13 chapters
6 hour read
Selected Chapters
13 chapters
If we read the signs of the times aright, events are soon to transpire of such a nature as to preclude the necessity of any apology for the publication of what is contained in the following pages. The numerous rays of light now shining from the book of prophecy, seem to find their focal point in our own times. The present age is illuminated in this respect above all others. Here we find the most emphatic touches of the prophetic pencil. The events to transpire, and the agents therein concerned,
13 minute read
Probabilities Considered.
Probabilities Considered.
5. No nation in so limited a time has developed such unlimited resources. 6. No nation has ever existed founded on principles of justice so pure and undefiled. 7. No nation has ever existed in which the conscience of men have been left so untrammeled and free. 8. In no nation and in no age of the world, have the arts and sciences so flourished, so many improvements been made, and so great successes been achieved, as in our own country during the last fifty years. 9. In no nation and in no age ha
21 minute read
A Chain Of Prophecy.
A Chain Of Prophecy.
It is very evident, therefore, that this leopard beast is a symbol of the papacy. But there are other considerations which prove this. This beast has the body of a leopard, the mouth of a lion, and the feet of a bear, which shows it to be some power which succeeded those three beasts of Daniel's prophecy, and retained some of the characteristics of them all; and that was Rome. But this is not the first, or pagan form of the Roman government; for that is represented by the dragon; and this is the
15 minute read
Location Of The Two-horned Beast.
Location Of The Two-horned Beast.
That the leopard beast represents ecclesiastical as well as civil power is further shown in the arguments already presented to prove that this beast is identical with the little horn of Daniel's fourth beast, which symbolizes the papacy in all its components parts and through all its history. It is the leopard beast alone that is identical with this little horn, not the leopard beast and the two-horned beast taken together. Again, Pagan Rome gave its seat to the papacy. The dragon gave his seat
19 minute read
Chronology Of The Two-horned Beast.
Chronology Of The Two-horned Beast.
Says Eld. J. Litch (Restitution, p. 131):— "The two-horned beast is represented as a power existing and performing his part after the death and revival of the first beast." Mr. Wesley, in his notes on Rev. 14, says of the two-horned beast:— "He has not yet come, though he cannot be far off; for he is to appear at the end of the forty-two months of the first beast." We find three additional declarations in the book of Revelation which prove, in a general sense, that the two-horned beast performs
26 minute read
The United States Have Arisen In The Exact Manner In Which John Saw The Two-horned Beast Coming Up.
The United States Have Arisen In The Exact Manner In Which John Saw The Two-horned Beast Coming Up.
"In this web of islands, the West Indies, began the life of both [North and South] Americas. There Columbus saw land, there Spain began her baneful and brilliant Western Empire; thence Cortez departed for Mexico, De Soto for the Mississippi, Balboa for the Pacific, and Pizarro for Peru. The history of the United States was separated by a beneficient Providence far from this wild and cruel history of the rest of the continent, and like a silent seed, we grew into empire ; while empire itself, beg
28 minute read
Character Of The Government Represented By The Two-horned Beast.
Character Of The Government Represented By The Two-horned Beast.
This is a sufficient guarantee of civil liberty. What is said respecting religious freedom? In Art. VI of the Constitution, we read: "No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." In Art. I of Amendments of the Con stitution, we read: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In reply to questions as to the design of the Constitution from the committee of a
17 minute read
The Dragon Voice.
The Dragon Voice.
Political corruption is preparing the way for deeper sin. It pervades all parties. Look at the dishonest means resorted to to obtain office, the bribery, the deceptions, the ballot-stuffing. Look at the stupendous revelations of municipal corruption just disclosed in New York city: millions upon millions stolen directly and barefacedly rom the city treasury by its corrupt officials. Look at the civil service of this government. Speaking on this point, The Nation of Nov. 17, 1870, said:— "The new
19 minute read
He Doeth Great Wonders.
He Doeth Great Wonders.
So, in every department of the arts and sciences, the advancement that has been made within the last half century is without precedent in the world's history. And in all these the United States take the lead. These facts are not, indeed, to be taken as a fulfillment of the prophecy, but they show the spirit of the age in which we live, and point to this time as a period when we may look for wonders of every kind. The particular wonders to which the prophecy refers are evidently wrought for the p
21 minute read
An Image To The Beast.
An Image To The Beast.
It may be objected that whereas the papal church was comparatively a unit, and hence could act in harmony in all its departments in enforcing its dogmas, the Protestant church is so divided as to be unable to agree in regard to what doctrines shall be made imperative on the people. We answer, there are certain points which they hold in common, and which are sufficient to form a basis of co-operation. Chief among these may be mentioned the doctrine of the conscious state of the dead and the immor
34 minute read
The Mark Of The Beast.
The Mark Of The Beast.
Prideaux says that Ptolemy Philopater ordered all the Jews who applied to be enrolled as citizens of Alexandria to have the form of an ivy leaf (the badge of his god, Bacchus) impressed upon them with a hot iron, under pain of death. (Connection B.C. 216.) The word used for mark in this prophecy is χαραγμα ( charagma ), and is defined to mean, "a graving, sculpture, a mark cut in or stamped." It occurs nine times in the New Testament, and with the single exception of Acts 17:29, refers every tim
53 minute read
The Beginning Of The End.
The Beginning Of The End.
A "National Association" has been in existence for a number of years, which has for its object the securing of such amendments to the National Constitution as shall express the religious views of the majority of the people, and make it an instrument under which the keeping of Sunday can be enforced as the Christian Sabbath. This Association already embraces within its organiza tion a long array of eminent and honorable names: Governors of our States, Presidents of our colleges, Bishops, Doctors
29 minute read