All Things Are Possible
Lev Shestov
4 chapters
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4 chapters
Leo Shestov is one of the living Russians. He is about fifty years old. He was born at Kiev, and studied at the university there. His first book appeared in 1898, since which year he has gradually gained an assured position as one of the best critics and essayists in Russia. A list of his works is as follows:— 1898. Shakespeare and his Critic, Brandes. 1900. Good in the Teaching of Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching. 1903. Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: The Philosophy of Tragedy. 1905
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In his paragraph on The Russian Spirit, Shestov gives us the real clue to Russian literature. European culture is a rootless thing in the Russians. With us, it is our very blood and bones, the very nerve and root of our psyche. We think in a certain fashion, we feel in a certain fashion, because our whole substance is of this fashion. Our speech and feeling are organically inevitable to us . With the Russians it is different. They have only been inoculated with the virus of European culture and
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Zu fragmentarish ist Welt und Leben . H. HEINE. 1 The obscure streets of life do not offer the conveniences of the central thoroughfares: no electric light, no gas, not even a kerosene lamp-bracket. There are no pavements: the traveller has to fumble his way in the dark. If he needs a light, he must wait for a thunderbolt, or else, primitive-wise, knock a spark out of a stone. In a glimpse will appear unfamiliar outlines; and then, what he has taken in he must try to remember, no matter whether
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Nur für Schwindelfreie . (From Alpine Recollections .) 1 Light reveals to us beauty—but also ugliness. Throw vitriol in the face of a beautiful woman, and the beauty is gone, no power on earth will enable us to look upon her with the same rapture as before. Could even the sincerest, deepest love endure the change? True, the idealists will hasten to say that love overcomes all things. But idealism needs be prompt, for if she leaves us one single moment in which to see , we shall see such things a
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