The Bow, Its History, Manufacture & Use
Henry Saint-George
2 chapters
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2 chapters
It has always appeared to me a curious thing that the bow, without which the fiddle could have no being, should have received so scant attention, not alone from the community of fiddlers, but also from writers on the subject. I only know of one book in which the subject is adequately handled. Out of every twenty violinists who profess to some knowledge of the various types of Cremonese and other fiddles of repute and value, barely three will be met with who take a similar interest in the bow bey
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Its History, Manufacture and Use.
Its History, Manufacture and Use.
O RIGIN OF I NSTRUMENTS —F RICTIONAL V IBRATION —T HE B OW D ISTINCT FROM THE P LECTRUM —T HE T RIGONON —B OWING WITH V ARIOUS O BJECTS . As has been observed by the most talented writer on this subject "the history of the bow is practically that of the violin." It will therefore be readily understood that in the earlier portions of this opusculum it will be impossible to separate them to any great extent; also, I must crave my readers' indulgence for going over a considerable tract of already w
12 minute read
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