Secret Armies
John L. (John Louis) Spivak
16 chapters
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Selected Chapters
16 chapters
The Book and the Author
The Book and the Author
John L. Spivak comes closer to the popular conception of the ace journalist than any other living writer. Combining the instinct of a detective with the resourcefulness of a reporter, and gifted with a hard-hitting, breezy style, he has time and again "scooped the world," "gotten the story"—despite powerful opposition and personal danger that might well have daunted less hardy souls. But there is an important difference that sets Spivak apart from most other gentlemen of the press. For several y
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Books by John L. Spivak
Books by John L. Spivak
The Devil's Brigade Georgia Nigger America Faces the Barricades Europe Under the Terror...
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Copyright 1939 by John L. Spivak Published by Modern Age Books, Inc. 432 Fourth Avenue New York City
Copyright 1939 by John L. Spivak Published by Modern Age Books, Inc. 432 Fourth Avenue New York City
All rights in this book are reserved, and it may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the holder of these rights. For information address the publishers....
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The material in this small volume just barely scratches the surface of a problem which is becoming increasingly grave: the activities of Nazi agents in the United States, Mexico, and Central America. During the past five years I have observed some of them, watching the original, crudely organized and directed propaganda machine develop, grow and leave an influence far wider than most people seem to realize. What at first appeared to be merely a distasteful attempt by Nazi Government officials at
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IToC Czechoslovakia—Before The Carving
IToC Czechoslovakia—Before The Carving
It is pretty generally admitted now that the Munich "peace" gave Germany industrial and military areas essential to further aggressions. Instead of helping to put a troubled Europe on the road to lasting peace, Munich strengthened the totalitarian powers, especially Germany, and a strengthened Germany inevitably means increased activities of the Nazis' Fifth Column which is, in all quarters of the globe, actively preparing the ground for Hitler's greater plans. If we can divine the future by the
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IIToC England's Cliveden Set
IIToC England's Cliveden Set
The work of foreign agents does not necessarily involve the securing of military and naval secrets. Information of all kinds is important to an aggressor planning an invasion or estimating a potential enemy's strength and morale; and often a diplomatic secret is worth far more than the choicest blueprint of a carefully guarded military device. There are persons whom money, social position, political promises or glory cannot interest in following a policy of benefit to a foreign power. In such in
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IIIToC France's Secret Fascist Army
IIIToC France's Secret Fascist Army
Neither Hitler nor Mussolini could have foreseen the development of a Cliveden set or England's willingness to weaken her own position as the dominant European power by sacrificing Austria and a good portion of Czechoslovakia. The totalitarian powers proceeded on the assumption that when the struggle for control of central Europe, the Balkans and the Mediterranean came they would have to fight. The Rome-Berlin axis reasoned logically that if, when the expected war broke out, France could be disr
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IVToC Dynamite Under Mexico
IVToC Dynamite Under Mexico
Most people in the United States feel secure from European or Asiatic aggression since wide oceans apparently separate us from the conquering ambitions of a Führer or a Son of the Sun. However, despite our desire to be left in peace, the Rome-Berlin axis, which Japan joined, has cast longing eyes upon the Western Hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine is of value only so long as aggressor nations feel we are too strong for them to violate it; recent history has shown what pieces of paper are worth. In
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VToC Surrounding the Panama Canal
VToC Surrounding the Panama Canal
There is a little shirt shop in Colon, Panama, on Calle 10a between Avenida Herrera and Avenida Amador Guerrero, whose red and black painted shingle announces that Lola Osawa is the proprietor. Across the street from her shirt shop, where the red light district begins, is a bar frequented by natives, soldiers and sailors. Tourists seldom go there, for it is a bit off the beaten track. In front of the bar is a West Indian boy with a tripod and camera with a telescopic lens. He never photographs n
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VIToC Secret Agents Arrive in America
VIToC Secret Agents Arrive in America
Germany's interest in the Panama Canal became acute only after Japan joined the Rome-Berlin axis "to exchange information about Communism"—an exchange which appears to be more concerned with military secrets than with Communism. The activities of Japanese and Nazi agents in Latin American countries and especially around the Canal, the organizing of a fascist rebellion in Mexico to the south of us and intensive propaganda carried on in Canada to the north, are but part of the broad invasion of th
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VIIToC Nazi Spies and American "Patriots"
VIIToC Nazi Spies and American "Patriots"
Once the spadework was done by the early Nazi agents sent into the United States, the web rapidly embraced native fascists, racketeering "patriots" and deluded Americans who swallowed their propaganda. When Japan joined the Rome-Berlin axis, espionage directed against American naval and military forces became one of the major interests of the foreign agents, especially on the West Coast. Some five years ago, after the McCormick Congressional Committee investigation into Nazi activities turned up
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VIIIToC Henry Ford and Secret Nazi Activities
VIIIToC Henry Ford and Secret Nazi Activities
One of the Chief Nazi propagandists in the United States recently ran in the United States Senate primaries in Kansas and was almost nominated. He is Gerald B. Winrod, who poses as a Protestant minister but has no affiliations with any reputable church. Winrod, even before he tried to get into the Senate, was one of the most brazen of the Nazis' Fifth Column operating in this country. He has held secret consultations with officials in the German Embassy in Washington and carries on his propagand
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IXToC Nazi Agents in American Universities
IXToC Nazi Agents in American Universities
The universities are too important a training ground for Nazi agents to ignore. A few professors in some of our universities have joined the growing list of anti-democratic propagandists. Some of them are German subjects and do not disguise their pro-Nazi bias; others carry on their propaganda as a "scholarly analysis" of the Hitler regime—with a fervor, however, that smacks of the paid propagandist. German exchange students, too, studying at some of our universities, are active in various effor
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XToC Underground Armies in America
XToC Underground Armies in America
Early in 1938 native Americans, working with Nazi agents, completed plans to organize a secret army along the general lines of the Cagoulards in France. The decision was made after the liaison man between Nazi agents here and plotters for the secret army met with Fritz Kuhn and Signor Giuseppe Cosmelli, Counselor to the Italian Embassy in Washington. The liaison man is Henry D. Allen, who moved from San Diego to 2860 Nina St., Pasadena, Calif. Allen, the reader may recollect, helped Schwinn orga
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XIToC The Dies Committee Suppresses Evidence
XIToC The Dies Committee Suppresses Evidence
Three Suspected Nazi Spies were quietly taken out of the Brooklyn Navy Yard to the Dies Congressional Committee headquarters in New York in Room 1604, United States Court House Building. The three men were each questioned for about five minutes by Congressman J. Parnell Thomas [20] of New Jersey and Joe Starnes of Alabama. The men were asked if they had heard of any un-American goings-on in the Navy Yard. Each of the three subpoenaed men said he had not, and the Congressmen sent them back to wor
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—The End—
—The End—
This book has been produced wholly under union conditions. The paper was made, the type set, the plates electrotyped, and the printing and binding done in union shops affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. All employees of Modern Age Books, Inc., are members of the Book and Magazine Guild, Local No. 18 of the United Office and Professional Workers of America, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Typographical errors corrected in text:...
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