A Little Candy Book For A Little Girl
Amy Harlow (Lane) Waterman
146 chapters
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146 chapters
The publishers wish to call the attention of the little candy maker to the Appendix in this book. The United States Food Administration, while it does not object to a moderate use of sugar in candy making, strongly advises that it be used sparingly in order that our soldiers and allies may be provided with this energy-giving food that they require. Accordingly, a number of recipes requiring a small quantity of sugar, or eliminating it entirely, have been prepared under the direction of this able
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Butter Scotch No. 1
Butter Scotch No. 1
When Betsey put these all in the saucepan, she remembered to dip her brush in melted butter and brush the pan about two inches down from the top so that the candy would not boil over, then she let the syrup boil, without stirring, until a little which she dropped from the spoon formed a hard ball in cold water. It was then ready to pour (thinly) in buttered pans and mark, at once, in squares. This was Betsey's favorite recipe for butter scotch although she found the following two recipes very ni
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Butter Scotch No. 2
Butter Scotch No. 2
Betsey put the sugar, corn syrup, vinegar and butter in the saucepan, then dipping her brush in melted butter she brushed the top of the saucepan two inches down, next she stirred the ingredients well together before putting the saucepan on the stove, because after the syrup began to cook it must not be stirred. When it was boiling well Betsey tried a few drops in cold water every little while (each time remembering to use fresh water), and when it formed a hard ball she knew it was done. The bu
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Butter Scotch No. 3
Butter Scotch No. 3
After the molasses, sugar and butter were put into the saucepan and the saucepan had been well brushed two inches down from the top as mother instructed, Betsey let them cook until the syrup reached the hard ball stage when a little of it was dropped in cold water. It was then time to add the flavoring and pour at once into the buttered pans, not forgetting to mark in squares. Betsey found that butter scotch was much more tasty when thin, so that was why she buttered more than one pan and had it
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Butter Taffy
Butter Taffy
Betsey put everything except the butter and vanilla into the saucepan and boiled these until the syrup formed a hard ball when a little was tried in cold water, then the butter and vanilla were added, and it was cooked three minutes more (Betsey counted up to one hundred and eighty) and poured into a large buttered pan....
28 minute read
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Lemon Cream Candy
Lemon Cream Candy
Betsey dissolved the sugar in the water and let it come to the boiling point, then she added the cream of tartar, which she first dissolved in one teaspoon of hot water, and when the candy was nearly done she put in the piece of butter. When a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a hard ball it was then time to add the flavoring and pour in a buttered pan to cool. While the candy was cooling Betsey greased her finger-tips well, and when the candy was cool enough to handle Betsey bega
54 minute read
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Vanilla Cream Candy
Vanilla Cream Candy
The sugar and water were put into the saucepan and let come to the boiling point, then the cream of tartar was dissolved in one teaspoon of hot water and Betsey added it to the sugar and water. She let these cook, and just before they reached the hard ball stage, added the butter. When the hard ball formed, by dropping a little of the syrup in cold water, the vanilla was added and the candy was poured in a buttered pan to cool. In the meantime Betsey greased her finger-tips, and as soon as the c
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Peppermint Cream Candy
Peppermint Cream Candy
After Betsey let the sugar and water come to the boiling point she added the cream of tartar dissolved in one teaspoon of hot water and continued to boil until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water had nearly reached the hard ball stage, then she added the butter. When it had quite reached the hard ball stage Betsey took it from the fire, dropped in the four drops of peppermint and poured the candy into a buttered pan to cool. Greasing her finger-tips just as she did for the lemon and vani
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Betsey's Orange Cream Candy
Betsey's Orange Cream Candy
Betsey called this her own recipe, because, while it was made exactly like the "Lemon," "Vanilla," and "Peppermint Cream Candy," she said to mother one day, "Why can't I use orange flavoring and have still another change?" Mother told her there was no reason at all why she couldn't, and that she was glad to see Betsey thinking out new combinations for herself. So Betsey was delighted, and once more mother wrote it out, for, as Betsey said, "It was much easier to have it right before you under it
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Lemon Cream Taffy
Lemon Cream Taffy
After Betsey began to think for herself she acted in such an important manner that mother smiled to see how rapidly her little daughter was advancing. The sugar, water and vinegar were measured carefully into the saucepan, well mixed, then placed upon the stove to boil. One thing in particular that Betsey learned from her own experience was never to let any candy she was making boil too hard; an even steady boil made the candy much nicer, and, besides, it did not then "spit" all over the stove a
59 minute read
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Orange Cream Taffy
Orange Cream Taffy
Betsey let the sugar, water and vinegar boil until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a hard ball. The butter was added just before it was done and the orange flavoring as soon as it was taken from the stove. Pouring the candy into the buttered pan, Betsey let it stand until she could handle it easily, then with well-greased fingers she pulled the candy white and cut it in pieces....
31 minute read
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Vanilla Cream Taffy
Vanilla Cream Taffy
The sugar, water and vinegar were boiled until a little of the syrup, tried by Betsey in cold water, formed a hard ball. Just before it reached this stage Betsey slipped in the butter. As soon as it was done Betsey took it from the fire, added the vanilla, poured into the buttered pan, let it cool until she could handle it, then greased her fingers and pulled until it was quite white and cut into small pieces....
32 minute read
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Vinegar Candy
Vinegar Candy
When the sugar, vinegar and water had boiled long enough so that a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a hard ball, it was poured into a buttered pan, let cool sufficiently and pulled. It was very simple, since Betsey did not have to stir this while cooking or add anything extra....
22 minute read
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Cream of Tartar Candy
Cream of Tartar Candy
The sugar, water and cream of tartar were put in the saucepan and well stirred, then boiled until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed the usual hard ball. Betsey found this took about twenty minutes. Then she poured the candy into a buttered pan and let it cool so that she could handle it easily. With well-greased fingers she pulled the candy quickly, then cut into small pieces or short sticks with the scissors....
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Chocolate Taffy
Chocolate Taffy
This Betsey found to be delicious. She cooked all of the ingredients together, and when a little of the candy, dropped in cold water, was quite hard, she poured it into the buttered pan. When the candy was cool Betsey marked it into squares. Most little girls like molasses candy and Betsey was no exception; she thought the recipes that follow were the best of the kind she had ever tasted....
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Molasses Candy
Molasses Candy
Betsey put all the above named ingredients except the soda into her saucepan to boil. When a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, became brittle, she took the saucepan off the stove, and added the soda; then she poured the candy into the buttered pan. When it was cool enough to handle Betsey greased her fingers and pulled the candy until it was a shiny golden brown, then with the scissors cut it into short sticks....
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Peanut Molasses Candy (not Pulled)
Peanut Molasses Candy (not Pulled)
After Betsey put the molasses, sugar and butter together in the pan she let them boil until they formed a hard ball when tried in cold water, then she added the vinegar and continued cooking until it became brittle. The buttered pan was ready with the peanuts in and the candy was poured over them. Before it became quite cool Betsey marked it in squares. Betsey thought pulling candy the best kind of fun and after she learned perfectly how not to get all sticky, mother allowed her to invite a few
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Molasses Kisses
Molasses Kisses
The molasses, water, sugar, honey and corn syrup Betsey measured carefully into the saucepan, and cooked them until when tried in cold water the syrup formed the usual hard ball. Pouring the candy into the buttered pan, Betsey let it cool until she could handle it easily. With well-greased fingers she pulled the candy, then cut in pieces and wrapped in wax paper....
27 minute read
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Brown Sugar Candy (Pulled)
Brown Sugar Candy (Pulled)
Betsey put the sugar, corn syrup and butter in the saucepan and let them boil without stirring until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, became brittle. Taking the saucepan from the fire, she added the lemon juice and poured the candy into a buttered pan, greased her fingers well, and pulled when sufficiently cool. Then with the scissors she cut in small pieces. Once when Betsey's mother was a young girl she visited a large farm in northern Vermont and it was there she had her first bu
38 minute read
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Lemon Butternut Candy
Lemon Butternut Candy
After Betsey boiled the sugar and water without stirring until thick enough to spin a fine thread, she added the flavoring, placed her pan in cold water, and then stirred it very quickly until it was white, added the nuts, and poured into a buttered pan. When it was cold she cut the candy into small squares....
25 minute read
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Orange Butternut Candy
Orange Butternut Candy
Putting the sugar and water in the saucepan, Betsey let them boil without stirring until it would spin a fine thread from the tip of the spoon. The orange juice was added, and the pan placed in cold water and stirred very quickly until it was white. Now Betsey added the nuts and poured into a buttered pan, and when cold she cut the candy into small squares....
28 minute read
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Vanilla Butternut Candy
Vanilla Butternut Candy
Like the "Lemon" and "Orange Butternut Candy," Betsey put the sugar and water on to boil without stirring. When a fine thread spun itself from the tip of the spoon she removed the saucepan from the fire, added the vanilla flavoring and stood it in cold water. Stirring the candy very quickly until it was white, Betsey then added the nuts and poured it into a buttered pan. When it was cold she cut the candy into small squares. Another candy that Betsey was very fond of was peanut brittle, and she
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Peanut Brittle
Peanut Brittle
For this Betsey had to have a slow fire. Mother told her to put the sugar into the iron frying-pan, and explained how it would first lump, then gradually melt, and that when it was a clear pale coffee color it was ready to pour quickly over the nuts. Betsey had put the peanuts in a buttered pan on the back of the range so as to be ready the minute the sugar was properly melted. Here is another candy with peanuts that Betsey liked....
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Peanut Candy
Peanut Candy
The sugar, syrup and water Betsey boiled until it was crisp or brittle when tried in cold water. Just before taking from the fire she added the butter and nuts, then poured into buttered pans. Betsey also made...
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Plain Peppermints
Plain Peppermints
After the sugar, milk and cream of tartar were put in the saucepan Betsey set it on the back of the range until it looked clear and watery. Then she brought it forward and when the boiling point was reached, let it boil one minute, or while she counted sixty. Taking it from the fire, she added the oil of peppermint drops and beat until the candy was creamy, then quickly dropped from tip of spoon on waxed paper. Sometimes this hardened before Betsey could get it all dropped, but putting the sauce
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Cocoanut Drops
Cocoanut Drops
Betsey cooked the sugar and water until it formed a hard ball when tried in cold water, removed from fire, added the cocoanut and beat to a cream. Like the peppermints, she dropped quickly on waxed paper. Betsey was glad when mother decided on "Popcorn Goodies," for she found it such splendid fun popping the corn. How Betsey loved to watch the kernels burst into the pretty white snowflakes! Her first attempt was just plain hot buttered popcorn. Mother was busily explaining this recipe to Betsey
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Hot Buttered Corn
Hot Buttered Corn
Mother saw that the fire was just right, not too hot nor too cold. She told Betsey that if it was too hot the kernels of corn did not heat evenly and you were apt to burn them; so Betsey followed every instruction, and as the corn popped so also did Betsey's eyes pop with excitement to see the little kernels turn inside out. The half-cup of corn she found made about six cups of popped corn. Betsey's mother was very particular about having her use only the corn that popped perfectly; the imperfec
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Brown Sugar Popcorn Candy
Brown Sugar Popcorn Candy
A saucepan containing the sugar, water and butter was placed on the back of the stove to melt the ingredients while Betsey popped the corn, one half a cup at a time. While the candy was cooking she carefully picked over the corn, using only the kernels that were perfectly popped, and put them in a large saucepan at the back of the stove. When the candy became brittle as soon as a little was dropped in cold water, Betsey poured it over the corn, stirred and mixed it well, removed from fire and co
55 minute read
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Popcorn Candy
Popcorn Candy
First Betsey popped the corn, putting one half a cup in the popper at a time; after picking the corn over carefully she had about twelve cups or three quarts of popped corn. Then the sugar, water, and butter were put in a saucepan and cooked until it was brittle, when tried in cold water; the popped corn, which had been kept in a large saucepan at back of the stove, was then covered with the syrup, stirred until it was well mixed, then taken from fire and the stirring continued till the mixture
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Popcorn Balls
Popcorn Balls
The corn Betsey popped, picked over and put in a good-sized buttered pan, then shook just a little salt over it. The butter, sugar and molasses she boiled until it became brittle when tried in cold water, then poured the candy slowly over the corn, stirring all the while. Betsey then buttered her hands and shaped the corn into balls as soon as it was cool enough for her to handle....
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Maple Sugar Popcorn Balls
Maple Sugar Popcorn Balls
As Betsey became more and more expert in making candy she found she could plan many ways to save time. Having everything ready to work with at the beginning made the work far easier. So while Betsey popped the corn, the maple syrup, sugar and butter were busily boiling. Of course Betsey had to work quickly and put her whole mind on what she was doing. By the time the corn was popped, carefully picked over and placed in a good-sized buttered pan, then sprinkled with a little salt, the candy was a
47 minute read
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How to Sugar Popcorn
How to Sugar Popcorn
Betsey, after first popping the corn, put the sugar, water and butter in a saucepan. When the candy was boiling Betsey added the popcorn gradually, until all had been added that the syrup would cover, then stirred gently from the bottom until the sugar formed grains on the corn. It was then turned into a dish to cool....
25 minute read
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Frosted Popcorn
Frosted Popcorn
This was very pretty. After the popcorn was nicely popped and placed in a large buttered saucepan Betsey cooked the molasses, sugar and butter until it was brittle when tried in cold water, poured it over the corn slowly and mixed thoroughly. Over this she shook an abundance of powdered sugar and mixed it in until the kernels separated and rattled....
26 minute read
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Pink Frosted Popcorn
Pink Frosted Popcorn
Betsey popped the corn, picked it over, then placed in a large buttered saucepan. The sugar, water and butter she cooked until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, became brittle, then she added enough strained strawberry juice (a few drops at a time) to make it just the shade of pink she liked best. This she then poured over the corn slowly, stirring all the while, next she shook an abundance of powdered sugar over it all and stirred it in until the kernels separated and rattled....
36 minute read
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Red Frosted Popcorn
Red Frosted Popcorn
The granulated sugar, water and butter were placed in a saucepan at the back of the range to melt while Betsey popped the corn, one half a cup at a time. Picking it over carefully and throwing away all those kernels that were not properly popped, she placed the corn in a large buttered saucepan, then cooked the syrup until a little dropped in cold water became brittle. Adding the strained cranberry juice a few drops at a time until it became a brilliant red, Betsey slowly poured the candy over t
42 minute read
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Chocolate Frosted Popcorn
Chocolate Frosted Popcorn
This Betsey made just as she did the other "Frosted Popcorn." She popped the corn, one half a cup at a time, picked it over and placed the perfect kernels in a large buttered saucepan, throwing away the imperfect kernels. The sugar, water, butter and chocolate were cooked until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, became brittle. It was then poured slowly over the corn and stirred constantly. The powdered sugar Betsey shook over the corn in abundance and mixed until each kernel separate
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Cocoanut Fudge
Cocoanut Fudge
All except the cocoanut Betsey let boil ten minutes, took from the fire, added cocoanut, beat till it thickened and poured into buttered pan....
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Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Fudge
The sugar, milk and chocolate were dissolved in the saucepan at back of stove, then brought forward and boiled until Betsey could form a soft ball between her thumb and fingers when a little was dropped in cold water; taking the saucepan from the stove, she placed it in a pan of cold water, added the butter and vanilla, beat until it was like heavy cream, then poured quickly into the buttered pan and marked in squares. When Betsey found how many different "fudges" could be made she welcomed each
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Chocolate Fudge with Molasses
Chocolate Fudge with Molasses
Putting the sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter in the saucepan, Betsey let them boil until they formed a soft ball when a little of the syrup was dropped in cold water, then she removed the saucepan from the fire, added the vanilla and placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water. Beating the fudge until it looked about as thick as heavy cream, Betsey poured it into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
33 minute read
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Chocolate Fudge with Brown Sugar
Chocolate Fudge with Brown Sugar
As before, Betsey put the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter in the saucepan and on to boil and let them cook until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball between the thumb and finger, then adding the vanilla, she removed the saucepan from the fire and placed it in a pan of cold water. After beating the fudge until it was as thick as heavy cream, Betsey poured it into the buttered pan and marked in squares. If mother happened to be out of chocolate, which sometimes occurre
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Fudge with Cocoa
Fudge with Cocoa
Betsey melted the butter in the saucepan first, then added the cocoa gradually, and when it was very smooth included the sugar and milk. These she let boil until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, then removing the saucepan from the fire, she placed it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream, and poured it in the buttered pan and marked in squares....
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Fudge with Coffee
Fudge with Coffee
Let sugar, coffee and butter cook until a little dropped in cold water forms a soft ball, Betsey explained to a friend of mother's who happened in, remove saucepan from fire and stand in a pan of cold water, then beat until it looks as thick as nice heavy cream, when you pour at once into a buttered pan and mark in squares. The friend liked the coffee flavor so well that she went home and made some for herself. When Betsey began to add nuts, raisins, figs, dates, marshmallows or marshmallow crea
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Chocolate Walnut Fudge
Chocolate Walnut Fudge
The sugar, milk, chocolate and butter Betsey boiled until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball. Removing the saucepan from the fire, she placed it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and nuts, then beat until it was thick like heavy cream. Pouring quickly into a buttered pan, she marked it into squares....
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Chocolate Pecan Fudge
Chocolate Pecan Fudge
When the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter had boiled so that a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, Betsey removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and nuts and beat the candy until it was as thick as heavy cream. She poured it quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
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Chocolate Almond Fudge
Chocolate Almond Fudge
Mother told Betsey to shell the almonds and measure them in the measuring cup, then put them in a small bowl and cover with boiling water for about a minute. This she did, then drained off the water and the little brown skins peeled off very easily. Next she cut them into small pieces and they were ready for the fudge, which she proceeded to make in the usual manner. The sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were boiled until they formed a soft ball, when a little of the syrup was dropped in cold wa
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Chocolate Peanut Fudge
Chocolate Peanut Fudge
Putting the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter into a saucepan, Betsey let them boil until they reached the "soft ball" stage, then removing from the fire she placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water, added the peanuts and vanilla and beat until it was thick like heavy cream. Pouring at once into a buttered pan, she marked the candy in squares....
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Chocolate Raisin Fudge
Chocolate Raisin Fudge
After measuring out the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter, Betsey put them on to boil, and while these were cooking so the syrup formed a soft ball when a little of it was dropped in cold water, Betsey picked over the raisins and cut each one in halves. Sometimes she used the seeded raisins or the small sultana raisins, or again the "Not-a-seed" raisins. But whichever she used, she first found it necessary to put them in a bowl and cover with boiling water that she might soften and separate them
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Chocolate Fig Fudge
Chocolate Fig Fudge
Betsey let the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter cook until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball; in the meantime she wiped each fig carefully with a damp cloth and cut out the hard little stem, then she cut them up into small pieces. When the candy was sufficiently cooked she removed the saucepan from the fire and placed it in a pan of cold water, added the figs and vanilla, beat until it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into buttered pan and marked in squa
39 minute read
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Chocolate Date Fudge
Chocolate Date Fudge
After the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were on the stove cooking Betsey prepared her dates. She removed the large stone and cut each date into four pieces. By the time the candy had cooked so that a little of it when dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, Betsey removed it from the fire and placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water; then she added the dates and vanilla, beat the candy until it was thick like heavy cream and poured at once into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
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Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge
Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge
When Betsey had cooked the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter until a little of the syrup when dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, she removed the saucepan from the stove and stood it in a pan of cold water. The vanilla and marshmallow cream were added and the candy beaten until it was as thick as heavy cream, then pouring at once into the buttered pan she marked it into squares. Sometimes Betsey added a half cup of walnuts or pecans with the marshmallow cream. This made a very rich and del
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Chocolate Molasses Walnut Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Walnut Fudge
The sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter Betsey measured carefully into the saucepan, put on the stove and let boil until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball, then removing from the fire she placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water, added the nuts and vanilla and beat the candy until it was thick like heavy cream. Into the buttered pan she poured it quickly and marked in squares....
36 minute read
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Chocolate Molasses Pecan Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Pecan Fudge
The pecan nuts mother usually bought ready shelled so Betsey had only to measure them out with the other ingredients. Putting the sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter in the saucepan, she stirred them well together before cooking. These she boiled until a little of the syrup formed a soft ball when it was dropped in cold water. Removing the saucepan from the fire, she stood it in a pan of cold water, added the nuts and vanilla and beat the fudge until it was thick and creamy. Pouring quic
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Chocolate Molasses Almond Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Almond Fudge
Betsey blanched the almonds after she had shelled them just as she did before, by pouring boiling water over them and letting them stand about a minute, then draining off the water, she slipped off the little brown skins easily and divided the almonds in halves. The sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter she cooked to the soft ball stage, removed from fire, placed saucepan in a pan of cold water, added nuts and vanilla, then beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into butte
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Chocolate Molasses Peanut Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Peanut Fudge
When Betsey had cooked the sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter so that a little of the syrup formed a soft ball when it was dropped in cold water, she removed the saucepan from the fire, placed it in a pan of cold water, added the peanuts and vanilla, beat well till it was thick and creamy, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
33 minute read
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Chocolate Molasses Raisin Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Raisin Fudge
Betsey measured out a half-cup of seeded raisins, put them in a small bowl and poured over sufficient boiling water to cover. Letting these stand a minute or two until they were easy to separate, she then drained off the water and spread the raisins on a towel, gently patting them, until all the water was absorbed. Next she cut them in halves. In the meantime the sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter had been cooking; when a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, Bet
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Chocolate Molasses Fig Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Fig Fudge
In preparing the figs Betsey took a damp cloth and wiped each one carefully, cut out the hard little stem, then cut each fig into small pieces. The sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter were boiled until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water could be formed into a soft ball between the thumb and finger; removing it from the fire Betsey placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water, added the figs and vanilla, beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into buttered pan and
41 minute read
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Chocolate Molasses Date Fudge
Chocolate Molasses Date Fudge
Removing the large stone from the dates, Betsey cut each one into four pieces. The sugar, molasses, milk, chocolate and butter she boiled to the "soft ball" stage. It was then ready to remove from fire and place the saucepan in a pan of cold water, add the dates and vanilla, beat till it was thick and pour quickly in buttered pan and mark in squares....
33 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Walnut Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Walnut Fudge
When Betsey had cooked the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter so that when she dropped a little of the syrup in cold water she could form a soft ball between her thumb and finger she removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and walnuts, beat the fudge till it was thick and poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
34 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Pecan Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Pecan Fudge
The sugar, milk, chocolate and butter Betsey cooked to the usual "soft ball" stage, removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and pecans, beat till it was thick and poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked into squares....
28 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Almond Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Almond Fudge
When the almonds were shelled Betsey liked to blanch them. After they had been covered with boiling water for about a minute she could remove the brown skins very easily and divided them in halves. The sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were all ready to boil. Betsey let them cook till a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, then removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the almonds and vanilla, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy
42 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Peanut Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Peanut Fudge
While the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were cooking, Betsey shelled the peanuts. When the candy was sufficiently cooked, so that a little of it, dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball between the thumb and finger, it was removed from the fire and the saucepan stood in a pan of cold water. Betsey next added the nuts and vanilla, beat the fudge till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into the buttered pan and marked in squares....
36 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Fig Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Fig Fudge
The sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were cooked until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball. The saucepan was then removed from the fire and stood in a pan of cold water. Now Betsey added the vanilla and figs (the figs she had prepared by wiping each one with a damp cloth, removing the little hard stem and cutting into small pieces), beat the fudge till it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into the buttered pan and marked in squares....
40 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Date Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Date Fudge
After Betsey had prepared the dates by removing the long stone and cutting each date in four pieces she put the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter on to boil. As soon as the syrup formed a soft ball between the thumb and finger when a little of it was dropped in cold water she removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and dates, beat the fudge till it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
41 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Raisin Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Raisin Fudge
While the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter were boiling Betsey poured boiling water over the raisins, let them stand a minute or two, then drained and spread on a towel to absorb all of the moisture. She then cut them in halves. When a little of the candy dropped into cold water formed a soft ball Betsey removed the saucepan from the stove, placed it in a pan of cold water, added the raisins and vanilla, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and
40 minute read
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Chocolate Brown Sugar Marshmallow Fudge
Chocolate Brown Sugar Marshmallow Fudge
The candies in which Betsey put marshmallow cream she considered her "very choicest" as she expressed it. Cooking the sugar, milk, chocolate and butter until a little of the syrup, when dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball, then removing from fire and standing the saucepan in a pan of cold water, she next added the vanilla and marshmallow cream, beat the fudge till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan, then marked in squares....
37 minute read
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Cocoa Walnut Fudge
Cocoa Walnut Fudge
After the sugar, milk, cocoa and butter were cooked so that a little of the syrup formed a soft ball when it was dropped in cold water, Betsey removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the nuts and flavoring, beat till it was thick like cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
30 minute read
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Cocoa Pecan Fudge
Cocoa Pecan Fudge
Mother forgot to write out in the previous recipes that it was better to first melt your butter and add the cocoa and sugar gradually, then the milk a little at a time, so that it would be smooth, but, fortunately, Betsey remembered. These she let cook until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball, then removing the saucepan from the fire, Betsey placed it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and pecan meats, beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly int
40 minute read
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Cocoa Almond Fudge
Cocoa Almond Fudge
Betsey shelled the almonds, covered them with boiling water for about a minute, then removed the brown skins and divided the almonds in halves. Melting the butter in the saucepan she added the cocoa and sugar gradually, then the milk and let them boil until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball. Taking the saucepan from the fire, she stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and almonds, beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan
38 minute read
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Cocoa Peanut Fudge
Cocoa Peanut Fudge
The butter was melted, the cocoa and sugar added gradually, the milk a little at a time, then all boiled until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball. Taking from the fire, Betsey placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and peanuts, beat until it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
32 minute read
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Cocoa Fig Fudge
Cocoa Fig Fudge
When the figs were each wiped with a damp cloth, the hard little stems removed, and the figs cut into small pieces, Betsey then melted the butter, added the cocoa and sugar gradually, poured in the milk a little at a time and boiled until a little of the syrup formed a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Removing the saucepan from the fire and standing it in a pan of cold water, she added the figs and vanilla, beat the fudge till it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered p
41 minute read
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Cocoa Date Fudge
Cocoa Date Fudge
Betsey removed the long stones from the dates, then cut each date into four pieces. The candy she made by first melting the butter, adding to that gradually the cocoa and sugar, then the milk a little at a time. These she let boil until a little of the syrup, when dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball. It was then ready to remove from the stove and place the saucepan in a pan of cold water; this Betsey did, then added the dates and vanilla; beating the fudge until it was as thick as heavy cr
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Cocoa Raisin Fudge
Cocoa Raisin Fudge
This time Betsey thought she would try the small sultana raisins in place of the regular seeded ones. Covering them with boiling water for a minute or two to soften, she then drained off the water and spread on a towel to dry. These did not need to be cut, but any little stems that might be on them must be picked off. After she had melted the butter, added the cocoa and sugar gradually, then the milk a little at a time, she let the mixture boil until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water f
51 minute read
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Cocoa Marshmallow Fudge
Cocoa Marshmallow Fudge
When the butter was melted, the cocoa and sugar added gradually, the milk poured in a little at a time, then all cooked until a little of the syrup, when dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball, Betsey removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the vanilla and marshmallow cream, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream, poured it quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
35 minute read
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Coffee Walnut Fudge
Coffee Walnut Fudge
The sugar, coffee and butter were cooked until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball. Betsey then removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the walnut meats, beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
28 minute read
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Coffee Pecan Fudge
Coffee Pecan Fudge
Betsey boiled the sugar, coffee and butter until a soft ball formed when she dropped a little of the syrup in cold water. Removing the saucepan from the fire, she placed it in a pan of cold water, added the pecan meats, then beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream. Pouring quickly into a buttered pan, she marked the candy into squares....
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Coffee Almond Fudge
Coffee Almond Fudge
While the sugar, coffee and butter were cooking, Betsey shelled and blanched the almonds. This was done by covering the almonds with boiling water for about a minute so that the brown skins might be easily removed. The almonds were then split in halves. As soon as the candy formed a soft ball by dropping a little of the syrup in cold water, Betsey removed it from the fire, placed the saucepan in a pan of cold water, added the almonds, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream, poured qu
39 minute read
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Coffee Peanut Fudge
Coffee Peanut Fudge
Betsey shelled the peanuts while the sugar, coffee and butter boiled until a little of the syrup dropped in cold water formed a soft ball. Then she removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the peanuts, beat the fudge until it became thick, poured it quickly into the buttered pan and marked in squares....
28 minute read
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Coffee Raisin Fudge
Coffee Raisin Fudge
After measuring the sugar, coffee and butter, they were boiled until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, formed a soft ball. While these were cooking Betsey poured boiling water over the raisins, let them stand for a minute or two, then drained off the water and spread on a towel to dry. When the moisture was all absorbed, Betsey cut each raisin in halves with the scissors. As soon as the candy was sufficiently cooked Betsey removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold
43 minute read
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Coffee Fig Fudge
Coffee Fig Fudge
The figs were wiped, stems removed, then each fig was cut in small pieces. When the sugar, coffee and butter were cooked so that a little of the syrup tried in cold water formed a soft ball, Betsey removed the saucepan from the fire, stood it in a pan of cold water, added the figs, beat the fudge until it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
33 minute read
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Coffee Date Fudge
Coffee Date Fudge
When the long stones were removed from the dates Betsey cut them each into four pieces. The sugar, coffee and butter she cooked until a little of the syrup tried in cold water formed a soft ball, then removing the saucepan from the fire she placed it in a pan of cold water, added the dates, beat the fudge till it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares....
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Coffee Marshmallow Fudge
Coffee Marshmallow Fudge
The sugar, coffee and butter were boiled until a little of the syrup when tried in cold water formed a soft ball, then removing the saucepan from the fire, Betsey stood it in a pan of cold water, added the marshmallow cream, beat the fudge till it was as thick as heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares. There were still other combinations in the fudges that Betsey could make, but she herself was satisfied, for the time being, anyway, and as she told mother, "On extr
57 minute read
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Sour Milk Fudge
Sour Milk Fudge
Betsey first grated the chocolate and mixed it well with the cornstarch and sugar, then added, gradually, the sour milk. These she cooked until a little of the syrup tried in cold water formed a soft ball. Removing from the fire, Betsey beat the fudge until it began to sugar, then she added the butter and chopped nuts. Betsey learned that the longer you beat this fudge the more creamy it became and it gave a high gloss when cold. Of course it was poured into a buttered pan and marked in squares
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Brown Sugar Nougat or Pinoche
Brown Sugar Nougat or Pinoche
The sugar and milk Betsey cooked until a little of the syrup tried in cold water formed a soft ball, then standing the saucepan in cold water she added the butter, walnut meats and vanilla, beat till it was thick like heavy cream, poured quickly into a buttered pan and marked in squares. This was the candy that Betsey's father liked best of all, and no matter how many other delicious confections Betsey placed before him, as she did from time to time, that he might test the result of her earnest
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Vassar Divinity Fudge
Vassar Divinity Fudge
For this Betsey needed two saucepans. In one she put two cups of sugar, one cup of water, the maple syrup and vinegar, boiled these until they formed a soft ball in cold water, then removed from fire. In the second pan she had boiling the other cup of sugar and the half cup of water; when they had boiled so that the syrup formed a thread from the tip of the spoon she poured it at once on the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, beating continually, added quickly all this to the first mixture, stir
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Vanilla Corn Syrup Caramels
Vanilla Corn Syrup Caramels
After Betsey put the sugar, corn syrup, water and vinegar in the saucepan she let them boil six minutes before adding the butter, then let them continue to boil until they formed a soft ball when tried in cold water. Taking the candy from the fire, she stirred in the vanilla and sometimes one half cup of candied cherries cut in halves, reheated the candy, then turned into a buttered pan. When the candy was cool Betsey marked it in squares but did not cut it until it was quite cold. She used a fi
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Plain Vanilla Caramels
Plain Vanilla Caramels
Mother told Betsey she had heard that condensed milk was considered by some expert candy makers to give better results in caramels than cream. To the condensed milk Betsey added the water and mixed thoroughly, then added the sugar. She let these boil, then added the butter and cream of tartar and continued the boiling until a little of the syrup, dropped in cold water, cracked between her thumb and finger. It was then ready to take from the fire, add vanilla, pour in buttered pan, mark in square
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Rich Walnut Caramels
Rich Walnut Caramels
When the sugar, syrup, one cup of cream and butter reached the boiling point Betsey added the other cup of cream a little at a time so that the candy did not once stop boiling. After trying it in cold water, and it formed a firm ball between her thumb and finger, she added the vanilla and nuts, turned it into a buttered pan, marked into squares when cool, cut with a sharp knife when cold and wrapped in waxed paper. Betsey found that these took a long, long while to make, nearly an hour, but my!
44 minute read
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Plain Chocolate Caramels
Plain Chocolate Caramels
Betsey let the chocolate, sugar, syrup and milk boil until they formed a hard ball in cold water, added the butter just before removing from the fire, then the vanilla, and poured into buttered pan, marked in squares when sufficiently cool, cut with a sharp knife when cold and wrapped in waxed paper....
27 minute read
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Chocolate Nut Caramels
Chocolate Nut Caramels
As soon as the chocolate, sugar, corn syrup and milk had cooked long enough so that a little tried in cold water formed a hard ball, Betsey added the butter to the mixture before removing from the fire. When she removed the saucepan she added the vanilla and nuts, poured into a buttered pan, marked in squares when sufficiently cool, cut with a sharp knife when cold and wrapped in waxed paper. Betsey found that all candies worth eating took time, patience and care to make, yet she never seemed to
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Foundation Cream
Foundation Cream
Betsey put the white of the egg in the glass measuring cup, noticed carefully just how much it measured and then added the same amount of water, next she flavored it with a few drops of vanilla or almond or peppermint or strong coffee or fruit syrup of any kind, and mixed well. The confectioner's sugar she thoroughly sifted through a hair wire strainer, then added a little of the liquid mixture at a time until the cream was sufficiently flexible to be molded with the fingers. This was then put i
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Almond Creams
Almond Creams
First Betsey shelled the almonds, then blanched them by covering with boiling water for about a minute (this made it very easy to slip off the brown skins), next she split them in two. Taking some of the cream, she molded it into balls, pressed flat and put half an almond on each side....
18 minute read
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Pecan Creams
Pecan Creams
Betsey's mother bought the pecans already shelled, as it was almost impossible to shell them without breaking them. Taking some of the cream, she molded it into balls, pressed flat and put half a pecan on each side....
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Walnut Creams
Walnut Creams
The cream she molded into small balls, pressed flat and put half a walnut on each side of the cream. Another time Betsey tried—...
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Cherry Creams
Cherry Creams
Betsey cut the cherries lengthwise in two, shaped the cream into small balls and pressed half a cherry on each side. The angelica she cut into strips to form stalks, then stuck a cherry on each. Sometimes she simply put the cherry inside the cream balls. The pretty combination that follows was called—...
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Neapolitan Cream Squares
Neapolitan Cream Squares
Betsey's mother had a large marble slab which she used for rolling out pastry, and this slab Betsey sprinkled with confectioner's sugar that had been thoroughly sifted. To the cream she added a few drops of vanilla and kneaded it in thoroughly. This she divided into five portions, leaving one white and coloring the others pink, green, yellow and chocolate. (Mother always bought the best flavorings and the same concern which made these also had color pastes which were pure and harmless and made a
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Chocolate Cream Peppermints
Chocolate Cream Peppermints
Betsey mixed the egg white, water and oil of peppermint drops in a bowl and added as much sifted confectioner's sugar as it would absorb. The board she sprinkled well with the sugar, then rolled out the mixture to one fourth inch in thickness, and cut out with a small round cutter. While she was busy with this the chocolate had melted; this she had placed in a good-sized breakfast cup, and the cup in a small shallow pan of hot water on the back of the stove. Now Betsey took two silver forks and
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Lemon Creams
Lemon Creams
First Betsey grated the rind of the lemon into a bowl, then added the lemon juice (strained), the pinch of tartaric acid and sufficient sifted confectioner's sugar to mold into small balls which she flattened into cakes. These she covered with waxed paper and put in a cool place and they were ready the next day to eat....
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Orange Creams
Orange Creams
As for "Lemon Creams," Betsey grated the rind of the orange into a bowl, added the strained orange juice, a pinch of tartaric acid and sufficient sifted confectioner's sugar to mold into small balls, which she flattened into cakes. Sometimes Betsey put a half cup of walnut meats or pecan meats through the meat chopper and molded them into the cream. Then she covered with waxed paper, put in a cool place and they were ready the next day to eat. She also added the nuts to the "Lemon Creams" when s
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Stuffed Marshmallow Dainties
Stuffed Marshmallow Dainties
Betsey found these were very easy to prepare and most delicious. All she had to do was to cut the marshmallows in two, with the scissors, horizontally,—they look better this way when stuffed (Betsey learned in school about horizontal lines, so that she knew just what mother meant),—then place a piece of ginger or a candied cherry or a piece of candied pineapple or a piece of fig or raisin or date or part of a walnut, pecan, almond, butternut or brazil nut, or small flat balls of the uncooked or
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Fruit Paste
Fruit Paste
All these Betsey put through the meat chopper twice, next she put the mixture on the board and kneaded it well with sifted confectioner's sugar until she could roll it out to one half inch in thickness, then she cut in pieces and dipped them in granulated sugar. Mother also showed Betsey how to stuff raisins and dates, and Betsey found mother's little sharp-pointed kitchen knife to be just the thing for this kind of work....
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Stuffed Raisins with Walnuts
Stuffed Raisins with Walnuts
Betsey slit the raisins down one side carefully, removed the seeds and pressed in a piece of walnut cut just the right size, then pressed the slit together and rolled in powdered sugar....
15 minute read
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Stuffed Raisins with Pecans
Stuffed Raisins with Pecans
Slitting the raisins carefully on one side with a sharp-pointed knife, Betsey removed the seeds, pressed in a piece of pecan meat, squeezed the opening together, then rolled in powdered sugar....
14 minute read
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Stuffed Raisins with Almonds
Stuffed Raisins with Almonds
After Betsey had prepared the raisins by slitting one side carefully and removing the seeds, she blanched the almonds she had shelled by covering with boiling water. Letting them stand about a minute, then draining off the water, she removed the brown skins easily. The raisins were not always large enough to hold a whole almond so she cut the nut to fit it, then pressed the opening together and rolled in powdered sugar....
25 minute read
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Stuffed Raisins with Peanuts
Stuffed Raisins with Peanuts
Betsey made a slit in each raisin, carefully, with a sharp knife, removed the seeds and pressed in a peanut. After pressing the opening together she rolled the raisin in powdered sugar....
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Stuffed Raisins with Foundation Cream
Stuffed Raisins with Foundation Cream
Betsey had the foundation cream all made (see page 92 ). She prepared the raisins as usual (slitting carefully on one side and removing the seeds), then made the cream into small balls and pressed into the opening, which she closed. Next she rolled each raisin in powdered sugar....
19 minute read
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Stuffed Dates with Walnuts
Stuffed Dates with Walnuts
Betsey found that these did not take nearly as long to prepare as the raisins. With a sharp knife she cut one side of the date, removed the long stone, filled it with a piece of walnut the right size, then pressed and rolled in powdered sugar....
18 minute read
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Stuffed Dates with Pecans
Stuffed Dates with Pecans
Making an opening into each date with a sharp knife, Betsey removed the stone and filled with a piece of pecan meat to fit, and rolled in powdered sugar....
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Stuffed Dates with Almonds
Stuffed Dates with Almonds
It was a quick job for Betsey to prepare the dates by cutting an opening and removing the long stone, but the almonds took longer. These she shelled, covered with boiling water a minute, drained them and removed the brown skins. In each date she pressed an almond, then rolled in powdered sugar....
20 minute read
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Stuffed Dates with Peanuts
Stuffed Dates with Peanuts
After Betsey shelled the peanuts she removed the long stone from each date by cutting an opening with a sharp knife, then she filled each one with a peanut and rolled it in powdered sugar....
15 minute read
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Stuffed Dates with Foundation Cream
Stuffed Dates with Foundation Cream
Taking the foundation cream from the refrigerator, where she had kept it since making the day before (see page 92 for recipe), Betsey made it into small balls. These she pressed into the openings of the dates which she had cut and from which the large stones had been removed, then she rolled them in powdered sugar....
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Stuffed Figs with Walnuts
Stuffed Figs with Walnuts
This was the only kind of stuffed figs that Betsey and mother liked. The figs were prepared by removing the stem and cutting carefully down the side, then they were pulled apart and a whole walnut inserted. Next they were pressed together and lightly dusted with powdered sugar. Betsey called these her "convenient sweets" because, as mother said, you could make the stuffed fruits at any time: winter, summer, spring or fall. Betsey's grandmother was keenly interested in everything her little grand
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The sugar, cream of tartar and water Betsey stirred thoroughly in the saucepan and let it slowly come to the boiling point, then she stopped stirring. After the syrup had been boiling a few minutes the sugar began to stick to the sides of the saucepan, but Betsey's mother took a piece of soft muslin, dipped it in cold water and showed Betsey just how to wash it carefully off so that not one grain, even, should fall into the syrup. Then when Betsey tried the syrup by dropping a little in cold wat
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Chocolate Fondant
Chocolate Fondant
Putting the sugar, cream of tartar, water and chocolate into the saucepan, Betsey stirred them well together, then let slowly come to the boiling point. After this she stopped stirring. When the syrup had been boiling a minute or two and sugar began to stick to the sides of the saucepan, Betsey took a piece of soft muslin, dipped it in cold water and very carefully wiped off every grain, as mother had taught her. Even when Betsey tried the syrup in cold water she took particular pains not to sti
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Coffee Fondant
Coffee Fondant
Betsey strained the coffee through a double thickness of cheesecloth, added the sugar and cream of tartar and let them slowly come to the boiling point; when the syrup had been boiling a few minutes the sugar began to stick to the sides of the saucepan. As this had to be removed very carefully so that not even a grain should fall back into the syrup Betsey took a soft piece of muslin, dipped it in cold water and with great care removed every bit. Even when she tried the syrup to see if it had re
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Maple Sugar Fondant
Maple Sugar Fondant
The maple sugar, granulated sugar, cream of tartar and hot water were all stirred well until they began to boil, then Betsey had to watch carefully, for sugar began to stick to the sides of the saucepan. This she had to remove, which she did by following mother's careful instructions. She was very particular not to let one grain fall into the syrup and when she tried the syrup to see if it would form a soft ball if a little were dropped in cold water she took care not to stir it. Then pouring sl
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Corn Syrup Fondant
Corn Syrup Fondant
Betsey put all the ingredients in the saucepan and let them come to the boiling point, stirring all the while, then she stopped stirring. After the syrup had boiled a few minutes, Betsey noticed that the sugar began to stick to the sides of the saucepan. So taking a piece of soft muslin she dipped it in cold water and wiped all this sugar away so carefully that not a grain fell in the syrup. When Betsey tried a little of the candy in cold water she was again careful not to stir the syrup, and as
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Plain Fondant Walnut Creams Plain Fondant Cherry Creams
Plain Fondant Walnut Creams Plain Fondant Cherry Creams
In each case Betsey made the small balls of the plain fondant, then pressed half an almond on each side, or half a pecan, or half a walnut or half of a candied cherry. Sometimes she put the nut or cherry inside and wrapped the fondant around it. With the chocolate fondant she followed the same idea, making...
18 minute read
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Chocolate Fondant Almond Creams Chocolate Fondant Pecan Creams Chocolate Fondant Walnut Creams Chocolate Fondant Cherry Creams
Chocolate Fondant Almond Creams Chocolate Fondant Pecan Creams Chocolate Fondant Walnut Creams Chocolate Fondant Cherry Creams
With the coffee fondant she made...
6 minute read
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Coffee Fondant Almond Creams Coffee Fondant Pecan Creams Coffee Fondant Walnut Creams Coffee Fondant Cherry Creams
Coffee Fondant Almond Creams Coffee Fondant Pecan Creams Coffee Fondant Walnut Creams Coffee Fondant Cherry Creams
With the maple sugar fondant she made...
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Maple Sugar Fondant Almond Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Pecan Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Walnut Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Cherry Creams
Maple Sugar Fondant Almond Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Pecan Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Walnut Creams Maple Sugar Fondant Cherry Creams
It was with the plain fondant that Betsey could make the greatest variety of candies. Every combination that she had made with the uncooked foundation cream (see pages 92 - 94 ) Betsey made with the plain fondant. When she had made Neapolitan Cream Squares (see page 95 ) Betsey's mother had bought some of the color pastes which came from an old established firm, were quite pure and harmless, and made according to government regulations. So Betsey had these to use, and again she used the pretty h
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Cinnamon Cream Balls
Cinnamon Cream Balls
Betsey made the fondant into small balls, then rolled them lightly in the cinnamon. She was careful not to have very much as it made the cinnamon taste too strong. Sometimes she would put a candied cherry inside the cream ball, or a piece of a walnut, or pecan or almond....
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Cocoa Cream Balls
Cocoa Cream Balls
These Betsey made like the Cinnamon Cream Balls by forming the fondant into small balls and rolling in cocoa or first putting a piece of any kind of nut or candied cherry inside the cream....
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Cream Mints
Cream Mints
The plain fondant she divided into as many portions as she desired colors or flavors. After coloring and flavoring to her liking she rolled them out on mother's marble slab until they were about a quarter of an inch thick—of course she first sprinkled the slab with sifted powdered sugar—then with a little round cutter Betsey would cut out the mints and place on waxed paper to dry. Sometimes she would use the different nuts, candied cherries, etc., with these by placing a piece on the top of each
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Cream Chocolate Mints
Cream Chocolate Mints
Chocolate fondant, page 108 ....
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Cream Coffee Mints
Cream Coffee Mints
Coffee fondant, page 109 ....
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Cream Maple Sugar Mints
Cream Maple Sugar Mints
Maple sugar fondant, page 110 ....
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Cream Corn Syrup Mints
Cream Corn Syrup Mints
Corn syrup fondant, page 111 . Betsey made all of the different kinds of fondants into mints by simply rolling a portion of each to one fourth inch in thickness, then cutting them out with her little round cutter. When she wanted them to be extra nice she added the candied cherries or any kind of nut by placing a piece on top. Betsey enjoyed celebrating any and every occasion. The days devoted to St. Valentine and St. Patrick were hailed with delight. For these gala days Betsey found the "Cream
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Bon Bons
Bon Bons
Here was another way in which Betsey used the fondants. One portion of plain fondant she put on one side while the remainder was divided into as many different portions as she desired different colors or flavors. When these were shaped into balls, some plain and some with pieces of nuts or candied cherries inside, she placed them on waxed paper while she put the other portions of fondant in the small double boiler over hot water to melt. Betsey did not let the fondant get hot, but just warm , th
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Chocolate Creams
Chocolate Creams
Sometimes Betsey liked the chocolate in which she dipped her creams left unsweetened, then again she would add a little of the plain fondant to the melted chocolate to take away the bitter taste. Betsey melted the chocolate by placing it in the double boiler over hot water. The number of squares she melted depended upon the number of creams she intended dipping. Usually she started by melting two squares. The creams she prepared exactly as she did for "Bon Bons," coloring and flavoring as her fa
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Chocolate Cream Mints
Chocolate Cream Mints
These Betsey made like the plain cream mints and other cream mints. She rolled out the fondant so that it was about a quarter of an inch in thickness, cut with the little round cutter, then dipped each round in the melted chocolate, with two silver forks, drained off as much chocolate as possible, then placed on waxed paper to dry. One of the neighbors, hearing of Betsey's candy making lessons, sent over a recipe for "Cocoanut Cakes," and while they were not exactly candy, Betsey tried them and
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Cocoanut Cakes
Cocoanut Cakes
Betsey beat the egg whites until very stiff, added the sugar and vanilla, then stirred in the cocoanut gradually. Mother had a large tin sheet upon which Betsey placed waxed paper. Taking a teaspoon she dropped a spoonful of the mixture at a time, shaping each cake with the spoon to a point at the top, then baked in a moderate oven until they were a golden brown. This made about three dozen tiny cocoanut cakes. It happened to be along the latter part of March when Betsey was making the "Cocoanut
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Salted Peanuts
Salted Peanuts
Betsey bought the peanuts that were not cooked. These she shelled, then covered with boiling water for a minute or two. Draining off the water, she removed the little brown skins easily. Using a shallow cake tin, Betsey poured in a little olive oil (for those who do not like olive oil, a small piece of butter may be used), added the peanuts, put in a hot oven and cooked to a light golden brown. When done she emptied the peanuts on to a piece of brown paper (this soaked up the extra oil or butter
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Salted Almonds
Salted Almonds
These Betsey blanched as she did the peanuts by pouring boiling water over the almonds for at least a minute. Draining off the water, she was able to remove the brown skins very easily. The almonds were then placed in a shallow pan in which a little olive oil or butter had been melted, then baked in a hot oven to a light golden brown. Betsey needed to watch these constantly and shake the tin occasionally that the almonds might be evenly browned. The next step was to pour them on brown paper and
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Glacé Nuts and Fruits
Glacé Nuts and Fruits
The sugar, corn syrup and water Betsey boiled until the syrup became brittle the minute she dropped a little in cold water. Lifting the saucepan from the fire, she placed it in a larger pan of cold water to stop the boiling immediately, then she placed it in another pan of hot water and dipped the nuts and fruits one at a time. Betsey used a long hat pin to pick them out with, then placed on buttered plates or waxed paper. These were always made in cold weather and eaten while crisp. If they wer
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When Betsey learned to make Cherry Creams (on page 94 ) she said, "Mother, do you suppose I could have a Washington's Birthday Party? I could make such pretty things with these cherries." And mother was so pleased with her little pupil that of course she said "Yes." So Betsey invited five of her little friends: Dorothy, her very special friend, and Christina, Isabella, Amy and Adelaide, making six in all, counting herself. It was to be very simple; mother made the cake and ice cream and peanut b
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Chocolate Dainties
Chocolate Dainties
Put through the meat chopper one-half cup each of dates, figs, and nut meats. Add one tablespoon orange juice, a little grated orange peel, and one square of melted unsweetened chocolate. Mold into balls and roll in chopped nuts or granulated sugar. This mixture may be packed in an oiled tin, put under a weight until firm, then cut in any shape desired....
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Old-Fashioned Molasses Candy No. 1
Old-Fashioned Molasses Candy No. 1
Boil down molasses until it reaches the hard crack stage. Pour on oiled plates and cool. Oil the hands and pull portions of the candy until it becomes light colored....
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Old-Fashioned Molasses Candy No. 2
Old-Fashioned Molasses Candy No. 2
Put molasses, vinegar and butter into a saucepan. Bring to a boiling point, and boil, stirring all the time until the mixture is brittle when dropped into cold water. Stir in baking powder and extract and pour into a buttered tin. When nearly cold pull until glossy. Cut into small pieces and lay on a buttered plate or wrap in wax paper. Sufficient for one pound of candy....
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Popcorn Candy
Popcorn Candy
Boil together the syrup and vinegar until syrup hardens when dropped in cold water. Pour over freshly popped corn and mold into balls or fancy shapes for the Christmas tree. Little popcorn men will please the children. Mark in the features and outlines with melted chocolate. Either honey, maple syrup, molasses, white cane syrup or corn syrup may be used....
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Crystallized Fruits
Crystallized Fruits
Use your own preserves. Peach, pear, apple, quince or watermelon rind will do. Drain from the fruit all syrup possible. Cut any size desired, sprinkle with sugar, and dry in the warmer or a very slow oven. It may be necessary to sprinkle the fruit again with sugar during the drying. When dry enough not to be at all sticky, sprinkle with sugar and pack in layers with wax papers between. This fruit may be used for dipping in bitter chocolate for bitter-sweets....
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Fruit Paste
Fruit Paste
Put through the meat chopper enough cherry, peach, or quince preserves to make a half-pint with the juice. Heat fruit and add two tablespoons of gelatine, previously softened in a very little cold water. Stir well, and continue stirring until it begins to cool and thicken, then pour into oiled dish to make a layer one inch thick. Let dry slowly, sprinkle with sugar and place in box with wax paper between the layers. A mixture of dried apricots and dates may be used for this paste. Wash apricots
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Fruit Butter
Fruit Butter
Chop together equal parts of stoned raisins, dates and figs and add (after weighing) nuts equal in weight to the whole. The nuts may be mixed according to convenience and taste, as one part of black and white walnuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, hazel or Brazil nuts. In general nuts grown in the locality should be used. Mix thoroughly and pack in a mold for slicing....
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An attractive variety of candies may be made by dipping sweet fruits in bitter chocolate. Use for this purpose dates, citron, candied orange peel or crystallized fruits. Melt unsweetened chocolate in a double boiler. Keep the chocolate just warm enough to prevent solidifying. With a silver fork drop pieces of fruit in chocolate. See that each piece is completely coated, then remove to wax paper to harden....
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Maple Sugar Candy
Maple Sugar Candy
Boil together until soft ball forms in water. Remove from fire, beat until creamy, add nut meats and pour into greased tin. Cool slightly, mark into squares....
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Quick Nougatines
Quick Nougatines
Put marshmallows and almond paste in double boiler and stir until melted and well blended. Add nuts and cherries cut in small pieces and spread half an inch thick on a pan or slab sprinkled with confectioner's sugar. When firm, cut in bars 1½ inches long and ½ inch wide. If desired, dip in melted chocolate....
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Substitutes for Christmas Candies
Substitutes for Christmas Candies
"What would Christmas be without Christmas candies!" Can't you hear that wail going up from children all over the land? And from many a grown-up, too. A Christmas shorn of all its sweets isn't necessary at all. But with a little forethought and some substitutes in the way of fruit and nut sweetmeats, we can do much to lessen the pull on sugar at just this time. A decrease in our annual Christmas candy consumption of, say, even one-tenth (and that isn't asking very much of the "home fighter"), wh
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