American Slave Trade
Jesse Torrey
3 chapters
2 hour read
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3 chapters
An Account of the Manner in which the Slave Dealers take Free People from some of the United States of America, and carry them away, and sell them as Slaves in other of the States; and of the horrible Cruelties practised in the carrying on of this most infamous Traffic: WITH Reflections on the Project for forming a Colony of American Blacks in Africa, and certain Documents respecting that Project. WITH FIVE PLATES. LONDON: REPRINTED BY C. CLEMENT, AND PUBLISHED BY J. M. COBBETT, 1, CLEMENT'S INN
33 minute read
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"And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, shall surely be put to death." Exodus xxi. 16. 1. Throughout this work I have numbered the paragraphs , a practice which I find to be attended with numerous advantages. The work was published in Philadelphia in 1817. 2. The reader will perceive, that Mr. Torrey , the author of the work here presented to the public, has mixed his reflections with his narrative of facts. A different arrangement would have tended to clearn
10 minute read
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11. Many schemes have been proposed for alleviating the miseries and evils produced by the enslavement of the African race in the United States. Possessors of slaves, as well as others, have investigated the subject with great industry and anxiety; and all agree that something ought to be done. The suggestion of an infallible remedy is useless, if it be impossible to attain or apply it. Exportation to Africa, (the country to which the wisdom of their Creator has adapted their colour and facultie
58 minute read
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