A Tour Of Historic Richmond
Frances Leigh Williams
53 chapters
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53 chapters
A Tour of Historic Richmond
A Tour of Historic Richmond
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Richmond—Her Story and Her Spirit
Richmond—Her Story and Her Spirit
Richmond—Capital of the Cavaliers—a city that is mellow and yet modern, where the rustle of the past may still be heard amid the bustle of the present. To appreciate Richmond one must, before all else, remember that this old town has roots planted deep in the history of our country. Richmond was founded in 1737 by William Byrd II, of Westover on the James, forefather of two of Virginia’s illustrious sons of today, Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd and Senator Harry Flood Byrd. But even before Father B
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Gamble’s Hill Park
Gamble’s Hill Park
Below you rolls “the mighty James,” the father of Virginia’s history, along the banks of which Richmond had her beginning. In 1645 Fort Charles was erected here at the falls of the James to protect the Tidewater settlers from the incursions of the Indians. The cross, planted on rugged boulders or river-jacks from the James, was erected here by the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities in memory of the valiant little group of explorers, who landed on an island below this point
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Old Homes
Old Homes
Here on Fifth Street, between Cary and Main, are several examples of the stately houses which made life in Richmond in the nineteenth century the gracious thing that it was. On your right are two old homes which have passed from the hands of the families that built and loved them. At the southeast corner of Main and Fifth Streets used to stand the Allan home where Edgar Allan Poe lived to young manhood with his foster parents. On the northwest corner of Fifth and Main Streets is an interesting o
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General Lee’s Home
General Lee’s Home
This upright house, typical of many built by the wealthier Richmonders in the early nineteenth century, was lent to General Robert E. Lee as a home for himself when he could be in Richmond and for his family during the latter years of the War Between the States. It is now the home of the Virginia Historical Society, which has built a fireproof structure in the rear for its priceless collection of papers. Many interesting things on view here merit a visit. ¶ Proceed east on Franklin to Ninth Stre
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Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank
On your left, from Eighth to Ninth on Franklin Street, is situated the Federal Reserve Bank for the Fifth District, which embraces Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and part of West Virginia. ¶ Intersection of Franklin and Ninth....
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Old Bell Tower
Old Bell Tower
Old Bell Tower Here you get your first view of the State Capitol and its grounds, but at this time confine your interest to the quaint structure directly ahead. It is the old Bell Tower, built in 1824 to replace the wooden tower from which had pealed forth the call to colors for regular and volunteer troops to defend Richmond from expected attacks. ¶ Right on Ninth to Main Street....
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Financial District
Financial District
You are now in the heart of Richmond’s financial district. Many banking houses, however, are situated in other parts of the city....
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Post Office
Post Office
One block to your left, on Main Street is the Federal building in which are located the United States Post Office and customs house. A part of this building was erected before the War Between the States and housed the executive offices of President Jefferson Davis and several members of his cabinet. Next to it is the city’s parcel post building. ¶ Proceed south on Ninth Street across Main to Canal, left on Canal to Fourteenth, right on Fourteenth to Bridge, halt....
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Site of John Smith Landing
Site of John Smith Landing
Before you stretches one of the four bridges connecting Richmond’s north and south sides of the James River. Beyond the bridge, near the huge grain elevator, is where Capt. John Smith first landed in Richmond. The land was originally purchased from Chief Powhatan. ¶ Back (north) on Fourteenth to Main and right on Main to Fifteenth....
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Southern Literary Messenger
Southern Literary Messenger
The southeast corner on your right is the site of the Southern Literary Messenger Building, where Edgar Allan Poe edited that magazine to enduring fame. Across the street is the site of Bell Tavern, one of the famous places of rendezvous in early Richmond and recruiting station during the War of 1812. ¶ Continue east on Main to Seventeenth....
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Old First Market
Old First Market
Passing the Main Street Station (C. & O. and Seaboard) on the left, you come to the Old Market. On this site, from the earliest days, the farmers would gather to sell their produce to the city folk. To the left of the market, Negro washerwomen used to spread their wash on the grassy bank of Shockoe Creek, the frequent floods of which were the chief excitement of the old town. The women chatted and lightened their work by singing. The darkies’ melodious voices, blending with the cries of
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Poe Shrine
Poe Shrine
On your left is the oldest house in Richmond, erected about 1686. On the front wall may be seen the letters “J.R.,” supposed to signify “Jacobus Rex,” James II, who was then King of England. The building is now a part of the Edgar Allan Poe Foundation, which includes also the small buildings on the left and right, in the three of which are housed much Poe material and many articles relating to his residence in Richmond. In the rear is an “enchanted garden” which leads to a classical loggia, buil
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Libby Prison
Libby Prison
On the southeast corner of Cary stood Libby Prison, where thousands of Federal prisoners were confined during the War Between the States. The old warehouse-prison building was torn down and taken to Chicago to be rebuilt for the World’s Fair of 1893. You are now in the heart of the tobacco district of Richmond. For blocks may be seen Richmond’s famous “Tobacco Row.” ¶ Turn left on Cary to Twenty-first, left on Twenty-first to Main, left on Main to Eighteenth Street; right on Eighteenth one block
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Oldest Masonic Hall
Oldest Masonic Hall
The wooden building on the right is the oldest Masonic hall in continuous use in the United States which was built originally for Masonic purposes. Governor Edmund Randolph was among the many prominent Virginia Masons who participated in the corner-stone laying in 1785. Lafayette was given a reception here in 1824 on his triumphal return visit to the scenes where he had served in the American Revolution. ¶ Proceed east on Franklin, halting briefly between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. At the t
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St. John’s Church (Front Cover)
St. John’s Church (Front Cover)
St. John’s Episcopal Church, built in 1741, the oldest in the city, will forever be famous as the place where Patrick Henry uttered his ringing challenge for “Liberty or Death” to the American colonists. The second Virginia convention met in St. John’s, because it was the largest hall in Richmond, in March, 1775, and even at that, the original was not half the size of the enlarged present-day structure. It is worth your while to get out here and let the sexton show you the church and tell you br
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Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Here, at Libby Hill Park, is the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, erected in 1894 as a memorial to the soldiers and sailors of the Confederacy. The figure on the top is by William L. Sheppard. ¶ Return to Broad Street; turn left on Broad, halting between Thirteenth and Twelfth....
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Monumental Church
Monumental Church
This unusual-looking Episcopal church structure was built in 1812 as a memorial to more than seventy persons, including the Governor of Virginia, who lost their lives in a fire which destroyed a theatre on this site on December 26, 1811. In this theatre Edgar Allan Poe’s mother had acted a few short months before, and in this same theatre the Virginia Convention of 1788 had ratified the Federal Constitution. ¶ Proceed west on Broad (Passing Medical College of Virginia Hospital Building) to Twelf
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Medical College of Virginia
Medical College of Virginia
You are now in the center of the buildings of the Medical College of Virginia which cover several city blocks. Particularly notable is the concrete building on your right at the end of the block which is stated to be “the most perfect example of Egyptian architecture in America.” Erected in 1845, it is the earliest in the Medical College group. This is one of the oldest medical schools in the South and the only one to remain open during the War Between the States. The buildings now composing the
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Confederate Museum
Confederate Museum
Confederate Museum (White House of the Confederacy) This building, now the Confederate Museum, was the White House of the Confederacy from 1861-65. Here lived President Jefferson Davis. Here came the generals to confer, the couriers bearing news of the various battles. Most fittingly, the women of the South have made this a treasure-house of things Confederate. In the museum you may now see the uniforms, swords, camp chest and multitudinous relics of Generals Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. (“Stonewall
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Valentine Museum
Valentine Museum
This Museum of the Life and History of Richmond, founded by Mann S. Valentine and opened in 1898, now includes four 19th century buildings. The Wickham-Valentine House, designed by Robert Mills in 1812, is a notable example of late Georgian architecture, with furnishings of that period and of 1853, and with a walled garden that is restful and beautiful in all seasons. The adjoining Museum building contains a growing collection of permanent Richmond exhibits and the largest costume department in
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John Marshall House
John Marshall House
On the northwest corner of Ninth and Marshall is John Marshall House. This house, severely simple on the exterior, boasts a classic dignity inside which proves that John Marshall, as well as his politically different cousin, Thomas Jefferson, could design homes. The eminent jurist himself designed this home. The house is now the property of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, the first of such societies in America. It is furnished with some of Marshall’s original furnit
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City Hall
City Hall
The large gray stone structure on the southeast corner of Broad Street is the City Hall. Dedicated in 1894, it was built on the site of the old City Hall, erected in 1816 and condemned in 1874. This building contains the offices of the Mayor, the City Manager and various municipal departments. ¶ Cross Broad and continue on Tenth to Capitol Street. Turn right on Capitol one block to Ninth. Turn left on Ninth to entrance of Capitol Square....
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Capitol Square
Capitol Square
Commanding the driveway stands the equestrian statue of Washington, executed by Thomas Crawford and cast in Munich at a cost of $100,000. Chief Justice John Marshall headed the committee to raise the subscriptions, beginning the work in 1817 when the city boasted less than 6,000 white inhabitants. The monument was unveiled in 1858. Around the central figure of Washington are statues of some of Virginia’s famous sons, builders of the nation as well as of their state: Patrick Henry, George Mason,
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Capitol Building
Capitol Building
The central part of the Capitol was designed after the Maison Carrée at Nimes by Thomas Jefferson while minister to France from the United States. The original part was commenced in 1785 and finished about 1792, and the wings were added, to give the legislators much-needed space, in 1905. In the rotunda in the old central part, you will see the most celebrated work of the great French sculptor, Houdon—the life-size statue of Washington, the only one posed from life which is in existence today. I
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State Buildings
State Buildings
Leaving the Capitol by the main door, you see on the left the modern State office building and the Finance Building on the terrace. In the basement at the South end of the Finance Building is an interesting museum containing exhibits of Virginia’s natural resources, agricultural products and wild life....
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Governor’s Mansion
Governor’s Mansion
Swinging around the Capitol, you come to the Federal-style Governor’s Mansion, erected in 1811-13. From 1788 to 1811 the governors of Virginia had to live in a two-story wooden structure, ironically called “The Palace,” located on the same site as the present building. Just outside the Capitol Square, to the north, you will see the new State Library and Supreme Court of Appeals building. ¶ Leave Capitol Square by same gate through which you entered, stopping on Grace just across Ninth. Governor’
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St. Paul’s Church
St. Paul’s Church
Situated here at Ninth and Grace is St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. General Robert E. Lee worshipped here whenever he was in Richmond during the War Between the States, as did President Jefferson Davis regularly. Up an aisle to this church on Sunday, April 2, 1865, strode a messenger to President Davis’ pew. Davis quietly left the church. The message told him that Petersburg had fallen, that Richmond must be evacuated. The church is filled with memorials of many kinds, and is referred to by some as
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Sixth Street Market
Sixth Street Market
Country produce and Negro flower-sellers combine to make this a colorful sight in the vicinity of Marshall and Sixth Streets. ¶ Continue on Sixth three blocks to Grace. Turn right at Grace. Proceed west on Grace to end of 1100 block and turn left on Lombardy one block to Monument Avenue. Turn right; halt....
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Monument Avenue
Monument Avenue
Here begins Monument Avenue, the continuation of Franklin Street, the newer section of the thoroughfare that has long been a main residential street of the city. This avenue takes its name from monuments to Confederate leaders....
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J. E. B. Stuart Monument
J. E. B. Stuart Monument
This statue by Fred Moynihan shows General Stuart, the great cavalry leader, in a typically dashing pose. Stuart was one of the most colorful men in the Confederacy, once riding his men eighty miles in 27 hours, another time riding around McClellan’s whole army—always courageous, always gay. ¶ Proceed westward one block on Monument to Allen Avenue....
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Lee Monument
Lee Monument
Only three letters mark this monument—Lee. The South felt no more were needed. This marvelous likeness of General Lee on “Traveller” was sculptured by the French artist, Jean Antoine Mercie, and was unveiled by Lee’s West Point classmate and friend, General Joseph E. Johnston, on May 30, 1890. Arrived in Richmond, the statue was drawn to its location by schoolchildren. ¶ Proceed westward on Monument four blocks to Davis Avenue. Lee Monument...
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Davis Monument
Davis Monument
The monument to Jefferson Davis, sculptured by E. V. Valentine, shows the President of the Confederacy in the posture of oratory. Around the monument are excerpts from this most notable speeches. ¶ Proceed westward on Monument three blocks to the Boulevard. Jefferson Davis Monument...
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First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
On your left, at Monument Avenue and the Boulevard, is First Baptist Church, one of Richmond’s numerous large churches....
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Jackson Monument
Jackson Monument
This monument to Thomas J. (“Stonewall”) Jackson, the sculpture for which is the work of F. William Sievers, shows him mounted on “Sorrel,” facing north, because he so resolutely opposed the Northern army. Jackson, whose brilliant strategy is studied today by soldiers the world over, was a stern, Cromwellian type of commander in strange contrast to the dashing Stuart. Lee called him his “right arm,” and no one has ever been able to estimate the severity of the blow his death dealt the Southern c
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Maury Monument
Maury Monument
Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury (F. William Sievers was the sculptor for this monument), is not as well known to the average citizen as he deserves to be, but sailors on all the seas know his work and are grateful for it. He is known as “The Pathfinder of the Seas” because he charted the oceans with such accuracy that even today the Pilot Charts issued by the Hydrographic Office of the Navy Department are founded on his researches. In the house which still stands close to the present Valentine
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Battle Abbey
Battle Abbey
The Battle Abbey, or Confederate Memorial Institute, houses a large collection of portraits of Confederate officers, and collections of Confederate battle flags, arms and equipment, but is chiefly distinguished for its very beautiful series of mural paintings of Confederate scenes by the French artist, Charles Hoffbauer. The artist had done much of his preliminary work when he was called back to fight for France in 1914. When he returned to Richmond after the war, Hoffbauer painted out all he ha
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Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts This State institution, opened in January, 1936, houses the famous John Barton Payne collections of paintings and prints; the T. Catesby Jones collection of twentieth century European paintings, the Glasgow collection of European Renaissance art, and the fabulous Lillian Thomas Pratt collection of Russian jewelry. The Museum and collections are valued at more than $5,000,000. In addition to its collections, it conducts a regular program of specially assembled exhibit
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Virginia House
Virginia House
Virginia House Virginia House, home of the late Ambassador and Mrs. Alexander W. Weddell, is built of materials they brought from Warwick Priory, Warwick, England, in 1925. The central section is a reproduction of the Tudor portion of Warwick Priory, founded by the first Earl of Warwick; the right-hand section is an exact replica of the only portion of Sulgrave Manor which remains as it was at the time Lawrence Washington occupied it as his manor house. The royal coat of arms may be seen over a
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Agecroft Hall
Agecroft Hall
Agecroft was originally built in Lancashire, England, about 1393, brought to Richmond and faithfully rebuilt here in 1925. The old plaster and timber house was the seat of the Langleys, a branch of the royal Plantagenets. Some of its most beautiful features are an oriel window and the great hall with gallery for minstrels, paneled with oak and lighted by stained glass windows. The house is eventually to go to the city as a generously endowed art museum. ¶ Return to Cary Street Road, turn left, p
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This stately house was built in 1753 for William Randolph III on a site overlooking the James about six miles below Richmond. The Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia bought it several years ago to save the beautiful paneling from being sold out of Virginia, and had it faithfully rebuilt here on another site overlooking the James. ¶ Return to Cary Street Road, turn left and proceed westward to intersection of Cary Street Road and Three Chopt Road....
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Country Club of Virginia
Country Club of Virginia
This is Richmond’s largest country club, although there are other private clubs and public golf courses. The Country Club of Virginia boasts one eighteen-hole golf course and one short course at this club, and a very fine eighteen-hole course up the James River, where the Club has another smaller clubhouse, skeet shooting traps and river sports. ¶ Continue out Three Chopt Road to Towana Road, which leads to the University of Richmond....
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University of Richmond
University of Richmond
Social Center and Gymnasium · University of Richmond The University of Richmond includes Richmond College, a college of liberal arts and sciences for men; Westhampton College, offering the same courses to women; the T. C. Williams School of Law for professional study; and the Evening School of Business Administration. We pass through the men’s college, and across the lake to the women’s college. ¶ Proceed on out of Westhampton College to River Road, turn left on River Road back to Cary Street Ro
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Columbus Monument
Columbus Monument
This monument was erected by the Italians of Richmond. The park includes tennis courts, playgrounds, acres of woodland, and a small boating lake to your left. Southeast of this point lies Shields Lake, the mecca of Richmond swimmers in the summer, and beyond that “Maymont,” the city’s most beautiful park. ¶ Turn right, proceed around reservoir....
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World War I Memorial
World War I Memorial
This carillon is Virginia’s memorial to her dead of World War I. The bells were imported from England. A museum containing relics of that costly European struggle is located in a room at the base of the tower. ¶ Return north on Boulevard to Monument Avenue, turn right on Monument, which becomes Franklin Street upon reaching Stuart Circle. Continue east to Laurel Street. World War I Memorial · The Carillon...
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Monroe Park
Monroe Park
Richmond’s Civic Center (The Mosque) On the right is one of the many municipal parks, most of which are located outside the heavily built-up part of the city. Looking through the park you can see Richmond’s Civic Center, The Mosque, where conventions, exhibitions, concerts and other events are held. It contains an auditorium seating 5,000 persons. ¶ Proceed eastward on Franklin, halting between Madison and Henry Streets....
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Commonwealth Club
Commonwealth Club
Here at “The Commonwealth,” the mid-town men’s club of the city, the Richmond German Club gives the “Germans,” which are the most formal and unusual features of Richmond’s social life, somewhat comparable to the Philadelphia Assemblies and Charleston’s St. Cecilias. ¶ Continue eastward on Franklin to First Street....
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City Library
City Library
The modern building on the southeast corner is the main City Library, a gift to the city, of the late James H. Dooley. It was built in 1930 on the site of the birthplace of James Branch Cabell, Virginia author. The library has nearly 200,000 catalogued volumes, pamphlets, periodicals, recordings and sheet music. ¶ Continue eastward on Franklin, halting briefly between Second and Third Streets. City Library...
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Woman’s Club
Woman’s Club
The Woman’s Club has preserved this comfortable nineteenth century home by adding a larger auditorium at the back and making it their clubhouse, where are heard many of the distinguished lecturers and artists of today. * * * * * * *...
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Richmond Battlefield Parks
Richmond Battlefield Parks
It is interesting to tour Richmond’s Battlefield Park, which embraces the fields covered during the Seven Days’ Campaign (June 26-July 2, 1862) and at Second Cold Harbor, May 31-June 3, 1864. The battlefields of Fort Harrison, Malvern Hill, Frayser’s Farm, Savage Station, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Cold Harbor, Gaines’ Mill, and Mechanicsville may be toured. Fort Harrison, six miles east of the city is Park Headquarters. An interesting museum is located there....
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Richmond Ideal for Conventions
Richmond Ideal for Conventions
Historical shrines of world-wide interest, excellent transportation service, splendid modern hotels, and every facility available for successful meetings have made Richmond one of the outstanding convention centers of America. Delegates attending conventions here have a wide choice of selecting their entertainment programs. Some enjoy trips to Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, historic Hampton Roads and Fort Monroe, the beautiful Skyline Drive, the battlefields surrounding the city and the many
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The Williamsburg-Yorktown-Jamestown Area
The Williamsburg-Yorktown-Jamestown Area
The Governor’s Palace at Williamsburg Only an hour’s drive southeast of Richmond on Route 60 is the most historic area to be found anywhere in America. Here is Williamsburg, the former center of English culture in the new world, almost completely restored to its eighteenth century appearance. Here you will see the historic Colonial Capitol, The Governor’s Palace and its beautiful grounds, the famous Raleigh Tavern, the Public Gaol, the famed Sir Christopher Wren Building of the College of Willia
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Whether you’re traveling on business or pleasure, you’ll enjoy every minute of your stay at the Hotel Jefferson in Richmond. Long a center of social and cultural life in Virginia, this famous recently-restored hotel merges the traditions of the past with present-day beauty, convenience and hospitality. Among the things which will make your visit enjoyable are the Jefferson’s world-famous Lobby ... the luxurious Empire Room ... Jefferson Court with its renowned statue of Thomas Jefferson ... the
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