. Looks innocent enough to me,’ remarked one of the guests. ‘Well,’ sai
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66 A Rum Regatta
66 A Rum Regatta
‘Here’s a story that should amuse you, Jean,’ said Professor Fordney to his efficient and charming secretary. He laughed heartily as he handed her a letter from his old friend, George Collins, government investigator in Florida. Jean read the following: An old sailor sitting on the sands of Nassau mending his fishing net was approached by three rum-runners shortly after the break of dawn. They came seeking his advice in connection with a wager they had made among themselves the night before. The
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67 Who is the Heir?
67 Who is the Heir?
‘As the Île de France slipped from her berth, Europe-bound, John Morgan, the brother of New York’s largest theatrical producer, waved good-bye to his family on the dock,’ said Professor Fordney. ‘Arriving in Paris a week later, he registered at the Hôtel Crillon. At two o’clock next morning, he called the office and demanded he be given another suite immediately, saying he didn’t like the view from his present rooms. This, despite the fact that he had occupied—in fact, insisted upon—this suite m
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68 The Professor Stops a Blunder
68 The Professor Stops a Blunder
At four o’clock Thursday afternoon, Louis Mundy unexpectedly received a telegram requesting him to return home immediately, as his brother was ill. At eight that evening, he alighted from the plane in Washington. He had not been in the city during the past two months. Hurrying to his suburban home, he found his brother greatly improved. At ten o’clock he set out on a hike through the country, returning at midnight. These facts were all verified. Between eleven and twelve o’clock that night, John
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69 The Perfect Crime
69 The Perfect Crime
Peter Johannes had one burning ambition—to commit a perfect crime. After much thinking and careful planning, he chose burglary for his experiment and a large brownstone mansion for the scene of his action. Learning its occupants had left town, he arrayed himself in a business suit of conservative cut, flung a light topcoat over his arm, picked up a Gladstone bag, covered with foreign labels, and set out. He had ascertained, of course, when the policeman patrolling that beat was farthest away. At
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70 The Professor Sees Through It
70 The Professor Sees Through It
‘Let’s go in to dinner—it’s twenty minutes after six, and I’m starved,’ said Hawkins. ‘Right!’ responded Professor Fordney, his train companion, ‘I’m hungry, too.’ The two men had met only a few minutes before, as casually as travelers do, but already seemed to find each other agreeable company. At dinner Hawkins explained he was a conductor on another railroad and bemoaned the loss of passenger traffic. Fordney, too, decried the depression and its effects. When the conductor came through, Hawki
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71 The Kidnapers’ Cleverness
71 The Kidnapers’ Cleverness
‘There are times,’ mused Professor Fordney from the depths of the most comfortable chair in the lounge of the University Club, ‘when the criminal does show ingenuity of a high order. I recall a most interesting and baffling case on which I worked ten years ago. ‘A wealthy man whose daughter had been kidnaped had been warned that, if he appealed to the police, she would be killed. Consequently, it was difficult to get his coöperation in running down the criminals. However, upon receiving the foll
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2. On the Scent
2. On the Scent
The oil and wine of merry meeting. Irving....
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3. Fatal Error
3. Fatal Error
The Professor knew it would take a keener pair of eyes than Bronson’s to see a nod in the dark. The lights had not been turned on. Remember? Darkness visible. Milton....
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4. The Poison Murder Case
4. The Poison Murder Case
Unless Bob Kewley had returned home after telling the Professor he was going to the theater, he could not have known the library door was locked. The fact that he did, coupled with the strong motive, naturally directed suspicion to him. He inadvertently gave himself away. Error will slip through a crack, while truth will stick in a doorway. Shaw....
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5. A Strange ‘Kidnaping’
5. A Strange ‘Kidnaping’
Had Johnson wound his watch immediately before 2 A.M. Friday, the time of his alleged kidnaping, it would not have been running Sunday afternoon when he recovered consciousness and said he heard it ticking. No standard-make watch will run sixty hours without winding. This act is an ancient tale new told; Being urged at a time unseasonable. Shakespeare....
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6. A Valuable Formula
6. A Valuable Formula
In a small room the intruder would unquestionably have heard Hyde dialing Headquarters, and therefore could not have been unaware of his presence. As Hyde had obviously lied about this, Fordney was convinced he had fabricated the entire story in order to sell the formula twice. Don’t tell me of deception; a lie is a lie, whether it be a lie to the eye or a lie to the ear. Dr. Johnson....
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7. Strangled
7. Strangled
There had been a dry, hot spell at that place for twenty-two days. Irene Greer’s hair was matted with mud; therefore, she must have been attacked elsewhere. The face of things appeareth not the same far off and when we see them right at hand. Euripides....
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8. Death in the Office
8. Death in the Office
Gifford could not have been shot at the time he called Fordney, as he was found with a bullet through his heart. The Professor’s theory was that Gifford wanted his death to appear as murder in order to protect his heavy insurance. The heart does not lie. Alfieri....
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9. They Usually Forget Something
9. They Usually Forget Something
The note, although misspelled, poorly expressed, and written by a seemingly illiterate hand, was punctuated properly, in two places. A semicolon and a comma would not have been used had the writer been an uneducated man. Force of habit had betrayed him! You write with ease to show your breeding, But easy writing’s curst hard reading. Sheridan....
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10. The Professor Gives a Lesson
10. The Professor Gives a Lesson
Cardoni said he saw the kidnapers around a table as he peered through the keyhole. Yale locks do not have keyholes. Kelley was justified in throwing him out, don’t you think? The class found this an easy one—did you? Since your eyes are so sharpe that you cannot onely looke through a milstone, but cleane through the minde. Lyly....
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11. Upstairs and Down
11. Upstairs and Down
The policeman ran through the hall and unlocked the kitchen door. The doors to the porch and cellar were locked on the inside. Had the old lady committed suicide, she could not have locked the door leading to the hall from the outside. The murderer, in leaving, locked this door and forgot to remove the key. The inevitable slip! A blockhead cannot come in, nor go away, like a man of sense. Bruyère....
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12. Class Day
12. Class Day
The student readily recognized the absurdity of the Professor’s story which he had given to his class to test their quick detection of a glaring inconsistency. If it must be explained, an orchestra under personal leadership does not play during the showing of a ‘talkie.’ Right? Wit marries ideas lying far apart, by a sudden jerk of the understanding. Whipple....
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13. A Hot Pursuit
13. A Hot Pursuit
Smith said he ran after the burglar. Had he done so he could not have known the cellar window had been chiseled open. Therefore, his story was obviously faked. A lie never lives to be old. Sophocles....
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14. A Question of Identity
14. A Question of Identity
As Diana Lane was walking down the corridor with her back to Nora, it was impossible for the servant to know Diana was wearing her famous emerald pendant. There is an alchemy of quiet malice by which women can concoct a subtle poison from ordinary trifles. Hawthorne....
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15. A Yachtsman’s Alibi
15. A Yachtsman’s Alibi
As Picus said there was no breeze, the distress flag would have hung limp against the mast, and the Captain could not have seen, at that distance, whether or not the flag was upside down. That’s all the Professor needed to determine the falsity of his alibi. However, Picus was a poor sailor. While the International Distress Signal is a flag flown upside down, it is by custom and regulation always flown at half-mast. ... And the sea charm’d into a calm so still That not a wrinkle ruffles her smoo
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16. Murder at Coney Island
16. Murder at Coney Island
Jasper said he found the woman sitting up in the middle of the chariot. The motion of the merry-go-round would have made it impossible for a dead body to remain upright in the middle of the chariot. Sir, you are giving a reason for it; but that will not make it right.... Johnson....
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17. Too Clever
17. Too Clever
The murderer tried to give the impression that Dawson had died before finishing the incriminating note. Had he written it and died before completing it, he could not have put the pen back in the tray where it was found. In his effort to incriminate Lynch, the murderer had been too cautious. A costly oversight. Man’s caution often into danger turns, And his guard falling crushes him to death. Young....
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18. Bloody Murder
18. Bloody Murder
The Professor knew it was not suicide, because Thompson’s coat, which was flung across the room, was blood-stained. Quite impossible if he had taken his own life. Blood, though it sleep a time, yet never dies. Chapman....
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19. Death Back-Stage
19. Death Back-Stage
There were no finger-prints on the gun which killed Claudia Mason. She could not have shot herself in the temple and then wiped off the revolver. The murderer neglected to get her fingerprints on the gun. A fool cannot be an actor, though an actor may act a fool’s part. Sophocles....
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20. An Easy Combination
20. An Easy Combination
It would have been impossible for Fellows to have hastily dialed a number in the dark . Try it! Haste trips up its own heels, fetters and stops itself. Seneca....
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21. A Modern Knight
21. A Modern Knight
The fact that the bullet was found in the body and the only trace of its firing was the hole in the curtain below the window-sill proved conclusively the shot could not have been fired from within the room. Rocca entered at the moment his sister shot Chase from outside. Grabbing the gun from her hand, he chivalrously protected her. But, friend, the thing is clear—speaks for itself. Aristophanes....
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22. The Jewel Robbery
22. The Jewel Robbery
The butler said that, as he called for help, Dudley, a stranger, rushed in. Owings had locked up before leaving and, therefore, Dudley could not have rushed in through a locked door. The robbery was obviously framed by Stuben and Dudley. Absurdities die of self-strangulation. Haliburton....
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23. Before the Coroner’s Inquest
23. Before the Coroner’s Inquest
Curry could not possibly have ‘looked up’ while rowing upstream and seen the action he described which took place fifty yards behind him. The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us. Franklin....
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24. The Fifth Avenue Hold-Up
24. The Fifth Avenue Hold-Up
Baldwin said, ‘Mr. Cross tried to call my attention to it [safe] with a jerk of his thumb’ at a time when Cross was unconscious. Obviously impossible. Baldwin was lying, which there was no reason for doing had he been innocent. When all sins are old in us, and go upon crutches. Covetousness does but then lie in her cradle. Decker....
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25. Behind Locked Doors
25. Behind Locked Doors
Kingston thought his boldness in calling attention to his own footprints in the carpet would distract Fordney’s attention from their significance. The room had been locked for three months. Of the three men, only Watkins rushed into the room; Fordney and Kingston halting over the threshold. Therefore, the fact that Kingston’s footprints were found near the chair in which his uncle sat dead pointed directly to him as the murderer. Cunning differs from wisdom As twilight from open day. Dr. Johnson
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26. Lost at Sea
26. Lost at Sea
It would have been impossible for Mrs. Rollins to have seen a man pick up from the deck the bag of diamonds. On a dark, moonless night at sea one literally cannot see his hand before his face. The repose of darkness is deeper on the water than on the land. Victor Hugo....
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27. A Suave Gunman
27. A Suave Gunman
Taylor said the bandit wore a silver belt-buckle. This he could not have seen, for he stated: ‘As the robber passed through the door, he unbuttoned his coat and slipped the revolver in his back pocket.’ It would have been impossible for Taylor to have seen the man’s belt-buckle when his coat was buttoned. As this statement was false, the rest of his account was disregarded by the Professor. He draweth out the thread of his verbosity Finer than the staple of his argument. Shakespeare....
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28. Accidental Death
28. Accidental Death
Had the man’s injuries been caused only by being thrown through the windshield, there would have been no blood on the front seat of the car. Therefore, the Professor knew the blood on the seat had been caused by injuries to the man, with probable murderous intent, before he was thrown through the windshield. His assailant had killed him, started the car, and had then hopped off the running-board, hoping the wreckage would cover the murder. Forethought we may have, undoubtedly, but not foresight.
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29. Easy Money
29. Easy Money
Wilkins said he saw the burglar pick up a stack of ten- and twenty-dollar bills from the table in the center of the large library. Had he not been guilty, he could not have known what the denominations of the bills were. It would have been impossible to have determined this from the doorway. An unconscious slip on his part. If you are doubtful, just try to determine the denomination of a stack of bills on a table in the center of a large room, from the doorway. For any man with half an eye, What
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30. Robbery at High Noon
30. Robbery at High Noon
He was suspicious of John, the nephew, of course. Upon being asked where he was at the time of the robbery, he stated he was ‘hauling in a muskie.’ Unless he had guilty knowledge, he could not possibly have known at what time the robbery was committed. He fell neatly into the Professor’s trap, don’t you think? Let guilty men remember, their black deeds Do lean on crutches made of slender reeds. John Webster....
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31. The Wrong Foot Forward
31. The Wrong Foot Forward
Paslovsky, the witness, who could not understand or speak enough English to make a simple statement to the court, yet knew exactly what the conductor yelled to the motorman. This was so patently impossible that the Judge was entirely justified in dismissing the suit. Liars are verbal forgers. Chatfield....
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32. Death Attends the Party
32. Death Attends the Party
Had Dawes fallen on the table after being shot, the jar would have knocked over the ‘crazily balanced glasses.’ As the Professor found the glasses on the table, balanced , it was obvious Dawes had been shot, then carefully placed at the table to give the appearance of suicide. A bad slip! There is nothing insignificant, nothing! Coleridge....
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33. No Way Out
33. No Way Out
The note was written with pencil , yet there was no pencil found in the room. Apparently the murderer wrote the note to resemble the dead man’s handwriting and through force of habit put it in his pocket. Men are men; the best sometimes forget. Shakespeare....
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34. Midnight Murder
34. Midnight Murder
Day said he got the blood on his muffler when he bent over Quale’s body. As blood coagulates and dries in a short time, it would have been impossible for him to have stained his muffler unless it had touched the blood of Quale shortly after his death. Therefore, Fordney knew he must have been with Quale soon after he was stabbed. Murder, though it have no tongue, Will speak with most miraculous organ. Shakespeare....
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35. Speakeasy Stick-Up
35. Speakeasy Stick-Up
Sullivan, the bartender, said that, as he worked the combination to open the wall safe, he heard the hold-up man behind him . As he was not permitted to move, he could not have known the gunman was a big, tough-looking mug , as he described him. As there would be no other motive in telling this impossible story, the hold-up was faked. Inspiring, bold John Barleycorn, What dangers thou canst make us scorn. Burns....
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36. Behind Time
36. Behind Time
The engineer said he had not seen Nelson until he was practically on top of him. That, of course, is impossible. An engineer of a train running on a straight-away can see nothing as close as ten yards in front of him. You cram these words into mine ears, Against the stomach of my sense. Shakespeare....
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37. A Broken Engagement
37. A Broken Engagement
Molly said she had retired at ten, after locking her door, and had not awakened until Fordney had aroused her. Yet a few minutes after Dot had been murdered, the Professor idly ‘shaped the wax’ of the candle on her desk. This would have been impossible had not the candle been burning within a few minutes before he entered. Her insistence that she had been asleep, together with the strong motive, convinced Fordney she was involved, as was later proved. Love can make us fiends as well as angels. C
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38. The Holden Road Murder
38. The Holden Road Murder
Had the butler dashed in the front door as he said he did, there would have been foot-tracks in the vestibule. Remember, the Professor ‘splashed his way through the mud and rain, to the door of 27 Holden Road,’ and found the vestibule spotless. Therefore, Wilkins was lying, and as Cannon corroborated his story, he was also necessarily involved. Nay, her foot speaks. Shakespeare....
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39. Fishermen’s Luck
39. Fishermen’s Luck
Holmes could not have seen the bag on the bottom of the lake during a cloudburst. The agitation of even crystal clear water under such conditions would have so disturbed the surface that an object on the bottom could not be seen. A man so lucky is rarer than a white crow. Juvenal....
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40. The Unlucky Elephant
40. The Unlucky Elephant
Holman was lying face down with his topcoat buttoned; therefore, if his watch crystal had been broken by his fall, none of the glass could have been found on the floor. For never, never wicked man was wise. Homer....
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41. The Professor Listens
41. The Professor Listens
The notice of the bank failure, appearing in the Jacksonville Herald , was dated July 5th. This could not have reached Delavin at a remote part of Cuba, unserviced by planes, in time for him to get back to New York on the 6th. His alibi, therefore, was completely broken, as he said the newspaper clipping brought him back. Time is the herald of truth. Cicero....
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42. Ten-Fifteen
42. Ten-Fifteen
The secretary said he heard Waters talking to Fordney over the telephone. As Fordney’s name was not mentioned during the conversation, the secretary could not have known to whom Waters was talking. It’s the little things that count—in crime detection. Take care lest your tongue cut off your head. Persian....
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43. Rapid Transit
43. Rapid Transit
The driver could not possibly have seen from the front seat anyone standing on the tail-gate of the big van. If common sense has not the brilliancy of the sun, it has the fixity of the stars. Fernan Caballero....
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44. The Professor is Disappointed
44. The Professor is Disappointed
Fordney pointed to the raindrops glistening on a leaf in the shoe impression. According to Vi Cargo’s statement, the burglar had jumped from her window after it had stopped raining. The shameless have a brow of brass. Hindu Proverb....
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45. A Dramatic Triumph
45. A Dramatic Triumph
Sibyl Mortimer said Boswell had telephoned her shortly after nine. As he was on the stage continuously for forty-five minutes after the curtain rose, he could not have telephoned her. Obviously she had some reason for stating he did. Fordney was quick to detect the flaw in her alibi. It is not wise to be wiser than is necessary. Quinault....
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46. Murder at the Lake
46. Murder at the Lake
A strong east wind blew off the lake; therefore, regardless of the direction in which he was walking, Rice’s hat could not possibly have blown into the lake. The Professor was naturally suspicious of him when he told such a ridiculous lie. Is’t possible? Sits the wind in that corner? Shakespeare....
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47. The Professor Studies a Coat
47. The Professor Studies a Coat
As the man had removed his overcoat on entering the Professor’s living-room, it was perfectly patent he had not been handcuffed. He said he ran over to Fordney’s immediately after the bandits left. Truth has not such an urgent air. Boileau....
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48. Too Late
48. Too Late
Fordney doubted Palmer’s innocence because of his statement, ‘I’d got there not more than five minutes behind him.’ There was, of course, no way he could have determined when Frank had arrived at the cabin. In general, treachery, though at first sufficiently cautious, yet in the end betrays itself. Livy....
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49. Sergeant Reynolds’s Theory
49. Sergeant Reynolds’s Theory
The Professor told Reynolds, ‘There was no blood between the road and the boulder.’ Had the man rolled down the embankment, there would have been some blood on the rocks along the path his body took. How hast thou purchased this experience? By my penny of observation. Shakespeare....
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50. Daylight Robbery
50. Daylight Robbery
As no safe locks unless the combination is turned, Shaeffer’s story of banging it closed and then the robbers working on it five minutes was ridiculous! He cometh unto you with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner. Sir Philip Sidney....
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51. A Simple Solution
51. A Simple Solution
Had Smith committed suicide, the window through which he jumped would not have been closed as Fordney found it. Every crime has, in the moment of its perpetration, its own avenging angel. Coleridge....
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52. Who?
52. Who?
Kelley arrested Weeds, the butler. He said he dropped on the bed the blood-covered towel with which he was trying to arrest the flow from the maid’s wrist as Jones struck at him. Yet Kelley and Fordney found the bed coverlet immaculate . Had Weeds done as he said, there would have been blood-stains on the bedcover. Blood follows blood. Defoe....
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53. Murder in the Swamp
53. Murder in the Swamp
The three sets of Bob’s footprints in the path told Fordney the story. Had Bob been at the house when his friend was shot, as he contended, there would have been four sets of his footprints. That is to be wise to see that which lies before your feet. Terence....
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54. Death by Drowning
54. Death by Drowning
Had the accident occurred as explained by Carroll, the oar of Ridge’s boat could not have been found, as it was, at the dock opposite the point where he jumped in. The current would have deposited it downstream. Therefore, the Professor recommended the detention of the brothers. More water glideth by the mill, than wots the miller of. Shakespeare....
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55. Tragedy at the Convention
55. Tragedy at the Convention
Fordney suspected Pollert because of his own statements that he did not know Hurlenson had returned to the hotel. Yet, when he said he heard a shot, he ran directly to Hurlenson’s room. As his own room was down the corridor, he could not have known from what room the shot came, and he had no reason to assume it came from Hurlenson’s room. Politics, as a trade, finds most and leaves nearly all dishonest. Abraham Lincoln....
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56. A Murderer’s Mistake
56. A Murderer’s Mistake
These murderers, like many others, betrayed themselves by a simple oversight. One look at the ladder and Fordney knew no man could have climbed up or down it. The thirty-foot ladder was placed two feet from the house. Any person ascending or descending the ladder in such a position would have fallen backwards before reaching the top or bottom. To all facts there are laws, The effect has its cause, And I mount to the cause. Lord Lytton....
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57. Babe Comes Through
57. Babe Comes Through
There is a screen on the grandstand behind the home plate. Fordney had noticed a few seconds before, in the box next to him, the man whom the policeman had caught running down the ramp. As he could not have thrown a bottle through the screen, and, in the time at his disposal, could not have reached either side of the screen, Fordney knew he was innocent. He had noticed the man after two strikes and three balls had been called, and the pitcher delivered the next ball quickly. We must have bloody
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58. A Soldier of Fortune
58. A Soldier of Fortune
Hamilton knew the real Walter Briggs had gone to Africa as a child. So, when this chap said he had shot tigers in Africa, Fordney was very, very skeptical. There are no tigers in Africa. Oh, well—look it up yourself! A traveler without observation is a bird without wings. Saadi....
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59. Number Twenty-Six
59. Number Twenty-Six
The inconsistency is this: Farrell said he pushed open the door. Yet Bradford, inside the house, pushed the door in Kelley’s face as the Inspector was entering. If Bradford pushed the door in Kelley’s face, Farrell must have pulled the door to open it. The smallest hair throws its shadow. Goethe....
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60. The Pullman Car Murder
60. The Pullman Car Murder
Every piece of baggage had been examined and every inch of the car inspected. All passengers, even the maid, porter, and brakeman, had been searched. The knife was still in the car. Remember?—there was nothing said about the conductor being searched. The knife was found in his pocket. He was in logic a great crytic, Profoundly skilled in analytic; He could distinguish and divide A hair twixt south and south-west side. Butler....
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61. Forgery
61. Forgery
The forged signature was copied from the blotter which Mead had used. Thou strong seducer, opportunity. Dryden....
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62. The Christmas Eve Tragedy
62. The Christmas Eve Tragedy
The Professor said to Brown, ‘Sheriff, look for a man in your community who is skilled or adept in the use of stilts . Only a man on stilts could have made the marks in the snow you described.’ P.S. The Professor was right. Be the first to say what is self-evident, And you are immortal. Ebner-Eschenbach....
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63. A Knight of the Bath
63. A Knight of the Bath
You recall that Leimert was eccentric. No mention of bath room was made. Leimert’s bath had no top, so he climbed out! Silly, what? If anything is spoken in jest, it is not fair to turn it to earnest. Plautus....
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64. Murder in the First Degree
64. Murder in the First Degree
The fact that none of the suspect’s fingerprints were on the dishes or silver used while eating convicted him of first-degree murder. In wiping his own prints from the things he had handled, he destroyed all prints—those of the waitress, cook, etc. A damning bit of evidence that proved premeditation. The weakest spot in every man is when he thinks himself to be the wisest. Emmons....
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65. A Rendezvous with Death
65. A Rendezvous with Death
No one called at the Times for the answers to the advertisement, yet Stone received a reply to his letter of application. The ad was inserted by Carroll under the fictitious name of Jonathan Gills and answered by Stone at his wife’s suggestion. She acquainted her lover, Carroll, with this fact, and he wrote Stone, arranging the meeting at which he disappeared. When any great design thou dost intend, Think on the means, the manner, and the end. Denham....
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66. A Rum Regatta
66. A Rum Regatta
The old sailor whispered to each, ‘Run the other man’s boat.’ As the owner of the last boat to reach Miami was to get the money, each one raced the boat he was driving. By doing so, he hoped to beat his own boat, which was being driven by one of the others. Lookers-on many times see more than gamesters. Bacon....
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67. Who is the Heir?
67. Who is the Heir?
John Morgan’s sister , of course! Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason. Powell....
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68. The Professor Stops a Blunder
68. The Professor Stops a Blunder
Mundy had been unexpectedly called to Washington. Skidder’s secretary said the note was habitually kept at the office. Mundy, therefore, could not possibly have known of Skidder’s intention of taking it home. That was exactly the weakness in the case of the police. Despite the damning circumstantial evidence, motive could not be proved unless it could be shown that Mundy knew the note would be at Skidder’s house. How little do they see what is, who frame Their hasty judgments upon that which see
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69. The Perfect Crime
69. The Perfect Crime
Alas! Peter Johannes had forgotten to remove his mask on leaving the house! Whoever thinks a perfect work to see, Thinks what ne’er was, nor is, nor e’er shall be. Pope....
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70. The Professor Sees Through It
70. The Professor Sees Through It
When Hawkins said, ‘it’s twenty minutes after six’ and ‘it’s a quarter to eleven,’ Fordney knew he was not a railroad man. No railroad worker ever speaks of the time in any other manner than, ‘it’s six-twenty’ and ‘it’s ten-forty-five.’ Ask the next conductor! There is nothing more nearly permanent in human life than a well-established custom. Joseph Anderson....
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71. The Kidnapers’ Cleverness
71. The Kidnapers’ Cleverness
The express package contained a carrier pigeon. A bird of the air shall carry, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Ecclesiastes....
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