Hymns And Spiritual Songs
Isaac Watts
3 chapters
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3 chapters
In Three Books. 1. Collected from the Scriptures. 2. Composed on Divine Subjects. 3. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. By I. Watts, D.D. Revelation 5, 9. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy, &c. for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us, &c. Soliti essent (i.e. Christiani) convenire, carmenque Christo quasi Deo dicere. Plin. In Epist. The "Index" and the "Table of the Scriptures that are Turned into Verse" are retained, and can be found at the end of the text. The "Ta
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Book 1. Collected from the Holy Scriptures.
Book 1. Collected from the Holy Scriptures.
Hymn 1:1. A new song to the Lamb that was slain. Rev. 5. 6 8 9 10 12. 1 Behold the glories of the Lamb Amidst his Father's throne Prepare new honours for his name, And songs before unknown. 2 Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around, With vials full of odours sweet, And harps of sweeter sound. 3 Those are the prayers of the saints, And these the hymns they raise: Jesus is kind to our complaints, He loves to hear our praise. 4 [Eternal Father, who shall look Into thy secret will? W
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Table of the Lord, see Lord. Temptations, hope under them, 1:139; of the world, 2:101; of the devil, 2:65, 2:156, 2:157; and desertion complained of 2:163. Tempted, Christ's compassion to them, 1:125. Terrors of death to the unconverted, 1:91. Testament, new, in the blood of Christ, 3:3. Thanksgiving for victory, 2:111; for mercies, 2:116; national, 2:1. Throne of Grace, see Grace. Thunderer, God, 2:62. Time redeemed, 1:88; ours, and eternity God's, 2:67. Tree of life, 3:8; and river of love, 3:20; Trials on earth, and hope of heaven, 2:63. Trinity praised, 3:26-41. Triumph over death, 1:6; 2:110; of faith in Christ, 1:14; at a feast, 3:21; of Christ over our enemies, 1:82. Trust, see Faith. Truth and promises of God unchangeable, 1:139; 2:60, 2:69. Types, 2:12; and prophecies of Christ, 2:135.
Table of the Lord, see Lord. Temptations, hope under them, 1:139; of the world, 2:101; of the devil, 2:65, 2:156, 2:157; and desertion complained of 2:163. Tempted, Christ's compassion to them, 1:125. Terrors of death to the unconverted, 1:91. Testament, new, in the blood of Christ, 3:3. Thanksgiving for victory, 2:111; for mercies, 2:116; national, 2:1. Throne of Grace, see Grace. Thunderer, God, 2:62. Time redeemed, 1:88; ours, and eternity God's, 2:67. Tree of life, 3:8; and river of love, 3:20; Trials on earth, and hope of heaven, 2:63. Trinity praised, 3:26-41. Triumph over death, 1:6; 2:110; of faith in Christ, 1:14; at a feast, 3:21; of Christ over our enemies, 1:82. Trust, see Faith. Truth and promises of God unchangeable, 1:139; 2:60, 2:69. Types, 2:12; and prophecies of Christ, 2:135.
Unbelief and faith, 1:100; punished, 1:118. Uncharitableness and charity, 1:126. Unconverted state, 2:159. death terrible to them, 1:91 Unfruitfulness, 2:165. Unsanctified affections, 2:165. Unseen things, faith in them, 1:120 Vain prosperity, 2:56, 2:101. Value of Christ and his righteousness, 1:109. Vanity    and mortality of man, 1:82;    of youth, 1:89, 1:90;    of the creatures, 2:146. Victory,    a thanksgiving for it, 2:111    over death, 1:17;    sin and sorrow, 1:14;    of Christ over S
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