365 Foreign Dishes
12 chapters
3 hour read
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12 chapters
1.—Austrian Goulasch. Boil 2 calves' heads in salted water until tender; then cut the meat from the bone. Fry 1 dozen small peeled onions and 3 potatoes, cut into dice pieces; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour and the sauce in which the meat was cooked. Let boil up, add the sliced meat, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste; let all cook together fifteen minutes then serve very hot. 2.—East India Fish. Slice 1/2 pound of cooked salmon; then heat 1 ounce of butter in a stew-pan; add 2 small o
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1.—Oriental Canapes. Take some lobster or crab-meat and pound in a mortar. Mix with 1 tablespoonful of butter; season with salt and pepper, a pinch each of mustard, cayenne, nutmeg and curry-powder and moisten with lemon-juice. Cut small rounds of toasted bread; scoop out some of the centre; fill with the mixture and cover with a curry sauce. Sprinkle with fine bread-crumbs and let bake in the oven a few minutes. Serve hot. 2.—Haggis (SCOTCH). Chop a sheep's tongue, liver and heart and 1 pound o
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1.—Chicken Chop Suey (CHINESE). Cut all the meat of a chicken into thin strips; season with black pepper, and cayenne, and fry in hot lard. Add some ham, onion, celery, green bean sprouts and mushrooms cut fine. Moisten with 1/2 cup of stock. Add 1/4 cup of Chinese sauce; cover and let simmer until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour; add 2 tablespoonfuls of cream and chopped parsley. Serve hot on a platter with boiled rice. 2.—Jewish Shallét. Line a well-buttered pudding-dish with a rich pie-p
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1.—Italian Tongue. Boil a beef tongue until tender; skin and slice thin. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. Add 1 chopped onion and 2 cloves of garlic minced fine. Stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour until brown; add a little water, 1 cup of tomato-sauce, 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms, lemon-juice, salt and pepper to taste. Let boil. Add the sliced tongue, and 1/2 glass of sherry wine. Simmer ten minutes. Serve with baked macaroni. 2.—German Prune Pudding. Cook 1 pound of prunes in a large saucepan with
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1.—Turkish Purée. Boil 1 cup of lentils with 1 bay-leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley, a pinch of salt and pepper to taste; add some mace and cook until tender. Then fry 1 chopped onion in 2 tablespoonfuls of olive-oil; add the lentils and 1 cup of cooked rice and 1 tablespoonful of butter. Stir well together and let get very hot. Put on a platter and pour over a highly seasoned tomato-sauce and serve. Garnish with fried parsley. 2.—Jewish Kugel. Soak 1/2 loaf of bread in water; then press it dry. Heat 1
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1.—Italian Stuffed Tomatoes. Cut tomatoes in halves; take out some of the pulp. Fry 1 large onion in butter, add the tomato pulp, a piece of beef-marrow, 2 sprigs of chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Remove from the fire; add a beaten egg and mix with bread-crumbs and a pinch of nutmeg. Then fill the tomatoes, sprinkle with buttered bread-crumbs and bake until done. Serve on a platter with poached eggs. Garnish with croutons. 2.—English Salad. Pick, wash and drain 2 heads of lettuce and break in
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1.—Portugal Iced Pudding. Mix 1 quart of vanilla ice-cream with 1 gill of wine, 1/4 pound of Malaga grapes, 2 ounces of candied orange peel, chopped fine, and 1 pint of whipped cream. Then place in the freezer to harden and serve. 2.—English Chicken Salad. Mix 1 cup of cold chicken cut fine with 1 cup of chopped celery, 1 cup of cooked chestnuts chopped and 2 green peppers cut fine. Season with salt and pepper. Put on crisp lettuce leaves in the salad bowl; cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Serv
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1.—German Pot Roast. Take a 5-pound beef roast. Rub with salt and black pepper and paprica; pour over some boiling vinegar; add 2 bay-leaves, a few peppercorns and cloves. Let stand over night. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of dripping in a saucepan; lay in the meat with 2 sliced onions. Let stew slowly with one cup of water and 1/2 cup of the spiced vinegar until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour and serve hot with potato pancakes. 2.—Scotch Soup. Cut a sheep's liver into pieces and stew with the sh
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1.—Dutch Biscuits. Make a soft biscuit dough; then put on a well-floured baking-board and roll out one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and grated lemon peel and pour over some melted butter. Then roll up the dough and cut into inch thick slices; lay in a well-buttered baking-pan and let bake in a hot oven until done. 2.—Hindoo Oyster Fritters. Boil large oysters in their liquor; season with salt, pepper and curry-powder. Let come to a boil; then drain, and spread the oysters with
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1.—Oriental Pudding. Heat 1 large cup of milk and stir in 3 tablespoonfuls of butter; let boil up. Then stir in 1 small cup of flour sifted with 1 teaspoonful of baking-powder and a pinch of salt; stir until a smooth batter. Then remove from the fire and stir in 4 well-beaten eggs, 1/2 cup of preserved ginger minced fine and 2 tablespoonfuls of the syrup; mix thoroughly. Put into a well-buttered mold and let steam two hours. Serve hot with wine sauce. 2.—Swedish Batter Cakes. Sift 1 pint of flou
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1.—Swiss Fried Sweetbreads. Blanch the sweetbreads and sprinkle with salt and pepper; then cut into thin slices. Dip in beaten egg and roll in grated Swiss cheese and fine bread-crumbs and fry in a little hot butter to a golden brown. Serve hot, garnished with parsley. 2.—Japanese Chicken. Cut 2 spring chickens into pieces at the joints; season with salt, ginger, pepper and curry-powder and let fry in hot olive-oil until brown. Remove the chicken; add 1/4 cup of chopped leeks, 1/2 pint of Japane
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1.—English Plum Pudding. Soak 1 pound of stale bread in hot milk; then add 1/2 pound of sugar, 1 pound of seeded raisins, and 1 pound of currants all dredged with flour, 1/4 pound of chopped citron, 1 pound of finely chopped beef suet, 1 nutmeg grated, 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon, cloves and mace mixed together, a pinch of salt, 1 glass of wine and 1 glass of fine brandy. Mix with the yolks of 8 eggs and the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture into a wet cloth dredged with flour; ti
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