Story Of The Life Of St. Paul, The Apostle
Mary Seymour
10 chapters
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Selected Chapters
10 chapters
London R. Washbourne, 18 Paternoster Row. 1877.
London R. Washbourne, 18 Paternoster Row. 1877.
To The Fathers Of The Sacred Heart For Foreign Missions, Who, Obeying Their Vocation, Are Devoting Their Lives To The Apostleship of Heathen People, This Story Of The Life Of The Great Apostle Of Nations Is Dedicated...
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Of all the Christians that have ever lived, there is, perhaps, not one whose life is invested with a greater interest than that of St. Paul the Apostle. A Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, of the strictest sect of the Pharisees, highly educated, and brought up under the eye of the chief doctor and teacher of that time, a man of position among the Jews, he must necessarily have been one of the most conspicuous of the early converts to Christianity; even had his conversion not been miraculous. But to
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Chapter I.
Chapter I.
A year had scarcely passed after the death of Christ, when a young man of honourable birth and great learning visited the city of Jerusalem at the time of the religious festivals, and there discovered that people of every rank were being attracted to a new faith—the faith which Jesus had taught from His own lips while He dwelt on earth, and which His Apostles were now preaching in the midst of danger, difficulty, and unbelief. Saul was filled with the fiercest indignation. His father was a Phari
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Chapter II.
Chapter II.
The city of Antioch, in Syria, was full of fugitives from other countries. Many had come from Jerusalem, many also from the adjacent island of Cyprus, others again from Cyrene; and when the truth was preached to them, a great multitude turned to God. Tidings of this went to Jerusalem, and St. Barnabas was appointed to go to Antioch to instruct the converts more fully in the doctrines they had received, and shortly afterwards, Saul went to assist his labours. The people of Antioch gave the name o
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Chapter III.
Chapter III.
For some years the Apostles remained labouring amongst the people of Antioch, but at length a trouble arose, through the disputing of the Christian Jews. It was very difficult to them to divest themselves of the idea, that in the exact observance of the Mosaic law lay the one way of justification and salvation. It was very difficult, again, for them to believe that faith and obedience to the law taught by Jesus Christ was sufficient without the outward ceremonies to which they had been accustome
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Chapter IV.
Chapter IV.
In the Acts of the Apostles we have the address which St. Paul delivered with eloquent tongue and flashing eye to the astonished audience. He told them that in their capital he had seen one nameless altar—an altar "to the unknown God"—an altar which they had erected, lest there might, in some other land, be a God of whom they knew not. "What, therefore, you worship without knowing it, that I preach to you. God, Who made the world, and all things therein, He, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwell
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Chapter V.
Chapter V.
The time was approaching when St. Paul was to leave Corinth—not sailing thence to Jerusalem as he had planned, but returning by the way he had come, because he found that some of the unbelieving Jews had formed a scheme to destroy him while upon his journey. For the space of a week the Apostle remained at Troas, and upon the last evening he had assembled the Christians together in an upper room—one of those dining-halls which the Latins termed cænacula . The Scripture narrative tells us that the
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Chapter VI.
Chapter VI.
During that night the enemies of God's servant were not forgetful of him, and forty men bound themselves under a curse neither to eat nor drink until they had succeeded in killing him. They accordingly made request to the council that Lysias might have St. Paul tried once more, purposing in their hearts to lie in wait as he came out from the castle, and falling upon him, destroy him. In some manner which we do not know, the secret transpired, and a young man related to the Apostle brought news t
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Chapter VII.
Chapter VII.
On arriving at Puteoli (Pozzuoli) St. Paul received a welcome from the Church already formed there, and at last, in the year 63, the eighth of the reign of Nero, he entered the city of Rome, surrounded by the Christians who had gone out to meet him in his chains. Julius the centurion now gave up his charge to the captain of the emperor's guard, whom we hear of as a just and kind man, who treated St. Paul well, and even permitted him to see his friends, and to teach the Christian faith to such as
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The End.
The End.
1s. — One shilling. 6d. — Six pence £2. — Two Pounds sterling The following specify the approximate page height. 32mo. — 10 to 12.5cm. (3.9in.) 12mo. — 17.5 to 20cm, (6.9in.) 8vo. — 20 to 25cm. (7.9in.) 4to. — 25 to 30cm. (9.6in.)] Though this Catalogue does not contain many of the books of other Publishers, R. W, can supply all of them, no matter by whom they are published. The Feasts of Camelot, with the Tales that were told there. By Eleanora Louisa Hervey. 3s. 6d. "This is really a very char
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