Best Stories From The Best Book: An Illustrated Bible Companion For The Home
James Edson White
4 chapters
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4 chapters
Best StoriesfromtheBest Book
Best StoriesfromtheBest Book
The Second Department is for the entertainment of children both young and old. Its lessons are taken from God's Word. While the children are learning to read from the "Easy Lesson" department, let the parents and older brothers and sisters read to them the Bible stories which follow, showing and explaining to them the beautiful pictures which accompany them. Lessons taught in this manner will never be forgotten. God speaks to us through His Word, by His Spirit, and through nature. By interesting
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To Teachers and Parents.
To Teachers and Parents.
For a review lesson, if the idiom, "I see," has been learned, many sentences may be made by drawing the objects, as "I see a *" (here draw a leaf or some other object). Use the idioms, "I have," "This is," etc., in the same way. The earlier lessons in this book should be largely supplemented from the blackboard in this way, or by variation of the different sentences. From the first let the children write on the board, where there can be free movement of the arm. Original work should be aimed at
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I see an apple. I see a tree. Is it an apple tree?     I see the bird. I love the beautiful birds. God loves the beautiful birds. Jesus loves the birds. The rose is beautiful. I see three apples. The apples are on the tree. I see two birds. I see the box. John made it. God made the birds and the trees. God made the grape vine. Jesus is the true vine. The roses and birds are beautiful. God made the grape vine. Jesus is the true vine. The roses and birds are beautiful. The Bible is God's holy Book
22 minute read
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The Call of Abraham.
The Call of Abraham.
Then God chose Abraham to represent Him in the earth. He would call him the father of the faithful, which means those who have faith, or who believe God. He would give His truth a new start, as He did when He chose Noah before the flood. God would not destroy the sinners, as He did at the flood, but would call Abraham out from among them. Then through Abraham He would give to the world the knowledge of the only true God. But the Lord must separate Abraham from his own kindred and friends, and te
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