Rules And Regulations Of The Insane Asylum Of California
Stockton State Hospital (Calif.)
22 chapters
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22 chapters
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The Resident Physician, who shall also be the Superintendent, shall be the chief executive officer of the Asylum; he shall have the general superintendence of the buildings, grounds, and property, subject to the laws and regulations of the Trustees; he shall have the sole control and management of the patients; he shall ascertain their condition, daily prescribe their treatment, and adopt such sanitary measures as he may think best; he shall appoint, with the approval of the Trustees, so many at
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“The Assistant Physician shall perform” the “duties, and be subject to the responsibility of the Superintendent, in his sickness or absence, and” he “may call to his aid, for the time being, such medical assistance, as he may deem necessary”—“and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Superintendent and prescribed by the By-Laws.”—[ State Law of 1858....
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He shall prepare and superintend the administration of medicines, visit the wards frequently, and carefully note the condition and progress of individual cases; see that the directions of the Superintendent are faithfully executed, and promptly report any case of neglect or abuse that may come under his observation, or of which he may be informed....
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He shall assist in devising employment and recreation for the patients, and endeavor in every way to promote their comfort and recovery; keep such records of cases as the Superintendent may direct, assist in preparing statistics, and conducting correspondence, and he shall perform such other duties of his office as properly belong thereto. 1. Persons employed in the service of the Asylum will learn that character, proper deportment, and faithfulness to duty, will alone keep them in the situation
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1. The Steward shall have a general oversight of the business of the farm, garden, grounds, fences and buildings; he shall assist in maintaining the police regulations of the Asylum, observe the deportment of those employed in subordinate positions, see that they do their duty, and report to the Superintendent any instance of neglect or misconduct, that he may observe, or of which he may be informed; he shall see to the opening and closing of the house; that the employees rise and commence their
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1. The Matron shall have charge of the female department of the Asylum. It will be expected of her to be with the female patients, in all the wards, as much as possible; see that they are kindly treated; that their food is properly cooked, served and distributed; that their apartments are kept clean and in good order, and properly warmed and ventilated; that the female employees attend to their duties in all respects, and report to the Superintendent any departure, on their part, from the rules
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1. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a correct account, in a book provided for that purpose, of all supplies received by the Steward under contract, or purchased by him under direction of the Superintendent. He shall keep a careful account of all articles used and consumed in the Asylum daily, and at the end of every month, he shall make an exhibit of the receipts, expenditures, and disbursements—arranging the different articles used under appropriate headings, that the actual cost and c
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1. The Supervisors shall have a general oversight of the duties of the Attendants; they shall spend their time chiefly in the wards, and they shall see that the rules prescribing the duties of the Attendants, towards the patients, are faithfully observed, that the patients are well treated, and in all respects properly cared for; they shall, in an especial manner, have the oversight of the sick, and see that watchers are detailed for such as require it. 2. They shall have the care of the clothin
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1. Those employed in the wards in the care of the patients, as their Attendants, should remember that their first duty is to treat them with unvarying kindness, respect and attention. Feelings of mutual good will, can, with few exceptions, be successfully cultivated between Attendants and those under their immediate care, and doubts may be justly entertained of an Attendant’s fitness, when these are wanting. 2. The first effort on the part of an Attendant, on receiving a patient, should be to wi
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1. The Assistants will be employed with the Attendants in the care of the patients, their rooms, clothing, etc.; they will be under the immediate direction and control of the Attendants; and they are expected to observe with care the rules prescribed for the management of the patients, and the government of the Asylum....
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1. The meals of the patients shall be served promptly at the following hours: 2. The Attendants are required to see that their patients are properly prepared for their meals; that their faces are washed, hair combed, and clothing adjusted, that each may present a cleanly and orderly appearance. 3. At meals the Attendants shall always be present to carve, to distribute the food, to see that each one has a proper supply, and that they all take their meals in a proper manner. Each shall be supplied
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1. The duties of the Watchman will commence at half-past seven o’clock, P. M. , at which time he will visit the office to receive instructions for the night. 2. He is expected, while on duty, to be faithful and vigilant; to visit every part of the male department, and the outer walls of the female department, at least every hour during the night, making as little noise as possible, never conversing in a loud tone, and opening and shutting the doors as quietly as possible. 3. He is expected to be
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1. The Watchwoman will have charge of the interior of the female department during the night, and in the management of the patients, and the discharge of other duties, will be governed by the rules and regulations laid down for the government of the Watchman....
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1. The time of service of the Porter commences and ends in alternation with that of night watchman. Cleaning, heating and lighting the front rooms of the centre building belong to him; he shall see that the front windows and doors are kept secured during the day, and that visitors about the premises do not transgress the rules of propriety by talking with the patients at the windows. 2. He is expected to keep within the sound of the office bell, unless absent on duty; he shall attend to all mess
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1. The Gardener, with the aid of such patients as can be taken out for that purpose, shall have the care of the orchard, garden, and grounds around the Asylum and Physician’s house; he shall have charge of the cultivation of the vegetables, fruits and flowers, and he will be held responsible for their safe keeping and delivery at the Asylum, as directed, from time to time, by the Superintendent or Steward. 2. He shall keep a pass-book, in which shall be entered by the Steward, the number, weight
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1. The Carpenter, who is also Engineer, shall have charge of the work-shop, tools, etc., belonging to his department of labor; he shall, with his Assistants, who will be subject to his direction, attend to the repairs, alterations, and improvements made under the direction of the Superintendent or Steward; he shall also have charge of the engine-house, and tools connected therewith, and will be expected to run the engine as often as may be necessary to keep a full and ample supply of water in th
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1. The Overseers of the laundry will have charge of the house and furniture of the laundry; they will be held responsible for the safe-keeping of the clothing delivered to them, until they shall be washed, ironed and returned, in a suitable condition for immediate use, to the assorting room, and placed in the charge of the Supervisor. 2. They shall keep the house and furniture in good order, and see that everything is safely locked up at night; they shall observe the rules and regulations of the
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1. The Farmer, under the direction and control of the Steward, shall have under his immediate charge, the lands used for farming purposes; the farming implements, the horses, cattle, hogs, chickens and produce of the farm, together with the hay, grain, straw, etc., purchased and delivered at the Asylum. 2. He will keep a book, in which, under the head of General Accounts , he will charge the farm with, the wages paid for labor, and the labor performed by the patients; the cost of farming impleme
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1. Visitors and others will be permitted to visit the Institution on any day, except Sunday, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. 2. No visitor shall be admitted within the wards occupied by the patients, without express permission from the Superintendent, or Assistant Physician. And especial care must be taken that no amount of visiting is permitted in the wards that might prove injurious to the patients. 3. Visitors are expressly forbidden to furnish any inmate of the Asylum with tobacco
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1. The Library of the male department shall be under the charge of the Supervisor. Every volume taken therefrom shall be charged to the borrower, except for the use of the patients, when it shall be charged to the Attendant, into whose ward it is taken, who will be responsible for its being used with ordinary care and returned in proper time. 2. If a volume shall be lost or destroyed, by any patient, the Attendant, having charge of the patient, will report the fact to the Supervisor, and, if pra
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In the preparation of the foregoing Rules and Regulations, the Resident Physician has made free use of the published rules of other Institutions, particularly those of the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane. Transcriber’s Note: The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text....
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