Yellowstone And Grand Teton National Parks
Union Pacific Railroad Company
31 chapters
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31 chapters
UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ( Front Cover ) Old Faithful Geyser...
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Truly, Yellowstone National Park is a wonderland of nature. Poets have written about it, and artists have painted it, but to believe that such a scenic region is possible, you must see with your own eyes the spouting geysers, bubbling cauldrons, giant canyons and other spectacular phenomena, all of which present a flashing brilliance of motion and color which you will never forget. Morning Glory Pool Yellowstone is the largest, the oldest and, perhaps, the best known of America’s many national p
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A few miles south of Yellowstone is Grand Teton National Park, set aside by the government in 1929. Grand Teton and the surrounding country have many distinctive features. Jackson Lake and the Tetons Grand Teton is noted for its mountain grandeur. Many of its jagged, towering peaks of granite rear their heads upward 10 to 13 thousand or more feet. In many respects they resemble the famed Alps of Europe. Lying at the base of these towering spires are lakes of sapphire-blue, and round about are fo
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You may see Yellowstone National Park in your own way. Roam the trails alone, or with an experienced guide, as you prefer. But, by all means, bring your camera! Yellowstone is your park! It has been provided with fine roads and modern hotels so that you may enjoy its wonders in comfort. You are genuinely welcome to come and stay as long as you like. You could easily stay all summer and never exhaust the alluring appeal, the charm, and tonic effect of Yellowstone’s beauty. However, if you can sta
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The Union Pacific route to Yellowstone National Park takes visitors to West Yellowstone, Montana, right on the Park border, and the nearest entrance to Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone’s most famous attraction. Here, amid the fragrance of the pine forests, the railroad maintains West Yellowstone Station, and an attractive dining lodge. Upon arriving at the station you have a short time for refreshments; a brief glimpse of the rustic village; mailing cards; buying souvenirs, or perhaps making a f
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In the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone parts the curtain and stages a gigantic thermal exhibit. Here the first geysers come into view. There they are! Dipping and skyrocketing; spears of boiling water belch upward, dazzling white against the backdrop of blue skies and forest greenery. For size, number, power and action, no other geysers in the world compare to those of Yellowstone. In the west and south-central parts of the Park are six major geyser basins. Each contains a number of geysers, poo
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Other Geysers
Other Geysers
Numerous other geysers equal or excel Old Faithful in volume or height, but most lack its regularity. The Giant Geyser exceeds all others in the amount of water expelled. Its jet of steaming water sometimes reaches 250 feet, and continues for an entire hour, but it gives no advance notice of when it will burst forth. Visitors examine the weird crater of Comet Geyser Other colorful geysers include the Beehive, Riverside, Grotto, Castle and the Sawmill. Their descriptive names are derived from the
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Pools and Springs
Pools and Springs
When you gaze into Firehole Lake jets of hot gas can readily be seen. Since they look like flame, it is easy to understand why the early trappers called this lake “Firehole.” There are other odd sights in the basins. Fountain Paint Pot looks like a pot of boiling paint, but it is merely colored clay. Morning Glory Pool is so named because of its flower-like cone. Black Sand Pool is a hot spring. Sapphire Springs is accurately named. It is as blue as the gem itself....
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The Continental Divide
The Continental Divide
After leaving Old Faithful you will soon come to Kepler Cascade. Here a whole series of captivating waterfalls descend about 150 feet, the magic waters singing as they fall. Continuing on toward Yellowstone Lake—your next stop—you cross the Continental Divide. The Divide crosses the southwest corner of the Park. This immense watershed was created by the tablelands of the Rocky Mountains from which the drainage is easterly or westerly. Eventually the flow on one slope reaches the Atlantic Ocean,
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Speedboat party on Yellowstone Lake Yellowstone Lake covers approximately 139 square miles. Its shore line is 100 miles long. One of the largest mountain lakes in the world, it is a mile and a half above sea level. The blue of its waters against the surrounding snow-capped mountains makes it one of nature’s grandest pictures. Countless visitors spend as much time as possible at the Lake. After the first visit this can be readily understood. It is ideal for camping and fishing, and the stimulatin
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The Upper and Lower Falls
The Upper and Lower Falls
As the Yellowstone River flows from Yellowstone Lake toward the Missouri River and the Gulf of Mexico, it leisurely twists and winds through the Park until, about fifteen miles from its source, the river is converged to a width of less than fifty feet. Through foaming cataracts it suddenly rushes forward to hurtle down 112 feet in a graceful fall known as the Upper Falls of the Yellowstone. The velocity of flow is so great at the crest that the water pours over the lip of the canyon in a gracefu
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Tower Falls
Tower Falls
Graceful Tower Falls Leaving Grand Canyon, which you do reluctantly, your route is north to Mammoth Hot Springs. Along the way many interesting sights are seen. About midway between Canyon and Mammoth you see Tower Falls, one of the most graceful waterfalls in the world. Plunging 132 feet into a cavernous basin, rimmed with stately evergreens, the Fall gets its name from the tower-like spires of rock that guard the river’s approach to the precipice....
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Mammoth Hot Springs Area
Mammoth Hot Springs Area
From Tower Falls travelers follow the road to Mammoth Hot Springs, site of the Park administration buildings. Along the sides of the hill, from which the natural springs well, are a group of steps or terraces over which flow the steaming waters of hot springs, laden with minerals. Each descending step has been tinted by the algae (plant life), living in the hot water, in a thousand tones. So vivid are these colors that they appear to vibrate and glow in the sunlight. Some of the older springs ha
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More Geysers—Norris Basin
More Geysers—Norris Basin
Upon leaving Mammoth Hot Springs, on the way back to West Yellowstone, you come upon Norris Geyser Basin. Its geysers spout at frequent intervals and its steam vents noisily erupt great volumes of vapor. Constant, Minute Man and Whirligig are some of the geysers. Emerald, Opal, Iris and Congress are a few of the pools. Jewel-like Emerald Pool Enchanting Gibbon Falls will add another lingering memory of your trip through Norris Geyser Basin. Moose Pronghorn Mountain Sheep Deer Bears Yellowstone h
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Other Animals
Other Animals
Tramping a forest trail your footsteps may disturb a deer that bounds away at your approach. In some of the grassy valleys of Yellowstone are immense herds of elk. Bands of bighorn sheep scale the rocky heights with amazing agility. Buffalo roam the eastern section of the Park, away from the main roads. Quite likely you will catch glimpses of other animals—antelope, moose, coyote, beaver, porcupine, squirrel and mink, some of which are pictured here. More than 200 species of birds spend their su
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Grasshopper Glacier
Grasshopper Glacier
Just outside the northeast corner of the Park is a huge glacier on the surface of which are the broken remains of millions of grasshoppers, preserved through the centuries. Geologists tell us they were trapped here while crossing the mountains in a summer snow storm. Herd of elk on the alert...
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Yellowstone is a fisherman’s dream come true. Nearly all the streams and lakes contain one or more species of trout. Whitefish and grayling may also be caught. Fishing equipment is obtainable in the Park. No license required. Yellowstone—a fisherman’s paradise...
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Other Forms of Recreation
Other Forms of Recreation
Yellowstone offers many forms of healthful recreation. Hiking is popular. Safe horseback trails beckon. Saddle horses and guides are available at Mammoth Hot Springs, Old Faithful and Grand Canyon. Swimming is enjoyed at Old Faithful and Mammoth, where pools, fed by natural warm waters, are maintained. Suits and towels may be rented....
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Every minute of the day is pleasant at Yellowstone and the evening hours, too, are filled with fun. Impromptu entertainments, lectures, music for dancing and for listening round out the day. There’s after-dinner entertainment as well Jackson Lake lies in a setting of Alpine loveliness...
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Church of the Transfiguration, Jackson Hole Grand Teton National Park became known to white men in 1807-8 when John Colter crossed the range on the memorable trip which resulted in his discovery of Yellowstone. The northern extremity of the Park lies about 11 miles south of Yellowstone’s southern boundary. Grand Teton National Park contains about 96,000 acres, and is penetrated by 90 miles of good trails. Besides its pinnacled peaks and majestic canyons, Grand Teton includes five large lakes and
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Looking across Jackson Hole to the Tetons Near the town of Moran, Wyoming, is Teton Lodge, and a short distance farther north is Jackson Lake Lodge. Overlooking lovely Jackson Lake, both command marvelous views of the sweeping Teton Range. The central lodges and cabins are built of native logs. They are equipped with hot and cold running water and are thoroughly comfortable. Trips may be made in all directions from the lodges. Saddle horses, motorboats, rowboats and automobiles may be hired at r
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Dudes get a lesson in saddling-up While many of the ranches in the Jackson Hole country are operating cattle ranches, they do accept a few guests during the summer months. All have attractive, comfortable accommodations for those who wish to indulge in horseback riding, fishing, mountain-climbing, hiking and the regular activities of ranch life. Dude ranch life offers rugged outdoor exercise, or pleasant relaxation. Certainly no more ideal spot can be found for such a vacation than in this vicin
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Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn is unique among hotels. Constructed entirely of native logs and stone, it is utterly charming. A massive fireplace in the lounge gives forth warmth and cheerfulness for evening gatherings. Off the lobby is “The Bear Pit,” a charming cocktail lounge....
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Canyon Hotel
Canyon Hotel
Canyon Hotel ... ... and cocktail lounge Comparable in appointments to any metropolitan hotel, yet suited to its wilderness setting, is Canyon Hotel near Grand Canyon. Its spacious, glass-enclosed lounge, furnished with comfortable chairs and settees, is a delightful place to relax after a day in the open....
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Mammoth Hotel and Cottages
Mammoth Hotel and Cottages
Headquarters of Yellowstone National Park are at Mammoth Hot Springs. Here are located the office of the Park Superintendent and other executive offices of the park administration, and of the public utilities that operate in the park under government regulation and supervision. A post office and museum are located at this point, as is Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel. Mammoth is ideally situated in a charming highland valley among some of the most striking mountain scenery in the Park. Mammoth Hot Spri
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Why not plan a real carefree vacation this summer by arranging to join one of the congenial groups on an escorted tour, conducted by our Department of Tours? All travel details are taken care of by a courteous, informed escort who accompanies each party. You know in advance exactly what your trip will cost and you are free to enjoy every precious minute of your vacation. The tour parties originate in Chicago and return to that city. Some of the tours of Yellowstone National Park also include Gra
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Persons who travel independently by railroad make a complete all-expense circle trip of Yellowstone, or in combination with Grand Teton National Park, in comfortable, modern motor buses, operated by competent and informed driver-guides. These circle trips assure your seeing all of the outstanding sights within the Parks. Meals and lodgings are at the hotels in Yellowstone. SEE SUPPLEMENT FOR COSTS AND SCHEDULES...
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Union Pacific serves West Yellowstone, Montana, directly on the Park’s western boundary, and during the Park season operates through sleeping cars from the East direct to West Yellowstone. During the Park season, also, round trip tickets are sold at nearly all stations in the United States and Canada to West Yellowstone, Montana, or to Victor, Idaho; or, going to West Yellowstone and returning from Victor, or the reverse. From any place in the United States tickets may be routed so passengers en
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NATIONAL PARK SERVICE—The National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, has full jurisdiction over Yellowstone National Park and is represented by a resident Superintendent, whose headquarters are at Mammoth Hot Springs. The National Park Service, of which The Honorable Newton B. Drury is Director, has jurisdiction over all national parks. WHAT TO WEAR—Warm clothing should be worn, and one should be prepared for the sudden changes of temperature common at an altitude of 7,500 feet. Vi
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Yellowstone has everything for the camera addict but the park presents some subjects rather difficult to capture satisfactorily. In either color or black and white the geysers are best photographed with quartering or slightly back light. Use panchromatic film and a fairly strong yellow filter or even a light red filter. Color shots of Old Faithful are best made very early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If you are lucky enough to catch a color shot of an eruption against a sunset sky yo
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Let one of Union Pacific’s courteous and informed representatives assist you with the details of your trip. There is no cost to you and you will find his helpful suggestions will add materially to your enjoyment of the trip. Write, phone, or call at any of the Union Pacific offices listed below. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Printed by Poole Bros., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.—7-53...
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