History Of The Dewitt Guard, Company A, 50th Regiment National Guard, State Of New York
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Our object in giving to the public a full, true, and concise history of Company A, 50th Regiment National Guard, State of New York, better known to the citizens of Ithaca as the DeWitt Guard, is to show as honorable a record as can be produced by any similar organization—so far as the membership of this Company was connected with the army and navy of the United States during the late rebellion. We shall show that the total membership of the Company from the time of its organization, in December,
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Arch. H. McNeil , Merchant, enlisted November 5th, 1851. At the first election of company officers McNeil was chosen second Lieutenant, which position he honorably and creditably filled to the time of his death, which occurred November 28th, 1855. To Lieutenant McNeil the Company were much indebted. To him more than any other one man, belonged the credit of organizing the Company. He was loved, respected, and honored by both officers and men, and his death caused a breach not easily repaired. Up
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The DeWitt Guard was organized in 1851, and the first regular meeting was held December 31st. At this meeting a series of By-Laws were adopted, very many of which are in operation at the present time, although there is not at the present time a single person connected with the organization who at that time was a member. J. B. Terry was elected the first Secretary, and George H. Collins Treasurer, with Stephen Brewer and Loren Day as Directors. At that time the law permitted the Companies to have
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