The Glad Tidings
E. J. (Ellet Joseph) Waggoner
16 chapters
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16 chapters
The Glad Tidings
The Glad Tidings
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1900, by PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Entered at Stationers’ Hall, London, England....
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The Epistle to the Galatians, together with its companion, the Epistle to the Romans, was the source, through the Spirit, of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, the key-note of which was, “The just shall live by faith.” The reformation then begun is not yet complete, and the same watchword needs to be sounded now as then. If the people of God will become filled with the truth so vividly set forth in this epistle, both the church and the world will be stirred as profoundly as in the days of
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The Glad Tidings
The Glad Tidings
It is quite common, in writing upon any book in the Bible, to spend some time on an “Introduction” to the book in question—setting forth the nature of it, the circumstances under which it was written, and the probable purpose of the writer, together with many other things, partly conjectural, and partly derived from the book itself. All such statements the reader has to take on the authority of the one making them, since, not having yet studied the book, he can not judge for himself. The best wa
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Let us now take a brief glance at the chapter as a whole. The greeting, embracing the first five verses, tells us the name and calling of the writer of the epistle, and his authority. It incidentally notes the fact that Christ is Divine. A benediction is pronounced, from God the Father, and Jesus Christ the Son. Christ gave Himself for our sins,—purchased them,—thus to deliver us from this present evil world. Our sins constitute this present evil world. Our sins belong to Christ, not to us; so b
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A Royal Road to Knowledge,
A Royal Road to Knowledge,
and that road is open to all. Here are the directions, laid down by the king who, to the highest degree, proved it to be the right way:— “My son, if thou wilt receive My words, and hide My commandments with thee; so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord
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CHAPTER III. Redeemed from the Curse, to the Blessing of Abraham.
CHAPTER III. Redeemed from the Curse, to the Blessing of Abraham.
The two chapters of Galatians that we have already studied give us sufficient idea of the entire book, so that we can practically take leave of the Galatian brethren, and consider it as addressed solely to us. The circumstances that called forth the writing of the epistle were that the Galatians, having accepted the Gospel, were led astray by false teachers, who presented to them “another gospel,” that is, a counterfeit gospel, since there is but one for all time and for all men. The way it was
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It is absolutely impossible to exhaust any portion of Scripture. The more one studies it, the more one sees in it, and not only that, but the more one becomes conscious of the fact that there is much more in it than appears to view. The Word of God, like Himself, is absolutely unfathomable. One’s understanding of any given portion of the Scripture depends on the thoroughness of his knowledge of that which precedes it. Let us, therefore, give a little further attention to that portion of the thir
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The Seed.
The Seed.
First of all, it must be borne in mind that Christ is the Seed. That is plainly stated. But Christ did not live for Himself, and He is not heir simply for Himself. He has won an inheritance, not for Himself, but for His brethren. God’s purpose is to “gather together in one all things in Christ.” He will finally put an end to divisions of every kind, and He does it now in those who accept Him. In Christ there are no distinctions of nationality, and no classes and ranks. No Christian thinks of any
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The Harvest.
The Harvest.
In Christ’s explanation of the parable of the tares and the wheat, we are told that “the good seed are the children of the kingdom.” Matt. 13:38. The man would not allow the tares to be pulled out of the wheat, because in the early stage it would be difficult to distinguish in every case between the wheat and the tares, and some of the wheat would be destroyed. So he said, “Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first th
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The Application.
The Application.
“So we also, when we were children, were held in bondage under the rudiments of the world.” If we look ahead to the fifth verse, we shall see that the state here known as “children” is that before we receive “the adoption of sons.” It represents the condition before we were redeemed from the curse of the law, that is, before we were converted. It does not, therefore, mean children of God, as distinguished from worldlings, but the “children” of whom the apostle speaks in Eph. 4:14, “tossed to and
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“To Redeem Them That Were under the Law.”
“To Redeem Them That Were under the Law.”
He does it in the most practical and real way. Whom does He redeem?—“Them that were under the law.” We can not refrain from referring for a moment to the idea that some have that this expression, “to redeem them that were under the law,” has a mere local application. They would have it that it means that Christ freed the Jews from the necessity of offering sacrifices, or from any further obligation to keep the commandments. Well, suppose we take it as referring only to the Jews, and especially t
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“All to Christ I owe.”
“All to Christ I owe.”
The Galatian brethren had started well, for they had “begun in the Spirit;” but somebody had hindered them in the way. The question is, “Who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” God’s law is the truth (Ps. 119:142), and the Galatian brethren had started out to obey it; they had succeeded in the beginning, but later on had been hindered in their progress. Why?—“Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling-stone.” Ch
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CHAPTER VI. The Glory of the Cross.
CHAPTER VI. The Glory of the Cross.
In the last part of the fifth chapter, and in the sixth, we learn the practical character of the entire Epistle. Hasty readers are likely to think that there is a division in it, and that the latter part treats of practical, spiritual life, while the first part is devoted to theoretical doctrines. This is a great error. No part of the Bible is theory; it is all fact. There is no part of the Bible that is not spiritual and practical. Moreover, it is all doctrine. Doctrine means teaching. Christ’s
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The postage as given in the following tables is based on one cent for four ounces, but where your tract society has the pound-rate privilege, postage will be only one-fourth this amount....
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The above is a little quarterly publication designed especially for use in personal correspondence. Each number contains from two to sixteen pages of a size convenient to go into a No. 6 envelope without folding. It is printed on thin paper, and one or two numbers can be put in with an ordinary letter without increasing the postage. A package should be kept on hand, and, when writing to a friend, inclose one or more copies, and thus “sow beside all waters.”...
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For any of the foregoing, address your Tract Society, or the Publishers. DISCOUNT. We want all tract buyers to receive the 40 per cent discount which is allowed those who buy 100 or more at a time in unbroken packages, hence the foregoing information as to the size of packages, and postage per package. Postage is always added when this liberal discount is allowed. BY MRS. E. G. WHITE A reverential exposition of the sermon on the mount. It is difficult to praise this volume too highly. The follow
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