William Tuckwell
17 chapters
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17 chapters
  [ Bib. Nat., Paris. HORACE. From a bronze medallion of the period of Constantine. Bell's Miniature Series of Great Writers...
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus, the "old popular Horace" of Tennyson, petted and loved, by Frenchmen and Englishmen especially, above all the poets of antiquity, was born on 8th December, B.C. 65. He calls himself in his poems by the three names indifferently, but to us he is known only by the affectionate diminutive of his second or gentile name, borne by his father, according to the fashion of the time, as slave to some member of the noble Horatian family. A slave the father unquestionably had been:
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Horace's Sabine farm ranks high among the holy places of the classic world; and through the labours of successive travellers, guided by the scattered indications in his poems, its site is tolerably certain. It was about thirty-two miles from Rome, reached in a couple of hours by pilgrims of the present time; to Horace, who never allowed himself to be hurried, the journey of a full day, or of a leisurely day and a half. Let us follow him as he rides thither on his bob-tailed mule (Sat. I, vi, 104
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Horace's poems are of two kinds; of one kind the Satires and Epistles, of another the Odes and Epodes. Their order and dates of publication are shown in the following table: Let us examine first the Satires and Epistles. The word "Satire" meant originally a farrago , a medley of various topics in various styles and metres. But all early writings of this kind have perished; and the first extant Latin satirist, Lucilius, who lived in the second century B.C. , devoted his pen to castigating the vic
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I have tried to interpret in some degree the teaching of the Satires and Epistles. Yet had the author's genius found expression in these Conversations only, he would not have become through nineteen centuries the best beloved of Latin poets: beloved in his own time alike by the weary Atlas Augustus and the refined sensualist Maecenas; "playing round the heartstrings" of the stern censor Persius; endowed by Petronius and Quintilian with the prize of incommunicable felicity; the darling of Dante,
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When a well-graced actor has left the stage amid trumpeted farewells from an admiring but regretful audience, we somewhat resent his occasional later reappearance. So, when a poet's last word has been spoken, and spoken emotionally, an Afterword is apt to offend: and we may wish that the fine poem just quoted had been reserved as finish to the volume yet to come, which lacks a closing note, or even that the volume itself had not been published. The fourth Book of the Odes was written nearly ten
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The wines whose historic names sparkle through the pages of Horace have become classical commonplaces in English literature. "Well, my young friend, we must for once prefer the Falernian to the vile Sabinum? " says Monkbarns to Lovel when the landlord of the Hawes Inn at Queensferry brings them claret instead of port. It may be well that we should know somewhat of them. The choicest of the Italian wines was Caecuban , from the poplar-trained vines grown amongst the swamps of Amyclae in Campania.
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The British Artists Series.
The British Artists Series.
Large post 8vo, in special bindings, with 90 to 100 Illustrations, 7s. 6d. net each. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS PORTUGAL STREET, LINCOLN'S INN....
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Messrs. Bell's Books.
Messrs. Bell's Books.
Fourth Edition, Post 8vo, 5s. net. HOW TO LOOK AT PICTURES. By Robert Clermont Witt , M. A. With 35 Illustrations. "A better gift for people who are dimly 'fond of pictures,' but who regret that they 'know nothing about them,' could not be found."— Spectator . "That infuriating expression, 'I know what I like,' ought to be abolished by this book ... many people use it who really have some feeling for Art, and would be glad of guidance; it will be many years before they find a better guide than M
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Bell's Miniature Series of Painters.
Bell's Miniature Series of Painters.
Pott 8vo, dainty Cloth covers, with 8 Illustrations, 1s. net each, or in limp leather, with Photogravure Frontispiece, 2s. net. Now Ready. "Highly satisfactory from every point of view."— Westminster Budget . "The illustrations are uniformly excellent. If art is to be made popular, this assuredly is the way to do it."— Pall Mall Gazette . "They are clearly and intelligibly written and are just the thing for the amateur art student."— Literature . "Exquisite little volumes."— Black and White . "E
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Bell's Miniature Series of Great Writers.
Bell's Miniature Series of Great Writers.
A NEW SERIES DEALING WITH THE LIFE AND WORK OF THE GREAT WRITERS OF ALL COUNTRIES. UNIFORM WITH THE Miniature Series of Painters, etc. Pott 8vo, Illustrated, cloth, 1s. net; or in limp leather, with Photogravure Frontispiece, 2s. net. Now Ready. In Preparation. "This charming and artistic little series—the illustrations of which would be well worth the price asked for each book."— Academy ....
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Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians.
Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians.
A COMPANION SERIES TO Bell's Miniature Series of Painters. Pott 8vo, Illustrated, cloth, 1s. net; or in limp leather, with Photogravure Frontispiece, 2s. net. Now Ready. In Preparation. "'Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians' are well known and highly appreciated as a handy and useful series of concise and critical biographies."— St. James's Gazette . "These handy little books, in addition to being illustrated, contain an amazing deal of information."— Musical Times ....
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The York Library.
The York Library.
Foolscap 8vo, cloth, 2s. net; leather, 3s. net. The following volumes are now ready: The following volumes are in preparation:...
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THE LATIN TEXT, WITH CONINGTON'S TRANSLATION ON OPPOSITE PAGES. Complete in one volume. Printed on thin paper for the pocket. Bound in stamped sheepskin. 5s. net; or limp cloth, 4s. net. ⁂ Also in two Parts: "THE ODES and CARMEN SECULARE." Cloth, 1s. 6d. net; limp leather, cut flush, 2s. net. "THE SATIRES, EPISTLES, and ART OF POETRY." Cloth, 2s. net; limp leather, cut flush, 2s. 6d. net. "A delightful little volume, that scholars and many who have forgotten their scholarship will be glad to put
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Miniature Series of Great Writers
Miniature Series of Great Writers
Edited by G. C. Williamson , Litt.D. Pott 8vo, Illustrated, to be had in cloth or limp leather . In Preparation....
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The Ancient Classics
The Ancient Classics
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