Apples In Appealing Ways [1969]
United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division
31 chapters
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31 chapters
APPLES in appealing ways
APPLES in appealing ways
This bulletin supersedes Leaflet 312, “Apples in Appealing Ways.” Washington, D.C. Issued April 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 15 cents Choose your favorite apple—a fragrant Winesap, a juicy Stayman, a tart Northern Spy ... each variety has its own appeal. And the versatile apple can lend flavor to your main course, salad, bread, or dessert. An apple, eaten raw, makes a pleasant, low-calorie snack or dessert. A med
48 minute read
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There are many good all-purpose apples, plus others especially suited for preparing in certain ways. Apples that “go to pieces” when cooked are usually best for applesauce; those that keep their shape are best for baking whole. Tart apples are good for cooking; sweeter apples, for eating raw. Early summer apples are especially good in applesauce and pies because they’re likely to be juicy, tart, and quick-cooking....
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Quality of Apples
Quality of Apples
Be sure to buy good-quality apples. Those that are mature when picked have the best flavor and texture. They should be firm and crisp, have a good color, and be free from defects. Most apples are marketed by grade, and many retail packages show variety, grade, and size. U.S. grades for apples are U.S. Extra Fancy, U.S. Fancy, U.S. No. 1, and combinations of these grades. U.S. No. 2 is a less desirable grade. Apples from the far western States are usually marketed under State grades which are sim
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Brief Storage
Brief Storage
Store slightly underripe apples for 2 weeks or less in a cool place, 60° to 70° F., to ripen. Apples that are ripe enough for eating will keep in your home refrigerator for a week or longer. Place them in the humidifier compartment or in a moisture-resistant container, such as a polyethylene bag. Fruit needs some ventilation, however. The polyethylene bags in which apples are sometimes purchased have small holes. If you prepare your own bags for storing apples, cut a few scattered half-inch hole
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Longer Storage
Longer Storage
Most varieties of apples will keep several months if stored at lower temperatures. Freezing will lower the quality of apples. For directions on long-term storage of apples, see Home and Garden Bulletin 119, “Storing Vegetables and Fruits in Basements, Cellars, Outbuildings, and Pits.” Send your request on a post card to the Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Please include your ZIP Code....
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Here are some of the many ways to use apples—in the main course of the meal, in salads, in breads, in desserts, and in other ways. Let the table on page 4 guide you in selecting the best apple variety for each recipe. The flavor, texture, and juiciness of the finished product may vary slightly with the kind of apple used. Commercially canned applesauce was used in developing the recipes that call for applesauce. If you use homemade applesauce in these recipes, it should be similar in sweetness a
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Mincemeat-apple filled peaches
Mincemeat-apple filled peaches
8 servings 1 cup finely chopped apples ½ cup mincemeat ½ cup miniature marshmallows 8 canned peach halves, drained Peach sirup, as needed Mix apples, mincemeat, and marshmallows. Place peaches in baking dish. Fill centers with apple mixture. Pour a few tablespoons of the peach sirup into bottom of dish. Bake at 375° F. (moderate oven) for about 20 minutes, until peaches are thoroughly heated. To serve, arrange peaches on platter around meat....
22 minute read
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Apple stuffing
Apple stuffing
4 cups stuffing ¼ cup butter, margarine, or bacon drippings ½ cup chopped onion ½ cup chopped celery 4 cups diced, tart apples ½ teaspoon salt ⅓ cup sugar 4 cups small bread cubes Melt fat in a large frypan. Add onion, celery, and apples. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Cook, turning occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes or until apples are lightly browned. Add bread cubes and toss gently to blend ingredients. Pork shoulder with apple stuffing. —Sprinkle the inside of a 4-pound, boned fresh pork shoul
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Sweetpotato-apple casserole
Sweetpotato-apple casserole
6 servings, about ⅔ cup each 1 can (18 ounces) sweetpotatoes, drained ¼ cup sweetpotato liquid or orange juice 1 can (20 ounces) apple pie filling 1 teaspoon grated orange rind, if desired 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup bread cubes 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted Arrange sweetpotatoes in a 2-quart casserole. Blend remaining ingredients except bread cubes and fat. Pour over sweetpotatoes. Mix bread cubes with fat and sprinkle over apples. Bake at 375° F. (moderate oven) until liquid is bu
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Panned apple wedges
Panned apple wedges
6 servings, about ½ cup each 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 tablespoon lemon juice 5 cups pared apple wedges ⅓ cup sugar Melt fat in a large frypan over moderately low heat. Mix lemon juice with apples and pour into pan. Sprinkle with sugar. Brown apples lightly on both sides, turning once. If apples are not tender, cover and cook over low heat a little longer. Panned apples are especially good served with pork, ham, fried chicken, or sweetpotatoes. Or, fill halves of baked, seasoned acorn
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Jellied apple-nut salad
Jellied apple-nut salad
6 servings, about ⅔ cup each 1 package (3 ounces) lemon-flavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water ¾ cup cold water 1 tablespoon lemon juice ⅛ teaspoon salt ½ cup finely chopped celery 1½ cups chopped apples ¼ cup chopped pecans Dissolve the gelatin in the boiling water. Add cold water, lemon juice, and salt. Chill until slightly thickened. Stir remaining ingredients into the gelatin. Chill until firm. Waldorf salad. —Omit gelatin, water, and lemon juice. Use 2½ cups apples. Mix all ingredients, and b
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Chicken- or turkey-apple salad
Chicken- or turkey-apple salad
6 servings, about ¾ cup each 2 cups cooked, chopped chicken or turkey 2 cups diced or sliced apples ½ cup chopped celery ⅓ to ½ cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 1 tablespoon lemon juice, if desired Combine ingredients; mix well. NOTE: If preferred, moisten the salad with french dressing and omit the mayonnaise or salad dressing. Pork-, ham-, or veal-apple salad. —Use one of these cooked meats instead of poultry. Tunafish-apple salad. —Use 13- or 14-ounce can of tunafish instead of poultry. Chees
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Apple-fruit combinations
Apple-fruit combinations
For a tasty and colorful salad, fruit cup, or dessert, combine apples and other fruits, cut or sectioned. For a salad, use large pieces, drain the fruit, and place on greens. For a fruit cup or dessert, use smaller pieces and add a little fruit juice. To make six ½- to ⅔-cup servings, try one of these combinations:...
15 minute read
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Carrot-apple salad
Carrot-apple salad
6 servings, ⅔ cup each 1 large carrot, shredded 3 cups diced apples ⅓ cup raisins ⅓ cup salad dressing or mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice, if desired ⅛ teaspoon salt Combine ingredients and mix well....
13 minute read
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Cabbage-apple salad
Cabbage-apple salad
6 servings, ½ cup each 2 cups shredded cabbage 2 cups diced apples 2 tablespoons slivered almonds, toasted ⅓ cup salad dressing 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt Combine ingredients and mix well....
14 minute read
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Apple spice muffins
Apple spice muffins
12 muffins ¾ cup milk 1 egg, beaten ¼ cup melted fat 2 cups unsifted flour ½ cup sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup finely chopped apples ¼ cup raisins Add milk to egg; stir in fat. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly; stir in apples and raisins. Add liquid mixture and stir just until most of the dry ingredients are moistened. Do not overmix; batter should be lumpy. Fill greased muffin tins two-thirds full. Bake at 400° F. (hot oven) 20 to 25 minutes until gold
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Apple coffeecake
Apple coffeecake
9 servings, 3 by 3 inches each ½ cup light brown sugar 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 to 2 teaspoons cinnamon, as desired ½ to ¾; cup sugar, as desired ¼ cup shortening 1 egg ½ cup milk 1½ cups unsifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 2 cups thinly sliced apples ½ teaspoon salt 2 cups thinly sliced apples Blend together the brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, butter or margarine, and cinnamon. In another bowl, combine sugar, shortening, and egg; beat thorou
53 minute read
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Applesauce drop cookies
Applesauce drop cookies
Makes 5 dozen ½ cup softened shortening, butter, or margarine 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup unsifted flour 1 tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon cloves ½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup applesauce 1 cup raisins 1¾ cups quick rolled oats 1 cup raisins 1¾ cups quick rolled oats Beat fat and sugar together until creamy. Beat in the egg. Combine and thoroughly mix all dry ingredients except rolled oats. Stir into creamy mixture until blended. Stir in applesauce. Stir in raisins a
35 minute read
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Applesauce Filling or topping
Applesauce Filling or topping
For two 8-inch cake layers or a 9- by 12-inch cake ⅓ cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch ½ teaspoon nutmeg ½ teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups (16½-ounce can) applesauce ½ cup chopped nuts, if desired Whipped cream or whipped topping, if desired Blend dry ingredients in a saucepan. Stir in applesauce. Cook over moderate heat until thick, stirring as needed to prevent sticking. Cool. Spread on cake. Sprinkle with nuts, if desired; or add whipped cream or whipped topping before serving. Coconut-apples
38 minute read
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Fudgy applesauce cake
Fudgy applesauce cake
9 servings, 3 by 3 inches each ⅓ cup softened shortening, butter, or margarine 1 cup sugar 9 eggs 1 cup unsifted flour ⅓ cup cocoa ½ teaspoon soda ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon allspice ½ cup chopped nuts 1 cup applesauce ¼ cup milk ¼ cup milk Beat fat and sugar together until creamy; beat in eggs. Combine dry ingredients and mix well. Add nuts. Add dry ingredients to creamy mixture with the applesauce and milk. Stir only until blended. Pour into a greased 9-inch square baking pan. Bake at 350° F.
35 minute read
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Applesauce cake
Applesauce cake
9 servings, 3 by 3 inches each ⅓ cup softened shortening, butter, or margarine 1⅓ cups sugar 1 egg 1⅔ cups flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon cloves ½ teaspoon allspice 1⅓ cups applesauce ⅔ cup raisins ⅓ cup chopped nuts ⅔ cup raisins ⅓ cup chopped nuts Beat fat and sugar until creamy and fluffy; beat in the egg thoroughly. Mix dry ingredients together. Stir dry ingredients into creamy mixture alternately with applesauce until well blended. Stir in ra
44 minute read
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Baked apples
Baked apples
6 servings 6 baking apples (See table, p. 4 .) ½ cup honey or sugar ½ cup raisins, if desired ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 cup water Core apples without cutting through the bottom end. Peel about one-third of the way down. Place in baking dish. Mix remaining ingredients except fat and water; fill centers of apples. Dot filling with fat. Pour water into baking dish. Bake at 375° F. (moderate oven) about 45 to 60 minutes or until apples are tender. If ap
46 minute read
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Apple-cheese dessert
Apple-cheese dessert
6 to 8 servings 6 cups pared apple slices 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup sugar ½ cup unsifted flour ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ cup butter or margarine ⅔ cup finely shredded Cheddar cheese Fill a 9- or 10-inch piepan or shallow baking dish with apples; sprinkle with lemon juice and ½ cup of the sugar. Mix remaining sugar, flour, salt, and cinnamon. Mix in fat until mixture is crumbly. Stir in cheese. Spread over apples. Bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) about 45 minutes or until apples a
32 minute read
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6 servings, about ½ cup each 6 cups apple pieces (cored only, or pared and cored) 1 cup water ¼ to ⅓ cup sugar, as desired Cook apples in the water in a covered saucepan for 10 to 15 minutes or until tender. Add additional water, if needed to prevent sticking. Mash undrained, cooked, pared apples or put unpared ones through a food mill or sieve. Stir in sugar. NOTE: Applesauce will vary in texture, juiciness, and tartness with the variety of apple used. Lemon applesauce, spicy applesauce, raisin
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Applesauce chiffon pie
Applesauce chiffon pie
9-inch pie 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1½ cups applesauce ⅛ teaspoon ginger ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ½ cup milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon grated lemon rind ½ cup sugar 1 tablespoon gelatin ¼ cup cold water 3 egg whites ¼ teaspoon salt 9-inch baked pastry shell, or graham cracker shell Nutmeg, if desired 3 egg whites ¼ teaspoon salt 9-inch baked pastry shell, or graham cracker shell Nutmeg, if desired Mix the egg yolks, applesauce, ginger, cinnamon, milk, lemon juice and rind, and half the
53 minute read
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Apple pie
Apple pie
9-inch pie Pastry for 9-inch, 2-crust pie 6 cups tart, pared, sliced apples ¾ cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch ½ to 1 teaspoon cinnamon, as desired 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, if desired Fill a pastry-lined piepan with the apple slices. Blend dry ingredients and sprinkle over apples; dot with fat, if desired. Cut a few slits in pastry top for steam to escape. Place it on the pie and seal edges. Bake at 400° F. (hot oven) 45 to 60 minutes or until the apples are tender and the crust is go
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Tapioca apples
Tapioca apples
6 servings, about ⅔ cup each ⅔ cup sugar 3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca ⅛ teaspoon salt 1½ cups water 5 cups tart, pared apple slices Mix sugar, tapioca, salt, and water in a large saucepan. Let stand while preparing apple slices. Then, bring tapioca mixture to a full boil, stirring to prevent sticking. Add apples. Boil gently, covered, until apples are tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. NOTE: Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve with plain or whipped cream, if desir
28 minute read
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Apple cobbler
Apple cobbler
6 servings 1 recipe tapioca apples ( p. 11 ) ⅓ cup milk 1 cup biscuit mix 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted ¼ cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Pour tapioca apples into a 9-inch square pan. Stir milk into biscuit mix. Roll dough to 6- by 10-inch rectangle. Spread dough with fat and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll as for jellyroll, starting from short side. Cut dough into 12 slices ½-inch thick. Arrange on tapioca apples. Bake at 425° F. (hot oven) about 20 minutes or until biscuits ar
33 minute read
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Mulled cider
Mulled cider
6 servings, about ⅔ cup each 1 quart apple cider 1 teaspoon whole allspice 1 teaspoon whole cloves 2 sticks cinnamon 6 thin lemon slices, if desired Combine ingredients, except lemon slices, in a saucepan. Simmer covered for 20 minutes. Remove spices. Serve hot with lemon slices, if desired. Mulled apple juice. —Use canned or fresh apple juice instead of cider....
19 minute read
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Apple-cranberry punch
Apple-cranberry punch
10 servings, about ⅔ cup each 1 quart apple cider 1 cup sweetened cranberry juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 cups ginger ale Combine cider and fruit juices; chill in refrigerator. Add chilled ginger ale just before serving. BN-32460 Hot mulled cider and a bowl of popcorn make a tasty snack for a chilly evening....
19 minute read
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Cranberry-apple relish
Cranberry-apple relish
Makes 1⅔ cups 1 cup cranberries 2 tart apples, unpared, cored, quartered 1 orange, unpeeled, quartered, seeded ½ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Put fruit through food chopper, using fine blade. Combine all ingredients. Chill several hours before serving. NOTE: Relish may be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The following publications give additional ways to use apples. Single copies are available from the Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Send y
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