Memoirs Of The Revolution In Bengal, Anno Dom. 1757
active William Watts
5 chapters
57 minute read
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5 chapters
By which Meer Jaffeir was raised to the Government of that Province, together with those of Babar and Orixa . The Motives to this Enterprize; the Method in which it was accomplished; and the Benefits that have accrued from thence to that Country, our United Company trading to the East Indies , and to the British Nation....
36 minute read
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The Success that has every where attended the Efforts of the British Arms, during the Course of this just and necessary War, will render this Period of our History resplendent, even to latest Ages. It seems, therefore, requisite to give the most accurate and distinct Accounts that can be obtained of these Successes in the remoter Parts of the Globe, that the Nature and Consequences of them may be the better understood here. The People of Britain are as well entitled to know, and will with equal
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Copy of the Articles of Agreement sent by Colonel Clive to William Watts, Esq; May 2, 1757.
Copy of the Articles of Agreement sent by Colonel Clive to William Watts, Esq; May 2, 1757.
An Alliance offensive and defensive against all Enemies: The French Fugitives to be taken and delivered up to us; all their Factories to be delivered up to us, in order to be destroyed; the French never to be permitted to re-settle in this Subaship; in Consideration of which, the English Company will annually pay the Amount of Duties usually paid into the King's Treasury on the French Trade, or a Sum not exceeding Fifty thousand Rupees annually. Restitution of the Company's Loss, by the taking o
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Translation of the Treaty made with Meer Jaffeir.
Translation of the Treaty made with Meer Jaffeir.
I Swear by God, and by the Prophet of God, to abide by the Terms of this Treaty, as long as I have Life....
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Treaty made with the Admiral, Colonel Clive, and the other Counsellors, Mr. Drake and Mr. Watts.
Treaty made with the Admiral, Colonel Clive, and the other Counsellors, Mr. Drake and Mr. Watts.
I. WHATEVER Articles were agreed upon in the time of Peace with the Nabob, Suraja Dowlat , Munsurah Mimalek Shaik Kouli Khan Bahadar , and Hybut Jung , I agree to comply with. II. The Enemies of the English are my Enemies, whether they be Indians or Europeans . III. All the Effects and Factories belonging to the French , in the Provinces of Bengal , Bahar , and Orixa , shall remain in the Possession of the English ; nor will I ever allow them to settle any more in the Three Provinces. IV. In Con
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