53 chapters
4 hour read
Selected Chapters
53 chapters
W. T. To the Reader.
W. T. To the Reader.
WHen I had translated the newe testament/ I added a pistle vnto the laiter ende/ In which I desyred them y t were learned to amend if ought were founde amysse. But oure malicious and wylye hypocrytes which are so stubburne and hard herted in their weked abhominaciõs that it is not possible for them to amend any thinge atall (as we see by dayly experience when their both lyvinges and doinges are rebuked with the trouth) saye/ some of them that it is unpossible to translate the scripture in to Eng
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¶ A prologe shewinge the vse of the scripture
¶ A prologe shewinge the vse of the scripture
THough a man had a precious iuell and a rich/ yet if he wiste not the value therof nor wherfore it served/ he were nother the better nor rycher of a straw. Eyen so though we read the scripture & bable of it never so moch/ yet if we know not the vse of it/ and wherfore it was geven/ and what is theim to be sought/ it profiteth vs nothinge at all. It is not ynough therfore to read and talke of it only/ but we must also desyre god daye and night instantly to open oure eyes/ ãd to make vs vn
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The fyrst Chapiter.
The fyrst Chapiter.
IN the begynnynge God created heaven and erth. The erth was voyde and emptie/ ãd darcknesse was vpon the depe/ and the spirite of god moved vpon the water Than God sayd: let there be lyghte and there was lyghte. And God sawe the lyghte that it was good: & devyded the lyghte from the darcknesse/ and called the lyghte daye/ and the darcknesse nyghte: and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the fyrst daye And God sayd: let there be a fyrmament betwene the waters/ ãd let it devyde the w
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The seconde Chapter.
The seconde Chapter.
THus was heavẽ & erth fynished wyth all their apparell: ãd ĩ y e seuẽth daye god ended his worke which he had made & rested in y e seventh daye frõ all his workes which he had made. And God blessed y e seventh daye/ and sanctyfyed it/ for in it he rested from all his workes which he had created and made. ¶ These are the generations of heaven & erth when they were created/ in the tyme when the LORde God created heaven and erth and all the shrubbes of the felde before they
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The .iij. Chapter
The .iij. Chapter
BUt the serpent was sotyller than all the beastes of the felde which y e LORde God had made/ and sayd vnto the woman. Ah syr/ that God hath sayd/ ye shall not eate of all maner trees in the garden. And the woman sayd vnto the serpent/ of the frute of the trees in the garden we may eate/ but of the frute of the tree y t is in the myddes of the garden (sayd God) se that ye eate not/ and se that ye touch it not: lest ye dye. Then sayd the serpent vnto the woman: tush ye shall not dye: But God doth
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¶ The .iiij. Chapter.
¶ The .iiij. Chapter.
ANd Adam lay wyth Heua ys wyfe/ which conceaved and bare Cain/ and sayd: I haue goten a mã of the LORde. And she proceded forth and bare hys brother Abell: And Abell became a sheperde/ And Cain became a ploweman. And it fortuned in processe of tyme/ that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde. And Abell/ he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his offeynge: but vnto Cain and vnto his offrynge/ look
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The .v. Chapter
The .v. Chapter
THys is the boke of the generacion of man/ In the daye when God created man and made hym after the symilytude of god Male and female made he thẽ and called their names man/ in the daye when they were created. And when Adam was an hundred and thyrty yere old/ he begat a sonne after hys lycknesse and symilytude: and called hys name Seth. And the dayes of Adam after he begat Seth/ were eyght hundred yere/ and begat sonnes and doughters. and all the dayes of Adam which he lyved/ were .ix. hundred an
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¶ The .vj. Chapter.
¶ The .vj. Chapter.
ANd it came to passe/ whã men begã to multiplye apõ the erth ãd had begot them doughters/ the sonnes of God sawe the doughters of men that they were fayre/ and toke vnto them wyves/ which they best liked amõge thẽ all. And the LORd sayd: My spirite shall not all waye stryve withe man/ for they are flesh. Nevertheles I wyll geue them yet space/ and hundred and .xx. yeres There were tirantes in the world in thos dayes. For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and ha
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The .vij. Chapter.
The .vij. Chapter.
ANd the LORde sayd vnto Noe: goo in to the arcke both thou and all thy houssold. For the haue I sene rightuous before me in thys generacion. Of all clene beastes take vnto the .vij. of every kynde the male and hys female And of vnclene beastes a payre/ the male and hys female: lykewyse of the byrdes of the ayre vij. of every kynde/ male and female to save seed vppon all the erth. For .vij. dayes hence wyll I send rayne vppõ the erth .xl. days & .xl. nyghtes and wyll dystroy all maner of
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The .viij. Chapter.
The .viij. Chapter.
ANd god remẽbred Noe & all y e beastes & all y e catell y t were with hĩ in y e arke And god made a wynde to blow vppõ y e erth/ & y e waters ceased: ãd y e fountaynes of the depe ãd the wyndowes of heavẽ were stopte and the rayne of heaven was forbiddẽ/ and the waters returned from of y e erth ãd abated after the ende of an hundred and .l. dayes. And the arke rested vppõ the mountayns of Ararat/ the .xvij. daye of the .vij. moneth. And the waters went away ãd decreased v
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¶ The .ix. Chapter.
¶ The .ix. Chapter.
ANd God blessed Noe and his sonnes/ and sayd vnto them: Increase and multiplye and fyll the erth. The feare also and drede of yow be vppon all beastes of the erth/ and vppon all foules of the ayre/ ãd vppon all that crepeth on the erth/ and vppon all fyshes of the see/ which are geuen vnto youre handes And all that moveth vppon the erth havynge lyfe/ shall be youre meate: Euen as y e grene herbes/ so geue I yow all thynge. Only the flesh with his life which is his bloud/ se that ye eate not. * T
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The .x. Chapter.
The .x. Chapter.
THese are the generations of the sonnes of Noe: of Sem/ Ham and Iapheth/ which begat them children after the floude. The sonnes of Iapheth were: Gomyr/ Magog/ Madai/ Iauan/ Tuball/ Mesech and Thyras. And the sonnes of Gomyr were: Ascenas Riphat and Togarma. And the sonnes of Iauan were: Elisa/ Tharsis/ Cithim and Dodanim. Of these came the Iles of the gentylls in there contres/ every man in his speach/ kynred and nation. The sonnes of Ham were: Chus Misraim Phut and Canaan. The sonnes of Chus: w
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¶ The .xi. chapter.
¶ The .xi. chapter.
ANd all the world was of one tonge and one language. And as they came from the east/ they founde a playne in the lande of Synear/ and there they dwelled. And they sayd one to a nother: come on/ let us make brycke ãd burne it wyth fyre. So brycke was there stone and slyme was there morter And they sayd: Come on/ let vs buylde vs a cyte and a toure/ that the toppe may reach vnto heauen. And let vs make us a name/ for perauenture we shall be scatered abrode over all the erth. And the LORde came dow
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¶ The .xij. Chapter.
¶ The .xij. Chapter.
THen the LORde sayd vnto Abrã Gett the out of thy contre and from thy kynred/ and out of thy fathers house/ into a londe which I wyll shewe the. And I wyll make of the a myghtie people/ and wyll blesse the/ and make thy name grete/ that thou mayst be a blessinge. And I wyll blesse thẽ that blesse the/ ãd curse thẽ that curse the. And in the shall be blessed all the generations of the erth. And Abram wẽt as the LORde badd hym/ and Lot went wyth hym. Abram was .lxxv. yere olde/ when he went out of
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¶ The .xiij. Chapter.
¶ The .xiij. Chapter.
THan Abram departed out of Egipte/ both he and his wyfe and all that he had/ and Lot wyth hym vnto the south. Abram was very rych in catell/ syluer & gold. And he went on his iourney frõ the south even vnto BETHEL/ ãd vnto the place where his tente was at the fyrst tyme betwene BETHEL and Ay/ and vnto the place of the aulter which he made before. And there called Abram vpon the name of the LORde. Lot also which went wyth hym had shepe/ catell and tentes: so that the londe was not abill t
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The .xiiij. Chapter.
The .xiiij. Chapter.
ANd it chaunsed within a while/ that Amraphel kynge of Synear/ Arioch kynge of Ellasar/ Kedorlaomer kynge of Elam and Thydeall kynge of the nations: made warre wyth Bera kynge of Sodoh and with Birsa kynge of Gomorra. And wythe Sineab kynge of Adama/ & with Semeaber kynge of Zeboim/ and wyth the kynge of Bela Which Bela is called Zoar. All these came together vnto the vale of siddim which is now the salt see Twelve yere were they subiecte to kinge kedorlaomer/ and in the .xiij. yere rebe
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xv. Chapter.
xv. Chapter.
AFter these deades/ y e worde of God came vnto Abram in a vision saynge feare not Abram/ I am thy shilde/ and thy rewarde shalbe exceadynge greate. And Abram answered: LORde Iehouah what wilt thou geue me: I goo childlesse/ and the cater of myne housse/ this Eleasar of Damasco hath a sonne. And Abram sayd: se/ to me hast thou geven no seed: lo/ a lad borne in my housse shal be myne heyre. And beholde/ the worde of the LORde spake vnto Abram sayenge: He shall not be thyne heyre/ but one that shal
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The .xvi. Chapter.
The .xvi. Chapter.
SArai Abrams wyfe bare him no childerne. But she had an hand mayde an Egiptian/ whose name was Hagar. Wherfore she sayde vnto Abram. Beholde the LORde hath closed me/ that I can not bere. I praye the goo in vnto my mayde/ peraduẽture I shall be multiplyed by meanes of her And Abram herde the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai Abrams wife toke Hagar hyr mayde the Egitian (after Abram had dwelled .x. yere in the lande of Canaan) and gaue her to hyr husbonde Abram/ to be his wyfe. And he wente in vnto Haga
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¶ The .xvij. Chapter.
¶ The .xvij. Chapter.
WHen Abram was nynetye yere olde & ix. the LORde apeared to hym sayenge: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me ãd be vncorrupte. And I wyll make my bonde betwene the and me/ and wyll multiplye the excedyngly. And Abrã fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge: I am/ beholde my testamẽt is with the/ that thou shalt be a father of many natiõs. Therfore/ shalt thou no more be called Abram/ but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nations haue I made the/ and I wil
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¶ The .xviij. Chapter.
¶ The .xviij. Chapter.
ANd the LORde apeared vnto him in the okegrove of Mamre as he sat in his tent dore in the heate of the daye. And he lyfte vp his eyes and looked: ãd lo/ thre men stode not farr from hym. And whẽ he sawe them/ he ran agenst them from the tent dore/ and fell to the grounde and sayde: LORde yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght/ goo not by thi seruaunte. Let a litle water be fett/ & wash youre fete/ and rest youre selves vnder the tree: And I will fett a morsell of breed/ to comforte youre
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¶ The .xix. Chapter.
¶ The .xix. Chapter.
ANd there came .ij. angells to Sodome at euen. And Lot satt at the gate of the cyte. And Lot sawe thẽ/ and rose vp agaynst them/ and he bowed hym selfe to the grounde with his face. And he sayde: Se lordes/ turne in I praye you in to youre servauntes house and tary all nyghte & wash youre fete/ & ryse vp early and go on youre wayes. And they sayde: nay/ but we will byde in the streates all nyghte. And he cõpelled them excedyngly. And they turned in vnto hym and entred in to his h
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The .xx. Chapter.
The .xx. Chapter.
ANd Abraham departed thence towarde the southcontre and dwelled betwene Cades and Sur ãd sogeorned in Gerar. And Abraham sayde of Sara his wyfe/ that she was his sister. Than Abimelech kynge of Gerar sent and fett Sara awaye. And God came to Abimelech by nyghte in a dreame and sayde to him: Se/ thou art but a deed man for the womãs sake which thou hast taken awaye/ for she is a mans wyfe. But Abimelech had not yet come nye her/ and therfore sayde: lorde wilt thou sley rightewes people? sayde not
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The .xxj. Chapter
The .xxj. Chapter
THe lorde visyted Sara as he had sayde and dyd vnto her acordynge as he had spoken. And Sara was with childe and bare Abrahã a sonne in his olde age euen the same season which the LORde had appoynted. And Abraham called his sonnes name that was borne vnto him which Sara bare him Isaac: & Abrã circũcysed Isaac his sõne whẽ he was .viij. dayes olde/ as God commaunded him And Abrahã was an hundred yere olde/ when his sonne Isaac was borne vnto him. And Sara sayde: God hath made me a laughin
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¶ The .xxij. Chapter.
¶ The .xxij. Chapter.
AFter these dedes/ God dyd proue Abraham & sayde vnto him: Abraham. And he answered: here am I. And he sayde: take thy only sonne Isaac whome thou louest/ & get the vnto the lande of Moria/ and sacrifyce him there for a sacrifyce vpon one of the mountayns which I will shewe the Than Abraham rose vp early in the mornynge and sadled his asse/ and toke two of his meyny wyth him/ and Isaac his sonne: ãd clove wod for the sacrifyce/ and rose vp and gott him to the place which God had
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¶The .xxiij. Chapter.
¶The .xxiij. Chapter.
SAra was an hundred and .xxvij. yere olde (for so longe lyued she) and than dyed in a heade cyte called Hebron in the londe of Canaan. Than Abraham came to morne Sara and to wepe for her. And Abraham stode vp from the coorse and talked with the sonnes of heth saynge: I am a straunger ãd a foryner amonge yow/ geue me a possession to bury in with you/ that I may bury my dead oute of my sighte. And the children of heth answered Abraham saynge vnto him: heare vs lorde/ thou art a prynce of God among
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¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter
¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter
ABraham was olde and stryken in dayes/ and the LORde had blessed him in all thinges. And he sayde vn to his eldest servaunte of his house which had the rule over all that he had: Put thy hande vnder my thye that I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth/ that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne/ of the doughters of the canaanytes/ amonge which I dwell. But shalt goo vnto my contre and to my kynred/ and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne Isaac. Thã sayde the s
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The .xxv. Chapter
The .xxv. Chapter
ABrahã toke hĩ another wyfe cald Ketura/ which bare hĩ Simram/ Iacksan/ Medan/ Midiã Iesback & Suah. And Iacksan begat Seba & Dedã. And the sonnes of Dedan were Assurim/ Letusim & Leumim. And the sonnes of Midian were Epha/ Epher/ Hanoch/ Abida & Elda. All these were the childern of Kethura. But Abrahã gaue all that he had vnto Isaac. And vnto the sonnes of his concubines he gaue giftes/ and sent them awaye from Isaac his sonne (while he yet lyved) east ward/ vnto
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The .xxvi. Chapter.
The .xxvi. Chapter.
ANd there fell a derth in y e lande/ passinge the first derth y t fell in the dayes of Abraham. Wherfore Isaac went vnto Abimelech kinge of y e Philistiãs vnto Gerar. Thẽ the LORde apeared vnto him & sayde goo not doune in to Egipte/ but byde in y e land which I saye vnto y e : Sogeorne in this lãde/ & I wyll be with y e & wyll blesse y e : for vnto the & vnto thy sede I will geue all these cõtreis And I will performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abrahã thy father
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The .xxvij. Chapter.
The .xxvij. Chapter.
WHen Esau was .xl. yere olde/ he toke to wyfe Iudith the doughter of Bery an Hethite/ and Basmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite also/ which were dishobedient vnto Isaac and Rebecca. And it came to passe that Isaac wexed olde & his eyes were dymme/ so that he coude nat see. Thã called he Esau his eldest sonne & sayde vnto him: mi sonne. And he sayde vnto hym: heare am I. And he sayde: beholde/ I am olde ãd knowe not the daye of mi deth: Now therfore take thi weapẽs/ thy quiver &
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¶ The .xxviij. Chapter.
¶ The .xxviij. Chapter.
THan Isaac called Iacob his sonne and blessed him/ ãd charged him and sayde vnto him: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan/ but aryse ãd gett the to Mesopotamia of the house of Bethuel thy mothers father: and there take the a wife of the doughters of Laban thi mothers brother. And God allmightie blesse the/ increase the and multiplie the that thou mayst be a nombre of people/ and geue the the blessynge of Abraham: both to the and to thy seed with the that thou mayst possesse the lã
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¶ The .xxix. Chapter.
¶ The .xxix. Chapter.
THen Iacob lyfte vp his fete & wẽt toward the east countre. And as he loked aboute/ behold there was a well in the feld/ and .iij. flockes of shepe laye therby (for at that well were the flockes watered) & there laye a great stone at the well mouth And the maner was to brynge the flockes thyther/ & to roull the stone frõ the welles mouth and to water the shepe/ and to put the stone agayne vppon the wells mouth vnto his place. And Iacob sayde vnto thẽ: brethern/ whẽce be y
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¶ The .xxx. Chapter
¶ The .xxx. Chapter
WHen Rahel sawe that she bare Iacob no childern/ she enuied hir sister & sayde vnto Iacob: geue me childern/ or ells I am but deed. Than was Iacob wrooth with Rahel saynge: Am I in godes steade which kepeth frõ the the frute of thi wõbe? Thẽ she sayde: here is my mayde Bilha: go in vnto her/ that she maye beare vpõ my lappe/ that I maye be encreased by her. And she gaue him Bilha hir hãdmayde to wife. And Iacob wẽt in vnto her/ And Bilha conceaued and bare Iacob a sonne. Than sayde Rahel
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¶ The .xxxi. Chapter.
¶ The .xxxi. Chapter.
ANd Iacob herde the wordes of Labãs sonnes how they sayde: Iacob hath takẽ awaye all that was oure fathers/ and of oure fathers goodes/ hath he gotẽ all this honoure. And Iacob behelde the countenaũce of Laban/ that it was not toward him as it was in tymes past. And the LORde sayde vnto Iacob: turne agayne in to the lãde of thy fathers & to thy kynred/ & I wilbe with y e . Thã Iacob sent & called Rahel & Lea to the felde vnto his shepe/ & sayde vnto thẽ: I
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¶ The .xxxij. Chapter.
¶ The .xxxij. Chapter.
IAcob sente meessengers before him to Esau his brother/ vnto the londe of Seir and the felde of Edom. And he cõmaunded them saynge: se that ye speake after this maner to my lorde Esau: thy seruaunte Iacob sayth thus. I haue sogerned ãd bene a straunger with Laban vnto this tyme: & haue gotten oxen/ asses and shepe/ menservauntes & wemanseruauntes/ & haue sent to shewe it mi lorde/ that I may fynde grace in thy syghte. And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sainge: we cam
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The .xxxiij. Chapter.
The .xxxiij. Chapter.
IAcob lyfte vp his eyes and sawe hys brother Esau come/ & with him .iiij. hundred men. And he deuyded the childern vnto Lea and vnto Rahel and vnto y e ij. maydens. And he put the maydens ãd their childern formest/ ãd Lea and hir childern after/ and Rahel ãd Ioseph hindermost. And he went before them and fell on the grownde .vij. tymes/ vntill he came vnto his brother. Esau ranne agaynst him and enbraced hym and fell on his necke and kyssed him/ and they wepte. And he lifte vp his eyes a
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The .xxxiiij. Chapter.
The .xxxiiij. Chapter.
DIna the doughter of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob/ went out to see the doughters of the lande. And Sichẽ the sonne of Hemor the Heuite lorde of the countre/ sawe her/ & toke her/ & laye with her/ and forced her: & his harte laye vnto Dina y e doughter of Iacob. And he loued y e damsell & spake kĩdly vnto her/ & spake vnto his father Hemor saynge/ gett me this maydẽ vnto my wyfe. And Iacob herde that he had defyled Dina his doughter/ but his sonnes were wi
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¶ The .xxxv. Chapter
¶ The .xxxv. Chapter
ANd God sayd vnto Iacob/ aryse ãd get the vp to Bethell/ & dwell there. And make there an aulter vnto God that apeared vnto the/ when thou fleddest from Esau thy brother. Than sayd Iacob vnto his housholde & to all y t were with him/ put away the straũge goddes that are amonge you & make youre selues cleane/ & chaunge youre garmẽtes/ & let vs aryse & goo vp to Bethell/ y t I maye make an aulter there/ vnto God which herde me in the daye of my tribu
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The .xxxvi. Chapter.
The .xxxvi. Chapter.
THese are the generations of Esau which is called Edõ. Esau toke his wyues of the doughters of Canaan Ada the doughter of Elon an Hethite/ & Ahalibama the doughter of Ana/ which Ana was the sonne of Zibeon an heuyte/ And Basmath Ismaels doughter & sister of Nebaioth. And Ada bare vnto Esau/ Eliphas: and Basmath bare Reguel: And Ahalibama bare Ieus/ Iaelam and Korah. These are the sonnes of Esau which were borne him in the lande of Canaan. And Esau toke his wyues/ his sonnes and d
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¶ The .xxxvij. Chapter.
¶ The .xxxvij. Chapter.
ANd Iacob dwelt in the lande wherein his father was a straunger/ y t is to saye in the lande of Canaan. And these are the generations of Iacob: when Ioseph was .xvij. yere olde/ he kepte shepe with his brethren/ and the lad was with the sonnes of Bilha & of Zilpha his fathers wyues. And he brought vnto their father an euyll saynge y t was of them. And Israel loued Ioseph more than all his childern/ because he begat hym in his olde age/ and he made him a coote of many coloures. When his b
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¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter.
¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter.
ANd it fortuned at that tyme that Iudas went from his brethren & gatt him to a man called Hira of Odollam/ and there he sawe the doughter of a man called Sua a Canaanyte. And he toke her ãd went in vnto her. And she conceaued and bare a sonne and called his name Er. And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne and called him Onan. And she conceaued the thyrde tyme & bare a sonne/ whom she called Sela: & he was at Chesyb when she bare hem. And Iudas gaue Er his eldest sonne/
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¶ The .xxxix. Chapter.
¶ The .xxxix. Chapter.
IOseph was brought vnto Egipte/ ãd Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: ãd his chefe marshall an Egiptian/ bought him of y e Ismaelites which brought hĩ thither And the LORde was with Ioseph/ and he was a luckie felowe and continued in the house of his master the Egiptian. And his master sawe that the LORde was with him and that the LORde made all that he dyd prosper in his hande: Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte/ and serued him. And his master made him ruelar of his house/ and put all tha
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The xl. Capter.
The xl. Capter.
ANd it chaunced after this/ that the chefe butlar of the kynge of Egipte and his chefe baker had offended there lorde the kynge of Egypte. And Pharao was angrie with them and put thẽ in warde in his chefe marshals house: euen in y e preson where Ioseph was bownd. And the chefe marshall gaue Ioseph a charge with them/ & he serued them. And they contynued a season in warde. And they dreamed ether of them in one nyghte: both the butlar and the baker of the kynge of Egipte which were bownde
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The .xli. Capter
The .xli. Capter
ANd it fortuned at .ij. yeres end/ that Pharao dreamed/ and thought that he stode by a ryuers syde/ and that there came out of the ryver .vij. goodly kyne and fatt fleshed/ and fedd in a medowe. And him though that .vij. other kyne came vp after them out of the ryver evelfauored and leane fleshed and stode by the other vpon the brynke of the ryuer. And the evill favored and lenefleshed kyne ate vp the .vij. welfauoured and fatt kyne: and he awoke their with. And he slepte agayne and dreamed the
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¶ The .xlij. Chapter.
¶ The .xlij. Chapter.
WHen Iacob sawe that there was corne to be solde in Egipte/ he sayde vnto his sõnes: why are ye negligent? beholde/ I haue hearde that there is corne to be solde in Egipte. Gete you thither and bye vs corne frõ thẽce/ that we maye lyue and not dye. So went Iosephs ten brethern doune to bye corne in Egipte/ for Ben Iamin Iosephs brother wold not Iacob sende with his other brethren: for he sayde: some mysfortune myght happen him And the sonnes of Israell came to bye corne amonge other that came/ f
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¶ The .xliij. Chapter.
¶ The .xliij. Chapter.
ANd the derth waxed sore in the lande. And when they had eate vp that corne which they brought out of the lande of Egipte/ their father sayde vnto them: goo agayne and by vs a litle food. Than sayde Iuda vnto him: the man dyd testifie vnto vs saynge: loke that ye see not my face excepte youre brother be with you. Therfore yf thou wilt sende oure brother with vs/ we wyll goo and bye the food. But yf thou wylt not sende him/ we wyll not goo: for the man sayde vnto vs: loke that ye see not my face/
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The .xliiij. Chapter.
The .xliiij. Chapter.
ANd he commaunded the rueler of his house saynge: fyll the mens sackes with food/ as moch as they can carie/ and put euery mans money in his bagge mouth/ and put my syluer cuppe in the sackes mouth of the yongest and his corne money also. And he dyd as Ioseph had sayde. And in y e mornynge as soone as it was lighte/ the mẽ were let goo with their asses. And when they were out of the cytie and not yet ferre awaye/ Ioseph sayde vnto the ruelar of his house: vp and folowe after the men and ouertake
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The .xlv. Chapter.
The .xlv. Chapter.
ANd Ioseph coude no longer refrayne before all them that stode aboute him/ but commaunded that they shuld goo all out from him/ and that there shuld be no man with him/ whyle he vttred him selfe vnto his brethern. And he wepte alowde/ so that the Egiptians and the house of Pharao herde it. And he sayde vnto his brethern: I am Ioseph: doth my father yet lyue? But his brethern coude not answere him/ for they were abasshed at his presence. And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethern: come nere to me/ and th
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The .xlvi. Chapter.
The .xlvi. Chapter.
ISrael toke his iourney with all that he had/ and came vnto Berseba and offred offrynges vnto the God of his father Isaac. And God sayde vnto Israel in a vision by nyghte/ and called vnto him: Iacob Iacob. And he answered: here am I. And he sayde: I am that mightie God of thy father/ feare not to goo downe in to Egipte. For I will make of the there a great people. I will go downe with y e in to Egipte/ & I will also bringe the vp agayne/ & Ioseph shall put his hand apon thine eye
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¶ The .xlvij. Chapter.
¶ The .xlvij. Chapter.
ANd Ioseph wẽt and tolde Pharao and sayde: my father and my brethern their shepe and their beastes and all that they haue/ are come out of the lãde of Canaan and are in the lande of Gosan. And Ioseph toke a parte of his brethern: euen fyue of them/ and presented them vnto Pharao. And Pharao sayde vnto his brethern: what is youre occupation? And they sayde vnto Pharao: feaders of shepe are thi seruauntes/ both we ãd also oure fathers. They sayde moreouer vnto Pharao: for to sogeorne in the lande
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The .xlviij. Chapter.
The .xlviij. Chapter.
AFter these deades/ tydĩges were brought vnto Ioseph/ that his father was seke. And he toke with him his ij. sõnes/ Manasses and Ephraim. Then was it sayde vnto Iacob: beholde/ thy sonne Ioseph commeth vnto the. And Israel toke his strength vnto him/ and satt vp on the bedd/ and sayde vnto Ioseph: God all mightie appeared vnto me at lus in the lande of Canaan/ ãd blessed me/ and sayde vnto me: beholde/ I will make the growe and will multiplye the/ and will make a great nombre of people of the/ a
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The .xlix. Chapter.
The .xlix. Chapter.
ANd Iacob called for his sonnes ãd sayde: come together/ that I maye tell you what shall happẽ you in the last dayes. Gather you together and heare ye sonnes of Iacob/ and herken vnto Israel youre father. Ruben/ thou art myne eldest sonne/ my myghte and the begynnynge of my strength/ chefe in receauynge and chefe in power. As vnstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therfore not be the chefest/ for thou wenst vp vpõ thy fathers bedd/ and than defyledest thou my couche with goynge vppe. The brethe
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The .l. Chapter.
The .l. Chapter.
ANd Ioseph commaunded his seruauntes that were Phisicions/ to embawme his father/ and the Physiciõs ẽbawmed Israel .xl. dayes lõge/ for so lõge doth y e embawminge last/ & the Egiptians bewepte him .lxx. dayes. And when the dayes of wepynge were ended/ Ioseph spake vnto y e house of Pharao saynge: Yf I haue founde fauoure in youre eyes/ speake vnto Pharao and tell him/ how that my father made me swere and sayde: loo/ I dye/ se that thou burye me in my graue which I haue made me in the la
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¶ A table expoundinge certeyne wordes.
¶ A table expoundinge certeyne wordes.
Abrech/ tender father/ or as some will/ bowe the knee. Areke/ a shippe made flatte as it were a chest or cofer. Bisse: fyne whyte/ whether it be silke or linen. Blesse: godes blessinges are his giftes/ as in the firste chaptre he blessed them saynge: growe & multiplye & haue dominion &c. And in the .ix. chaptre he blessed Noe & his sonnes & gaue thẽ dominiõ over all beestes & authoryte to care thẽ And God blessed Abrahã with catell ãd other ryches.
6 minute read