The British Woodlice
Charles Sillem
3 chapters
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3 chapters
BEING A MONOGRAPH OF THE TERRESTRIAL ISOPOD CRUSTACEA OCCURRING IN THE BRITISH ISLANDS. BY WILFRED MARK WEBB, F.L.S., Lecturer on Biology and Nature Study to the Surrey County Council, Honorary Secretary of the Selborne Society, Sometime, Senior Assistant Lecturer on Biology to the Essex County Council, and Editor of the Journal of Malacology, Joint Author of   "Eton Nature Study and Observational Lessons." AND CHARLES SILLEM. With Twenty-Five Plates and Fifty-Nine Figures in the Text. LONDON: D
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In Professor Sars' "Crustacea of Norway," quite a number of the British species of woodlice are figured in detail and described in English, but few copies of this fine work are to be met with in our country. The Rev. Canon Norman has from time to time published notes on the British species in "The Annals and Magazine of Natural History;" these are, however, scattered, and contain but few figures, while other literature that exists is out of date. Under these circumstances, we have thought that t
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Introduction. —Having finished a somewhat exhaustive list of the land and fresh-water molluscs of Essex, [1] one of the present writers felt that if he were to make any further contributions of importance to a knowledge of the fauna of that interesting county, he must turn his attention to some other group of animals. It seemed most fitting that some creatures should be chosen which are commonly met with during the search for molluscs. Centipedes, millepedes, and woodlice fulfilled these conditi
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