In The Time That Was
James Frederic Thorne
3 chapters
44 minute read
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3 chapters
"And There Was Light."
"And There Was Light."
achook of the Chilkats told me these tales of The Time That Was. But before the telling, he of the Northland and I of the Southland had travelled many a mile with dog-team, snowshoes, and canoe. If the stories suffer in the telling, as suffer they must afar from that wondrous Alaskan background of mountain and forest, glacier and river, wrenched from the setting of campfires and trail, and divorced from the soft gutturals and halting throat notes in which they have been handed down from generati
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"When You Give a Potlach, Forget Not He Who Carries the Water."
"When You Give a Potlach, Forget Not He Who Carries the Water."
hank Yaeethl for that," said Zachook as I rose with dripping beard from the stream where I had drunk deep, with many sighs of satisfaction and relief. "His pack is not heavy with thanks of men these days." "Thank the Raven? For what?" "The starving man asks not the name of the owner of the cache, but his heart is filled with gratitude." "That may be, but no cache of Yaeethl's is in this stream." "The ignorant deny all they cannot see." "Wise sayings feed neither fire nor belly," I retorted, prov
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"As Foolish as One Who Shoots Arrows at Mosquitoes."
"As Foolish as One Who Shoots Arrows at Mosquitoes."
achook , with a half amused, half sympathetic smile at my futile efforts to slaughter a small percentage of the mosquito cloud that enveloped us, made a smudge of leaves, and I willingly exchanged the tortures of being eaten alive for those of slow strangulation in the acrid smoke. My remarks had been neither calm nor patient, consisting mainly of my entire vocabulary of opprobrious adjectives and epithets several times repeated and diversified, aided by a wide, but wholly inadequate, range of p
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