A Treatise Of Buggs
John Southall
5 chapters
34 minute read
Selected Chapters
5 chapters
Shewing When and How they were first brought into England . How they are brought into and infect Houses. Their Nature, several Foods, Times and Manner of Spawning and Propagating in this Climate. Their great Increase accounted for, by Proof of the Numbers each Pair produce in a Season. REASONS given why all Attempts hitherto made for their Destruction have proved ineffectual. Vulgar Errors concerning them refuted. That from September to March is the best Season for their total Destruction, demon
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TO Sir Hans Sloane, Bart.
TO Sir Hans Sloane, Bart.
SIR , Your ready Condescension to peruse the following Treatise, and to see the Experiments of my Liquor, both in regard to its bringing out, and destroying Buggs; as also that of its no ways staining Furniture; was to me the happy Presage of your Favour, and Approbation of my Performances. The Satisfaction of having this Treatise and Experiments approv’d by You, the Best of Judges, was to me the greatest Honour I could wish for; but the additional one, confer’d by your introdu cing me to the Ro
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Being diffident of my own Performance, and desirous it should stand or fall by the Opinion of the Best of Judges, was the Motive that induced me to make my Application to that very Learned, truly Judicious and commendably Curious Person to whom it’s dedicated: At the same time determining, that if he approv’d of it, I would publish it; and if he disapprov’d, that I would burn it. But it happily meeting his Approbation, it now makes its Appearance in Print: Tho’ I must in Justice to him acknowled
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As Buggs have been known to be in England above sixty Years, and every Season increasing so upon us, as to become terrible to almost every Inhabitant in and about this Metro polis, it were greatly to be wished that some more learned Person than my self, studious for the Good of Human Kind, and the Improvement of natural Knowledge, would have oblig’d the Town with some Treatise, Discourse or Lecture on that nauseous venomous Insect. But as none such have attempted it, and I have ever since my ret
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Books lately Published.
Books lately Published.
I. A Sure Method of Improving Estates, by Plantations of Oak, Elm, Ash, Beech, and other Timber-Trees, Coppice-Woods, &c. Wherein is demonstrated the Necessity and Advantages thereof; their Manner of raising, cultivating, felling, &c. in all Kinds of Soils, whereby Estates may be greatly improv’d. By Batty Langley of Twickenham. Beautifully printed, 8vo. Price 4 s. II. The True State of England. Containing the particular Duty, Business, and Salary of every Officer, Civil and Mili
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