Joe Tilden's Recipes For Epicures
Joe Tilden
10 chapters
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10 chapters
[Illustration] 1907 Introductory Note * * * * * Major Joseph Tilden was in his time one of the most famous Bohemians and epicureans of the Pacific Coast. Ever since his death his many friends have been trying to learn the culinary secrets which made a repast of his devising so delicious. He had given his recipes to but few, and those few his most intimate friends and fellow spirits. One of the most favored of his old companions has given this complete collection of his recipes for publication. S
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[Illustration] Onion Soup Place six ounces of butter in a large saucepan over the fire, and stir into it four large white onions cut up, not sliced. Stew this very slowly for one hour, stirring frequently to prevent its scorching. Add salt, pepper, cayenne, and about one quart of stock, and cook one hour longer. Then stir into the mixture one and a half cups of milk and simmer for a few minutes. Have ready a soup tureen. In it beat the yolks of four eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan c
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[Illustration] Oysters a la Marechale Stew very gently in four ounces of butter some thinly sliced truffles and mushrooms. After cooking ten minutes add salt, white pepper, cayenne and mace. Stir in four large tablespoonfuls of flour and mix well together while it thickens. Put in the liquor of the oysters which has been scalded and skimmed. Then add milk (boiling) enough to make it as thick as cream. Take from the fire and stir in the yolks of four eggs beaten well with the juice of a lime and
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[Illustration] Sweetbreads with Mushrooms Lay half a dozen sweetbreads in cold water for twelve hours, changing the water several times. Then boil them five minutes, drop into cold water, remove the skin and lard with fat bacon. Put them in a saucepan with a pint of stock, two small onions and one carrot chopped, a teaspoonful of minced parsley, salt, pepper, cayenne, and a little mace. Stew until tender. Serve with a mushroom sauce, made as follows: Take a small bottle of mushrooms or one dozen
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[Illustration] Chicken Portuguese Truss two young chickens as though for roasting. Lay on the bottom of a large stew pan the rind of a piece of pork, and on this, place the chicken. Add four ounces of butter, a head of celery chopped, two onions sliced, three small carrots sliced, two Chili peppers cut up, and the halves of two bell peppers from which the seeds have been removed. Season with salt, cayenne, thyme and a few sweet herbs. Cover and cook quickly for forty minutes, moistening from tim
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[Illustration] Yorkshire Steaks Fry in butter several small tenderloin steaks, with two onions sliced and one cucumber sliced. When well browned add a pint of stock, salt, pepper and cayenne and one teaspoonful of made mustard. Simmer an hour or longer. * * * * * Filet of Beef a la Rossini Braise a larded filet of beef with what vegetables are in season. Put in a saucepan and moisten while cooking with a bottle of good claret or sherry. When done garnish the meat with macaroni prepared as follow
8 minute read
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[Illustration] Sauce for Canvas-back Duck Melt together in a hot soup plate one ounce of butter, and an equal amount of currant jelly. Add the juice of a lime, a glass of sherry and a small cupful of finely chopped celery. Season with salt, pepper and cayenne. * * * * * Sauce for Wild Fowl Take one shallot chopped, salt, cayenne, mace, a glass of port or claret, one tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one tablespoonful of mushroom catsup, the rind of one-half lime and one tablespoonful of lim
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[Illustration] Asparagus aux Milanaise Boil large choice asparagus until tender. Put a layer of stalks upon the dish on which they are to be served. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, cayenne, and a little grated Parmesan cheese. Make three layers of this and pour over all a little melted butter. Break on top a fresh egg for each person, and put in the oven until set. Serve very hot. To be served individually, six stalks may be placed on each dish, covered with cheese, and an egg broken over them. Serv
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[Illustration] Club Salad Boil separately two carrots, two turnips, and four potatoes. When cold, cut the vegetables into dice and mix them together, adding three apples peeled and cut into small bits. Toss in a large salad bowl with several olives for garnish. Bits of celery or cold cauliflower may be added. Pour over all a mayonnaise, or if preferred, a French dressing. Another dressing that is excellent with this salad is one made of the yolks of four raw eggs beaten into half a glass of rich
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[Illustration] Mince Meat Measure carefully and mix together the following ingredients: Two pounds of roast beef finely chopped, two pounds of chopped beef suet, two pounds of chopped peeled apples, two pounds of seeded raisins, two pounds Sultana raisins, two pounds of washed currants, two pounds of white sugar, one pound of citron cut in bits, one pound of dried orange peel, two nutmegs grated, three teaspoonfuls of ground mace, three teaspoonfuls of ground cloves, three teaspoonfuls of ground
17 minute read
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