The Colonies, 1492-1750
Reuben Gold Thwaites
21 chapters
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21 chapters
FOURTH AVENUE & 30TH STREET, NEW YORK LONDON, BOMBAY, AND CALCUTTA Copyright, 1890 , By Charles J. Mills . Copyright, 1897 , By Longmans, Green, and Co. Copyright, 1910 , By Longmans, Green, and Co. All rights reserved. First Edition, December, 1890. Reprinted, September, 1891, February, 1892, (Revised), January and August, 1893, December, 1893, (Revised), August, 1894, October, 1895, July, 1896, August, 1897, (Revised), November, 1897, July, 1898, July, 1899, April, 1900, January, 1901,
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In offering to the public a new History of the United States ,—for such the three volumes of the Epochs of American History , taken together, are designed to form,—the aim is not to assemble all the important facts, or to discuss all the important questions that have arisen. There seems to be a place for a series of brief works which shall show the main causes for the foundation of the colonies, for the formation of the Union, and for the triumph of that Union over disintegrating tendencies. To
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Upon no epoch of American history has so much been written, from every point of view, as upon the Thirteen Colonies. There has, nevertheless, been lacking a book devoted especially to it, compact in form, yet sufficiently comprehensive in scope at once to serve as a text-book for class use and for general reading and reference. The present work is intended to meet that want. In this book American colonization is considered in the light of general colonization as a phase of history. Englishmen in
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A. Bibliography.
A. Bibliography.
1. Edward Channing and Albert Bushnell Hart : A Guide to the Study of American History . Boston: Ginn & Co., 1896.—A well-arranged manual for both students and general readers. 2. Josephus Nelson Larned : Literature of American History . Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902.—More detailed than the foregoing. Contains critical estimates of many of the works cited, by experts in the several subjects....
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B. General.
B. General.
3-5. Elroy Mckendree Avery : A History of the United States and its People from their Earliest Records to the Present Time . 15 vols. Cleveland: Burrows Brothers Co., 1904+.—Volumes I.-III. cover the colonial period. Especially notable for its illustrations—for the most part, reproductions of contemporary views, maps, portraits, and articles of historical interest. The bibliographies are quite full. 6, 7. Edward Channing : A History of the United States . 8 vols. New York: The Macmillan Co., 190
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C. Special Histories.
C. Special Histories.
21, 22. Philip Alexander Bruce : Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century . 2 vols. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1896.—A careful, detailed study. 23. Philip Alexander Bruce : Social Life of Virginia in the 17th Century . Richmond: Whittet & Shepperson, 1907.—Thorough and clear. 24, 25. Sydney George Fisher : Men, Women, and Manners in Colonial Times . 2 vols. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898.—A readable and useful survey. 26. Frederick Webb Hodge : Handbook of American In
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D. Sources.
D. Sources.
43, 44. Albert Bushnell Hart , Editor: American History Told by Contemporaries . 4 vols. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1897, 1898.—Very useful for purposes of illustration. vols. I., II., are devoted to colonial material. 45-64. John Franklin Jameson , Editor: Original Narratives of Early American History . 20 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906+.—Carefully edited, and indispensable for first-hand study. 65. William MacDonald , Editor: Documentary Source Book of American History, 1606-1
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1. References. Bibliographies. —L. Farrand, Basis of American History , ch. xviii. ; J. Larned, Literature of American History , 21-50; J. Winsor, Narrative and Critical History , I., II. ; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 21, 77-80; C. Lummis, Reading List on Indians . Historical Maps. — No. 1, this volume ( Epoch Maps , No. 1 ); T. MacCoun, Historical Geography of United States ; school histories of Channing, Elson, Gordy, James and Sanford, Mace, McLaughlin, McMaster, and Montgomery. General Acc
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6. References. Bibliographies. —Winsor, Columbus , and Narrative and Critical History , I. xix-xxxvii , 33-58, 76-132, 369-444, II. 153-179, 205, III. 7-58, 78-84, 97-104, 121, 126, 184-218; Larned, Literature of American History , 50-68, and History for Ready Reference , I. 54-79; Avery, United States , I. 376-403; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 81-96; also bibliographical chapters in Bourne, Cheney, and Tyler, below. Historical Maps. — No. 1, this volume ( Epoch Maps , No. 1 ); MacCoun; Winsor,
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17. References. Bibliographies. —C. Lucas, Introduction to Historical Geography of British Colonies , vii., viii. ; Winsor, Narrative and Critical History , III. , V.; Larned, Literature of American History , 67-76; Avery, United States , II. 409-411; E. Greene, Provincial America , ch. xix. ; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 92, 104, 110. Historical Maps. — No. 2, this volume ( Epoch Maps , No. 2 ); MacCoun, Winsor, and Avery. General Accounts. —Colonization: Lucas, as above (colonial policies of
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27. References. Bibliographies. —S. Kingsbury, Introduction to Records of Virginia Company , 207-214; P. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia , I. xv.-xix. ; N. Mereness, Maryland , 521-524; E. Whitney, Government of South Carolina , footnotes; Avery, United States , II. 411-417, 434-438, III. 407-410, 412, 413; Larned, Literature of American History , 100-106; Winsor, III. 153-166, 553-562, V. 335-356; C. Andrews, Colonial Self-Government , 351-354; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 97-102. Historic
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39. References. Bibliographies. —Same as § 27 , above. General Accounts. —Doyle, Colonies , I. ch. xiii. ; Cooke, Virginia , ch. xxiv. Special Histories. —Eggleston, Beginners of a Nation ; Bruce, Social Life of Virginia , and Economic History of Virginia ; S. Fisher, Men, Women, and Manners in Colonial Times , I. ch. i. ; T. Page, Old Dominion , ch. iii. ; A. Earle, Colonial Dames and Good Wives , and Home Life in Colonial Days ; M. Goodwin, Colonial Cavalier ; A. Wharton, Colonial Days and Dam
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47. References. Bibliographies. —Winsor, III. 244-256, 283-294; Larned, Literature of American History , 72-92; Avery, II. 421-423; Andrews, Colonial Self-Government , ch. xx. ; Green, Provincial America , ch. xix. ; M. Wilson, Reading List on Colonial New England ; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 109-123. Historical Maps. — No. 2, this volume ( Epoch Maps , No. 2 ); Doyle, Colonies , II. ; MacCoun, Winsor, and school histories already cited. General Accounts. —J. Palfrey, New England , I. 47-268;
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63. References. Bibliographies. —Same as § 47 , above; Avery, II., III. ; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 124-128. Historical Maps. —Same as § 47 , above. General Accounts. —Doyle, Colonies , II. chs. viii., ix., III. chs. i.-v. ; Lodge, Colonies , 351-362, 375-380, 387-392, 398-400; Osgood, Colonies ; Avery, II. chs. xiii.-xviii., III. chs. vii., viii., x.-xii., xix.-xxi. ; G. Bancroft, I. 289-407, 574-613; Channing, United States , I. chs. xv., xviii., xix. ; Hildreth, I. chs. x., xii., xiv. ; P
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74. References. Bibliographies. —Same as §§ 47 and 63 , above; Channing and Hart, Guide , § 130. Historical Maps. —Same as § 47 , above. General Accounts. —Osgood, Colonies ; Doyle, Colonies , III. ch. ix. ; Lodge, Colonies , ch. xxii. ; W. Weeden, Economic and Social History ; J. Bishop, History of American Manufactures ; American Statistical Association Publications , No. 1. Special Histories. —Manners and customs: Earle, Costumes of Colonial Times , Customs and Fashions in Old New England, Sa
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82. References. Bibliographies. —Larned, Literature of American History , 92-100; Andrews, Colonial Self-Government , ch. xx. ; Avery, II. 417-421, 438-444, III. 413-418, 430-432, 443-445; Winsor, III. 411-420, 449-456, 495-516, IV. 409-442, 488-502; Channing and Hart, Guide , §§ 104-108. Historical Maps. — Nos. 1, 2, and 3, this volume ( Epoch Maps , Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 ); Winsor, as above. General Accounts. —Fiske, Dutch and Quaker Colonies ; Doyle, Colonies , IV. ; Lodge, Colonies , chs. ix.-xvi.
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90. References. Bibliographies. —Same as § 82 , above. Historical Maps. —Same as § 82 , above. General Accounts. —Doyle, Colonies , IV. ; Lodge, Colonies , chs. xiii., xv., xvii. ; Andrews, Colonial Self-Government , chs. xviii., xix . See also histories of separate colonies, § 82, above. Special Histories. —Topography: Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions , chs. i.-iv. ; Roberts, New York , I. ch. viii. ; Scharf, Delaware , ch. i. —Manners and Customs: Fisher, Men, Women, and
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98. References. Bibliographies. —Larned, Literature of American History , 430-438, 458-462; Winsor, VIII. 65-80, 175-177, 188-190, 270-291. Historical Maps. — Nos. 2, 3, and 4, this volume ( Epoch Maps , Nos. 2 , 3 , 4 ); Winsor, MacCoun, and school histories already cited. General Accounts. —H. Fox-Bourne, Story of our Colonies , chs. i.-xi. ; Egerton, British Colonial Policy ; Morris, History of Colonization ; E. Payne, European Colonies ; Cotton and Payne, Colonies and Dependencies . Special
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107. References. Bibliographies. —Thwaites, Jesuit Relations , LXXI. 219-365, and France in America , ch. xix. ; H. Biggar, Early Trading Companies , 171-296; Larned, Literature of American History , 395-421; Avery, II. 403-408, III. 436, 437; P. Gagnon, Essai de bibliographie canadienne ; H. Harrisse, Notes pour servir à l'histoire du Canada . Consult also Wrong and Langton, Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada (published annually). Historical Maps. — No. 4, this volume ( Epoch
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115. References. Bibliographies. —Avery, III. 438-440; Winsor, V. 392-406; Channing and Hart, Guide , § 103. Historical Maps. — No. 4, this volume ( Epoch Maps , No. 4 ), MacCoun, and school histories already cited. General Accounts. —Avery, III. ch. xxiv. ; Doyle, Colonies , V. ch. viii. ; G. Bancroft, II. 268-291; Greene, Provincial America , ch. xv. ; Hildreth, II. 362-377; Lodge, Colonies , ch. ix. ; Winsor, V. ch. vi. ; McCrady, South Carolina under Royal Government , chs. xi., xii. ; W. Wi
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118. References. Bibliographies. —Avery, III. 426-446; Greene, Provincial America , ch. xix.; Winsor, V. passim . Historical Maps. —Nos. 3 and 4, this volume ( Epoch Maps , Nos. 3 , 4 ); MacCoun, and school histories already cited. General Accounts. —Avery, III. chs. x.-xxvii.; G. Bancroft, II. 212-565; Channing, II. chs. xi.-xix.; Doyle, V.; G. Eggleston, Eighteenth Century ; Frothingham, Rise of Republic , ch. iv.; Greene, as above; Hildreth, II. chs. xxii.-xxvii.; Lodge, Colonies ; E. Sparks,
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