The Queen-Like Closet Or Rich Cabinet
Hannah Woolley
46 chapters
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46 chapters
Or [Illustration] Printed for Rich: Lownes White Lion in Duck Layne neare West Smithfield The Queen-like Closet Stored with all manner of For Preserving, Candying and Cookery . Very Pleasant and Beneficial to all Ingenious Persons of the The Second EDITION....
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Printed for Richard Lowndes at the White Lion in Duck-Lane , near West-Smithfield , 1672....
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My much Honoured Friend Mrs. GRACE BUZBY , Daughter to the Late Sr. HENRY CARY , Knight Banneret; And WIFE to Mr. ROBERT BUZBY , Gentleman, and Wollen Draper of LONDON Madam , Your Kind and Good Acceptance of my Endeavours in Work for You, and that Esteem You have for what else I can do, make me bold to present this Book to You; which by that time You have perused, I doubt not but You will deem it worthy of the Title it bears; and indeed it was never opened before: If it may yield You any Deligh
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Queen-like CLOSET, Rich Cabinet. 1. To make Aqua Mirabilis a very delicate way. Take three Pints of Sack, three Pints of White Wine, one quart of the Spirit of Wine, one quart of the juice of Celandine leaves, of Melilot-flowers, Cardamum-seeds, Cubebs, Galingale, Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, two Drams of each; bruise them, and mix them with the Wine and Spirits, let it stand all night in the Still, not an Alembeck, but a common Still, close stopped with Rye Paste; the next morning make a slow
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The Queen-like Closet: Having an Addition of what hath already been treated of, and directing a very true and excellent way for all manner of COOKERY, both FISH, FLESH, and PASTRY; Shewing , The true SEASONING of all Things for Compleat TABLES: Also All Kinds of SAUCES & PICKLES, in a very brevious way. Here is to be noted, that in divers of these Receipts there are Directions for two or three several Things in one, not confounding the Brains with multitudes of Words, to little or no pur
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1. To make Elder Vinegar and to colour it. Take of your best white Wine Vinegar, and put such a quantity of ripe Elder Berries into it as you shall think fit, in a wide mouth'd Glass, stop it close, and set it in the Sun for about ten days, then pour it out gently into another Glass, and keep it for your use; thus you may make Vinegar of Red Roses, Cowslipps, Gilliflowers, or the like. 2. To make Metheglin, either Brown or White, but White is best. Take what quantity you please of Spring-Water,
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The CONTENTS of the First Part....
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Artichoke Cream. 152 Almond Pudding. 147 Almond Pudding. 144 Artichokes kept. 141 Almond Jelly white. 140 Almond Paste. 126 Almond Butter. 120 Apricocks dried. 116 Apricocks in Lumps. 115 Apricocks dried clear. 109 Almond Bread. 104 Almond Milk. Ib. Angelica Candied. 98 Apricocks preserved. 94 Almond Bakes. 88 Almonds candied. 85 Almond Butter white. 67 Artificial Walnuts. 57 Almond Ginger-Bread. 59 Ale to drink speedily. 42 Ale very rare. 41 Aqua Mirabilis. 1...
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Bisket Pudding. 146 Black Pudding. 143 Bisket very fine. 130 Banbury Cake. 119 Barberries candied. 113 Bean Bread. 101 Barberries preserved without fire. 84 Bullace preserved. 74 Black Juice of Licoras. 69 Barberries preserved. 62 Bisket Cake. 26 Balm Water Green. 21 Bisket Orange, Limon or Citron. 130...
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Clouted Cream. 154 Cream of divers things. 151 Curd Pudding. 146 Clove Sugar. 142 Cinamon Sugar. ib. Cake without Sugar. 140 Cullis or Jelly. 139 Comfits of all Sorts. 137 Caudle for a sick body. 136 Candy as hard as a Rock. 129 Caroway Cake. 112 Cherries in Jelly. 108 Cordial for sleep. 106, 107 Consumption. 106 Cordial Syrup. Ib. Cornish Cake. Ib. Cakes very fine. 105 Cider clear. 103 Clear Perry. Ib. Caroway Cake. 102 Cake. 99 Cornelions preserved. 95 Currans in Jelly. 94 Custard for a Consum
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Damask Powder for Cloths. 155 Dumplings. 148 Dumplings. Ib. Dumplings. Ib. Distilled Roses. 143 Diet Bread. 103 Damsons preserved. 96 Damsons preserved white. 60 Damson Wine. 50 Devonshire White-pot. 28 Doctor Butlers Water. 8 Doctor Chambers Water. 3...
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Elder Water. 20...
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French Bisket. 126 Flowers Candied. 131 Figs dried. 121 Flowers the best way to Candy. 40 Froth Posset. 118 Flowers kept long. 83 French Bread. 46...
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Green Pudding. 149 Green Ginger wet. 133 Grapes dried. 132 Grapes kept fresh. 131 Ginger-Bread. 127 Green Walnuts preserved. 130 Gooseberries preserved. 65 Gooseberry Fool. 63 Grapes preserved. 59 Gooseberry Wine. 50 Gooseberries green. 45 Griping of the Guts. 43...
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Hipocras. 111 Heart Water. 15...
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Irish Aquavitæ. 142 Italian Bisket. 111 Jumbolds. 184 Jelly of Pippins. 97 Jelly of Quinces. 91 Jelly of Harts-Horn. 87 Juice of Licoras white. 80 Jelly very good. 68 Iringo Root candied. 64 Jelly of Currans. 63...
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Lemonalo. 135 Limon Sallad. 133 Leach white. 104 Leach yellow. 105 Leach of Ginger. Ib. Leach of Cinamon. Ib. Leach of Dates. Ib. Limons preserved. 89 Leach. 65 Lozenges perfumed. 64 Limon Cream. 48 Limon Cakes. Limon Water....
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Mustard. Mustard. Marmalade of Limons. Marmalade of Oranges. Musk Sugar. Marmalade of Quinces. Mushroms pickled. Marmalade of Cherries. 116 Marmalade of Oranges. Marmalade of Cornelions. Marmalade white. Medlars preserved. Marmalade of Pippins. Marmalade of Wardens. Marmalade of Damsons. Marchpane. Marmalade of Apricocks. Morphew or Freckles. Marmalade of Oranges. Made Dish. Marmalade of Cherries and Currans. Marmalade of Apricocks. Melancholy Water....
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Naples Bisket....
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Oatmeal Pudding. 146 Oranges in Jelly preserv'd. 77 Orange Pudding. 46 Oranges and Limons to preserve. 56...
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Pickled Oysters. 153 Pickled French Beans. Ib. Pickled Barberries. 152 Poudered Beef kept long. 154 Pudding to rost. 151 Pudding of Calves feet. Ib. Pudding of Rasberries. 150 Pudding of Hogs Liver. Ib. Pudding of Cake. 146 Pudding of Rice. 145 Paste of Pomewaters. 135 Punch. 134 Prunes stewed without Fire. Ib. Pickled Oranges or Limmons. 131 Potato Bisket. Ib. Parsnep Bisket. 131 Paste short without Butter. 129 Puffpaste. 128 Puffpaste. Ib. Pistacho Cakes. 115 Powder for the Hair. 114 Pears or
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Quaking Pudding. 147 Quince pickled. 141...
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Roses kept long. 140 Rose Leaves dried. 124 Red Quinces whole. 122 Rasberry Sugar. 115 Rasberry Wine. 76 Red Roses preserved. 58 Rasberries preserved. 36 Rosa Solis. 14 Rosemary Water. 7...
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Scotch Brewis. 143 Syrup of Rasberries, or other Fruits, as Grapes, &c. 135 Syrup of Citrons. 134 Sugar Plate. 124 Syrup of Roses or other Flowers. 123 Sack Posset. 120 Sillibub. 114 Spanish Candy. 110 Syrup of Gilliflowers. 99 Seed stuff of Rasberries. 98 Syrup for a Cough. 86 Syrup of Violets. 86 Syrup for a Cold. 79 Syrup of Turneps. 68 Signs of Small Pox taken away. 66 Sugar Plate. 56 Snow Cream. 55 Shrewsberry Cakes. 49 Sillibub. 47 Sack Posset. 43 Sheeps Guts stretched. 40 Samphire
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To cast all kinds of Shapes and to colour them. 75 Tuff taffity Cream. 112 Thick Cream. 40 Trifle. 39 Tincture of Caroways. 27 Treacle Water. 8 & 16...
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Walnuts kept long. 141 White Plates to eat. 117 White Quinces preserved. 52 Water Gruel. 48 Wafer. 35 Water against Infection. 19 Wormwood water. 13 Walnut water. 12 Water for the Stone. 10 Water for Fainting. 6 The End of the Contents of the First Part. The CONTENTS of the Second Part....
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Artichoke Suckers dressed. 182 Artichoke Cream. 184 Artichoke Pie. 196 Artichoke Pudding. 223 Artichokes kept long. 229 Artichokes stewed. 277 Artichokes fryed. 282 Artichoke Pudding. 223 Almond Pudding. 161 Apple Tansie. 167 An Amulet. 168 Almond Pudding. 177 Angelot Cheese. 202 Apple Puffs. 253 Almond Tart. 290...
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Brown Metheglin. 159 Beef Collered. 160 Barly Cream. 162 Barly Broth without Meat. 188 Barly Broth with Meat. 188 Balls to take out Stains. 228 Broth of a Lambs Head. 225 Beef-Pie very good. 244 Blanched Manchet. 247 Bullocks cheek baked to eat hot. 299 Bullocks cheek baked to eat cold. ib. Bacon Froize. 300...
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Cheesecakes. 163 Cheesecakes. 164 Chicken Pie. 168 Collar of Brawn. 169 Capon boiled. 171 Cracknels. 172 Codling cream. 174 Cheese very stood. 175 Cucumbers boiled. 182 Collops of Bacon and Eggs. 187 Cabbage Pottage. 192 Capon with white Broth. 195 Calves foot Pie. ib. Carp Pie. 198 Calves head Pie. 201 Calves chaldron Pie with Puddings in it. 207 Coleflower pickled. 210 Cheese Loaves. 213 Custards very fine. 216 Cods head boiled. 222 Chicken Pie. 226 Capon boiled. 236 Chickens boiled with Goosb
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Dried Tongues. 202 Delicate Pies. 215 Ducks boiled. 259...
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Elder Vinegar. 159 Eels and Pike Together. 179 Eels rosted with Bacon. 180 Eels and Oister Pie. 183 Egg Pie. 217 Eel Pie. 219 Eel souced and collered. Ib. Eels stewed. 220 Eels in broth. 267...
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Fresh Cheese. 164 Furmity. 187 Furmity with Meat Broth. 189 Furmity with Almonds. Ib. French Pottage. 102 Fricasies of several sorts. 199 Fricasie of Sheeps feet. 205 Fried Toasts. 209 Fritters. 246 Fricasie of Oisters. 218 Fricasie of Eels. Ib. Fresh Salmon boiled. 221 French Broth. 225 Fine washing Balls for the Hands. 224 French Servels. 230 Florentine baked. 242 Friday Pie without fish or flesh. Ib. Fritters. 246 Farced Pudding. 247 Fricasie of Eggs. 248 French Puffs. 253 Flounders boiled. 2
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Green Tansie. 167 Gravie Broth. 191 Goose dried. 193 Goose Giblets with Sausages. 199 Garden Beans dried. 234 Gurnet boiled. 238 Goose baked. 246 Goose Giblets boiled with Roots and Herbs. 261 Goose Giblets boiled. 260 Grand Sallad. 268 Gammon of Bacon Pie. 298 Green Sauce for Pork. 305...
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Hasty Pudding. 199 Hasty Pudding. Ib. Hasty Pudding. Ib. Hare Pie. 203 Hashed Meats. 217 Herring Pie. 220 Herb Pie. 226 Haunch of Venison rosted. 273 Haunch of Venison boiled. 275 Haggus Pudding. 294 Hasty Pudding. Ib....
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Italian Pudding. 254 Ice and Snow. 303...
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Kickshaws to bake or fry. 254...
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Lobsters buttered. 175 Liver Fritters. 177 Loaves to Butter. 206 Limon Cakes. 212 Loaves of Curds. 213 Lobsters rosted. 227 Lamb Pie. 233 Leg of Mutton rosted. 266 Leg of Mutton boiled. 238 Leg of Mutton with Oysters. 270 Loin of Mutton stewed. 274 Lark pie. 286 Lettuce pie. 287 Lampry pie. 292 Lenten Dish. 307 Metheglin. 160 Misers for Childrens Collation. 208 Minced Pies. 212 Made Dish of Rabbet Livers. 241 Mutton smoored. 261 Mutton smoored. 262 Mutton Pie. 303...
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Neats Tongue Pie. 194 Neats Tongue rosted. 239 Neats Tongue hashed. 264 Neck of Mutton boiled. 274 Neck of Mutton stewed. 287 Nuts fried. 300...
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Oatmeal Pudding. 165 Olio of several Meats. 172 Oysters and Eels in a Pie. 197 Oysters and Parsneps in a Pie. 181 Oyster Pie. 197 Oranges and Limons in Jelly. 212 Oisters fried. 214 Oisters broiled. ib. Oysters rosted. ib. Olives of Veal. 222 Oatmeal Pudding. 295 Oat-Cakes. 232 Olive Pie. 223...
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Puddings in Balls. 165 Pigeons boiled. 166 Pasty of Veal. 170 Pigeon Pie. ib. Pork rosted without the Skin. 173 Pig rosted like Lamb. 174 Potted Fowl. 179 Parsnep Pie with Oysters. 181 Pig Pie. 197 Pudding of Manchet. 201 Pompion Pie. 208 Pompion fryed. ib. Pike rosted and larded. 221 Pomander very fine. 224 Pompion Pie. 227 Pickled Sprats. 223 Pasty of Ling. 229 Pallat Pie. 231 Pippin Pie. 235 Pasties to fry. 236 Pigeons boiled with Rice. 239 Pigeons boiled with Gooseberries. ib. Pippin Tart. 2
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Quodling Cream. Quinces to look white. Quince Pie very good....
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Rump of Beef boiled. Rolls for Noble Tables. Rolls very short. Rasberry Tarts. Rabbets with Sausages. Rice Cream. Rabbet boiled. Rice Pudding. Rabbet boiled with Grapes. 258 Rabbet boiled with Claret. ib. Red Deer Pie. 291 Rock of Sweet Meats. 309...
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Souced Veal. 169 Sauce for Mutton. 273 Summer Dish. 175 Souced Pig. 178 Several Sallads. 183 Several Sallads. ib. Soles dressed very fine. 186 Spinage Tart. 184 Stewed Fish. ib. Spanish Pap. 190 Sallad of cold Meat. 193 Sheeps Tongues with Oysters. ib. Scotch Collops. 200 Shoulder of Venison, or Shoulder of Mutton rosted in Blood. 204 Stewed Pig. ib. Steak Pie with Puddings. 205 Salmon dressed by Infusion. 206 Stewed Carps in blood. 209 Stump pie. 216 Sauce for Fowl. 232 Sorrel Sallad. 234 Salla
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To boil a Teal or Wigeon. 240 Turkey baked. 245 Trouts stewed. 267 Toasts of Veal fried. 282 Tarts of several Sweet-meats. 302 Treacle Wine. 306...
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Venison baked to keep. 178 Umble Pies. 243 Veal smoored. 262 Veal rosted with farcing herbs. 273 Veal fried. 283 Venison Pasty. 301 Vin de Molosso. 306...
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White Broth with Meat. 225 White Broth without Meat. ib. White Pot. 291 Whitings boiled. 298 Postscript. Now good Readers, here are three hundred and ten choice Receipts added for a Second Part of the Queen-like Closet , and you may, I am sure, make many more of them if you observe how many I have taught in one; if I had not taken that course, only for brevity sake, & that it might not be tedious and impertinent to you, I might have enlarged this Volume very much....
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