His Glorious Appearing: An Exposition Of Matthew Twenty-Four
James White
20 chapters
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20 chapters
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7. No truth of inspiration can be more clearly demonstrated than that God reveals his designs to his prophets, that men and nations may be prepared for their accomplishment. Before visiting with judgments, God has uniformly sent forth warnings sufficient to enable the believing to escape his wrath, and to condemn those who have not heeded the warning. This was the case before the flood. The
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Persecution And False Prophets.
Persecution And False Prophets.
Here is a brief description of the afflictions and martyrdom of the church of Christ. Thousands of the faithful followers of Jesus were most cruelly put to death by pagan Rome; yet the prophecy doubtless applies more particularly to the long period of papal persecutions, in which not less than fifty millions of Christians were put to death in the most cruel manner that wicked men and demons could devise. In these verses we are brought down over the long period of the martyrdom of the church of J
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Iniquity Abounds.
Iniquity Abounds.
It is evident that both the abounding of iniquity and the waxing cold of the love of many, are fulfilled in the professed church of Jesus Christ. Men must first experience the love of God and of heavenly things before that love can grow cold. Hence, common, unconverted sinners are not here referred to as apostatizing. And, again, the prevalence of iniquity in the unconverted world alone, would stimulate the church to greater diligence, and more godliness, instead of being a cause of apostasy. He
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The End.
The End.
As before noted, the word end , whenever used in this chapter, refers to the end of the age, and to nothing else. It is the end associated in the New Testament with the second appearing of Jesus Christ. If it be urged that the word “end” has reference to the close of mortal life, then we reply that the disciples did not ask their Lord (see verse 3) when they should die; but “what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Neither does the Lord speak of death, when he says (se
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When Shall These Things Be?
When Shall These Things Be?
Our Lord having in verses 5-14, passed over the important events in the Christian age down to the end, goes back and introduces in verse 15 the destruction of Jerusalem, in answer to the inquiry, “When shall these things be?” Luke's version of this language is, “When ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.” Luke 21:20. By this we know that the term “abomination of desolation” refers to the Roman army. This desolating power is spoken of by Da
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Shortened For The Elect's Sake.
Shortened For The Elect's Sake.
The papacy was clothed with civil power to punish heretics, which it held for 1260 years; and had not the period of tribulation of the elect in the providence of God been shortened, the martyrdom of the church would have continued to 1798, in which event, no flesh of the elect would have been saved. But the Reformation under Martin Luther, and those associated with this great reformer, modified this tribulation, and continued to restrain the rage and power of the papacy until the suppression of
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Lo, Here, And Lo, There.
Lo, Here, And Lo, There.
In these verses the great theme of Christ's second coming is again vividly brought forth. Satan is ever on the alert to contravene by some device or art, the work of God. His most successful plan is to deceive. By this means he gains ready access to all such as desire to evade the force of [pg 041] truth. And having deceived an individual, he not only prevents his salvation, but gains to himself an adherent if not an active agent. So, as the time for the second advent draws near, the enemy becom
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The Signs Of Christ's Coming.
The Signs Of Christ's Coming.
We have before seen that our Lord speaks in this chapter of the long period of tribulation that was to come upon his followers, and we have also seen how those days of tribulation were shortened for the elect's sake. Christ says that the sun should be darkened immediately after the tribulation of those days. Mark in his gospel, gives it as follows:— “ In those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. ” Mark 13:24. This makes the time in whic
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“And The Stars Shall Fall.”
“And The Stars Shall Fall.”
A celebrated astronomer and meteorologist, says:— “ Those who were so fortunate as to witness the exhibition of shooting stars on the morning of Nov. 13, 1833, probably saw the greatest display of celestial fire-works that has ever been since the creation of the world, or at least within the annals covered by the pages of history. “ In nearly all places the meteors began to attract notice by their unusual frequency as early as eleven o'clock, and increased in numbers and splendor until about fou
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“The Powers Of Heaven Shall Be Shaken.”
“The Powers Of Heaven Shall Be Shaken.”
Paul quotes from the words of the Lord by Haggai and comments as follows:— “ Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken. ” Heb. 12:26, 27. Neither is this one of the signs showing that the coming of the Son of man is near, but “the sign of the Son of man in heaven.” It is that which indicates his position. When Christ ascended from the mount of Olivet, “a cloud received him” from the sight of hi
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“Sign Of The Son Of Man.”
“Sign Of The Son Of Man.”
This is not a mass of vapor but a cloud of resplendent glory. He comes “with power and great glory.” He will “come in the glory of his Father” (Matt. 16:27); in his own glory, “and all the holy angels with him.” Matt. 25:31. The glory of the Father, of the Son, and of all the holy angels—this glory will comprise the cloud which attends him on the way. Of its intensity we can form no just conception. In the presence of one angel the Roman guard “did quake and became as dead men.” There are ten th
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Parable Of The Fig-Tree.
Parable Of The Fig-Tree.
This parable is probably the most forcible figure that could be used with which to illustrate this subject. When the trees of the field begin to put forth their leaves, and the tender grass springs up, and the ground is being covered with its green velvet carpet, we know that summer is nigh. It is a certainty with us that summer is coming when we see these signs in nature. We know that summer is nigh “ So, likewise ,” or, with the same certainty, we may know that Christ's coming is near when the
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“The Day And Hour.”
“The Day And Hour.”
This has become a very familiar passage of scripture because of the frequent use that is made of it to prove that nothing can be known of the proximity of the second coming of Christ. But if we pause a moment and lay beside this verse those we have just studied, we shall be able to discover the exact truth at once. “When ye shall see these things, know that it is near even at the doors;” and, “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled;” “But of that day and hour knoweth
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Noah's Time And Ours.
Noah's Time And Ours.
A picture of the present condition of the mass of mankind is here drawn. The people of the last generation will be like those before the flood, while the ark was preparing. While Noah preached, and warned them of the coming flood, they mocked. He built the ark; and they scoffed and jeered. He was a preacher of righteousness. His works were calculated to give edge to, and send home to the heart, what he preached. Every righteous sermon, and every blow struck in building the ark, condemned a carel
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Peace And Safety.
Peace And Safety.
Paul writes in his epistles to Timothy as follows:— “ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. ” 1 Tim. 4:1. “ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despi
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The Final Separation.
The Final Separation.
This language shows the final separation between the righteous and the wicked. There is no elaborate explanation as to how the circumstances will meet their fulfillment, but that is not the essential force of the text. The line will in some cases be drawn between those who are intimately related. Some members of the same family will be taken away by the judgments of God, while others will be left to receive their coming Lord. Verses 42-44: “ Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord d
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Those Who Watch Will Know The Time.
Those Who Watch Will Know The Time.
The injunction to watchfulness is repeatedly given by our Saviour in connection with his teaching in reference to his second advent. These injunctions must apply especially to those who live in proximity to that event. This fact is convincing evidence that the Lord is not displeased with those who anticipate his coming, and study the word in reference to it. No one watches for that which he does not expect, and indifference or aversion toward the coming of Christ is sure evidence of coldness tow
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The Faithful And Wise Servant.
The Faithful And Wise Servant.
In this figure, Christ is represented as the Lord of the household of faith (see Mark 13:35; Heb. 3:6), leaving his house, and committing the work of caring for his church to his servants. A blessing is promised those servants who are found faithfully discharging this duty when their Lord comes. They are to feed the flock of God, over whom the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers. Acts 20:28. They must preach the word. 2 Tim. 4:2. They should watch for souls as they that must give account. [pg 09
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The Evil Servant.
The Evil Servant.
What the evil servant says and does, shows most clearly the position and work of the faithful and wise servant. The evil servant says, “My lord delayeth his coming,” because the faithful servant is proclaiming the coming of his lord. The evil servant smites the faithful servant, because he teaches the soon coming of his Lord. The faithful servant, true to his commission to preach the “gospel of the kingdom” to a fallen church and a scoffing world, toils on, and for this the evil servant smites h
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At his coming, the dead in Christ will be raised to everlasting life. The righteous living will be changed to immortality. The hand of our Saviour will wipe away all tears; “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” Why should we not rejoice in such a prospect? Who would not welcome such a friend? Who would not rejoice in the prospect of such a consummation? But it is true that the grand event will not
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