Money-Saving Main Dishes
United States. Agricultural Research Service. Consumer and Food Economics Research Division
72 chapters
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72 chapters
money-saving MAIN DISHES
money-saving MAIN DISHES
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Home and Garden Bulletin No. 43 Human Nutrition Research Division and Consumer and Food Economics Research Division Agricultural Research Service US. Department of Agriculture Washington 25, DC February 1955 Slightly revised October 1962 This bulletin is a revision of and supersedes Leaflet No. 289. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington 25, DC.—Price 20 cents This is easy to answer after you have decided on
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Main-dish Proteins From a Variety of Sources
Main-dish Proteins From a Variety of Sources
To supply a fourth of the day’s protein requirement, a main dish for a family of four must contain about 2 ounces of protein. Although this averages ½ ounce (15 grams) per person, it will not necessarily be divided equally among the family members—men and teen-age boys and girls will need somewhat more; women and younger children, somewhat less. There follows a list of foods commonly used in main dishes, together with the quantity needed to provide the ½ ounce of protein....
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Approximate Amounts of Some Foods That Provide About ½ Ounce (15 grams) Protein
Approximate Amounts of Some Foods That Provide About ½ Ounce (15 grams) Protein
As you plan your main dishes, do your overall menu planning too, keeping in mind the different kinds of foods that are needed for an adequate diet. Plan to serve foods from each of these four groups every day: • Milk group—milk in all forms (fluid whole or skim, evaporated, dry, buttermilk). For children, the equivalent of 3 or more cups of fluid milk daily; for teenagers, 4 or more cups; for adults, 2 or more cups. • Meat group—meat, poultry, fish, eggs; as alternates, dry beans, peas, and lent
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Buying Meat
Buying Meat
Homemakers who are after good buys at the meat counter will consider the grade and the cut. Federal grades of beef usually found on the market are Prime, Choice, Good, Standard, and Commercial. Markets vary in the grades of beef carried and may offer only one or two, as for example, U. S. Choice and U. S. Good. The lower grades cost less per pound than similar cuts of higher grades and usually contain more lean. Beef is the meat most often sold with a U. S. Grade stamp, but lamb, mutton, veal, a
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To Make Meat Tender
To Make Meat Tender
Good cooking can help make any cut of meat a favorite main dish with the family. Here are some of the methods that skillful cooks use for less tender cuts: Long, slow cooking, as for braised meats and stews. —For extra flavor first brown meat in a little fat. To braise, use little or no liquid except the juices that cook from the meat. Cook, closely covered, with low heat. To stew, add water to partially cover meat, cover kettle, and simmer. Chopping, pounding, scoring. —The foodchopper helps ma
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Meat itself is usually flavoring enough for the main dish. It is often browned in a little fat to develop its flavor. In combination dishes, highly flavored or cured meats such as ham, dried beef, corned beef, and sausage may lend more flavor than fresh meat. When the meat is limited, other foods will add zest and additional food values. Tomatoes, onions, parsley, chives, green peppers, celery, sour cream, lemon, nippy or smoked cheese—all contribute in both ways. Other seasonings your family ma
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A “boiled” dinner
A “boiled” dinner
Add beans and liquid the last 10 minutes of cooking. If raw beans are used, add with potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Skim off excess fat before serving. Serve with crisp lettuce, tomato, and celery salad, and apple betty with lemon sauce for dessert. Beef short ribs may be used with longer cooking. Corned beef, meaty ham hock, or ham bone may be used in place of the spareribs. Cover with water and simmer about 3 hours or until tender. Omit salt, and continue as above. Good with sauerkraut
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Scotch meat patties
Scotch meat patties
¾ pound ground beef ⅓ cup milk ¾ cup quick-cooking oats Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons cooking fat or oil 1 cup water ¼ cup chopped celery ¼ cup chopped green pepper ¼ cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon flour Combine meat, milk, oats, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper. Make very thin patties; brown on both sides in the fat or oil in a fry pan. Add water and vegetables; season with worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. Cook covered over low heat 30 minute
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Kidney stew
Kidney stew
¾ pound veal or lamb kidneys 1½ cups diced potato 1 small onion, sliced ¾ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg yolk Chopped parsley 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cut the kidneys in half and wash well. Remove skin, blood vessels, connective tissue, and fat. Cover kidneys with cold water, heat slowly to boiling, discard the water, and repeat the process until there is no strong odor and no scum on the water. Add about 1 quart fresh water and simmer kidneys until tender. Remove kidneys from broth and
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Soy meat loaf
Soy meat loaf
¾ pound chopped meat 1½ cups vegetable liquid, tomato juice, or milk 2 ounces salt pork, diced (about ⅓ cup) 2 tablespoons chopped onion ½ cup chopped celery ¾ cup soy grits 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 teaspoons salt ¾ cup breadcrumbs ⅛ teaspoon pepper Select one kind of meat or a mixture of two or more kinds. Blend vegetable liquid, tomato juice, or milk with the meat. Fry salt pork until crisp and remove from fat. Cook onion and celery in the fat for a few minutes. Add all the ingredients
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Sweet-sour spareribs, Chinese style
Sweet-sour spareribs, Chinese style
2 pounds spareribs 1½ cups water ¼ cup raisins ½ teaspoon salt 2 green peppers, cut in 6 pieces each 1½ tablespoons cornstarch ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup vinegar Soy sauce Cut spareribs into serving portions and brown in a fry pan over moderate heat—about 5 minutes on each side. Add ½ cup of the water, the raisins, and salt. Cover pan tightly and cook over very low heat 20 minutes. Add green peppers. Stir in cornstarch blended with sugar, vinegar, and 1 cup of water. Cover and continue cooking over low h
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Pork shoulder with savory stuffing
Pork shoulder with savory stuffing
Remove the bones and any skin from a 5- to 6-pound fresh pork shoulder. Sprinkle meat on inside with salt and pepper, and pile in some of the stuffing. Begin to sew edges of shoulder together to form a pocket, and gradually work in the rest of the stuffing. Do not pack tightly. Sprinkle outside of shoulder with salt and pepper, and if desired with flour also. Place the roast, fat side up, on a rack in a shallow uncovered pan. Roast without water at 350° F. (moderate oven) until tender—about 4 ho
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Swiss steak
Swiss steak
1 pound beef or veal rump or round, cut about 1 inch thick Salt and pepper Flour Cooking fat or oil 2 cups cooked or canned tomatoes or tomato juice Season meat with salt and pepper, sprinkle with flour. Pounding helps make the meat tender. Cut meat into serving pieces and brown in a little fat or oil. Add tomatoes or juice, cover, and simmer gently until meat is tender—about 1½ hours. Serve with mashed potatoes, corn, lettuce salad, and prune whip. Swiss Steak With Brown Gravy. —Use water inste
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Sausage with sweetpotato and apple
Sausage with sweetpotato and apple
½ pound sausage 2 medium-sized sweetpotatoes 3 medium-sized apples ½ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons sugar ½ cup cold water 1 tablespoon sausage drippings Cut link sausage into ½-inch pieces. Fry until well done. If bulk sausage is used, shape it into small balls before frying or break it up as it cooks. Pare and slice potatoes and apples. Mix salt, flour, and sugar together and blend with cold water. Arrange layers of potatoes, apples, and sausage in a baking dish, pouring flour-
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Main-dish soup
Main-dish soup
3 or 4 pounds meaty soupbones (beef or veal shank or shortribs) Drippings or other fat Bay leaf, if desired 3 cups diced vegetables Salt and pepper Have bones cracked and remove small slivers. Brown in fat in a large kettle. Cover with water, add bay leaf, and simmer until meat is tender enough to fall from bones—3 to 4 hours. Add vegetables such as onion, carrots, and potatoes during the last half hour of cooking. Remove bones from broth. Cut up meat and add to the soup. Season to taste. Serve
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Brown beef stew
Brown beef stew
1 pound boneless stewing beef Salt and pepper Flour Drippings or other fat 1½ cups water 3 potatoes, diced 2 onions, sliced 3 carrots, diced 1 cup raw snap beans Cut meat into inch cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and brown in the fat. Add water, cover, and simmer until almost tender—2 to 3 hours. Add vegetables, season with salt and pepper, and continue to simmer, covered, until vegetables are done. Stir occasionally. Serve with coleslaw or green salad, and a baked pear or p
51 minute read
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¾ pound chopped raw beef ¾ cup chopped or coarsely grated raw potato ¼ cup chopped or grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg Drippings or other fat or oil 1 cup tomato juice or puree 1 tablespoon flour Mix all ingredients except fat, tomato juice, and flour. Form into 4 or 5 flat cakes. Brown the cakes on both sides in fat or oil in a fry pan. Add tomato juice, cover, and simmer slowly until done, about 25 minutes. Remove cakes and keep them hot. Mix flour with a l
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Ham and scalloped potatoes
Ham and scalloped potatoes
4 medium-sized potatoes, sliced 1 tablespoon grated onion 2 cups hot milk ½ pound thinly sliced ham, cut in serving pieces Salt, pepper Put half of the potatoes into a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with half the onion, a little salt, and pepper. Use salt sparingly. Add ham. Cover with rest of potatoes, seasonings, and onion. Add milk until it barely shows between the potato slices on top. Save rest of milk to add during cooking if needed. Cover dish and bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) about 1 ho
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Liver loaf
Liver loaf
1½ pounds liver 2 tablespoons fat or meat drippings ¼ cup chopped onion ¼ cup chopped celery ¼ pound pork sausage 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup soft breadcrumbs, mashed potatoes, or cooked rice 1 egg, beaten About ⅔ cup milk or canned tomatoes Brown the liver lightly in the fat. Chop fine. Brown the onion and celery in the fat and add to the liver. Add the rest of the ingredients, using just enough milk or tomatoes to moisten the mixture well. Pack firmly into a loaf pan to shape. Bake in the pan or tur
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Tongue-and-corn casserole
Tongue-and-corn casserole
3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons finely chopped pimiento 3½ tablespoons flour 1¼ cups milk, broth from tongue, or water with 2 beef bouillon cubes ¼ teaspoon salt 1½ cups chopped cooked tongue 1⅓ cups whole-grain corn, drained ⅓ cup grated cheese ¼ cup fine dry breadcrumbs mixed with butter or margarine Melt butter or margarine and blend in flour and salt. Stir in the liquid, and cook and stir over low heat until thick and smooth. Add rest of ingred
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Stewed or steamed whole chicken
Stewed or steamed whole chicken
Prepare a fully drawn stewing chicken for cooking: Pull out pin-feathers and singe bird over flame; wash well, rinse, and dry. Clean giblets. Stewed Whole Chicken. —Place the bird on a rack in a kettle and add water to half cover bird. Salt water lightly. Cover kettle and simmer until chicken is tender, turning occasionally for even cooking. Three to 4 hours will probably be needed. Cook giblets with the chicken, removing them as soon as done. Cool chicken in broth, breast down, an hour or more.
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Stewed or Steamed Chicken, in Pieces
Stewed or Steamed Chicken, in Pieces
Cut a stewing chicken into pieces suitable for serving. Simmer in water to cover, or steam. Pieces take about as long to cook as a whole bird....
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Chicken with dumplings
Chicken with dumplings
1 stewing chicken cut in pieces and stewed 3 to 4 cups broth 6 tablespoons chicken fat 3 to 6 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper Remove pieces of chicken from the broth and keep them hot. Skim fat from broth. Blend fat and flour, stir in several spoonfuls of the broth, and pour the mixture into the rest of the broth, stirring constantly. Cook this gravy until it is slightly thickened. Season to taste....
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¾ cup sifted flour 2½ teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 egg ⅓ cup milk Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Beat egg, add milk, and mix with the dry ingredients. Drop by small spoonfuls on boiling chicken gravy, cover tightly, and cook 15 minutes. The cover must not be removed while the dumplings are cooking, for if the steam escapes they will not be light. Serve with broccoli or other green vegetable, gelatin vegetable salad, date-and-nut pudding....
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Curried chicken with carrots
Curried chicken with carrots
1 stewing chicken cut in pieces and stewed or steamed 3 tablespoons chicken fat 1 pint chicken broth ½ cup sliced onion 3 tablespoons flour ¼ teaspoon curry powder 2 cups cooked shredded carrots Salt Take cooked chicken from the broth. Skim off fat and measure quantities of fat and broth needed. Make sauce: Cook onion in fat for a few minutes. Blend in flour and curry powder. Add broth, and cook until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Mix chicken and carrots with sauce. Add salt to tast
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Roast turkey quarter or half
Roast turkey quarter or half
You can roast turkey quarters or halves stuffed or unstuffed. Rub inside of cleaned turkey part with salt. To keep meat from drying, fasten skin with skewers over meat at bone edge all around cavity. Or with big needle and heavy cord, lace across cavity, catching the skin with each stitch. On a front quarter or half, sew wing tightly to body or fasten with skewers put in firmly at an angle. On a rear quarter or half, sew drumstick to tail. Stuffing may be baked separately while the turkey cooks
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Browned hash
Browned hash
1½ cups chopped cooked meat 3 cups chopped cooked potatoes 1 onion, finely chopped Broth or milk Seasoning to taste The meat, potatoes, and onion may be chopped by hand or put through the food chopper, depending on the texture desired. Mix meat, potatoes, and onion thoroughly. Moisten with a little broth or milk, if desired, and season to taste. Spread mixture in an even layer in a lightly greased fry pan. Cook slowly until browned on the bottom. If desired, turn and brown on the other side. Tur
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Chop suey
Chop suey
1 medium-sized onion, sliced thin 1 green pepper, cut in slivers 1½ tablespoons cooking fat or oil 1½ cups celery, cut in slivers 2 hard tart apples 1 cup thin gravy or broth 1½ cups cooked and diced lean pork Soy sauce and salt Brown onion and green pepper in fat or oil. Mix in the celery and the apple cut into small thin slices. Add gravy or meat broth. Cover and cook 5 minutes. Add meat and season to taste with soy sauce and salt. If desired, thicken with a little cornstarch mixed with water.
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Chicken a la king
Chicken a la king
3 tablespoons chicken fat or butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour ½ cup milk 1 cup chicken broth Salt and pepper ½ green pepper, diced ½ cup mushrooms, cut in pieces 1 egg yolk 1½ cups diced cooked chicken 1 pimiento, chopped Make white sauce: Melt 2 tablespoons of the fat and stir in the flour. Add milk and broth and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Season with salt and pepper. Melt the remaining tablespoon of fat, add green pepper and mushrooms and cook a few minutes over low heat
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Chicken timbales
Chicken timbales
1½ cups cooked rice 1½ cups diced cooked chicken 1 tablespoon finely diced onion 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup milk ⅓ cup chicken broth or milk ½ teaspoon salt Pepper Mix all ingredients together. Divide mixture among custard cups or individual baking dishes. Place cups in pan of very hot water and bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) about 30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center of timbale comes out clean. Serve with glazed carrots, spinach with lemon, pear salad with cream or cottage cheese and n
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Luncheon-meat cups
Luncheon-meat cups
2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk Salt and pepper 2 cups cooked peas, seasoned 1 tablespoon cooking oil or fat 8 thin slices luncheon meat Make white sauce: Melt the butter or margarine, blend in the flour, and add milk slowly. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add peas to sauce and heat. Heat fat or oil and brown luncheon meat, allowing edges to curl to form cups. Put 2 cups together for each serving and fill with the hot cre
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Curried lamb
Curried lamb
1 cup diced celery with tops 1 small onion, diced 3 tablespoons cooking fat or oil 2 cups diced cooked lean lamb ¾ cup brown gravy Curry powder 2 drops tabasco sauce Salt Brown celery and onion slowly in the fat or oil. Add meat, gravy, and seasonings. Use ⅛ to 1 teaspoon curry powder, as desired. Stir over low heat until well mixed and hot. If too dry, add boiling water. Serve with flaky cooked rice, snap beans, coleslaw, and for dessert sweetpotato pie or pineapple chiffon pie. To make a savor
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Frankfurter and potato soup
Frankfurter and potato soup
2 cups diced potatoes 1 small onion, sliced 1½ cups boiling water 4 frankfurters 1¾ teaspoons salt Pepper 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley Cook potatoes and onion in boiling water until soft. Put through a ricer or mash slightly. Cut frankfurters into ¼-inch slices. Add frankfurters, seasonings, and milk to potato mixture. Heat thoroughly, add parsley, and serve. Serve with a salad of chopped lettuce, tomato, and celery. Have dried-fruit upside-down cake for dessert. Cooked apric
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Pork souffle
Pork souffle
2½ tablespoons butter or margarine 2½ tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 3 eggs, separated 1⅓ cups finely chopped cooked or canned pork 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion, or onion juice 2 teaspoons finely chopped green pepper ½ teaspoon salt Make a thick white sauce: Melt the butter or margarine, blend in the flour, and add the milk. Stir and cook over low heat or hot water until thickened. Cook a little longer, and cool slightly. Beat the egg yolks and blend into the cooled sauce. Stir in the meat, oni
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Fish patties
Fish patties
1½ cups flaked cooked or canned fish 1½ cups dry mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion ½ teaspoon salt 1 egg Pepper Flour Cooking fat or oil Combine all ingredients except flour and fat or oil. Shape mixture into patties, roll in flour, and brown in fat or oil. Serve with pickled beets, a green vegetable, celery, and for dessert molded cornstarch pudding with a sauce of cooked dried apricots. Fish-Potato Puffs. —Add 2 egg yolks instead of a whole egg to the mixture of fish and potato
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Fish and noodles
Fish and noodles
3 tablespoons chopped onion ⅓ cup diced celery 1 tablespoon cooking fat or oil ½ teaspoon salt Pepper 1⅔ cups cooked or canned tomatoes, or 2 cups raw tomatoes cut in pieces 1⅔ cups cooked noodles 2 cups flaked cooked fish Crumbs mixed with melted butter or margarine Cook onion and celery in fat or oil a few minutes. Add salt, pepper, and tomatoes and heat to boiling. Put alternate layers of noodles, fish, and hot tomato mixture into a greased baking dish. Top with crumbs. Bake at 350° F. (moder
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Jellied tuna salad
Jellied tuna salad
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin ¼ cup cold water ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon celery seed ¼ cup vinegar ¼ cup water 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups flaked canned tuna (or other canned or cooked fish) Soften gelatin on top of water. Add seasonings, vinegar, and water to eggs. Cook over boiling water until thickened, stirring constantly. Add gelatin and stir until it is dissolved. Add fish and mix thoroughly. Pour into individual molds or large ring mold and chill. Serve scalloped potatoes with chives, cooked
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Fried fish fillets
Fried fish fillets
1 pound fish fillets (salmon, cod, rosefish, or haddock) Milk, flour 1 egg, beaten 1 tablespoon water ¾ tablespoon salt 1 cup fine dry crumbs Cooking fat or oil Cut fish in serving pieces. Dip in milk, then in flour. Mix egg, water, and salt. Dip floured fish in this mixture, and roll in crumbs. Heat fat or oil in fry pan, put in the fillets. Reduce heat, and cook slowly 10 to 15 minutes, until the fish is done through and golden brown on both sides. Drain. Garnish with parsley and lemon. Serve
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Salmon loaf
Salmon loaf
2 cups flaked canned or cooked salmon 3 tablespoons cooking fat or oil 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk and salmon liquid Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 2 cups soft bread cubes 1 egg, beaten Drain canned salmon, saving the liquid. Make sauce: Heat fat or oil, blend in flour. Add enough milk to the salmon liquid to make 1 cup, and stir into the flour mixture. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Season. Mix the sauce with the other ingredients. Form into loaf. Bake in un
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Stuffed fish fillets
Stuffed fish fillets
¾ cup finely cut celery 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion 6 tablespoons cooking fat or oil 3 cups bread cubes ¾ teaspoon salt Pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon thyme or other savory seasoning 1 pound small fish fillets Fine dry crumbs 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons fat Cook celery and onion in fat or oil for a few minutes. Add bread cubes and seasonings, and mix well. Place stuffing on skin side of salted individual fillets. Roll and fasten with toothpicks. Roll the stuffed fille
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Fish with curry sauce
Fish with curry sauce
1½ pounds dressed fish 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 1 small onion, chopped ¼ cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup liquid (liquid from simmered fish plus milk) Curry powder Salt 2 to 3 cups hot cooked rice 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Simmer fish about 10 minutes in a small quantity of water in a shallow pan. Drain and save liquid. While the fish is cooking, make sauce: Melt the butter or margarine and cook the green pe
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Salmon, rice, and tomatoes
Salmon, rice, and tomatoes
¼ cup chopped onion ¼ cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons bacon fat or meat drippings 1½ cups boiling water 2 cups cooked or canned tomatoes, or 2½ cups chopped raw tomatoes Salt and pepper ⅓ cup raw rice ¼ cup chopped olives 2 cups flaked canned or cooked salmon Cook onion and green pepper in the fat in a large fry pan until the onion is yellow. Add water, tomatoes, and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to boil. Add rice and simmer until rice is tender—20 to 25 minutes—adding more water if nee
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Hot deviled eggs
Hot deviled eggs
2 tablespoons butter, margarine, or oil ½ green pepper, chopped fine ⅓ cup celery, chopped fine 1 small onion, chopped fine 1 tablespoon flour 1⅓ cups cooked or canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce 2 drops tabasco sauce ⅔ cup cold milk 6 hard-cooked eggs, sliced Crumbs, butter or margarine 6 hard-cooked eggs, sliced Crumbs, butter or margarine Heat butter or margarine and cook chopped vegetables in it until they are tender. Blend in the flour. Add tomatoes and seasonin
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Egg and toast special
Egg and toast special
4 slices bacon, chopped fine 4 thick slices bread, with 2-inch holes in centers 4 eggs Salt and pepper Cook bacon in a fry pan until half done; push to side of pan. Pour off fat. Brown bread slices in pan while bacon continues to cook. Break the eggs into the holes, and season. Sprinkle bacon over eggs and bread. Reduce heat, cover pan, and cook until eggs are done. Serve with creamed onions, sliced tomato and cottage cheese salad for needed protein, and a fruit dessert....
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Mexican scrambled eggs
Mexican scrambled eggs
2 tablespoons minced onion ½ clove garlic, chopped fine 1 small green pepper, diced fine 2 tablespoons cooking fat or oil ⅓ cup sieved cooked or canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon salt, pepper 6 eggs, slightly beaten Fry onion, garlic, and green pepper in fat or oil. Add tomatoes, water, salt, and pepper. Cook 3 minutes. Add eggs and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Serve with potatoes, snap beans, green salad with strips of meat and cheese, and upside-down
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Shirred eggs on spinach
Shirred eggs on spinach
1 to 1½ pounds spinach ½ teaspoon salt 2 slices bacon Salt and pepper 4 eggs Wash spinach thoroughly, place in pan, and add salt. Cover and cook without added water until wilted—about 5 minutes. Chop bacon fine; fry until crisp. Mix bacon and bacon fat with spinach and season to taste with salt and pepper. Place hot spinach in a baking dish. Make four depressions in spinach, and break an egg into each. Cover dish and bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) 20 to 25 minutes or until eggs are firm. If des
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Eggs scrambled with luncheon meat
Eggs scrambled with luncheon meat
1 cup diced luncheon meat 1 tablespoon cooking fat or oil 4 eggs, beaten ¼ cup milk ¼ teaspoon salt Pepper Salami, canned cured pork loaf, bologna, frankfurters, or any other spiced or smoked luncheon meat makes a good combination with eggs for this quick dinner dish. Lightly brown the diced meat in the fat or oil in a fry pan over moderate heat. Combine eggs, milk, salt, and pepper and add to the meat. Cook, stirring constantly, until eggs are done. Serve with baked potatoes, carrot and celery
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4 hard-cooked eggs 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour 1⅔ cups milk 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion ½ tablespoon horseradish, if desired 1½ cups cooked macaroni Salt and pepper 2 tomatoes, cut in quarters Crumbs mixed with melted butter or margarine Cut eggs in quarters. Make white sauce: Melt butter or margarine, blend in flour, and add milk slowly. Cook, stirring, until thickened. Add other ingredients except tomatoes and crumbs. Pour into greased baking dish. Press tomatoes
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Puffy spanish omelet
Puffy spanish omelet
1 cup cooked or canned tomatoes, or 1¼ cups chopped raw tomatoes 1 small green pepper, chopped ½ small onion, chopped fine 1 tablespoon chopped parsley ¼ cup chopped celery 8 to 10 stuffed olives, sliced 4 eggs, separated ½ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon cooking fat or oil Combine tomatoes, green pepper, onion, parsley, celery, and olives. Simmer 15 minutes or until liquid is reduced to a few tablespoonfuls. Beat egg yolks well. Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff but not d
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Egg and potato scramble
Egg and potato scramble
2 slices bacon 4 medium-sized potatoes, sliced thin 1 teaspoon salt 4 eggs, beaten ¼ cup milk Pepper Fry bacon slices and remove from fry pan. Fry potatoes in the fat until they are well browned, sprinkling with salt as browning starts. Cover pan closely. Cook over low heat until potatoes are tender. Combine eggs, milk, and pepper. Pour over potatoes in pan and cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until eggs are set. Crumble bacon slices and add just before removing pan from heat. Serve at once.
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Eggs in potato nests
Eggs in potato nests
1½ cups leftover mashed potatoes 5 eggs Salt and pepper Mix potatoes with one of the eggs. Shape mixture into four balls, place on greased baking sheet. Press centers of balls to make cups. Break an egg into each cup, season with salt and pepper. Bake at 325° F. (slow oven) 20 to 25 minutes or until eggs are as firm as desired. Serve with broccoli and cheese sauce, and crisp salad, and spicecake for dessert. Add ¼ cup grated cheese and 1 teaspoon grated onion or onion juice to the potato mixture
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Cheese puff
Cheese puff
6 slices bread 1½ cups ground or grated cheese 2 eggs 1½ cups milk ½ teaspoon salt Pepper, paprika, and mustard if desired Fit 3 slices of bread into the bottom of a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with half the cheese and cover with the rest of the bread. Beat eggs, add milk and seasonings, pour over bread and cheese, and cover with rest of cheese. Set baking dish in a pan of hot water and bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) about 40 minutes or until custard is set and bread is puffy. Serve with lima
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Cheese fondue
Cheese fondue
1½ cups milk 1½ cups soft breadcrumbs 1 cup chopped or grated cheese 1 tablespoon butter or margarine ½ teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated Scald milk. Add crumbs, cheese, butter or margarine, and salt. Beat egg yolks; add milk mixture. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold into mixture. Pour into greased baking dish. Bake at 350° F. (moderate oven) 30 minutes or until set. Serve at once with baked squash, a green vegetable, apple-celery salad with nuts, and cookies....
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Baked macaroni and cheese
Baked macaroni and cheese
4 ounces macaroni (1 cup elbow or 1-inch pieces) 1 quart boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 1½ cups water or fluid milk ⅓ cup dry milk, whole or nonfat 1 tablespoon flour ½ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 cup chopped or grated cheese Crumbs, butter or margarine Cook the macaroni in the boiling water with the teaspoon of salt for the length of time indicated on the package. Drain. Put the 1½ cups of water or fluid milk into top of double boiler. Add dry milk, flour, and half teaspoon
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Cheese rabbit (rarebit)
Cheese rabbit (rarebit)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon powdered dry mustard Paprika, if desired 1½ cups milk ⅓ pound cheese, ground or grated (1½ cups) 1 egg, beaten Melt butter or margarine and blend in flour, onion, and seasonings. Add milk slowly. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add cheese. Pour a little of the sauce into the beaten egg, then pour all back into the sauce. Stir and cook 2
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Cottage cheese-pickle-peanut sandwich
Cottage cheese-pickle-peanut sandwich
⅔ cup cottage cheese ⅓ cup peanut butter, coarse grind ⅓ cup diced dill or sweet pickles 8 slices bread 2 tablespoons milk ¼ teaspoon salt 1 egg, beaten Cooking fat or oil Combine cottage cheese, peanut butter, and chopped pickles. Spread the mixture generously on 4 bread slices and cover with the other 4 slices. Add milk and salt to the beaten egg and mix thoroughly. Dip both sides of sandwiches quickly into the egg mixture. Do not soak the bread. Brown on both sides in hot fat over moderate he
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Baked chili beans and hamburger
Baked chili beans and hamburger
1 cup dry chili or kidney beans 3 cups water ½ pound ground beef 2 tablespoons drippings or other fat 1 small onion, sliced 1 clove garlic, sliced ½ green pepper, chopped fine 2 cups cooked or canned tomatoes, or 2½ cups raw tomatoes cut in pieces ½ teaspoon salt Chili powder to taste Boil beans in water 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and soak 1 hour or overnight. Cook in same water until almost tender. Brown meat in fat. Add onion, garlic, green pepper, tomatoes, and salt, and cook a few m
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Dry bean or pea soup
Dry bean or pea soup
1 cup dry beans or whole peas 6 cups water Meaty ham bone 1 small onion, chopped Salt and pepper Boil beans or peas in water 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and soak 1 hour or overnight. Add ham bone. Boil gently 2 hours in a covered pan. Add onion and continue cooking 30 minutes, or until beans are soft. Remove bone and cut off meat. Add meat to soup. Season to taste, and reheat. Serve with tomato aspic, or fruit salad, with cottage cheese. Have custard pie for dessert. For Thick, Smooth So
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Quick baked beans
Quick baked beans
2 slices bacon 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1 tablespoon molasses 1½ tablespoons catsup ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon powdered dry mustard ½ teaspoon worcestershire sauce, if desired 2 to 3 cups canned or cooked dry beans Fry bacon, remove from pan, and cook onion for a few minutes in bacon fat. Add molasses, catsup, salt, mustard, and worcestershire sauce. Add beans and mix lightly. Pour into a baking dish. Crumble bacon and sprinkle over the top. Bake 20 minutes at 350°F. (moderate oven). O
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Soybean chop suey
Soybean chop suey
1 green pepper, shredded 1½ cups shredded onion 1½ tablespoons cooking fat or oil ¾ cup diced celery 1½ cups cooked dry soybeans 1½ cups meat broth ½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons water 1 cup quartered radishes or sliced carrots Soy sauce Soy sauce Cook green pepper and onion in the fat or oil in a fry pan 3 or 4 minutes, turning them often. Add celery, soybeans, broth, and salt. (Canned bouillon or bouillon cubes and water may be used in place of broth.) Cover and simmer 5
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Bean chowder
Bean chowder
1 cup dry beans 1 quart water ¾ cup chopped carrots ¾ cup cooked or canned tomatoes, or 1 cup chopped raw tomatoes 1 onion, finely chopped ⅓ cup shredded green pepper 1 tablespoon flour 1½ cups milk Salt and pepper Boil beans in water for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and soak 1 hour or overnight. Cook beans in covered pan until they begin to soften. Add vegetables; cook until tender. Mix flour with a little water and stir into vegetables. Cook 10 minutes longer, stirring occasionally to p
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Savory bean stew
Savory bean stew
1 cup dry beans or whole peas 1 quart water ¼ cup diced salt pork ⅓ cup chopped onion ½ pound chopped beef 2 to 2½ cups cooked or canned tomatoes, or 2½ to 3 cups chopped raw tomatoes Salt and pepper Boil beans or peas in the water 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and soak 1 hour or overnight. Fry salt pork until crisp, remove from pan, and brown onion in the fat. Add meat and stir and cook slowly a few minutes. Combine all ingredients, season, and simmer until meat is tender and flavors are
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Oatmeal griddlecakes with sausages
Oatmeal griddlecakes with sausages
2 cups milk 2 cups quick-cooking oats ⅓ cup sifted flour 2½ teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, separated ⅓ cup cooking fat or oil Cooked sausages Heat milk and pour it over the oats. Allow to cool. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat egg yolks and add to oat mixture. Add melted fat or oil and stir in dry ingredients. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Drop the batter by spoonfuls on a hot greased griddle. When the surface is covered with bubbles, turn and brown on the
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French toast with tomato-meat sauce
French toast with tomato-meat sauce
2 eggs ⅓ cup milk ¼ teaspoon salt 8 slices bread Cooking fat or oil Beat eggs, add milk and salt. Dip bread quickly into mixture. Brown on both sides in a little fat or oil, using moderate heat. 2 cups canned tomatoes or 2½ cups chopped raw tomatoes ½ pound chopped raw beef 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper Cooking fat or oil 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper If using raw tomatoes cook them until soft. Press tomatoes through a sieve. Brown beef, onion, and green pep
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Whole-wheat scrapple
Whole-wheat scrapple
2 pounds fresh pork (bony cut) 1½ quarts water 1½ cups uncooked fine whole-wheat cereal 1 small onion, chopped fine Salt and pepper Cook pork slowly in the water until the meat drops from the bones. Strain off the broth. Separate bones from meat, taking care to get out all the tiny pieces. Cut meat fine. Add water to the broth, if necessary, to make 1 quart. Bring to boil and slowly stir in the cereal. Cook until the mixture is thickened, stirring constantly. Add meat and onion. Cook 15 minutes
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Rice with chicken
Rice with chicken
1½ cups diced leftover cooked chicken Chicken bones Salt 1 onion, chopped fine 1½ tablespoons chicken fat ½ cup raw rice Grated cheese This dish may be made with more or less than 1½ cups chicken, but this amount is needed to give enough protein for a main dish for four persons. Cover bones with water and simmer an hour or longer. Drain off the broth. Add any leftover chicken gravy and water, if needed, to make 1 quart broth. Add salt to taste. In a large fry pan, cook onion a few minutes in chi
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Noodles, western style
Noodles, western style
3 ounces noodles (about 1¼ cups broken noodles) ½ small green pepper, diced 1½ tablespoons bacon fat or meat drippings 1½ tablespoons flour 2 cups cooked or canned tomatoes, or 2½ cups raw tomatoes cut in pieces 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 1 cup chipped corned beef, spiced ham, or dried beef ¼ teaspoon salt Pepper Cook noodles 10 minutes in boiling salted water. Drain. Cook green pepper in fat in large fry pan until tender. Blend in flour and add other ingredients. Simmer 5 minutes to th
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Tamale pie
Tamale pie
1 cup cornmeal 3 cups boiling water 1½ teaspoons salt 1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 3 tablespoons cooking fat or oil ¾ pound chopped raw meat, or 1½ cups chopped cooked meat 1½ cups drained canned or cooked tomatoes Chili powder and salt to taste Stir cornmeal slowly into rapidly boiling salted water. Bring to boil over direct heat. Cover, and cook 45 minutes over boiling water, stirring occasionally. Cook onion and green pepper in fat or oil until tender; remove. Add meat to fat. If
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Ham and Egg. —For each serving, use 1 chopped hard-cooked egg, ¼ cup chopped cooked ham. Add onion, celery, green pepper, pickle, and salad dressing to taste. Meat and Macaroni. —Mix equal parts of cooked meat and macaroni. Add chopped pickles and celery and moisten with salad dressing. Meat and Bean. —Use shredded chipped beef, or chopped cooked corned beef. Mix with any kind of cooked dry beans; add diced onion and tart dressing. Potato With Meat. —Mix cut-up ham or crumbled bacon with potatoe
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Sandwich fillings
Sandwich fillings
Sliced Meat or Cheese. —Use two slices with vegetables between. Good combinations are: Beef with parsley or thinly sliced tomato and salad dressing; tongue with watercress and salad dressing or prepared mustard; cheese with either of the above combinations, or with jam, jelly, or marmalade. Bacon. —Crumble crisp fried bacon, and add it to one of the following: Cottage cheese, sliced tomato, diced hard-cooked egg, raw carrots, onion, sweet or dill pickles. Baked Bean. —Mash cold baked beans and m
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Other main dishes for the lunch box
Other main dishes for the lunch box
Hot Soup. —Add thin slices of frankfurter or Vienna sausage to split-pea or bean soup. Pack some cheese to go with vegetable or cream soup or corn chowder. Heat soups very hot; pack in insulated container. Meat Stews. —A favorite stew with vegetables and gravy, kept hot in an insulated container until lunch time, is a welcome winter dish. Baked Beans, Corned Beef Hash, Creamed Meats, or Eggs. —These are cold-weather dishes. Pack hot in special insulated container. Cheese. —A large slice of chees
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To complete the lunch-box meal
To complete the lunch-box meal
Plan the lunch-box meal to include contrasts in flavors and textures. It is more appetizing when it contains something moist to offset the dry foods, tart foods to offset the sweet, and crisp foods as well as soft. Relishes. —Raw vegetables and pickles add crispness to the sandwich lunch. Try carrot and celery sticks, pieces of cauliflower or turnip, sliced cucumber or onion, or crisp lettuce leaves rolled together. Desserts. —With soup or salad, use cake or cookies for contrast. If the main dis
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