Gipsy Life
George Smith
41 chapters
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41 chapters
BEING AN ACCOUNT of OUR GIPSIES AND THEIR CHILDREN. with SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. by GEORGE SMITH, of Coalville . london : HAUGHTON & CO., 10, PATERNOSTER ROW. [ All Rights Reserved .] 1880. I give my warmest thanks to W. H. Overend , Esq., for the block forming the Frontispiece, which he has kindly presented to me on the condition that the picture occupies the position it does in this book; and also to the proprietor of the Illustrated London News for the blocks to help forwar
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I have taken the liberty of humbly dedicating this work to you, the object of which is not to tickle the critical ears of ethnologists and philologists, but to touch the hearts of my countrymen on behalf of the poor Gipsy women and children and other roadside Arabs flitting about in our midst, in such a way as to command attention to these neglected, dark, marshy spots of human life, whose seedlings have been running wild among us during the last three centuries, spreading their poisonous influe
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Part I.—Rambles in Gipsydom.
Part I.—Rambles in Gipsydom.
The origin of the Gipsies, as to who they are; when they became regarded as a peculiar race of wandering, wastrel, ragamuffin vagabonds; the primary object they had in view in setting out upon their shuffling, skulking, sneaking, dark pilgrimage; whether they were driven at the point of the sword, or allured onwards by the love of gold, designing dark deeds of plunder, cruelty, and murder, or anxious to seek a haven of rest; the route by which they travelled, whether over hill and dale, by the s
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Part II. Commencement of the Gipsy Crusade.
Part II. Commencement of the Gipsy Crusade.
A Gipsy’s home for man, wife, and six children, Hackney Wick When as a lad I trudged along in the brick-yards, now more than forty years ago, I remember most vividly that the popular song of the employés of that day was “When lads and lasses in their best    Were dress’d from top to toe, In the days we went a-gipsying    A long time ago; In the days we went a-gipsying,    A long time ago.” Every “brick-yard lad” and “brick-yard wench” who would not join in singing these lines was always looked u
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Part III. The Treatment the Gipsies have received in this Country.
Part III. The Treatment the Gipsies have received in this Country.
The social history and improvements of our own country seem to have gone by irregular leaps and bounds.  The Parliament, like the Times , follows upon the heels of public opinion in all measures concerning the welfare of the nation; and it is well it should be so.  An Englishman will be led by a child; but it requires a strong hand and a sharp whip to drive him.  One hundred and forty years ago the Wesleys and Whitfield caused a commotion in the religious world.  Upwards of a century ago the fir
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I, Man, mè, màndi, mànghi. Ill, Nàsfelo, nàffelo doosh. Illness, Nàffelopén. Ill-tempered, Kòrni. Imitation, Foshono. Immediately, Kenàw sig. In, Adrè, dre, ando, inna. Indebted, Pazerous. Inflame, Katcher. Injure, Dooka. Inn, Kítchema. Innkeeper, Kitchemèngro. Intestine, Vénderi. Into, Andè, adrè, drè. Ireland, Hindo-tem, Hinditemeskro-tem. Irishman, Hindi-temengro, poovengri gaujo. Irish Gipsy, Efage. Iron, Sáster, saàsta, saáshta. Sástera. Is, See. It, Les. Itch, Honj....
18 minute read
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Jail, Stèripen. Jews, Midùvelesto-maùromèngri. Jockey, Kèstermèngro. Judgment, Bitchama. Jump, Hokter hok òxta. Jumper, Hoxterer. Just now, Kenaw sig. Justice of the peace, Chivlo-gaujo, chuvno-gaùjo, pòkenyus, poòkinyus....
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Keep, Righer, riker. Kettle, Kekàvvi, kavvi. Key, Klèrin klisin. Kick, Del, dé. Kill, Maur. Kin, Simènsa. Kind, Komelo komomuso. King, Kràlis. Kingdom, Kralisom tem. Kiss, Chooma. Knee, Chong, choong. Knife, Choori chivomèngro chinomèngro. Knock, Koor, dè. Know, Jin. Knowing, Yoki, jinomengro, jinomeskro....
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Quarrel, Chíngar. Chingariben, gòdli. Quart, Troòshni. Queen, Kralisi krailisi. Quick, Sig. Quick, Be, Sigo toot, rèssi toot kair àbba. Quietly, Shookàr. The following dozen words will show, in some degree, the fearful amount of ignorance there is amongst them, even when using the language of their mother country, for England is the mother country of the present race of Gipsies.  For— Expensive, Expencival. Decide, Cide. Advice, Device. Dictionary, Dixen. Equally, Ealfully. Instructed, Indistruc
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“Two Gipsy lads were transported, Were sent across the great water; Plato was sent for rioting, And Louis for stealing the purse       Of a great lady. “And when they came to the other country, The country that lies across the water, Plato was speedily hung, But Louis was taken as a husband       By a great lady. “You wish to know who was the lady: ’Twas the lady from whom he stole the purse; The Gipsy had a black and witching eye, And on account of that she followed him       Across the great w
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“The name of George Smith, of Coalville, is familiar as household words, and the unpretending memoir just published by Messrs. Haughton & Co. of him, to whose deep sympathy and ceaseless effort the populations of our brick-yards and canals owe so much, will be read with interest by all.”— The Graphic . “Readers of Mr. Smith’s letters in numerous papers, and of his descriptive articles in the Illustrated London News , Graphic , and other journals and magazines, will be glad to possess thi
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OUR CANAL POPULATION: a cry from the boat cabins, with remedy.
OUR CANAL POPULATION: a cry from the boat cabins, with remedy.
New Edition, with Supplement. By GEORGE SMITH, F.S.A., Coalville, Leicester. “A little book called ‘Our Canal Population,’ lately published and written by Mr. George Smith, of Coalville, furnishes the most incredible details of what is going on on our silent highways.”— Morning Advertiser . “The notorious state of ‘Our Canal Population,’ the women and children who live on barges, and in whose condition Mr. George Smith, of Coalville, has awakened public interest, is described as ‘revolting and i
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With Observations on the Carrying-out of the Act. By GEORGE SMITH, of Coalville, Leicester. sixth edition . “We heartily commend to our readers’ notice a new edition of a work which is full of thrilling interest to those who sympathise with childhood, whose hearts bleed at the story of its wrongs and leap for joy at any humane or beneficial measures on its behalf.”— Sunday School Chronicle . “This book, now in its sixth edition, has many capital illustrations, and is a monument to the patient se
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Life of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.
Life of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.
“A carefully prepared story of the public life of Mr. Gladstone in the several spheres of politics and literature.  It would be well if similar books to this were as sensibly compiled.  It is a handy and useful little book, honestly worth its price.”— Christian World . “Written with great fairness and impartiality, as well as with considerable literary ability.  It furnishes the reader with a key to the study of that which is undoubtedly one of the greatest characters of modern times.  We can ha
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The Life of the Great African Traveller, Dr. Livingstone. By J. M. McGilchrist.
The Life of the Great African Traveller, Dr. Livingstone. By J. M. McGilchrist.
“The appearance of this little work is very seasonable, and to young readers especially it will be very acceptable.”— North British Daily Mail . Cloth binding , post free , 2 s. 6 d....
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Methodism in 1879: Impressions of the Wesleyan Church and Its Ministers.
Methodism in 1879: Impressions of the Wesleyan Church and Its Ministers.
“A new contribution to an important chapter of church history, and promises to be of much interest.”— Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone . “The remarks in this work on the general relations of the Methodists to the tendencies of the age are full of instruction.”— Dean Stanley . “We have read this book with considerable interest and pleasure, feelings which any reader who approaches it from the Church of England point of view can scarcely fail to share.”— Spectator . “Bearing, as it does throughout, the
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PRICE ONE PENNY EACH. “Written with great ability, and is full of interest.  It contains a complete review of the principal events of Her Majesty’s reign.  This biography should be circulated by thousands among the masses of the people.”— Review . “A grand biography of a grand man, and replete with sterling interest.  It is as fascinating as a work of fiction.”— Review . “Very full, just, and interesting, and very brilliant is this account of the Prince of Wales.  His visits to the United States
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From the Curate to the Convent.
From the Curate to the Convent.
“This comely volume is intended to open the eyes of Englishmen to the Romanising influence of the High Church, and to the wiles of the Jesuits, who are using the Establishment to their own ends.”— Rev. C. H. Spurgeon in “ Sword and Trowel .” “In this work the natural, logical, and most mischievous results of the confessional in our Church, are portrayed with fidelity and power.”— The Standard . “The book is the product of a master-mind, and ought to be in every Protestant family as well as in th
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Vestina’s Martyrdom: A Story of the Catacombs. By Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman.
Vestina’s Martyrdom: A Story of the Catacombs. By Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman.
“This Story of the Catacombs is readable and well-written.  The historical portion does not occupy any undue position, and the moral is good and sound.  The book is very suitable for Sunday-school libraries.”— Christian World . “One of the best stories of the kind we ever read—the very best, we think, of this particular era.  The volume abounds in deeply interesting matter, while the religious teaching is of the very simplest and purest.”— Literary World . “The description of Vestina’s martyrdom
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Profit and Loss: A Tale of Modern Life, for Young People. By Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman, Authoress of “Vestina’s Martyrdom,” “Margaret Mervyn’s Cross,” “Olive Chauncey’s Trust,” &c., &c.
Profit and Loss: A Tale of Modern Life, for Young People. By Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman, Authoress of “Vestina’s Martyrdom,” “Margaret Mervyn’s Cross,” “Olive Chauncey’s Trust,” &c., &c.
“This is evidently a tale in favour of Sunday-schools, but written with a freshness, a vivacity, and truthfulness, which must render it eminently calculated for usefulness, and must touch every heart.”— Literary World . “The story is interesting and well told.”— Evangelical Magazine . “The incidents are by no means of a commonplace character, and the heroine will certainly win the reader’s admiration, so that the book is likely to prove attractive and useful.”— The Rock . “The book is sure to ha
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Sheen from my Thought-Waves. By Rev. W. Osborne Lilley.
Sheen from my Thought-Waves. By Rev. W. Osborne Lilley.
“The author walks on solid ground, and looks at men and things with the eye of a close observer and a thoughtful man.”— U. M. F. Church Magazine . “We think the author has done well to collect and re-issue these papers.”— Christian Age . “Nearly three hundred paragraphs, varying in length from a couple of lines to two or three pages, afford as many striking thoughts.  The points are pithy and taking.  Our advice is, ‘Buy the book and make free use of it.’”— The Lay Preacher . Just Published .  P
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Comforting Words for the Weary, and Words of Counsel and Warning, with Original Hymns. By F. M. M. With an Introduction, by the Rev. Hugh Macmillan, D.D.
Comforting Words for the Weary, and Words of Counsel and Warning, with Original Hymns. By F. M. M. With an Introduction, by the Rev. Hugh Macmillan, D.D.
Price , cloth boards , 2 s. 6 d. ; handsome binding , 3 s. 6 d. , post free ....
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Leisure Hours with London Divines. Second Edition.
Leisure Hours with London Divines. Second Edition.
“The features of the London Divines in all denominations have been caught by an observant eye and reproduced by a faithful hand.  We cordially commend the book to those who desire to learn what the intellectual ecclesiastical life of London really means.”— Standard . “Theological portraits of very considerable value.”— Leeds Mercury . “There is a brilliancy about this book which only a scholar could impart.”— Literary World . “Written from an elevated standpoint.  In his eminently careful essays
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Hanani: A Memoir of William Smith, Father of George Smith, of Coalville. A Local Preacher. By the Rev. Dr. Grosart, St. George’s, Blackburn, Lancashire. Best Edition, Crown 8vo, toned paper, cloth, with Portrait, price 1s. 6d.; small Edition, cloth, with Portrait, price 1s.; cloth, flush, without Portrait, 8d.; paper cover, 6d.
Hanani: A Memoir of William Smith, Father of George Smith, of Coalville. A Local Preacher. By the Rev. Dr. Grosart, St. George’s, Blackburn, Lancashire. Best Edition, Crown 8vo, toned paper, cloth, with Portrait, price 1s. 6d.; small Edition, cloth, with Portrait, price 1s.; cloth, flush, without Portrait, 8d.; paper cover, 6d.
Elegantly bound and illustrated , gilt edges , price 3 s. 6d....
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From out the Deeps: A Tale of Cornish Life. By an Old Cornish Boy. With Introduction by Rev. S. W. Christophers.
From out the Deeps: A Tale of Cornish Life. By an Old Cornish Boy. With Introduction by Rev. S. W. Christophers.
“A vein of deep religious feeling runs throughout it, or, rather, religion pervades its every page.  The volume is tastefully ‘got up,’ and its matter excellent.”— The Christian Miscellany . “This is an admirable story, which we heartily commend for presents, school prizes, &c.”— The Christian . “The lessons taught by Mr. Christophers are excellent; his spirit is always admirable. . . .  Our readers had better get the book.”— Spurgeon . Illustrated and beautifully bound , gilt edges , pr
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The Poets of Methodism. By the Rev. S. W. Christophers.
The Poets of Methodism. By the Rev. S. W. Christophers.
“This is a charming book.  Its exquisite getting-up is not inappropriate to its contents.”— City Road Magazine . “This is a thoroughly good book.  It is filled with life-like sketches of the men who are amongst the most endeared to the Methodist people.  It would be difficult to name any more acceptable gift-book than this work, for which we heartily thank Mr. Christophers.”— Rev. Mark Guy Pearse . Bound in cloth , price 5 s....
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The Voyage of Life: Homeward Bound. By a Sea Captain.
The Voyage of Life: Homeward Bound. By a Sea Captain.
This is intended as a companion-book for the “Pilgrim’s Progress,” and therefore something new for the reading world.  Its originality will make it interesting to all classes of readers. In very large type , price 3 s. 6 d....
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An Illustrated Edition of Precious Truths. By S. M. Haughton.
An Illustrated Edition of Precious Truths. By S. M. Haughton.
“We wish that a copy of this ‘ precious ’ book could be placed in the hands of every one who is able to read, as it contains the very marrow of the ‘ Glorious Gospel .’” Cloth , boards , illustrated , price 1 s. 6 d....
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Annals of the Poor. By Legh Richmond.
Annals of the Poor. By Legh Richmond.
These short and simple annals have been translated into more than 50 languages and blessed to hundreds of souls. Cloth , bevelled boards , price 2 s....
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Remarkable Conversions. By the Rev. James Fleming.
Remarkable Conversions. By the Rev. James Fleming.
“In each of these chapters a number of remarkable cases of conversion is given.  Some of them do indeed afford extraordinary proof of the long-suffering and infinite mercy of our God.  We are here shown a number of examples which should stimulate our hope and zeal to the utmost.  Well may the author call his book ‘Remarkable Conversions,’ and well may every reader have greater faith than ever in the Divine Word, ‘He is able to save to the uttermost.’”— Living Waters . Elegantly bound , cloth , b
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The Autobiography of Foolish Dick (Richard Hampton) the Cornish Pilgrim Preacher; with Introduction and Notes by Rev. S. W. Christophers.
The Autobiography of Foolish Dick (Richard Hampton) the Cornish Pilgrim Preacher; with Introduction and Notes by Rev. S. W. Christophers.
“We hope this deeply interesting book will obtain a wide circulation.”— Christian Age . “This singular book is quite a little curiosity in its way.  The whole of the little volume combines instruction with interest in a very high degree, so that we can heartily commend it.”— Spurgeon . “A man of one talent, he put it out to usury, and it multiplied under the mighty hand of God, so that during his long itinerant ministry, multitudes were led to the Saviour. . . .  Those who would be fishers of me
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God’s way of Electing Souls; or, Glad Tidings for Every One.
God’s way of Electing Souls; or, Glad Tidings for Every One.
Cloth , bevelled boards , with four full-page Illustrations , price 2 s....
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The Glory-Land. By J. P. Hutchinson, Author of “Footmarks of Jesus,” “The Singer in the Skies,” &c.
The Glory-Land. By J. P. Hutchinson, Author of “Footmarks of Jesus,” “The Singer in the Skies,” &c.
“This is in every sense a beautiful volume.  To the spiritually-minded and the careworn, and, indeed, to the earnest inquirer, we commend it as a precious help.”— Watchman . “It will cheer many a mourner, and stimulate their aspirations after things unseen and eternal.”— The Christian ....
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Brave Seth. By Sarah Doudney.
Brave Seth. By Sarah Doudney.
“We know of no better book than this to place in the hands of our young people to inculcate the importance of truthfulness, courage, and reliance upon God.  The incidents are thrilling, the lessons are unexceptionable, and the language and style are beautiful.  It reminds us, in its pathos and deeply interesting character, of ‘Jessica’s First Prayer.’”— Living Waters . Cloth , bevelled boards , price 2 s....
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Misunderstood Texts. By Dr. Mahan.
Misunderstood Texts. By Dr. Mahan.
“All who wish to have clear views of the doctrine taught by those who believe in entire consecration should peruse this able, decided, and unanswerable volume.”— Living Waters . “This is an able book, and the teaching it embodies is that of the Wesleys, Fletcher, Clarke, Benson, Watson, and many others. . . .  We recommend young ministers to read the book.”— The Watchman . Handsomely bound , gilt edges , price 1 s. 6 d....
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The Children’s Treasury Text Book, interleaved with Writing-paper for Collecting the Autographs of Friends and Acquaintances. It contains a Text of Scripture for Every Day in the Year, with an appropriate Verse of Poetry.
The Children’s Treasury Text Book, interleaved with Writing-paper for Collecting the Autographs of Friends and Acquaintances. It contains a Text of Scripture for Every Day in the Year, with an appropriate Verse of Poetry.
The Rev. C. Dukes says of the “ Children’s Treasury Text Book :”—“I admire it very much, and were it left to my option, every young person in my circle and beyond it should have a copy.” A. L. O. E. writes:—“Accept my thanks for your truly beautiful and valuable book.  It appears to be a ‘Treasury’ indeed.” Cloth , elegant binding , Illustrated , price 1 s. 6 d. “The prose meditations of this excellent volume have all the sweetness and grace of poetry; and the poems contain the true spirit of de
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Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, 2s. 6d. Printed on toned paper, illustrated, beautifully bound, red edges, 400 pages.
Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, 2s. 6d. Printed on toned paper, illustrated, beautifully bound, red edges, 400 pages.
“This is undoubtedly the cheapest edition of this marvellous book ever published.” Uniform with the above , price 2 s. 6 d....
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Bunyan’s Holy War. 348 pages, with frontispiece, printed on toned paper, red edges.
Bunyan’s Holy War. 348 pages, with frontispiece, printed on toned paper, red edges.
“Every one should read this most instructive volume.” “If the ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ did not exist, the ‘Holy War’ would be the best allegory that ever was written.”— Lord Macaulay . Uniform with the above , price , 2 s. 6 d....
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Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. 352 pages, well illustrated, printed on toned paper, red edges.
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. 352 pages, well illustrated, printed on toned paper, red edges.
“The arguments in this book are such as the plainest man can understand, and the facts should be constantly kept in remembrance by every Protestant.” Cloth , elegantly bound , with 150 striking Illustrations , price 2 s....
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Calisthenics, Drilling, and Deportment Simplified. By Duncan Cunningham.
Calisthenics, Drilling, and Deportment Simplified. By Duncan Cunningham.
This book is highly recommended by eminent medical gentlemen.  It is intended more especially for female teachers and parents, who are desirous that children under their care should possess a strong mind in a healthy body. The engravings are beautifully executed, the explanations extremely simple, and the words and music specially adapted to instruct and attract the young. Crown 8 vo , cloth , gilt edges , 3 s....
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From Egypt to Canaan; or, From Bondage to Rest. By T. J. Hughes.
From Egypt to Canaan; or, From Bondage to Rest. By T. J. Hughes.
“This delightful book really drops pearls of thought from almost every page.”— The Christian’s Pathway of Power . “There are some books on which a special blessing rests, even beyond their apparent excellence, because they have been steeped in prayer, and we think that this is one of them.  We heartily commend it to the numerous young converts who are now being gathered into the Church of Christ.”— The Christian . haughton & co. , 10 , paternoster row , london ....
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