5 chapters
3 hour read
Selected Chapters
5 chapters
John Stuart Mill in his “Autobiography” declares with truth that “the world would be astonished if it knew how great a proportion of its brightest ornaments, of those most distinguished even in popular estimation for wisdom and virtue are complete sceptics in religion.” Many of these, as Mill points out, refrain from various motives from speaking out. The work I have undertaken will, I trust, do something to show how many of the world’s worthiest men and women have been Freethinkers. My Dictiona
58 minute read
A Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers.
A Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers.
Abul-Abbas-Abdallah III. (Al Mamoun), the seventh Abbasside, caliph, son of Haroun al Rashid, was b. at Bagdad 16 Sept. 786. He was a patron of science and literature, collected Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, and invited the scholars of all nations to his capital. He wrote several treatises and poems. Died in war near Tarsus, 9 Aug. 833. Abul-Ola ( Ahmad ibn Abd Allah ibn Sulaiman ), celebrated Arabian poet, b. at Maari, in Syria, Dec., 973. His free opinions gave much scandal to devout Moslems.
2 hour read
Airoldi (J.) Italian lawyer, b. Lugano (Switzerland), 1829; a poet and writer of talent. Albaida (Don Jose M. Orense), Spanish nobleman (marquis), one of the founders of the Republican party. Was expelled for his principles; returned to Spain, and was president of the Cortes in 1869. * Alchindus. Died about 864. * Aleardi had better be deleted. I am now told he was a Christian. Alfarabi. See Alpharabius . Algeri (Pomponio), a youth of Nola. Studied at Padua, and was accused of heresy and Atheism
25 minute read