11 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
11 chapters
Most of the contents of this volume appeared originally as a series of articles in Saturday issues of the Deseret Evening News, beginning October 26, 1918, and ending May 31, 1919. As stated by the News, these articles "were designed to fill in some degree a spiritual void and meet a special need of those who were in the habit of attending Sunday services, but were denied that privilege by the prevalence of the influenza epidemic." That epidemic caused a suspension of public gatherings for sever
2 minute read
The usual Bible abbreviations are retained. Hist. Ch. stands for History of the Church. D. & C. for Doctrine and Covenants. Nephi, Jacob, Omni, Mormon, Mosiah, Alma and Ether, will be recognized as names belonging to the Book of Mormon. The Book of Moses, shortened to Moses, and the Book of Abraham, abbreviated to Abr., will be found within the lids of the Pearl of Great Price. Other abbreviations, such as vol. for volume, p. or pp. for page or pages, v. or vv. for verse or verses and ib
30 minute read
OUR PLACE IN HISTORY The Saturday Evening of Time. The Sixth Day. —Saturday, in Christian lands, is a day set apart for house-cleaning, a time for "putting things to rights," in preparation for the Sabbath, the sacred day of rest. Preliminary to the condition of purity, order and quietness especially desirable on that day, the house, in domestic parlance, is "upset"—"turned topsy-turvy." Furniture is moved and dusted, floors are scrubbed, windows cleaned, and stoves polished; the body is bathed,
5 minute read
SEERSHIP AND PROPHECY. What Joseph Beheld. Seer and Prophet. —"Seer" and "Prophet" are interchangeable terms, supposed by many to signify one and the same thing. Strictly speaking, however, this is not correct. A seer is greater than a prophet. [ 1 ] One may be a prophet without being a seer; but a seer is essentially a prophet—if by "prophet" is meant not only a spokesman, but likewise a foreteller. Joseph Smith was both prophet and seer. [ 2 ] Like Unto Moses. —A seer is one who sees. But it i
9 minute read
A MARVEL AND A WONDER. The Wisdom That Perishes. The wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.—Isaiah 29:14. The Wise and Prudent.—Most strikingly have these prophetic words been realized by "Mormonism," in its relations to the lofty and the learned who have endeavored in a worldly way and by means of human wisdom, to account for and dispose of it. Strange it is that men and women, intelligent, educated and profound, do not see in this great
8 minute read
A GLANCE DOWN THE AGES The Adamic Age. "Dispensation" Defined.—What is meant by "dispensation." The term has a variety of meanings. To dispense is to deal out or distribute in portions, as when the sacrament of the Lord's Supper is dispensed to a religious congregation. "Dispensations of Providence" is a phrase used to describe the Creator's dealings with his creatures, either for joy or sorrow. In theology "dispensation" signifies the method or scheme whereby Deity has at different times develo
7 minute read
IN TIME'S MERIDIAN The Lamb of God. A stranger Star, that came from far, To filing its silver ray Where, cradled in a lowly cave, A lowlier infant lay; And led by soft sidereal light, The Orient sages bring Rare gifts of gold and frankincense, To greet the homeless King. * * * He wandered through the faithfulness world, A Prince in shepherd guise; He called his scattered flock, but few The Voice did recognize; For minds unborne by hollow pride,
9 minute read
THE ERA OF RESTITUTION. The Call of the Shepherd. "Come Out of Her, My People."—The Dispersion of Israel has for its complement the Gathering of Israel; the prophets who predicted the one likewise foretelling the other. The Savior's personal visits to the various branches of the Israelitish race, before or after His resurrection, were prophetic of a general restoration of the Lord's people to their ancient lands, and the folding of the scattered sheep into one great flock, with him as the Shephe
10 minute read
POWERS AND PRINCIPLES The Priesthood. What "Priesthood" Means.—Divine authority, or the right to rule, inherent in the supreme Source of all power—such is the primal meaning of "Priesthood." It also signifies the men in whom that authority is vested—the servants of the Lord, who officiate for him and administer the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. Why Necessary.—Divine laws, like human laws, require officers and a government to administer them. God, being in the form of man, cannot be everywhe
9 minute read
BEYOND THE HORIZON The Spirit World. Not Heaven.—That there is a Spirit World, and that it is closely connected with the material world—the one we now inhabit—has been a tenet in the religious philosophy of wise and good men all down the ages. In the minds of many people, the Spirit World and Heaven are synonymous terms, indicating one and the same place. But in reality there is a wide difference between them. A State of rest, such as the spirit life is understood to be for the righteous—though
9 minute read