A Journal Of Impressions In Belgium
May Sinclair
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13 chapters
The MM Co. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK · BOSTON · CHICAGO · DALLAS ATLANTA · SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limited LONDON · BOMBAY · CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO BY MAY SINCLAIR Author of "The Three Sisters," "The Return of The Prodigal," etc. New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1915 All rights reserved Copyright , 1915 By MAY SINCLAIR Set up and electrotyped. Published, September, 1915...
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( To a Field Ambulance in Flanders ) I do not call you comrades, You, Who did what I only dreamed. Though you have taken my dream, And dressed yourselves in its beauty and its glory, Your faces are turned aside as you pass by. I am nothing to you, For I have done no more than dream. Your faces are like the face of her whom you follow, Danger, The Beloved who looks backward as she runs, calling to her lovers, The Huntress who flies before her quarry, trailing her lure. She called to me from her b
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This is a "Journal of Impressions," and it is nothing more. It will not satisfy people who want accurate and substantial information about Belgium, or about the War, or about Field Ambulances and Hospital Work, and do not want to see any of these things "across a temperament." For the Solid Facts and the Great Events they must go to such books as Mr. E. A. Powell's "Fighting in Flanders," or Mr. Frank Fox's "The Agony of Belgium," or Dr. H. S. Souttar's "A Surgeon in Belgium," or "A Woman's Expe
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[ September 25th, 1914. ] After the painful births and deaths of I don't know how many committees, after six weeks' struggling with something we imagined to be Red Tape, which proved to be the combined egoism of several persons all desperately anxious to "get to the Front," and desperately afraid of somebody else getting there too, and getting there first, we are actually off. Impossible to describe the mysterious processes by which we managed it. I think the War Office kicked us out twice, and
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There have been changes in that Motor Field Ambulance Corps that set out for Flanders on the 25th of September, 1914. Its Commandant has gone from it to join the Royal Army Medical Corps. A few of the original volunteers have dropped out and others have taken their places, and it is larger now than it was, and better organized. But whoever went and whoever stayed, its four field-women have remained at the Front. Two of them are attached to the Third Division of the Belgian Army; all four have di
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The Return of the Prodigal
The Return of the Prodigal
Cloth, 12mo. $1.35 "These are stories to be read leisurely with a feeling for the stylish and the careful workmanship which is always a part of May Sinclair's work. They need no recommendation to those who know the author's work and one of the things on which we may congratulate ourselves is the fact that so many Americans are her reading friends."— Kansas City Gazette-Globe. "They are the product of a master workman who has both skill and art, and who scorns to produce less than the best."— Buf
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The Three Sisters
The Three Sisters
By MAY SINCLAIR Author of "The Divine Fire," "The Return of the Prodigal," etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.35 Every reader of "The Divine Fire," in fact every reader of any of Miss Sinclair's books, will at once accord her unlimited praise for her character work. "The Three Sisters" reveals her at her best. It is a story of temperament, made evident not through tiresome analyses but by means of a series of dramatic incidents. The sisters of the title represent three distinct types of womankind. In their re
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The Pentecost of Calamity
The Pentecost of Calamity
By OWEN WISTER Author of "The Virginian," etc. Boards, 16mo, 50 cents The author of "The Virginian" has written a new book which describes, more forcibly and clearly than any other account so far published, the meaning, to America, of the tragic changes which are taking place in the hearts and minds of the German people. Written with ease and charm of style, it is prose that holds the reader for its very beauty, even as it impresses him with its force. It is doubtful whether there will come out
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The Military Unpreparedness of the United States
The Military Unpreparedness of the United States
By FREDERIC L. HUIDEKOPER Cloth, 8vo By many army officers the author of this work is regarded as the foremost military expert in the United States. For nine years he has been striving to awaken the American people to a knowledge of the weaknesses of their land forces and the defencelessness of the country. Out of his extensive study and research he has compiled the present volume, which represents the last word on this subject. It comes at a time when its importance cannot be overestimated, and
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With the Russian Army
With the Russian Army
By Col. ROBERT McCORMICK Illustrated, 8vo This book deals with the author's experiences in the war area. The work traces the cause of the war from the treaty of 1878 through the Balkan situation. It contains many facts drawn from personal observation, for Col. McCormick has had opportunities such as have been given to no other man during the present engagements. He has been at the various headquarters and actually in the trenches. One of the most interesting chapters of the volume is the conclud
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The World War:
The World War:
How it Looks to the Nations Involved and What it Means to Us By ELBERT FRANCIS BALDWIN Decorated cloth, 12mo, $1.25 The present war in Europe has called forth a great many books bearing on its different phases, but in the majority of instances these have been written from the standpoint of some one of the nations. Elbert Francis Baldwin has here, however, brought together within the compass of a single volume a survey of the entire field. Mr. Baldwin was in Europe at the outbreak of hostilities.
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Russia and the World
Russia and the World
By STEPHEN GRAHAM Author of "With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem," "With Poor Immigrants to America," etc. Illustrated, cloth, 8vo, $2.00 At the outbreak of the present European war Mr. Graham was in Russia, and his book opens, therefore, with a description of the way the news of war was received on the Chinese frontier, one thousand miles from a railway station, where he happened to be when the Tsar's summons came. Following this come other chapters on Russia and the War, considering such qu
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German World Policies
German World Policies
(Der Deutsche Gedanke in der Welt) By PAUL ROHRBACH Translated by Dr. Edmund von Mach Cloth, 12mo, $1.25 Paul Rohrbach has been for several years the most popular author of books on politics and economics in Germany. He is described by his translator as a "constructive optimist," one who, at the same time, is an incisive critic of those shortcomings which have kept Germany, as he thinks, from playing the great part to which she is called. In this volume Dr. Rohrbach gives a true insight into the
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