Six Discourses On The Miracles Of Our Saviour, And Defences Of His Discourses
Thomas Woolston
26 chapters
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26 chapters
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SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
—Nostrum est tantus componere Lites. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him next door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London , and Westminster , 1728. [Price One Shilling.]...
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My Lord , pon no other View do I make a Dedication of this Discourse to your Lordship , then to submit it to your acute Judgment, expecting soon to hear of your Approbation or Dislike of it. If it so happen, that you highly approve of it, I beg of you to be sparing of your Commendations, least I should be puff'd up with them. In my Moderator , some Expressions dropt from my Pen about the Miracles of our Saviour, which, for want of Illustration then, gave your Lordship some Offence, and brought u
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f ever there was an useful Controversy started, or revived in this Age of the Church, it is this about the Messiahship of the holy Jesus, which the Discourse of the Grounds , &c. has of late rais'd. I believe this Controversy will end in the absolute Demonstration of Jesus's Messiahship from Prophecy, which is the only way to prove him to be the Messiah , that great Prophet expected by the Jews , and promised under the Old Testament. And tho' this way of Proof from Prophecy seems to labo
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SAVIOUR, In View of the present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
Audendum est, ut illustrata Veritas pateat, multique ab Errore liberentur. Lactant. Printed for the Author, Sold by him in Bell-Alley , Coleman-Street , and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster . 1727. [Price One Shilling.]...
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My Lord , our Fame for that celebrated Book, call'd the Defence of Christianity , is the Occasion of this Dedication. I need not tell you, what vast Reputation you have acquired by it: You have been not only often applauded from the Press, but have met with large Compliments and Thanks from your Clergy for it. And tho' Mr. Scheme has very untowardly written against you, yet this is still your Honour, that you are an Author , not unworthy of his Regard and Notice. I am, in Opinion with the Father
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here publish another Discourse on our Saviour's Miracles, which I am not only oblig'd to, by the Promise I made in my former; but am encouraged to it by the Reception which that met with. If any of our Clergy were, and besides them, few or none could be offended at my former Discourse , they should have printed their Exceptions to it, and, if possible, their Confutation of it, which might perhaps have prevented me the giving them any more Trouble of this Kind. In my former Discourse I fairly dec
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SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
Litteratos gravissimo Somno stertere convincam , Hieron. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him next door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London , and Westminster . 1728. [Price One Shilling.]...
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My Lord , n your Sermon before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, you are pleased to give a Character of my former Discourses on Christ's Miracles; which, tho' I don't at all like, yet I thank you for the Favour of taking Notice of them; a Favour that I have long'd for from a considerable Clergyman; but could not flatter myself with the Hopes of receiving it from so great a Prelate. Some of the inferior Clergy, whom I despise for their Ignorance and Malice, have before in their Conversati
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y two former Discourses having met with a favourable Reception, I am encourag'd to go on and publish another; which, without any more Preface, I enter upon, by a Repetition of three general Heads, at first proposed to be spoken to, and they were, I. To show that the Miracles of healing all Manner of bodily Diseases, which Jesus was justly famed for, are none of the proper Miracles of the Messiah , neither are they so much as a good Proof of his divine Authority, to found a Religion. II. To prove
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SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
Canes qui oblatrant contra Inquisitionem Veritatis. Clem. Alex. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him next door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London , and Westminster , 1728. [Price One Shilling.]...
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My Lord , f the Convocation had been sitting, I would have made this Dedication to them, and humbly implored of them, what, for their Love to the Fathers, they would readily have granted, a Recommendation of these my Discourses on Miracles to the Clergy: But being unhappily disappointed of a Session of that Reverend and Learned Body, for whose wise Debates and orthodox Votes I have such a Veneration, as is not to be express'd in a few Words, I presently turn'd my Thoughts on your Lordship, to wh
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ow for a fourth Discourse on Jesus 's Miracles, which, as before, I begin with a Repetition of the three general Heads, at first proposed to be treated on; and they are, I. To show, that the Miracles of healing all manner of bodily Diseases, which Jesus was famed for, are none of the proper Miracles of the Messiah ; neither are they so much as a good Proof of his divine Authority to found a Religion. II. To prove that the literal History of many of the Miracles of Jesus , as recorded by the Evan
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SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
—— Ridiculum acri Fortius & melius magnas plerumq; secat Res. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him next door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London , and Westminster , 1728. [Price One Shilling.]...
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My Lord , hatever we poor Authors may sometimes pretend to, by the Dedication of our Works to Great Men; it's certain we aim at nothing less than Rewards and Preferments, whether we deserve them or not: That this is my Design in Dedications , is so apparent, that it's to no Purpose to deny or dissemble it. Wherefore else have I made Choice of some of our Learned and Wealthy Bishops for the Patrons of these Discourses , which I foresaw would be grateful to their nice and critical Palates? Wherefo
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ccording to Promise in my last Discourse , I am in this to take into Examination the three Miracles of Jesus 's raising the dead, viz. Of Iairus 's Daughter [270] ; of the Widow of Naim 's Son [271] ; and of Lazarus [272] : The literal Stories of which I shall show to consist of Absurdities, Improbabilities and Incredibilities, in Order to the mystical Interpretation of them: And because some of our Bishops and Clergy were a little disgusted at the ludicrous Treatment of the Letter of some foreg
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SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
SAVIOUR, In View of the Present Controversy between Infidels and Apostates.
Jamque Opus exegi ,—— Printed for the Author , and Sold by him next Door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster . [ Price One Shilling. ]...
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My Lord , hen the following Discourse was finish'd and ready for the Press, I consider'd to what Bishop the Dedication of it would be most acceptable ( for I am resolv'd that none but Bishops as yet shall have the Honour of my Dedications) and I had not long ponder'd upon the Matter, before I hit upon your Lordship, who must needs be pleas'd with this Discourse, because of the Advantage, that you, as well as my self, in the End, will reap by it . By Virtue of your Professorship at Oxford, you ,
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ere goes my sixth and last Discourse on Jesus 's Miracles ; the Subject whereof is the literal Story of his own Resurrection; which, according to the Proposition in Hand, I am to shew to consist of Absurdities, Improbabilities and Incredibilities. And I hope our Bishops will quietly permit the Publication of this Discourse , especially if I assure them that I mean nothing worse by it, than to make way for the understanding what the Fathers write of the mystical Resurrection of Jesus out of the G
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Res Religionis non Verberibus sed Verbis est peragenda. Lactant. London : Printed for the Author, and Sold by him, next Door to the Star in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster , 1729. [Price One Shilling .]...
21 minute read
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Madam, ot long since the Bishop of St. David 's presented to Your Majesty his Vindication; as I would have done this my Defence, if I had known how to get Access to Your Royal Presence . Your Majesty will perceive, that here's a sad War broke out between the Bishop and my self, about Miracles; which, in all probability, will cost a large Effusion of Words; and, unless Your Majesty can accommodate the Difference, will hardly be terminated without the Slaughter of many Notions and Arguments . The
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Discourses on Miracles.
Discourses on Miracles.
t Last, one Volume of Bishop Smalbroke 's mountainous Work, that the Press has been so long pregnant with, is brought forth: And I don't doubt, but it answers the Expectations of the Clergy , who will extol it to the Skies, and applaud it to the Populace, as an absolute Confutation of my Discourses ; but I would advise them, if it be not too late, not to be too profuse in their Commendations of it, for fear that an Occasion should be given them to blush for their want of Judgment. We have had In
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Miracles of our Saviour.
Miracles of our Saviour.
Nec Religionis est cogere Religionem, quæ sponte suscipi debeat, non Vi. Tertull. Printed for the Author , and Sold by him next Door to the Star , in Aldermanbury , and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster . [ Price One Shilling. ]...
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Sir Robert Raymond, Kt.
Sir Robert Raymond, Kt.
My Lord , hat I am no Flatterer of Patrons , appears by my other Dedications : If therefore I should tell your Lordship , what I can in Sincerity, that I think you as wise and good a Magistrate, as any of your Predecessors in that High Court of Justice , you may be assured, I don't dissemble. Tho' I was so unfortunate, My Lord , as to receive a Sentence in your Court, which I wish'd to avoid; yet I have no worse Opinion of your Wisdom and Justice. Your Conduct towards me, from first to last, has
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t's Time now to publish another Part of my Defence , which, in my former, I gave my Readers some Reason to expect from me. If I should keep Silence much longer, my Adversaries will be ready to charge me with Cowardice, or Insufficiency; and say, that I'm either absolutely confuted by the Writers against me, or so terrified by the Civil Magistrate's Authority, that I either can't, or dare not, engage afresh in the same Cause. And I must confess, that if I was not convinced of the Goodness of my C
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BOOKS written by Mr. Woolston, and sold by him next Door to the Star in Aldermanbury, and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster.
BOOKS written by Mr. Woolston, and sold by him next Door to the Star in Aldermanbury, and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster.
I. The old Apology reviv'd, &c. II. Dissertatio de Pontii Pilati Epistola ad Tiberium circa Res Jesu Christi gestas. III. Origenis Adamantii Epistolæ duæ circa Fidem vere orthodoxam & Scripturarum Interpretationem. IV. The exact Fitness of the Time of Christ's Advent, demonstrated by Reason, against the Objections of the old Gentiles, and modern Unbelievers. V. Four Free-Gifts to the Clergy , or Challenges to a Dispute on this Question, whether the Hireling Priests of this Age, w
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