The Katipunan; Or, The Rise And Fall Of The Filipino Commune
Francis St. Clair
14 chapters
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14 chapters
«Manila, 21st (Aug. ’96).—The Governor General to the Colonial Minister: Vast organization of secret societies discovered with anti-national tendencies. Twenty-two persons detained, among them the Gran Oriente (of Philippine freemasonry) of the Philippines, and others of importance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immediate action taken and special judge will be designated for greater activity in the proceedings.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Blanco. Such was the teleg
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«D. Alejandro Roji, resident in this capital, Captain of Engineers, was nominated general delegate to direct the works, and with ample powers from Morayta, came the native school-teacher Pedro Serrano, who enjoyed in Manila the confidence and protection of the said Colonel, assisted by the Flores, lieutenants of Infantry, Numeriano Adriano, Ambrosio Rianzares, Juan Zulueta, Faustino Villaruel ( 15 ), Agustin de la Rosa, Ambrosio Salvador, Andrés Bonifacio ( 16 ), Apolinario Mabini ( 17 ), Estani
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«La Propaganda» and the «Asociacion Hispano-Filipina.»
«La Propaganda» and the «Asociacion Hispano-Filipina.»
«In January 1890 the « Asociacion Hispano-Filipina ,» 4 the delegation, and the paper La Solidaridad were installed in Madrid. Morayta accepted the presidency of the Association and became proprietor of the newspaper from which such good results were expected, it counting with an increased output to supply enforced subscriptions among masons and their associates at the rate of a peso a head. «From that moment Morayta was made the idol of the turbulent indians, who considered him as their redeeme
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The «Liga Filipina»
The «Liga Filipina»
«Before continuing, and in order that the facts which follow may be better understood, I will give some idea of the «Liga» according to the mentioned regulations. Its determined ends ( 47 ), were the independence of the islands; its means, the propaganda of advanced political ideas ( 48 ), availing themselves of conferences, books , pamphlets and the paper «La Solidaridad» which was declared the official organ of the association; the culture of the country by means of study, and its material adv
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Denouncement of the Conspiracy and its Discoverer.
Denouncement of the Conspiracy and its Discoverer.
“Manila, 28th October 1896—Olegario Diaz—Signed—The document bears a seal which reads: Sección de Guardia Civil Veterana .— Manila . Here ends the document which forms the text. In continuation follow the notes with their corresponding numbers. 1 The words Supreme Society express the idea of supreme social situation , of a society formed of noteworthy people. A well-read writer on the subject of “El Katipunan ó el filibusterismo en Filipinas,” says, speaking of this union of such notable folk: “
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The reader’s attention is called to paragraph 3 on the following page of the text (p . 47). Apart from the Councils spoken of in this and the former paragraphs there were others formed at a later date. These were more properly variations and were as follows: Trozo: Popular Council Maypagasa with four sections, Dapitan , Silang̃anan , Dimasagaran , and Dimas-Alang. Palomar: Popular Council Pinkian with two sections. Tondo: Council Katagalugan with the sections Katutuhanan , Kabuhayan , Pagtibayan
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Special Note.
Special Note.
One of the seals of Aguinaldo. Lancet with which the incisions of the Pacto de Sangre were made. Signature of Aguinaldo. In Bacoor was a Popular Council presided over by Genaro Valdes with three sections Dimagpatantan (not to leave in peace), Ditutugutan (not to rest till the end is reached), and Pananginginigan (formidable) . Note 93. The Kalayaan was intended to be a monthly review. Its first number consisted of thirty-two pages in quarto. The price of each number was 50c ( Mexican ) . It was
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Appendix A.
Appendix A.
“The smallest omission in these dispositions might prejudice in a great manner our labors, the fruit of many years of constancy and hope of a sure triumph. “ Second : Once the signal is given every bro∴ shall fulfill the duty imposed upon him by this Gr∴ Reg∴ Log∴ without considerations of any kind, neither of parentage, friendship or gratitude, etc. “ Third : Those who on account of debility, cowardice or other considerations do not fulfill their duty, already know the tremendous punishment the
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Appendix B.
Appendix B.
“I then doubted the ability 2 of the directors of the manifestation, and believed that they would be irremissibly crushed by the friars, who were very astute and powerful, as in fact it so happened. “I retired leaving Ramos in that house. “I immediately went to see his father and said to him: The manifestation has fallen flat. I have come to tell you that in my opinion, your son ought not to sign the instance of the manifestos . Let all those who like do so, but it would be a pity that your son
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Appendix C.
Appendix C.
“I am sorry to have to confess that the hour of the revelation has not yet sounded.... But incidental discoveries oblige me to break silence giving the voice of alarm; and to what point this determination is justified, you shall judge by the facts I am about to relate. “1st. Pedro Serrano, symbolic name Panday Pira , gr∴ 24, in his anxiety to discredit local masonry, since this refuses to be exploited has permitted himself to make calumnious affirmations to a foreign mason concerning this Federa
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Appendix D.
Appendix D.
talis misererenobis Amin. Oracion de S. Pablo contra armas de foigo ip. Ntro. y Av. Jesús S. Pablo Ponitom quiter Deus Salucam tuam, Amin. Prele queno niar en res tom Domi nom nos tom Anting-anting is also found in other forms, sometimes merely a strip of paper bearing some inscription, and which receives its virtue from some action performed over it, such as the saying of the mass whilst the paper is on the altar. A parish priest of a pueblo in a neighboring province once related to me the disc
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Appendix E.
Appendix E.
These latter appendices have been suppressed in this first edition for want of space....
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Appendix F. G. H. I. J.
Appendix F. G. H. I. J.
He continues to classify the work as “utterly untrustworthy” and provides a short history of masonry in the Philippines and its connection with the Katipunan. The other book on the Katipunan mentioned above apparently never saw the day of light. Related Library of Congress catalog page: 03016030 . Related Open Library catalog page (for source): OL6929061M . Related Open Library catalog page (for work): OL3889745W . Related WorldCat catalog page: 5391381 . The large number of spelling mistakes in
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The following corrections have been applied to the text:...
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