8 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
8 chapters
In presenting this pamphlet of Reminiscences to the public, the Author desires to explain the circumstances that induced him to issue it. While delivering a series of illustrated lectures in the various tabernacles and public halls throughout the Territory--and which were repeated on more than 200 different occasions--the Author was earnestly solicited to publish the lectures, including engravings of the paintings, in the form in which they now appear. Having become convinced from the great inte
49 minute read
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The Mighty Messenger of the Latter-day Dispensation—A Brief Record of a Life fraught with Matchless Heroism, under all manner of Persecution, Trials, Imprisonment, Hardships and finally Martyrdom. Joseph Smith, the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Prophet. The picture herewith presented is one of the few produced of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It is here reproduced from one published in Harper’s Pictorial many years ago and now makes its appearance for the second time. Although it is only a wood cut, the
13 minute read
Chapter II.
Chapter II.
The Hill Cumorah, where the Plates of the Book of Mormon were Concealed by Moroni and afterwards Delivered by him to Joseph Smith.—Some Valuable History Pertaining to this Thrice-named Hill. A beautiful picture of the Hill Cumorah is presented on the opposite page. The hill is situated in the northwestern part of New York, about thirty miles south of Rochester. It is also near the New York Central Railroad, and only three and a half miles from Palmyra station to the south, and on the Canandaigua
28 minute read
Chapter III.
Chapter III.
The Angel that had been foretold would “Fly through the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to Preach unto them that Dwell on the Earth” appears to Joseph Smith.—The Golden Plates are Given into his Charge. The memorable twenty-second day of September, 1827, was the day appointed by the angel Moroni to meet Joseph Smith on the Hill Cumorah. There he was to receive the gold plates, the breast-plate and the Urim and Thummim. The accompanying shows Joseph grown to maturity, being no long
33 minute read
Chapter IV
Chapter IV
The Seven Lines of Characters that were translated by Joseph Smith are taken by Martin Harris to Prof. Anthon, fulfilling the words of the Prophet Isaiah, 29th chapter: “Read this, I pray thee, but he says, I cannot, for it is sealed.” The seven lines of characters presented in the accompanying engraving were copied by the hand of Joseph Smith in Harmony, Pennsylvania, in the year 1827, he then being in the twenty-second year of his age. They were copied from a book of gold plates which he found
6 minute read
Chapter V
Chapter V
The Prophet Joseph and others Sentenced to be Shot on the Public Square at Far West, in the Presence of their Friends.—The Execution Deferred, and the Prisoners afterwards sent to Liberty Jail. The Liberty Jail, which is fast going into ruins, is situated in the city of Liberty, Clay County, Missouri. It is inland three miles from the Missouri River and about ten miles from Independence in Jackson County, and Independence is eleven miles from Kansas City of the same state. There are many reasons
23 minute read
Chapter VI
Chapter VI
The Assassination of Generals Joseph and Hyrum Smith in Carthage, Hancock Co., Ill., June 27, 1844, while under the pledged protection of the Governor of the State. The engraving presented on another page is a true representation of the jail at Carthage, Illinois, wherein Joseph Smith, revered by the “Mormon” people as a prophet of God, and his brother Hyrum were foully murdered in 1844. A sketch of the building was made by the late Robert Campbell soon after the massacre, from which the illustr
10 minute read