My Diary In Serbia, April 1, 1915-Nov. 1, 1915
Monica M. Stanley
3 chapters
2 hour read
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3 chapters
April 1, 1915—Nov. 1, 1915
April 1, 1915—Nov. 1, 1915
The Author— Monica M. Stanley. Frontispiece....
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Brave Serbia has not been forgotten in her hour of need by the women of England. For the Women's Imperial Service League, with Mrs. St. Clair Stobart as directress, went out to Serbia under the ægis of the Serbian Relief Fund, after arduous work out in Antwerp and after at Cherbourg. Mrs. Stobart decided that ours should be a Field Hospital owing to typhus and other fever raging in the country. We left on April 1, 1915, on the Admiralty transport Saidieh for Salonica. The staff consisted of Mrs.
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Mrs. St. Clair Stobart with Mr. Greenhalgh, doctors, nurses, and orderlies, were to have left for Serbia on Saturday, March 27. On Friday the unit met at 39, St. James' Street to have their photos taken, then at 4.30 a service at St. Martin's-in-the-Field, conducted by the Rev. Percy Dearmer. We had two hymns, a nice address; a collection was taken of just over £12 for our unit. After the service we went to a farewell tea at Lady Cowdray's, 16, Carlton Terrace. Lady Muir Mackenzie and several ot
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