Fifteen New Ways For Oysters
S. T. Rorer
17 chapters
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17 chapters
Fifteen New Ways for Oysters
Fifteen New Ways for Oysters
OTHER BOOKS By MRS S T RORER Mrs Rorer’s Cook Book nearly 600 pages of the choicest recipes in every department of cookery; bound in washable oilcloth covers, $1.75 Canning and Preserving paper covers, 40 cents; cloth, 75 cents Hot Weather Dishes Home Candy Making Twenty Quick Soups Fifteen New Ways for Oysters How to Use a Chafing Dish Colonial Recipes Sandwiches Dainties Each of the above six volumes is bound in a different colored linen cloth, beautifully stamped in colors; price 25 cents eac
51 minute read
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Drain twenty-five good, fat oysters, boil the liquor, skim and strain it. Into a saucepan put one tablespoonful of butter, slice into it one good-sized onion; stir and cook until the onion is a golden brown. Then add a level tablespoonful of flour, mix and add the oyster liquor, which should measure one-half pint. If it does not, add sufficient chicken stock to make the quantity; stir until boiling; mix a teaspoonful of curry powder with a little stock, a teaspoonful of turmeric, moistened with
40 minute read
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Drain twenty-five fat oysters, spread them out on a board, carefully lifting them with the fingers by the muscular part. Never stick a fork into an oyster. With a soft piece of cheese cloth, dry each one carefully without bruising. Dust lightly with salt and red pepper. Have ready a large sheet-iron sauted pan. Put in the bottom just sufficient butter to keep the oyster from sticking. Have at your side the serving dish, nicely heated, in which you may put a tablespoonful of butter, and if you us
39 minute read
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Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter and then strain or pour it off carefully, leaving the sediment in the melting pan. Put the strained butter in a heated dish in which you are going to serve the oysters. Have ready a good-sized kettle of boiling water. Have the oysters drained in a bowl, which hold close to the kettle in your left hand. Now with a skimmer take out five or six oysters. Throw them into the boiling water for just a minute. Then with the same skimmer take them out, drain carefully, t
39 minute read
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Drain fifty oysters; pour over them a pitcher of cold water. Have ready a granite pan, smoking hot; throw in the oysters; add two ounces of butter, a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper. Stir carefully with a wooden spoon until the oysters are smoking hot. Have ready the yolks of two eggs beaten with six tablespoonfuls of cream; add quickly−−do not boil; then add a tablespoonful of sherry and serve on nicely browned toast....
22 minute read
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Drain fifty oysters. Boil the liquor, skim and strain, and stand aside until wanted. Take the white part from one root of celery, and slice it very fine. Chop sufficient parsley to make two tablespoonfuls. Put out on the board about a pint of stale bread crumbs; beat four eggs; add to them about four tablespoonfuls of oyster liquor. Now dip each oyster first in the egg and then into the crumbs. Arrange them neatly over the bottom of a baking dish, crowding them just a little; sprinkle over them
41 minute read
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Drain twenty-five oysters free from all liquor. The oysters should be good-sized and fat. In the bottom of an individual baking dish put one square of nicely toasted bread. On top of this arrange about six oysters; sprinkle over them a quarter teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper, and then pour over four tablespoonfuls of cream. Stand these dishes in a baking pan, then run into a hot oven for about ten minutes. Serve at once in the dishes in which they were cooked....
23 minute read
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Have ready about half-pound of French puff paste. Drain fifty oysters. Put ten into individual baking dishes. Dust over about a quarter teaspoonful of salt, a grain of red pepper, and place in the center a bit of butter the size of a hickory nut. Roll the paste into a thin sheet; with a round cutter stamp out a top. Place this top over the oysters, brush it lightly with the yolk of an egg, and bake in a quick oven twenty minutes. Serve in the dishes in which they were baked. These, if carefully
27 minute read
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Drain fifty oysters; pour over them a pitcher of cold water. Then turn them into a saucepan; bring them to a boiling point, drain again, this time saving the liquor. Measure it, and add to it sufficient milk to make one pint. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter and two of flour into a saucepan; mix over the fire without browning; then add the oyster liquor and milk; stir constantly until boiling; add the oysters, and bring just to boiling point. Take from the fire, add a teaspoonful of salt, a quar
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Drain twenty-five large oysters. Cut breakfast bacon into very thin slices, and then cut each slice into three pieces. Take an ordinary broiling skewer; run it through the hard part of an oyster and then back so as to pin each oyster between two pieces of bacon; that is, run the skewer through a piece of bacon as though you were sticking it with a pin, then through an oyster, and then through another piece of bacon, and so on until the skewer is filled. Arrange all the skewers neatly on a double
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Break four ounces of macaroni into pieces two inches long; throw into boiling water; boil rapidly thirty minutes; drain; throw into cold water for fifteen minutes; drain again. Drain fifty oysters. Put a layer of these oysters into the bottom of a baking dish, then a layer of the boiled macaroni; another layer of oysters and macaroni; dusting a little salt and pepper over each layer; continue until the dish is filled; having the last layer macaroni. Cut a tablespoonful of butter into bits. Put t
31 minute read
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Drain fifty oysters; boil and skim the liquor. Chop the oysters with a silver knife; add them to the liquor; boil and skim again. Put one quart of milk in a double boiler; rub together two tablespoonfuls of butter and three tablespoonfuls of flour; add this to the hot milk; stir constantly until smooth and thick as cream. Add one teaspoonful of celery pepper and the oysters. Strain through a sieve, pressing lightly; add teaspoonful of salt, and serve at once....
22 minute read
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Boil in their own liquor twenty-five fat oysters. Drain, and chop with a silver knife. Put one cup of milk in double boiler. Rub together one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour; add gradually the hot milk, beating all the while. Now add yolks of two eggs, teaspoonful of salt, quarter teaspoonful of pepper, and a tablespoonful of green pepper chopped fine; add the oysters, fill the mixture into the deep oyster shell, dust with dry bread crumbs, and brown in a quick oven. Do not keep them in
26 minute read
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Drain twenty-five large fat oysters. Remove the hard part, and fill the space with a forcemeat made from quarter cup of finely chopped chicken, same quantity of crumbs, tablespoonful of thick cream, a half teaspoonful of salt, dash of paprica, all mixed well together. Dust the oysters with salt and pepper. Beat two eggs without separating; add to them two tablespoonfuls of oyster liquor, and one of warm water. Dip the oysters first in crumbs, then in the egg mixture, and then again in crumbs, be
32 minute read
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Drain twenty-five fat oysters, and put two lardoons of bacon through each oyster. Cut the fat part of ham or bacon into tiny strips; use a small larding needle, and just take one stitch in soft part, then another, allowing the ends to hang. Dip each oyster in bread crumbs, then in egg, and then again in crumbs. Fry in smoking hot oil. Have ready a platter of baked mushrooms; put the oysters on top, cover with brown sauce, and serve....
22 minute read
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Peel and cut short the stems from a pound of good-sized mushrooms; put them in baking pan, gills up; put a tiny bit of butter in each, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Run them in a hot oven for fifteen minutes; then pour in the pan about a gill of cream and one gill of oyster liquor that has been boiled and strained; bring to boiling point. Dish the mushrooms, cover them over with the oysters, add two tablespoonfuls of sherry to sauce. Make it very hot and pour it over....
24 minute read
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Lard with bacon as in preceding recipe, twenty-five fat oysters. Brush an oyster broiler with melted butter and then cover it closely with the oysters. Boil half cup of the oyster liquor, strain, put it in the serving dish, add a tablespoonful of butter, half teaspoonful of salt, dash of paprica. Now put the oysters over a clear fire, broil quickly on one side, turn and broil the other. Be very careful to loosen the oysters before opening the broiler. Lift the oysters into the sauce and serve im
33 minute read
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