Master Wace, His Chronicle Of The Norman Conquest From The Roman De Rou
2 chapters
46 minute read
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2 chapters
A detailed narrative of events so interesting as those which preceded and attended the conquest of England by William, duke of Normandy, needs little apology for its introduction, for the first time, to the english reader. If his feelings are at all in unison with those of the translator, he will welcome the easy access thus afforded to this remarkable chronicle;—by far the most minute, graphic, and animated account of the transactions in question, written by one who lived among the immediate ch
16 minute read
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To commemorate the deeds, the sayings, and manners of our ancestors, to tell the felonies of felons and the baronage of barons [1] , men should read aloud at feasts the gests and histories of other times; and therefore they did well, and should be highly prized and rewarded who first wrote books, and recorded therein concerning the noble deeds and good words which the barons and lords did and said in days of old. Long since would those things have been forgotten, were it not that the tale thereo
29 minute read
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