Biblical Revision
Edward Slater
2 chapters
53 minute read
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2 chapters
CONSIDERATIONS IN FAVOUR OF A REVISED TRANSLATION OF Holy Scripture . By EDWARD SLATER. [The Authorized Version] is far from being immaculate.  It is not sufficiently close and uniform in rendering the original . . . is not calculated to convey precise and critical information in difficult and mysterious passages of the Prophecies, &c. Dr. William Hales .  New Analysis of Chronology , Vol. II. p. ix. LONDON: JOHN FARQUHAR SHAW, 36, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND 27, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, RUSSELL SQUARE
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Among the characteristics of an Age replete with new and unlooked-for events, perhaps not the least singular and impressive is the desire, now extensively evinced, for an improved translation of Holy Scripture. A solitary voice, [3] it is true, has been raised to the same effect, from time to time; but it has gradually died away in the noise of worldly bustle, or been summarily stifled by Prejudice or Fear. A more fitting time has arrived for renewing the cry; for we have become more reflective
52 minute read
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